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1、中学英语阅读的技巧(适用于初一至高三),1 阅读的三种基本文体:记叙文、说明文和议论文2 从阅读文体的偏好发现阅读的乐趣3 带着问题去阅读4 读书法,有四到,心眼口还有手,信皆要5 阅读是你的好朋友,功夫到、滞塞通,阅读理解稳拿分!,第一讲 学会区分不同文体,请同学们阅读下面的段落,并推断它是哪种文体,读完此段都使你想到了什么?The population of the Earth is growing faster.It is important that we look after the Earth.We need it!(2010年北京中考阅读B篇的第一段)议论文What do you

2、 do if youre stranded(处于困境的)on a lonely island?Surely you need to find a way to get in touch with the outside world.Your best chance of doing this is to draw the attention of a passing plane.Body signalsSmoke signalsGroud-to-air signals(2011年北京中考阅读C篇的第一段及后面几段的小标题)说明文As a young girl growing up in the

3、 1930s,I always wanted to fly a plane,but back then it was almost unheard of for a woman to do that.I got a taste of that dream in 2001.(2011年高考北京卷阅读A篇第一段)记叙文,文体识别练习,请同学们继续阅读下面的段落,并判断它是哪种文体,读完此段都使你想到了什么?(1)In the west,some people believe that personality can be predicted according to the time of the

4、 year the person was born.From China comes the belief that the year of birth influences ones personality.(2)Many textbooks are not written in the kind of English that we speak every day.In fact,sometimes the reading is so difficult that is almost seems like a foreign language.In a way,it is-the lang

5、uage of scienceThese are the steps to follow when you are reading something difficult:(3)It was yearbook day and we were given an hour to sign each others yearbooks in the cafeteria.I was president of the class and I played sports.When I sat down at a table,people started to come over to get their y

6、earbooks signed and to sign mine.(4)My father died when I was a few months old.After his death,my mother moved back to Louisville,Kentucky,where she had grown up.(5)Each year Ben is glad when school is closed on Martin Luther King Jr.Day.Ben knows that this day honors an important man,but Ben does n

7、ot feel connected to him.However,the small-world theory(理论)connects Ben to Dr.King.Bens mom(0)has a close friend,Amy(1).Amys uncle,Mark(2),once met and spoke to John Carter(3),the son of President Jimmy Carter(4).Jimmy Carter knew Dr.King(5).In a way,Ben is only“five people away”from Martin Luther K

8、ing Jr.(6)Chinatown is the name given to an area in the middle of London.It is just between Leicester Square and Shaftsbury Avenue.Gerrard Street is at the center and is the most important street in the area.There is a large Chinese community with a lot of Chinese restaurants,Chinese supermarkets an

9、d shops in this street.,第一讲总结,1 平衡我们的阅读兴趣,泛舟阅读的世界2 中高考以及平时的学校考试都离不开阅读的三种基本文体3 养成边阅读边思考的习惯4 善于做阅读笔记,建立积累及错题本5 跟孟老师一起学阅读,因为热爱,所以你会学习、会考试!,第二讲:说明文,1 说明文的定义:主要用说明的方式来表达思想内容,它常被用来介绍科学知识或生活常识。特点是内容上重视科学性,语言形式重视条理性。2 常见的说明方法:分类说明、举例说明、描写说明、比较说明、数字说明、图像或图表说明、下定义和注释。3 说明文举例,1.(选自2011年北京中考A篇)Susan,the USMy be

10、st friend is Fanny.She is clever and interesting.We always look after each other.The first week we met,I got sick and she looked after me every day.Betty,EnglandMy best friend is Ana.She is honest and serious.We were born in the same city in England.Then I moved to America with my family.I thought I

11、 would never see Ana again.When I went to college in New Your,Ana and I shared the same room!Ken,JapanI love to spend time with Daisuke because he is funny and smart.We enjoy talking about the funny things we did when we were children,and tell the same stupid jokes over and over again.Lily,Australia

12、Linda is a very confident girl and she is really kind.Some people may wonder why Linda and I are best friends because we are totally different,but I think this is why we are such good friends.1.Who is Susans best friend?A.Ana.B.Fanny.C.Linda.D.Daisuke.2.Where is Ken from?A.Australia.B.The US.C.Engla

13、nd.D.Japan.3.What is Linda like?A.Confident and kind.B.Funny and smart.C.Honest and serious.D.Clever and interesting.该篇阅读非常简单,初一的小同学也能做好!,现在我们读一篇较复杂的说明文,选自2011年北京中考阅读C篇2.What do you do if youre stranded(处于困境的)on a lonely island?Surely you need to find a way to get in touch with the outside world.You

14、r best chance of doing this is to draw the attention of a passing plane.Body signals(信号)Pilots from different countries understand body signals if they have the correct training.When you wave your arms up and down in a straight line,it means“yes”.When you point downwards and swing your arm from side

15、 to side,it means“no”.if you want the polite to know that its safe to land,push your hands out in front of you and bend(弯曲)your knees.If you want to say that its not safe to land,put your arms in the air and move them to one side.Smoke signalsThe smoke from a fire can be seen from far away,so its a

16、good way to draw attention.If the weather is dry,it isnt hard to start a fire.Remember,however,that fires can be very dangerous if they get out of control.Never light a fire unless youre sure that it cant spread.If the ground is dark,light smoke can be seen more easily.Green grass and leaves produce

17、 light smoke.Ground-to-air signalsIts a good idea to build some signals,too.Use large pieces of wood to make the symbols(标记).If you cant find any wood,use earth.Some useful symbols are:F“I need food and water.”II“I need medicine.”I“I am badly hurt.”X“I am unable to move from here.Pilots repliesIf th

18、e pilot lowers the planes wings from side to side,this means“message received and understood”.(At night,the pilot flashes the planes green lights.)If the pilot flies the plane in a clockwise circle,this means“message received but not understood”.(At night,the pilot flashes the planes red lights.)How

19、ever,there is no signal which means“message not received”.Why not?,1.Which picture means“its not safe to land”?,2.what can we learn from the passage?A.Swinging your arm from side to side means“yes”.B.If the ground is dark,light smoke cant be seen.C.If you need some medicine,make a symbol“II”.D.The p

20、ilots make replies with a blue light at night.3.What is the passage mainly about?A.The explanation of building signals on an island.B.The importance of making signals on an island.C.Ways of sending out signals on a lonely island.D.Ways of receiving signals from a lonely island.,中篇说明文的阅读要领:1 抓住文章第一段,

21、通常文章的主旨大意问题会在第一段找到答案2 不要为文章的长度吓到,文章的小标题会给我们阅读提示3 如有图形,可以结合图形读题4 边读边整理重要信息不要忘记阅读四要:心眼口还有手!,同学们,你们记住中篇说明文的阅读要领了吗?1 抓住文章第一段,通常文章的主旨大意问题会在第一段找到答案2 不要为文章的长度吓到,文章的小标题会给我们阅读提示3 如有图形,可以结合图形读题4 边读边整理重要信息不要忘记阅读四要:心眼口还有手!对!让我们再来回忆一下我们刚刚读过的2011年中考的C篇内容。同学们,你们发现了吗,其实你在不知不觉中运用了我们的说明文阅读要领,记住了文中很多内容,而且还学会了将信息概括。试想一

22、下,如果文中没有小标题,你也会自己根据段意概括内容了。好,这就是大家在学习说明文中得到的新能力5 根据段落信息进行概括下面我们用概括的方法再看一篇“投稿说明/Submission Guidelines”,本篇选自2011年高考北京卷阅读的B篇。本文共8小段,请同学们不要为文章的长度吓到,因为我们每个同学都曾经在校内或校外为自己精彩的文章产生过投稿的冲动,好!那我们就来看一下给Post杂志投稿都需要注意什么。,Submission Guidelines Before sending us a manuscript(稿件),look through recent issues(刊物)of the

23、Post to get an idea of the range and style of articles we publish.You will discover that our focus has broadened to include well-researched,timely and informative articles on finance,home improvement,travel.Humor,and many other fields.(读完这段,你记住并概括了哪些信息?)The Posts goal is to remain unique,with conten

24、t that provides additional understandings on the ever-evolving American scene.(这一段讲POST杂志的目标就是保持自己的特色,内容上能体现对瞬息万变的美国事件的额外见解。)In addition to feature-length(专题长度的)articles,the Post buys anecdotes,cartoons,and photos.Payment ranges from$25 to$400.(这一段讲了POST杂志还需要哪些文章)Our nonfiction needs include how-to,

25、useful articles on gardening,pet care and training,financial planning,and subjects of interest to a 45-plus,home-loving readership.For nonfiction articles,indicate any special qualifications you have for writing about the subject,especially scientific material.Include one or two published pieces wit

26、h your article.We prefer typed articles between 1,000 and 2,000 words in length.We encourge you to send both printed and online versions.(这一段主要讲了杂志需要什么类型的文章?你能总结一下吗?还有special qualifications指的是“特殊资质”,也就是投稿非小说类文章时要说明你写此类主题的特殊资质,尤其是科技型的材料。)We also welcome new fiction.A light,humorous touch is appreciat

27、ed.We are always in need of straight humor articles.Make us laugh,and well buy it.(什么样的touch/手法,风格 is appreciated/受到欣赏呢?)Feature articles average about 1,000 to 2,000 words.We like positive,fresh angles to Post articles,and we ask that they be thorougly researched.(还记得feature是什么文章吗?从文章的第三段开头可以找到该词。)

28、,We normally respond to article submissions within six weeks.You are free to submit the article else where at the same time.(从这段我们可以看出POST杂志在六周内回复作者,在此期间有权向其他地方投稿,很人性化啊!)Please submit all articles to Features Editor,The Saturday Evening Post,1100 Waterway Boulevrd,Indianapolis,IN 46202,(317)6341100.

29、(最后一段是投稿地址,可以一眼扫过。)好,下面我们看一下问题:1.Before sending a manuscript to the Post,a contributor is advised to.A.get a better understanding of American issuesB.find out the range of the articles in the postC.increase his knowledge in many fieldsD.broaden his research focus2.to submit nonfiction articles,a con

30、tributor must_.A.provide his special qualification B.be a regular reader of the PostC.produce printed version D.be over 45 year old 3.From the passage we can learn that the Post.A.allows article submission within six weeksB.favor science articles within 2,000 wordsC.have a huge demand for humorous worksD.prefers nonfiction to fiction article,中心思想,第三讲 记叙文,记叙文,1 写人为主,2 写事为主,外貌神态语言心理动作,社会环境描写,自然环境描写,记叙方法:顺序、倒叙、插叙,可以穿插:抒情、议论,作用:交代背景、情景交融、揭示中心,


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