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1、UNIT 7,A sociable person is friendly and enjoys being with other people.They socialize spend time with other people in a friendly way and mix with others.Chilled is an informal way of saying relaxed.To chill out can mean to relax or calm down,especially relaxing with friends.If someone is angry or n

2、ervous you can advise them to chill out for a while.Generally or more formallychilled means cool or very cold.Easygoing means relaxed,calm,not getting upset about things,and happy to accept things without worrying.,Words for characteristics,Conversation 1,2 Watch Conversation 1 again and check()the

3、correct answers in the table.,American and British English In the conversations,Kate and her family use these American English words:,Please have a look at the detailed explanation under thistitle in your textbook.,Oxford is a large university and unlike most other universities,it is divided into di

4、fferent colleges.Students choose a particular college within the university at which to study.Students live in their college and it is also where they are supervised by a personal tutor.In American English,college is the usual word for university and a place that gives students degrees.School in Ame

5、rican English is an informal word for university.It is also used in both British and American English to describe a department of a university or a college that teaches a particular subject,e.g.art school,medical school,law school,etc.,American and British English,Here are some American English,who

6、can give the corresponding British ones?,trousers,petrol,shop,maize,flat,biscuit,sweets,football,chips,maths,dustbin,rubber,jam,holiday,autumn,pavement,parliament,motor car,restroom/toilet,lift,groundfloor,3 Work in pairs and number the sentences in the order you expect to hear them.,Conversation 2,

7、I feel awful that we cant be with him.He said his arm doesnt hurt him.Id love to eat in an English pub.But they let him go home.He fell down the steps in the backyard.Listen,honey,Grandad had a fall just before we left.,4,5,6,3,2,1,Julia This is great.Its just like I pictured it.Look at that,isnt it

8、 beautiful?Rob Wow,Kate,honey!I love your school!Kate No,Dad,Im not at Law School.Im at university!Rob OK,honey.Its Oxford,England I know!Rob Listen,honey,Grandad had a fall just before we left.Kate Oh,no!Rob Its OK.He broke his arm but(1)_ _.Julia I dont know,when old people break something,it can

9、be very serious.Rob I think(2)_!Kate(3)_.(4)_?,4 Watch conversation 2 again and complete the sentences:,they dont think,hell be fine,Tell me all about it,What exactly happened,its serious,Rob He fell down the steps in the backyard.Kate Oh,poor Grandad!So go on!Rob He was taken to the hospital by amb

10、ulance they kept him there for several hours,didnt they,Julia?But they let him go home.Julia I feel awful that we cant be with him.Rob Julia,I spoke to Grandad as soon as we landed and he said the doctors arent worried.Kate(5)_?Rob He said his arm doesnt hurt him.Kate Oh,good!(6)_,right?(7)_?,What e

11、lse did he say,So hell be OK,Theres no real concern,Rob No,I told you,honey,(8)_.Just look at that!What a great place!Kate Yes,isnt it wonderful?Rob Come on,lets go and eat.Isnt there a pub nearby?I seem to remember passing one.Id love to eat in an English pub.Kate OK,lets do that.Rob Theres no need

12、 to worry,honey.,theres no need to worry,Honey is a term of affection used to show that you care about someone.It can also be spelt as hunny or hunnie.Can you think of more spoken terms of endearment from films or songs?honey,darling,baby dear Sweetheart,SweetieSweetums sugar,pumpkin,Language and cu

13、lture 1,babe,Language and culture 1,Work-life balance refers to the proportion between hours spent in working and with the family or in relaxing in leisure activities.Childcare means looking after babies or young children,usually in the childs home.This is either done by parents or relatives who bri

14、ng up or raise children or another adult who may be paid for this work,as a babysitter,for a few hours,or as a childcarer for several hours every day,such as after-school care.,Language and culture 1,a role in a group or society is a position which has certain obligations and expectations.A role mod

15、el is given by an influential person in our life who shows us how to behave in particular roles.Role reversal occurs when someone adopts an opposite role to what society expects,for example,if a man gives up a career and stays at home to look after children,becoming a stay-at-home dad.,Watching and

16、understanding,1 Davids family is English.2 Both David and his wife work.3 Bob is Davids father-in-law.4 Bobs role as a father changed.5 Shirley is Davids wife.6 Davids wife spends more time with the children than David does.,2 Watch the video clip and check()the true statements according to the clip

17、.,4 Watch the video clip again and choose the best way to complete the sentences.,1 David is _.(a)36(b)35(c)32(d)332 Bob worked for 38 years as _.(a)a chemist(b)a computer programmer(c)an electrical engineer(d)a designer3 Diane works as a _.(a)doctor(b)lawyer(c)biochemist(d)dentist,Now check your an

18、swers.,4 David looks after his children _.(a)before 8 in the morning(b)before 9 in the morning(c)between 3 and 5 in the afternoon(d)after 55 There are _.(a)many similarities between David and his fathers family lives(b)some similarities between David and his fathers family lives(c)many similarities

19、between David and his father(d)some similarities between David and his father,Now check your answers.,3 Watch the video clip again and answer the questions.,1)However,since the late 60s and the early 70s,family life has been changing dramatically.How has family life changed?2)David is a modern fathe

20、r.In what way?3)Bobs role as a father changed.In what way?,More mothers have been pursuing careers and fathers have been spending more time caring for children and doing household chores.,He pursues his career and shares in raising the children and doing the housework.,He started to do more cooking

21、and driving the children here and there.,4)We did many things together and I tried to get them involved in other areas that they seemed to show interest in What does David say about this?5)As a research scientist,Davids schedule was more flexible.What was the result?6)I think I have many more respon

22、sibilities than,than even most fathers do today Does David say his career has suffered because of his family responsibilities?,He says his father did a lot more than his friends fathers and his father was a role model for him.,It meant he could take on more day-to-day care of the children.,No,he has

23、 been able to continue pursuing his career.,Welcome to changing lifestyles.Today well take a look at the changing role of fathers.In the 1050s and 1960s,most fathers went to work everyday and most mothers stay at home to take care of the children.However,since the late 60s and the early 70s,family l

24、ife has been changing dramatically.Instead of accepting the rigid roles imposed by society,many couples have been deciding to change their work-life balance.More mothers have been pursuing careers,while at the same time,fathers have been devoting more time to caring for children and doing household

25、chores.This is David Noll.David is 33 years old,husband and father of two girls.David is a modern father.He and his wife both pursue careers and sharing in raising the children and doing the housework.,Ok,well then are you going to go to the playground?Right,right,mama,bye-bye.Davids father Bob Noll

26、 is also a loving father,but Davids role as a father was different.During the early part of his career,Bob went to work everyday,while his wife Shirley stayed home.Bob worked for 38 years at Westinghouse as an electrical engineer.Bob worked on some of the first computers ever produced.Bob had always

27、 been an involving father.But in 1970 Shirley decided to go back to work.That was when Bobs role as a father changed.When Shirley went back to work,I had to change my role and start to do more cooking,driving the children here and there.When our children were growing up,I took a lot of interest in t

28、hem,what they were doing.,I think in many ways,I was probably better prepared for the changing roles that I have had to take by my father.We did many things together,and I tried to get them involved in other areas that they seem to show interest in,such as theater or magic.He did a great deal more t

29、han I think many fathers,I mean,I can think of childhood friends whose fathers,you know were running businesses who,participated almost at,not at all in their development.I think I had a role model.I remember David was interested in,he got very interested in magic and juggling,and he was an avid rea

30、der.As a young man,David loved magic.But he pursued a career as a biochemist.Before having children,David spent 40 hours per week studying cellular DNA in a research lab.,And his wife Diane spent 40 hours a week working as a lawyer at Washington DC.After the girls were born,David and Diane both cut

31、back on their hours in order to take care of their daughters.As a research scientist,Davids schedule was more flexible,so he took on more responsibility for the childrens day to day care.Well I have been able to adjust my schedule so that I can be home at 5 oclock for the kids and if the children ar

32、e sick,be able to come home,take them to the doctors.We go for a walk,we take the dogs up the street,go to the park,hang out at the park.And then we head back to the house and begin preparing dinner.Since Bob retired 10 years ago,he has been enjoying his role as a grandfather.,Hes been traveling wit

33、h his wife Shirley and hes been playing tennis.Meanwhile David is just beginning his journey as a father in a new era.It can be difficult,especially when,you know,youre taking on new roles for the first time.And it can be,it can be disconcerting and it can be more comfortable to take on those tradit

34、ional roles.I have,I think I have many more responsibilities than even most fathers do today,and certainly more I think than my father was raising his children.But the difference is not the sort of classical role reversal.Im not a stay-at-home dad.We have an excellent babysitter who has allowed us,a

35、llow both my wife and I the opportunity to continue pursuing our career.Well there are many differences in how David and Bob have raised their children,there are many important similarities.,Language and culture 1,To get is informal for to understand someone or something,for example,Do you get it?Do

36、 you get the message?Get this is a signal that the speaker is about to say something interesting,surprising or newsworthy,which you need to understand or receive.,Listening and understanding,2 Listen to Passage 1.Work in pairs and complete the factfile.,American,Psychology,20,Five,22,June,Listening

37、and understanding,3 Listen to Passage 1 again and answer the questions.,1 What question does the chat show host want to discuss in the programme?2 What happened to the girls when they were born?3 How do the girls meet?,Which is more important,your family environment or your genes.,They were separate

38、d and adopted by different families.,A friend of both of theirs insists they meet.,4)What do we learn about the girls adoptive fathers?5)What do we learn about the girls boyfriends?6)What are we told about a dream?7)What do we learn about Josh and his brother?8)What does research tell us according t

39、o the host?,Both their adoptive fathers died when they were children.,Their boyfriends look alike and have similar names.,They have the same recurring dream.,They are identical twins and are going out with two sisters.,Genes decide 50 per cent of who we are and our environment decides the other 50 p

40、er cent.,Host:Theres a question thats been argued about for a long time.Which is more important,your family environment or your genes?Well,a story has come up in the news about identical twins,separated at birth.Theyve just been reunited and guess what,there are some amazing coincidences in their li

41、fe stories.Heres the story.two American girls called Tamara and Adriana were separated at birth and adopted by two different sets of parents.And this is where the coincidences begin.Both families ended up living 25 miles apart.Both girls decided to study psychology at universities that are only a mi

42、le apart from each other.Isnt that strange?And this girl,whos a friend of both of them,insists they meet.Just before they meet,Adrianas mother tells her that she has a twin sister.,Can you imagine how that must feel when youre 20 years old,to learn you have a twin?And when the girls meet,its like lo

43、oking in a mirror,they are identical.Now get this!Both Tamara and Adrianas adoptive fathers died when the girls were children.Both girls fell through glass doors at the age of five,thats hard to believe,isnt it?Their boyfriends look alike and have similar names Alex and Adam.An this is the best part

44、-both of them have the same recurring dream.Isnt that incredible they have the same dream.I think its an amazing story.So,for all those of you out there who have comments,and Im sure you do,the lines are open.Ok,weve got Josh on the line,hi,Josh.Hi!So,what do you make of this story?,Its a great stor

45、y but it doesnt surprise me at all,Im an identical twin.You are?Yeah,my brothers called Toby,and were 22,and were going out with two sisters and were having a double wedding next June.Congratulations!So,what do you think,is it our genes that decide who we are?These kinds of stories seem to suggest i

46、t.Well,Im not a scientist but I think so.Research tells us that its about fifty fifty.I disagree.Thanks Josh.Ok,our next caller is,Listening and understanding,1 We all recognize that its one of the most selfless things a person can do,_ to someone,but as the operation becomes safer and safer,_ peopl

47、e are doing it.2 We talked to two sisters who have had the experience Henrietta Longmore,a journalist aged 40,married with one son,and her sister,Teresa Parker,_,married with two children.3 She was the big sister and she was _ to us younger kids.,to give a kidney,more and more,aged 38,just like a mo

48、ther,6 Listen to Passage 2,Part 1 and complete the sentences.,Listening and understanding,4 Then we shared a flat and had a lot of _.5 I felt very protective of my brother and sisters because,_,our parents were always so busy.6 Henrietta got kidney failure _,but for several years she was fine and se

49、emed quite healthy.7 The hospital was brilliant and I really did feel fine,_.,the same friends,like Teresa says,five years ago,most of the time,Listening and understanding,7 Listen to Passage 2,Part 2 and answer the questions.,1 When did Henrietta become very ill?2 What was Teresas reaction?3 What r

50、eassured Teresa and her family?4 What dont people know about kidney transplants?,She became very ill a year ago.,She was terrified and decided to find out more about giving Henrietta a kidney.,The hospital reassured them.,People only need ten per cent of one kidney to be completely healthy.,Listenin


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