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1、1.表示时间的介词,*at表示“在时刻”,与具体的钟点搭配使用,如:We open at seven and close at ten.We start work at 8 oclock.*fromto表示“从到”,fromtill表示“从直到为止”,betweenand表示“在之间”,都用于表示某一段时间。如:We open from Monday to Friday.(我们星期一到星期五都开放。)We open from May till September.(我们五月份开始开放,直到九月份闭馆。)We open between seven and ten.(我们开放时间为七点到十点之间。

2、),*on表示“在时候”,与日期、星期搭配使用。如:I leave on Monday 25th November.He plays football on Friday.*in表示“在期间”,与具体的年代、月份、季节或一天中的某个时段搭配使用。如:The postman comes in the morning(s)and in the afternoon(s).邮递员每天上午和下午来送信。注意:on Monday与on Mondays意义不完全相同。on Monday有两个意思,第一表示特指的某个星期一,第二表示每逢星期一;而on Mondays只表示每逢星期一。,*注意:具体某天的上午、

3、下午或晚上要用介词on,如:They will have dinner together on Sunday evening.*注意:以下名词与介词的固定搭配:My children play in the street in the daytime.(在白天)I can hear the cars at night.(在晚上)I go to my mothers house at the weekend.(在周末)I go to my mothers house on the weekend.(美式英语)I play tennis at weekends.(每逢周末)Do the EX.on

4、 P166.,2.时间表达法,this/next/theafter 可以表达时间,如:this month(这个月)/next month(下个月)/the month after next(下下个月)this Tuesday/next Tuesday/the Tuesday after next this week/next week/the week after next this year/next year/the year after next today/tomorrow/the day after tomorrow 注意:the next day 表示 过去 的时间,意为“第二天

5、”而不是明天,常常用在间接引语里。,2.疑问词,Who,whom,whose,which,what,where,when,why,how(how many,how much,how old,how long,how far,how often,how soon,how big)Who-主格 Who is he?Whom-宾格 Whom do you talk with?Whose-定语 Whose book is this?Which-哪个,哪些(有限定的选择范围)Which museum do you want to go to?What-什么,什么样的(没有限定的选择范围)What doe

6、s Jim often do on Monday?,Xiaoyan:Ive got my fitness program from the gym for this month.Mary:class do you have tomorrow,Xiaoyan?Xiaoyan:Tomorrow-Tuesday-I havent got a class.I do gym.Mary:do you do gym with?Xiaoyan:Nobody,I do two gym sessions on my own a week.Mary:So,are your classes?Xiaoyan:This

7、month,I do aerobics on Saturdays and Tai Chi on Mondays.Mary:And do you do next month?Xiaoyan:I do three gym sessions,but I dont do Tai Chi there isnt a class.Mary:isnt there a class?Xiaoyan:The trainer is on holiday.But it starts again the month after next.So,the month after next,I do two gym sessi

8、ons again and I do Tai Chi.Mary:Well.Good luck!Enjoy yourself!,Which,Who,when,what,Why,3.社交书信 P174,写信人姓名 地址 日期Dear xx,-Yours sincerely,xxx,4.描述情感,*描述情感或感受,常用动词to feel.如:-How are you feeling?-I feel much better.Thank you.你现在感觉怎么样?我觉得好多了。谢谢你。-How do you feel today?-I feel terrible.Ive got a headache.你

9、今天感觉怎么样?我觉得很难受。我头疼。,*描述情感的形容词中有一部分由动词的-ing形式和-ed形式转化而来。前者通常带有主动含义,用来描述事件或某项活动本身所具有的特征;后者通常带有被动含义,用来描述人的感觉。The lesson is interesting.那堂课很有趣。The students were interested in studying English.学生们对学习英语感兴趣。常用的此类形容词有:boring 令人厌倦的 bored(by)因而厌倦exciting 令人兴奋的 excited(about)因感到激动的worrying 令人担心的 worried(about)

10、因担心的tiring 引起疲劳的,累人的 tired(from)因疲惫的 这些形容词用动词的-ing形式,表示主动意义,“令人的”;右侧则用了动词的-ed形式,表示被动意义,“因而”,物做主语 人做主语 interesting interested exciting excitedThe book is very interesting.We are all interested in it.注意-ed形式后的介词为固定搭配,介词的宾语如为动词,需用-ing形式。The students were interested in studying English.We are excited ab

11、out the good news.,5.动词to be的过去时 P177,*动词to be的过去时的构成 肯定句 否定句 I was I was not You were You were not He/She/It was He/She/It was not We/They were We/They were not 一般疑问句 简略回答 Was I?Yes,I was.No,I wasnt.Were you?Yes,we were.No,we werent.Was he/she/it?Yes,he/she/it was.No,he/she/it wasnt.Were we?Yes,we

12、were.No,we werent.Were they?Yes,they were.No,they werent.,*动词to be的过去时的用法 动词to be 的过去时用于描述过去的经历(说话时已结束的事情或已不存在的状态)。如:I was at the doctors yesterday.昨天我去过诊所。She was a teacher in Italy last year.去年她在意大利当老师。They were in France last month.上个月他们在法国。,6.描述经历 P178,What waslike?/How was.?可以用来询问他人对所经历之事的总体感觉。

13、如:What was the party like?How was the party?Note:描述天气 Whats the weather like in?谈论人的外貌和性格特征 What does he look like?他长什么样?(外貌)What is he like?(性格),7.重点词汇,certainly include pay medical address occupation monthly agree to regulation signature suit list show sb.around fitness session cancel recommendati

14、on training choose make an appointment cash opportunity serve pick up presentation boring exciting worrying frightening tiring bored(by)excited(about)worried(about)frightened(about)depressed(by)tired(from),1.形容词的比较级P188,1.表示等级比较时用as+原形+as Eg:London is as busy as Shanghai.表示不如时用not so/as+原形+as Eg:Lil

15、y isnt so tall as lucy.=Lily is shorter than Lucy.=Lucy is taller than Lily.2.二者比较常用形容词的+than 结构3.比较级前常用修饰语a bit/a little/much/a lot等词语来修饰 Eg:The Changjiang River is much longer than the Yellow River.4.三者或三者以上比较用最高级 Eg:She is the tallest girl in our school.,比较级最高级的规则及不规则变化,1-er/estTall-taller-talles

16、t,short-shorter-shortest2.以e结尾-r/st nice-nicer-nicest3.重读闭音节,双写辅音字母-er/estthin-thinner-thinnest4.已辅音字母+y结尾 去y变I-er/estbusy-busier-busiest5.多音节形容词more/mostRelaxed-more relaxed-most relaxestNote:good-better-best bad-worse-worst,2.描述技能和兴趣,常用结构如下:*to be good(better)at 表示“在擅长(更擅长)”。例如:John is good at tra

17、ining.Mary is better at training than him.约翰擅长于搞培训,玛丽比他做得更好。*to be bad(worse)at 表示“在能力差(能力更差)”。例如:I am bad at spelling,but he is worse than me.我拼写能力差,他比我还差。,*to be(more/less)interested in 表示“对做某事更感兴趣/较少感兴趣”。如:John is more interested in playing on the computer than I am.玩电脑游戏约翰比我更感兴趣。John is more int

18、erested in computers than I am.约翰对计算机比我更感兴趣。Mary is less interested in computers than John(is).玛丽不如约翰对计算机感兴趣。*to be(more/less)experienced at 表示“在更有/较少有经验”。例如:She is more experienced at training than he(is).她比他在搞培训上更有经验。Mary is less experienced at website design than John(is).玛丽在网页设计方面不如约翰有经验。,3.现在进行

19、时表示将来,现在进行时除表示现在外,还可以表示最近的将来即将发生的事情,常有“意图、打算、安排或计划”的含义。例如:She is staying in France from Tuesday till Thursday.从星期二到星期四他将呆在法国。She isnt staying in Toulouse.她不准备呆在图卢兹。Is she coming back to London on Thursday?她是星期四回伦敦吗?When is she flying for Paris?她将什么时候飞往巴黎?,Shes staying in France from Tuesday till Thu

20、rsday.Childrens Day is coming.Tom is leaving for(目的地)Shanghai.动身到上海 P234 Activity 5-6趋向性的动词:go,come,leave,stay 计划好的事情或即将到来的,1、表示数量“过多”和“足够”(too much,too many,enough),too much+不可数名词和too many+可数名词表示事物的量过多,enough表示量“足够”,not enough表示数量不够。如:We have too much cheese in the fridge.冰箱里的奶酪太多了。(不必再买了)Weve got

21、too many things to do.我们要干的事情太多了。(干不过来)There is enough wine.酒够用。There arent enough apples in one bag.一袋子苹果不够用。,enough 还可以用作表语。如:Thirty-five will be enough.三十五个就够用了。Will twelve kilos be enough?十二公斤够吗?Note:enough 修饰名词放前面(一般),也可放后面如time enough或enough time修饰形容词往往放在后面,如old enough,2、一般将来时,*一般将来时可用来预测可能发生的

22、事情,如:How much will we need?我们会需要多少?Will we need 15 kilos?我们需要15公斤吗?Well need 15 kilos,I think.我想我们得需要15公斤。We wont need to order more.我们没必要再预定更多了。*一般将来时可以表示单纯的将要存在的状态或事实。如:That will be 50.价钱为50磅。How much will that cost?那要多少钱?Molly will be there?Molly 会在这儿的。,3、带双宾语的动词,V可分为Vt.(及物动词)和Vi.(不及物动词)Vt宾语,Vi不能

23、直接加宾语 Eg:Im writing.(Vi)Hes writing a letter.(Vt)listen to the teacher look at the blackboard*英语中有些动词可以带两个宾语,直接宾语和间接宾语。Activity 11种有这样一个句子:Ill make it for you.这句话中动词make的直接宾语是it,表示动作的直接结果;间接宾语是you,表示动作的目标。例如:Ill write the confirmation for you now.我现在就把确认信给你写好。Can you send it to Joe?你能把这个发给Joe吗?,*间接宾

24、语通常置于直接宾语之前,如将间接宾语置于直接宾语之后,则需使用介词to或for引出间接宾语。间接宾语的位置变化不改变句子的意义。如:Ill give the man the book.我会给那个人这本书。Ill give the book to the man.我会把这本书给那个人。Note:give sb.Sth.=give sth.to sb.(lend,bring,send,take,tell,write,etc.)make/buy sb.Sth=make/buy sth.for sb.ask for/pay for sth for sb.=ask/pay sb.for sth.,*如直

25、接宾语和间接宾语都为代词,需使用介词to或for引出间接宾语。Ill give it to him.Ill get it for him.但是当直接宾语为不定代词时,直接宾语既可以置于间接宾语之前,也可以置于间接宾语之后。I can get some for you.I can get you some.,*我们学过的可带双宾语的动词:ask for sth from sb,ask sb for sth 向某人索要某物 bring sth to sb,bring sb sth 带给某人某物 buy sth for sb,buy sb sth 为某人买某物 give sth to sb,give

26、 sb sth 给某人某物 lend sth to sb,lend sb sth 借给某人某物 make sth for sb,make sb sth 为某人做某物 pay for sth from sb,pay sb for sth 为某物替/向某人付款 read sth to sb,read sb sth 为某人阅读某物 send sth to sb,send sb sth 给某人送去某物 take sth to sb,take sb sth 给某人拿去某物 tell sth to sb,tell sb sth 告诉某人某事 write sth to sb,write sb sth 给某人

27、写某物,4、动作、事件发生的频率,*次数+a day/week/month/year表示“每天/周/月/年次”,如:I meet him almost twice a day in the lift.我几乎每天在电梯里见到他两次。I have an English class once a week.我每周有一次英语课。I go swimming two mornings a week.我每周有两个上午去游泳。I go to Beijing three times a year.我每年去北京三次。I check my E-mails four times a day.我每天查四次电子邮件。一次

28、:once两次:twice三次或三次以上用数字+times,*every+day/morning/afternoon/week/month/year 表示“每天/每天上午/每天下午每周/每月/每年”,例如:I have a shower every morning.我每天早晨冲淋浴。I go swimming every week.我每周都去游泳。I clean the floor every day.我每天都清扫地板。,5、表示义务,have to do表示“有义务、有责任”做某事,“不得不”做某事。其肯定句、否定句、和疑问句的构成方法与实意动词do相同。I have to plan the

29、 menus.I dont have to prepare the food.我得做菜单计划,但我不必做菜。She has to work every evening.她每天晚上都得工作。Does your husband have to work every evening?你的丈夫每天晚上都得工作吗?,Have to do 不得不做某事 Eg:I have to go now.-I dont have to go now.-Do you have to go now?Yes,I do./No,I dont.Note:第三人称单数用has to 区别:I have got a book.-I

30、 havent got a book.-Have you got a book?Yes,I have./No,I havent,1、描述病情(1),*描述病情常用的动词是to have got或to have.例如:I have got a temperature.*5个aches(疼痛):a headache,earache,toothache,stomachache,backache中只有headache需要使用不定冠词。Ive got toothache.Ive got bad toothache.Shes got a headache.Ive got a bad headache.下面

31、这些症状和疾病通常也需要用不定冠词。a cold a sore throat a runny nose a bad chest a cough an infection a pain in my throat/stomach/ear*如果说某个部位疼痛,还可以用动词hurt。例如:My ear/leg hurts.(我的耳朵/腿疼。),2、描述病情(2),*询问:Whats the matter?How do you feel?How are you feeling?*回答:I feel/Im feeling really ill.I feel/Im feeling better.I dont

32、 feel/Im not feeling well.I feel awful.I feel terrible.,3、描述病情(3),下面是一些动词形式:to ache,to be painful,to hurt,如:My back aches.-Ive got backache.Ive got a pain in my chest.-My chest is painful.He has a sore throat.-His throat is painful.My tooth hurts.-Ive got toothache.*另外两组动词和名词是:to cough/a cough,to sn

33、eeze/a sneeze,如:Ive got a cough.The children are coughing and sneezing a lot.,1.ache,pain,painful,hurt 都是“疼”的意思,它们之间有什么区别没有?ache 是持续隐约的疼痛,虽然可以单用,当更多的 是构成复合词用,比如:headache 头痛 toothache 牙痛 stomachache 胃痛 pain 表示剧烈的疼痛,同时pain也可以指精神上的 痛苦。painful 是pain的形容词形式。hurt 是动词,意思是“使人感到疼痛,或精神上的痛 苦”,它的主语可以是你疼痛的部位,也可以是

34、 使你感到疼的那个东西,比如:My leg hurts.我的腿疼。My shoes hurt,they are too tight.我的鞋太紧了,把我的脚弄得很疼。,听到别人说自己不舒服的时候,一般要表示同情,但是表示同情为什么要说Im sorry.为什么要说“对不起”?sorry这个词,除了表示歉意之外,还表示难过、遗憾。所以在听到别人不好的、不幸的消息时所说的“Im sorry.”,并不是“对不起”的意思,而是表示“我很难过”,“我觉得这件事很让人遗憾”。,3feel well 是指的身体感觉好,可不可以说feel good?说身体好,习惯上多用well,而good一般指品质好。所以说身体

35、好一般不说feel good。当我们说feel good的时候,意思是感觉好,比如,你受到表扬了,心里觉得很高兴,你可以说:It feels good.表示这件事情让人感觉挺好。,4、表达指令及提出劝告,*医生可以用You(dont)need to句型表达指令或提出劝告。例如:You need to reduce your temperature.You dont need to take other medicines.*医生也可以用祈使句给出指令或提出劝告:Come in.Sit down,please.Dont go to work.*还可以用should表示劝告。You should

36、go to bed.You shouldnt eat very much.Should I take some medicine?*should和can一样,是情态动词。I should/shouldnt go to bed.When should I go to work?Should I take any medicines?,1、提出建议,在unit5和unit7中已经学过一些说法:What about going to an estate agents?Why dont you stay at our house?How about taking a taxi?在本单元出现了其他一些说

37、法:Shall we have a party?Lets have a housewarming party.Why dont we have a barbecue?这三个结构中,动词都用原形。征求意见时,可以说:Who shall we invite?/Where shall we go?/What shall we do?对他人的建议表示同意时,可以说:Thats a good idea./Ok./Great./Yes,lets.,2、表示将来的安排的不同形式,*现在进行时表示已经计划或安排好的将来的活动或事件。Shes starting work next Monday.Shes goi

38、ng to Paris in week 3.*一般将来时表示在说话的时候作出的决定。-What about the shopping?Theres a lot.-Ill borrow my parents car.Its bigger.-Theres too much for the bridge.-Ill put it in the garage.Its cold there.-I think Ill do the salads before the supermarket as well,then Mary can clean the kitchen,*表达已经决定要做的事情,以及描述将来

39、的意图的时候,用go的现在进行时形式:be going to+动词原形。如:Tim is going to borrow his parents car.Tim and Xiaoyan are going to do the shopping on Saturday morning.Im going to clean the house.*其疑问和否定形式与动词go的现在进行时的疑问和否定形式相同。如:Is Xiaoyan going to borrow a car?-No,she isnt.Who is going to borrow a car?-Tim.Tim is going to b

40、orrow a car.Mary isnt going to do the shopping.,已经计划或安排好的将来的活动或事件用现在进行时的形式,而be going to也用来表示将来的计划和意图,这两种说法有没有什么区别?区别不大,只是用be doing 的形式,给人的感觉,这个事情是安排好的,客观感更强一些,be going to 给人感觉,更强调打算、意图,主观感更强一些。比如:We are having a party tonight.我们今晚要有个聚会。Tim is going to borrow his parents car.Tim打算借他父母的车。第一句给人感觉,这是一件定

41、了的事情,晚上会有这么一件事情要发生。而第二句强调的是Tim的主观意图,不强调Tim能不能借到。但是,在多数情况下,be doing 和be going to在表示将来的活动的时候,意思是差不多的。,3、to do和to make,do和make是很重要的两个动词。它们分别和一些名词构成固定的动词搭配,与其搭配的名词通常是不能互换的。如:make a list do the barbecuemake a phone call do the shoppingmake a cake do the cooking make a face do ones homeworkmake an appoint

42、ment do businessmake a decision do tourmake a plan/a noise/noises/so much noise,4、each other和somebody/someone else,each other意思是“互相”,somebody/someone else意思是“别人”。如:She fell in love with somebody else.They are talking to each other.其他的例子还有:They like each other.They give each other presents.They meet

43、each other after work.They look at each other.She is giving the book to someone else.,5、反身代词,反身代词表示自身是其动作的宾语,包括:myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves Im writing a note to myself about the meeting.They are buying themselves a new car.Shes reading the book to herself.T

44、hey are washing themselves in the river.He talks to himself all the time.Are you going to get yourself that new coat?,反身代词的用法如果句子的主语和宾语的所指一致时,动 词之后有时使用反身代词。如:She is talking to herself.他在自言自语。She is only 12 months old,but she feeds herself.她才12个月大,但她能自己吃饭。注意如果宾语很明显,则很少用反身代词。I get up at 6.30 am.我早上6:3

45、0起床。I wash in the morning.我早上洗澡。I dress quickly.我很快穿好衣服。2)反身代词也常用来起强调作用。I do all the cooking myself.饭都是由我自己做。,反身代词有时也可用来与其他人做比较,如:I do all the cooking myself,but somebody else does the washing up(洗碗).饭都由我自己做,洗碗是别人的事。反身代词与介词by连用时意思是“单独”(alone),如:I was in the house by myself.我独自一人在家。She is waiting by

46、herself.她独自一人等反身可在句中作宾、表、同位语等,6、表示比较,在Unit 14已经学过形容词比较级的形式:Rose was faster than him.She was more relaxed than Frank.She is less experienced in computers than Frank.比较两者相同点时,常用句子结构:to be+as+形容词+as,表示不同时,用否定形式。如:Shanghai is as modern as London.London is just as busy as Shanghai.Shanghai isnt as exciti

47、ng as London.另一种表示两者相同或不同的结构是:to be the same as(相同)和to be different from(不同)。例如:Business life in Shanghai is the same as in London.My housewarming party is different from Marys.,1、表示时间的介词(unit 13),at+时刻 at 8 oclock at 8:30 We open at seven and close at ten.on+星期、日期 on Monday on 25th November I leave

48、 on Monday 25th November.in+年代、月份、季节或一天中的某个时段 in the morning in 2006 in July in summerfromto/till betweenand We open from Monday to Friday.We open from May till September.We open between seven and ten.固定搭配 in the daytime at night at/on the weekend*表示频率(U15)once twice three times every day/week/year,

49、2、表示将来的情况,*一般将来时(will+do)(U15)Well need 15 kilos.We wont need to order more.How much will you need?I think he will come to the wedding reception.*即时的决定(will+do)(U17)We are going to play tennis.-But its raining.-Ok.Well watch TV.Im going to buy John a hat.-But he doesnt like hats.-Ok,Ill buy him choc

50、olates.,*现在进行时表示将来(U14/17)She is staying in France from Tuesday till Thursday.She isnt staying in London.When is she flying for Paris?*be going to用于表示将来(U17)Is Xiaoyan going to borrow a car?No,she isnt.Who is going to borrow a car?Tim.Tim is going to borrow a car.Mary isnt going to do the shopping.,


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