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1、镇江市网络同步助学平台,初中英语,牛津初中英语9A Unit 2 Colours第一讲,主讲:钱 欣(镇江实验学校魅力之城分校)审稿:万红红(镇江市教育局教研室),同学们,当老师提问或请同学们练习时,你可以按播放器上的暂停键思考或练习,然后再点击播放键.,1 通过对本单元重要词句的梳理,掌握并熟练运用重点词句。,学习有效的阅读策略,理解短文。,2,学习目标,Which one do you want to wear,Eddie?(Page 24,Picture 1),例:我们想去帮助那个老太太。,c.worry Un 担心,发 愁,We want to go to help the old w

2、oman.,例:你想要这本杂志吗?是的,我要。,Do you want the magazine?Yes,I want it.,例:我们想要她和你一起去。,We want her to go with you.,词句梳理:want的用法,词句梳理,用所给词的适当形式填空。1.I didnt want _(have)supper with that man last night.2.My parents want me _(work)harder than last year.,试一试:want,to have,to work,试一试,a.wear意为“穿着,戴着”,强调“穿戴”的状态。,例:她

3、总是穿着色彩鲜艳的衣服。,She always wears colourful clothes.,例:我留了90年代的发型。,词句梳理:wear的用法,b.wear 还可解释为“留着(毛发),(脸上)流露(某种表情或神态)”等。,I wore my hair in a 1990s style.,例:尼克今天戴着一顶蓝帽子。,Nick is wearing a blue hat today.,例:他总是面带笑容。,He always wears a big smile.,1)put on 意为“穿,戴”,强调“穿戴”的动作。,例:那个年轻女子今天穿了件白衣服。,例:这个男孩想在万圣节装扮成狮子王

4、。,词句梳理:wear与put on dress be in等区别,例:金太太给她女儿穿了一条绿裙子。,The young lady is dressed in white today.,例:为什么你装扮成那样,艾迪?,Why are you dressed like that,Eddie?,Mrs King dressed her daughter in a green skirt.,The boy would like to dress up as a lion king at Halloween.,2)dress 表示“穿衣”,常用的结构有get dressed;dress sb.(in

5、);be dressed in以及dress up(as)表示“打扮”;be dressed like“打扮得像”,3)(be)in 也可以解释为“穿”,强调“穿着”的状态,和wear 用法接近。,另:in+表示衣服或颜色的名词常在句中作后置定语。,例:他今天穿了件红外套。,He is in a red coat today.(=He is wearing a red coat today.),例:穿红衣服的女孩是一个新生。,The girl in red is a new student.,试一试,1.The woman _ the child quickly and took him to

6、 hospital.A.put on B.dressed C.was on D.was wearing2.Many girls like _ skirts in spring.A.wearing B.dressing C.putting on D.dressing up3.-I saw Amy a green dress yesterday.-But I think she looks better red.A.dress;in B.was in;on C.wearing;in D.wears;in,B,A,C,试一试,词句梳理:affect的用法,2.How do colours affec

7、t us?(Page 24),例:吸烟影响健康。,affect是动词,它的名词是effect;同义词influence,该词既可以作动词,也可以作名词。,例:他的病极大地损坏了他的大脑。,His disease affected her mind very much.,Smoking affects health.,例:这部电影太感人了,以致于她都哭了。,The film affected her so deeply that she cried.,试一试:affect,1.He _when he heard the _ news.A.affected;sadness B.was affect

8、ed;sad C.affected to;sad D.affected;sad2.Fights in action films have a bad _(affect)on people,especially teenagers.3.This summer,the terrible weather has greatly _(affect)the life of common people in south.,B,effect,affected,试一试,3.But blue looks good on you!(Page 24,Picture 4),词句梳理:look的用法,例:我认为这件夹克

9、衫你穿得看起来不错。,I think this jacket looks nice on you.,例:你穿上红颜色看起来更美。,You look better in red.,look的用法,1.Look 可作为不及物动词使用,意思是“看、望、瞧”。,a.look单独使用(不跟介词),此时,look可以构成独词句。,2.Look 作系动词,意思是“看起来”,后面可接形容词、名词等作表语。,3.Look 用作名词,解释为“看、望、瞧、表情、外貌、风格”。,b.和介词at连用,后接宾语。,看!天要下雨啦!,Look!Its going to rain.,他看了看,但在周围没看见什么人。,He l

10、ooked but saw no one around.,(谚语)三思而后行。,Look before you leap.,孩子们,让我们来看几张图吧。,Boys and girls,lets look ata few pictures.,我们的学校看起来很漂亮,不是吗?,Our school looks very beautiful,doesnt it?,最后他生气地看了我一眼。,He gave me an angry look at last.,他们已把商店装修一新。,Theyve given the shop a new look.,试一试:look,1.He looked _(happ

11、y)when he heard the bad news.2.They all looked _(angry)at him because he had kept them waiting so long.3.-Could you tell me what time the train leaves Hefei for Beijing?-Im afraid you need to _ on the Internet.(2008.安徽中考)A.look for it B.look at it C.look it over D.look it up4.Mrs Green is out.I have

12、 to _ her baby.(2008.北京市朝阳区中考)A.look around B.look up C.look for D.look after,unhappy,angrily,D,D,试一试,4.Do you know how many colours there are in a rainbow?(Page 25,Part B),词句梳理:宾语从句,【典例分析】,解析:从句子可以看出是填know的宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述句语序,因此首先可以排除B,D项。再根据句中时间状语tomorrow,可以推断出用将来时,所以选C。,I dont know_ the charity show

13、tomorrow.Can you tell me?(2009.江苏宿迁中考)A.when we start B.when did we start C.when we will start D.when will we start,试一试:宾语从句,1.The light in his room is still on.Do you know_?In order to prepare for the coming exam.(09.常州中考)A.if he works hard B.why he stays up so late C.why is he so busy D.when he wi

14、ll stop working2.The picture shows us _in Xuzhou in the past.(09.徐州中考)A.what everyday life was like B.what was everyday life like C.how everyday life was like D.how was everyday life like3.Can you tell me _for the 60th China National Day?A wonderful parade.(09.连云港中考)A.what is going to be held B.who

15、is going to be invited C.how much money will be raised D.how long will it last,B,A,A,试一试,5.Colors can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad,energetic or sleepy.(Page 26,Lines 3-4),例:他让我重复一遍。,例:我将尽力使我们的学校更漂亮。,He made me repeat it.(被动结构:I was made to repeat it.),词句梳理:make的用法,Ill try to make o

16、ur school more beautiful.,例:我们选他做班长。,We make him monitor of our class.,make sb.done“使被做”,他让大家听不懂。,He couldnt make himself understood.,make词汇拓展,她总给她的朋友惹麻烦。,Shes always making trouble for her friends.,试一试,1.Air conditioning made his room more _(comfort),so he had a good dream.2.His words made us _(lau

17、gh).3.She was made _(dance)at the party.,comfortable,laugh,to dance,试一试,Im sleepy this morning because I went to bed very late last night.,sleepy 的用法:意为“欲睡的,困倦的”,在句中只做表语,其动词形式为sleep,形容词形式为asleep。,例:今天早晨我感到很困,因为昨晚我睡得很晚。,词句梳理:sleepy的用法,例:你昨晚睡得好吗?,Did you sleep well last night?,例:他躺下睡着了。,He lay down an

18、d fell asleep.,用括号中单词的适当形式填空。1.He likes to _(sleep).2.The baby is _(sleep)now.3.She was so _(sleep)that she could hardly keep his eyes open.,sleep,sleeping,sleepy,试一试:sleep,试一试,6.Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for the mind and body because this colour creates the feeling of

19、harmony.(Page 26,Lines 11-13),词句梳理:动名词作主语的用法,例:阅读是非常重要的。,Reading is very important.,例:在月球上行走时容易的。,Walking on the moon is easy.,词句梳理:主谓一致的用法,下列句中要注意主语与谓语动词形式的一致。,例:今晚会有一、两个朋友来。,One or two friends are coming this evening.,例:不是汤姆就是迈克是对的。,Either Tom or Mike is right.,例:我和他都不打算去北京。,Neither he nor I am go

20、ing to Beijing.,例:不仅汤姆而且我以前也从来没去过那儿。,Not only Tom but also I have never been there before.,be good for“对有好处”;for 后面跟名词或代词。它的反义词是 be bad for,同义词组为do good to sb.=do sb.good“对某人有好处”,词句梳理:be good for,例:晚饭后散步对我们的健康有好处。,Taking a walk after supper is good for our health.,例:在床上看书对我们的眼睛有害。,Reading in bed is

21、bad for your eyes.,1._(walk)is a good form of exercise for both young and old.2.Either Nick or I _ going to plant treesthere this week.A.is B.am C.are D.will3.Eating an apple a day is good _ your health.A.for B.at C.with D.to,Walking,B,试一试,A,试一试,词句梳理:remind的用法,7.Yellow is the color of sun,so it can

22、remind you of a warm,sunny day.(Page 27,Lines24-25),例:这首歌使我想起了我的一个老朋友。,The song reminds me of an old friend of mine.,例:别忘了提醒我把信寄了。,Dont forget to remind me to mail the letter.,例:他提醒我应该及时把信寄了。,He reminds me that I should mail the letter in time.,1.A big smile face on the paper _ you _ a happy feeling

23、.A.remind;of B.remember;to C.reminds;of D.remember;of2.His words _ me of that American professor.A.mentioned B.informed C.remind D.memorized,C,C,试一试,试一试,词句梳理:it作形式宾语的用法,8.Wearing red makes it easier for you to take actions.(Page 27,Lines 35-36),a.show off 炫耀自己,卖弄自己,例:许多学生认为学好英语是很难的。,Many students th

24、ink it hard to learn English.,1.I found _more difficult to meet my old friends.A.its B.it C.that D.that is 2._ is easy _ you to fly the kite like that.A.It;to B.That;of C.That;for D.It;for,试一试,解析1:句中it 做形式宾语,真正的宾语是to meet my old friends。因此本题答案为B。,解析2:句中it 做形式主语,真正的主语是to fly the kite like that。该句型为 I

25、ts+adj.+for sb.+to do sth.因此本题答案为D。,试一试,词句梳理:have difficulty doing,9.This can help when you are having difficulty making a decision.(Page 27,Lines 36-37),a.可数名词,作“难事、难做的事”。,b.不可数名词,作“困难、艰难、费力”,在朋友的帮助下,我克服了学习的困难。,c.without difficulty 没有困难,With the help of my friends,Ive overcome difficulties in my st

26、udy.,学生们理解这个句子有困难。,The students have difficulty in understanding the sentence.,西蒙毫无困难得完成这项工作。,Simon finished the work without any difficulty.,make a decision“做决定”,1.If you study hard at school,you will have no _(difficult)finding a job in the future.2.I have _(difficult)in explaining this work to th

27、e Japanese lady.3.I am sure you can make a good _(decide).,试一试,difficulty,difficulties,decision,试一试,词句梳理:unhappiness,10.unhappiness,近义词为sadness,反义词为happiness,adj.unhappy意为“不高兴的,不愉快的”,例:他的童年很不快乐。,He had a very unhappy childhood.,例:我祝你幸福。,I wish you happiness.,例:她的表情显露出她很不开心。,He had a very unhappy chi

28、ldhood.,1.Her _(happy)made me feel unhappy too.2.Im feeling _(happy)because I havent found my lovely dog.3.Nowadays people are living a _(happy)life.,unhappiness,unhappy,happy,试一试,试一试,同义词,同义词,happiness strongsad afraidenergetic calmaffect knowmoods hopesadness needcharacteristics,joy,powerful,unhapp

29、y,worried,lively,relaxed,influence,realize,feelings,unhappiness,require,wish,qualities,pink heat behaviour skin rainbow difficulty e-card palemood decision ps(=postscript)advise sleepy deep discover free relaxed worried promise perhaps sadness influence successfully calm require college thought sati

30、sfied unhappiness oil handbag prefer diary dark,四会单词,四会短语,四会短语,1.would rather than/prefer to 2.nothing wrong with3.look good on sb.4.a world full of colours5.the relationship between colours and moods 6.create a feeling of harmony 7.one of these colours 8.cheerup 9.for example10.in need of,11.get go

31、od marks in tests 12.have a strong personality 13.in the fitting room14.in a bad/good mood15.keep making phone calls to sb.16.give sb.some advice 17.feel a little bit stressed 18.be a good match19.look like sb.in our school20.put it on my home page,四会短语,四会句型,1.Which one do you want to wear,Eddie?2.T

32、heres nothing wrong with pink.3.Do you know how many colours there are in a rainbow?4.Colours can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad,energetic or sleepy.5.But blue looks good on you.6.This report explains what colours can do and what characteristics they represent.,四会句型,7.It could be bec

33、ause the walls were painted blue,a clam and peaceful colour.8.This can help when you are having difficulty making a decision.9.I think the best colour to represent Lisa is yellow.10.The oils she uses have different colours and smells.11.Red and white are a good match,as the powerful red balances the

34、 calm white.,四会句型,典型例题,1.Three years ago Cathy _(更喜欢)drawing to English.(08.石家庄)2.She _ _(穿上)her coat and went out.(08.无锡中考)3.-What c_ is your T-shirt?-Its red.(08.杭州)4.-Could you give me some a_ on how to learn English well?-Id be glad to.(08.恩施)5.It is my job _(introduce)the film stars from Taiwan

35、 on the show.(08.宿迁)_,preferred,典型例题,put on,olour,dvice,to introduce,短文首字母的解题技巧,通读短文知大意。2.复读短文抓信息,前后照应巧猜词。3.反复推敲多分析,慎重答题讲合理。4.认真复查全文,把握整体和词形。,短文首字母,Yellow is the colour of the sun and w.It can r you of a warm,sunny day.One of the e colours is green.It represents new life and g.It is the colour of n,

36、money and envy.If you need physical strength,you should wear red clothes because it gives you power and h.W red makes it easier for you to take action.Red can also help when you are having d_ making a decision.A reading the report about colours,can you help the following friends?Sandy should use the

37、 colour white because she w a lot and often gets stressed.Kitty should use the colour green when she feels tired or weak.It can give her energy when she dances.,emind,nergetic,rowth,ature,eat,earing,ifficulty,fter,orries,isdom,1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,9,7,1.浏览问题,通读全文。2.抓住中心句(标题,首段,每段的首尾句)。3.提高视读的速度,把逐词逐句的点式

38、阅读变 成一次扫描一句的线式阅读。4.遇到生词要沉着冷静。A.根据上下文猜测。B.利用构词法进行猜测。,阅读技巧,(A)Long long ago,seven colours were arguing about who was the most important colour.Red said,“I am the ruler of all of you.I represent blood-lifes blood!Without me,the world would be empty.”Orange said,“I am the colour of health and strength.I

39、 am so beautiful that no one can think of any of you.”Yellow said,”I bring laughter(欢笑)and warmth into the world.Without me,there would be no fun.”Green said,“I am the most important.I am the sign of life and hope.Without me,all animals would die.”Blue said,“You only think about the earth,but forget

40、 the sky and the sea.Water is the basic of life.Without me,you all would be nothing.”Purple said,“I am the colour of roalty,power and wisdom.People usually listen to me.”,阅读理解(A),Indigo finally said,“Dont forget me!I am the colour of silence.You need me for balance.”Suddenly,it started to rain.The c

41、olours were afraid and came close to one another.The rain saw this and said,“You foolish colours,dont quarrel any more.Join hands with one another and come to me.”Doing as they were told,the colours united and joined hands.A beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.The rain said,“The rainbow is a sign

42、of hope for tomorrow.Let us remember today and appreciate(欣赏)one another.”,1.Of all the seven colors,_ wanted to be the most one.A.someone B.no one C.everyone D.none2.Red thought there would be_ in the world without it.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing3.Yellow thought it was the colour o

43、f _.A.warmth and happinesss B.fun and sadness C.health and strength D.silence and balance4._ stopped them from quarrelling.A.The sun B.The moon C.The star D.The rain5.From the story,we can learn that _.A.no one is the most important at all B.everyone should be selfish C.everyone is the same,without

44、special characteristics D.we should join together and understand each other well,C,D,A,D,D,(B)According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)(疾病控制预防中心),if you dont often wash your hands,you can pick up viruses(病菌)from many places and make yourself ill.Youre at risk every time you tou

45、ch your eyes,nose or mouth.In fact,one of the most common ways people catch colds is by rubbing their noses or their eyes when there are cold viruses on their hands.If you dont often wash your hands,especially when youre sick,you may spread the viruses directly to others.,阅读理解(B),You should wash you

46、r hands in the following situations:After using the bathroom.After blowing your nose or coughing.Before eating,serving or preparing food.After toughing pets or other animals.After visiting anyone who is sick.When your hands are dirty.Theres a right way to wash your hands.Follow these simple steps to

47、 keep your hands clean.Use warm water(not cold or hot).Wash for 15 seconds.Rinse(冲洗)well under warm running water and dry them with a clean towel.,6.Whats the way to protect against the spread of illness?_7.What water shall we use to wash our hands,cold water or warm water?_8.How long is needed to wash your hands?_9.According to the passage,you must wash your hands before having,_,after using_ and visiting _people.,To wash our hands.,Warm water.,15 seconds.,serving or preparing food,the bathroom,sick,Thank You!,


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