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1、考研英语词汇 第四讲,词根(三),词根(三),24 order/ordin 命令 order 30 n.命令 次序 秩序 正常状态 订 购 等级 v.定制 订购 in order in order to in order that out of order put in order,词根(三),orderly 2 a.整齐的 有秩序的 n.勤务兵 in an orderly and reasonably connected manner disorderly 4 n.混乱 骚乱 失调疾病 a new psychological disorder ordinary 9 a.普通的 平凡的 平庸的

2、 an ordinary person extraordinary a.非常的 格外的,词根(三),coordinate 2 a.同等的 并列的 坐标的 n.坐标 v.使协调 coordinate with each other coordinate the lighting subordinate 1 a.(to)次要的 从属的 下级的 be subordinate to,词根(三),23 ject 扔 object 20 n.物体 客体 目标 宾语 v.(to)反对 objection n.(to)反对 objectionable a.引起反对的 讨厌的 objective n.目标 目的

3、 a.客观的 真实的 adjective 2 n./a.形容词(的),词根(三),subject 33 n.主题 学科 主语 a.(to)易遭的 受支配 v.(to)使遭到 使服从 eject v.喷射 排除 驱逐 inject 3 v.注射 注入 reject 17 v.拒绝 抵制 驳回 丢弃 排斥 it was feared his body was rejecting a kidney he received in a transplant four years ago,词根(三),project 21 n.方案 计划 工程 项目 v.投射 放映 使凸出 设计规划projector n.

4、放映机 幻灯机 投影仪,词根(三),24 the 神 theory 31 n.理论 学说 看法 evolutionary theory is too difficult for non-specialists theoretical 1 a.理论上的 theoretical difficulty theorist n.理论家 理论工作者 a literary theorist,25 Hum/terr 泥土 human 120 a.人的 人类的 n.人 human behavior humanism human beings human resources inhuman 1 a.残忍的,hum

5、anity 2 n.人类 人性【pl】人文科学 those things that do not show up in the test scores-personality,ability,courage or humanity-are completely ignored.(00阅读)all the social sciences focus upon the study of humanity(03翻译)humble 4 a.恭顺的 低下的 v.降低 贬抑 a humble component of the society,humiliate 1 v.羞辱 使丢脸 humid 1 a.湿

6、的 湿气重的(sticky)visitors can expect hot and humid condition humidity n.湿气 湿度 the heat and humidity were insufferable the humidity is relatively low,humor 13 n.幽默 humorous a.幽默的 诙谐的 territory 3 n.领土 版图 范围 terrible 4 a.极坏的 可怕的 极度的 terrific a.极好的 极度的(informal)terrify 1 v.使害怕 使恐惧,terror 1 n.恐怖 可怕的人或事 terr

7、orism,economic uncertainties and general feelings of insecurity have increased peoples anxiety terrorist n.恐怖主义者,26 gene 基因 gene n.基因 degenerate v.衰退 堕落(deteriorate)a.堕落的 n.(道德上)堕落者 a group of degenerate computer hacker generate 6 v.产生 发生 degenerates electricity,generation 22 n.产生 一代人 by the third g

8、eneration,the original language is lost in the majority of immigrant families.generator n.发电机 发生器 the US economy is still an impressive generator of new jobs genuine 2 a.真正的 名副其实的 genuine leather,genius 5 n.天才 general 64 a.一般的 普通的 大体的 n.将军 it is generally recognized in general generalize 1 v.归纳 概括 推

9、广 普及 some teenagers harbor a generalized resentment against society,generous 2 a.宽宏大量的 慷慨的 Im very glad to know that my boss has generously agree to regenerative a.再生的 the regenerative power of nature,27 caut-tect 小心-盖住 caution 4 n.小心 告诫 v.警告 cautious 4 a.(of)小心的 谨慎的 precaution n.预防 谨慎 警惕 extra safe

10、ty precaution are essential in homes where older people live,protect 20 v.(from)保护 保卫 they worked until exhausted,lived with few protections and died young.detect 23 v.察觉 发觉 侦察 error-detection and correction detective n.侦探 a detective novel/story,detector 1 n.探测器 a metal detector fire alarms and smo

11、ke detectors,28 serve 保持 Preserve 7 v.保护 保存 腌渍 perfectly preserved medieval houses Preservation n.保存 observation 5 n.观察 监视【pl】观察资料或报告 言论,observe 20 v.遵守 注意到 observer 观测者 reservation 1 n.保留 预定 to make an airline reservation reserve 5 n.储备 储藏量 储备金 缄默 v.保留 储备 预定 预约 some scientists have also suggested t

12、hat Earth is a kind of zoo or wildlife reserve,reservoir 1 n.水库 蓄水池 a giant reservoir the huge oil reservoir beneath the Kuwaiti desert deserve 8 v.应受 值得 disabled children deserve special consideration conservation 4 n.保存 守恒 energy conservation,conservative 7 a.保守的 n.保守主义者 Dr.Worm acknowledges that

13、the figures are conservative.(06阅读)servant n.仆人 serve v.服务 招待 符合适用 serve as serve sb right,service 44 n.服务 服务业 公共设施 维修保养 行政部门 v.维修 保养 I had had my car serviced at the local garage manufacturing and services,29 pass 过 pass v.经过 传递 通过(考试等)n.通行证 护照 关口 pass away pass off pass out passage 130 n.通过 走廊 段落,

14、passenger 7 n.乘客 passion 4 n.热情 激情 激怒 a passionate advocate compass n.罗盘 指南针【pl.】圆规 compassion 1 n.同情 scientists must communicate their massage to the public in a compassionate,understandable way,passive 1 a.被动的 消极的 passport 2 n.护照 surpass 4 v.超过 胜过 surpass ones expectations,30 spond/sponse 反应 respo

15、nd 12 v.回答(to)响应 they should be quick to respond to letters to the editor response 10 n.回答 响应 in response to,responsibility 12 n.责任 职责 任务 social responsibility responsible 17 a.(for/to)应负责的 可靠的 责任重大的 correspond 46 v.通信(with)符合一致(to)相当于 对应 blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets,correspon

16、dence n.通信 信件(with)符合 一致(to)相当于 对应 In African languages there is a close correspondence between sounds and letters correspondent n.记者 通讯员 通信者 diplomatic correspondent,corresponding a.符合的 相应的 对应的 consequently,our feelings,thoughts and emotions have undergone a corresponding change.(00阅读)sponsor 2 n.发

17、起人 保证人v.发起 主办 spontaneous 1 a.自发的 自然产生的,31 ori 开始 orient 6 n.the Orient东方 v.定的方位 market-oriented economy oriental a.东方的 orientation 2 n.方向 熟悉 适应,origin 22 n.起源 又来 出身 来历 the origin and evolution of universe and life original a.最初的 原始的 原文的 新颖的 n.原物 原作 原文 originate v.(in/from)起源 发生 首创 many of the origi

18、nal ideas behind television originate from the late 19th and early 20th century,32 spire 呼吸 inspiration n.灵感 鼓舞 激励 inspire 3 v.鼓舞 使产生灵感 expire 1 v.期满 呼气 断气 he is planning another tour abroad,yet his passport will expire at the end of this month,conspire v.共同密谋(plot)theyd conspired to overthrow the g

19、overnment conspiracy n.阴谋 spirit 10 n.精神 气概【pl.】情绪【pl.】烈酒 at supper,everyone was in high spirits,spiritual a.精神上的 心灵的 its goals are spiritual rather than material,33 cord/core 心 cord n.绳 索 cordial a.诚恳的 亲切的 core 2 n.果核 中心 remove the cores the core of the city,decorate 3 v.装饰 布置 decorative a.装饰的 the

20、curtains are for purely decorative purposes and do not open or close record n.记录 最佳成绩 履历 唱片 v.记录 登记 录音 recorder n.记录员 记录机,accordance 1 n.一致 in accordance with according to entries which are not in accordance with the rules will be disqualified accordingly 2 ad.因此 从而 相应地,34 pulse/pel 推动 pulse n.脉搏 脉冲

21、 impulse 5 v.推动 n.冲动 推动 on the impulse of 凭的冲动 compulsory 1 a.强制的 义务的 必修的 compulsory education,propulsion n.推进 推进力 interest in jet propulsion was now growing propeller n.螺旋桨 推进器 a three-bladed propeller 三叶片推进器 repel 2 v.击退 抵制 拒绝 排斥 like poles repel,unlike poles attract,expel v.把开除 驱逐 排除 more than fi

22、ve-thousand secondary school students have been expelled for cheating an American was expelled from the country yesterday compel 4 v.强迫 迫使 compel sb to do sth,35 memory-ment 记忆 思维commemorate v.纪念 庆祝 one room contained a gallery of paintings commemorating great moments in baseball historymemorial 1 a

23、.记忆的 纪念的 n.纪念物 纪念碑 a memorial service,memory 16 n.记忆 回忆 存储器 in memory of sb纪念 memory chips 存储器片 mental 17 a.精神的 智力的 mental illness mental development of children,mention 12 v./n.提及 说起 comment 13 n.注释 评论 意见 v.(on)注释 评论 give your comment on the phenomenon commence v.开始 they commenced a systematic search,commend 1 v.表扬 称赞 推荐 recommend 推荐 command 5 n.命令 统帅 运用能力 掌握 v.命令 指挥,


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