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1、,静态图表 graph/chart,不同图形特点,动态变化图(重变化)Line:分单根和多根,变化较曲折。Pie:经常跟其他图像混搭,本身包含信息不多。静态图(重比较)Table:数字众多,信息量巨大,必须要有取舍,要把握变化最明显的。Column:提供信息大,对比明显。,题目归类,题型本质上分为两种动态图和静态图动态图(数字变化)最好用数字变化来表达静态图(数字不变)则是静态表格(纯比较)的写作模式,雅思留学小作文写作评分准则之内容,Contents:如实还原图表1.无任何个人评价,严禁出现表示观点的词和个人推断.2.不要描写全部信息(数字,事物),分清主次,动态图重在顶点底点及转折点和交汇


3、/jump/go up/climb up/soar/expand/rocket/hike/ascend/surge/boom/escalate/swell下降:decrease/fall/drop/decline/go down/climb down/slip/shrink/descend/slump/ebb/crash/collapse/plunge,稳定,震动,大约,hold steady,level off,stabilize,remain steady,stay constant,keep stable,be/remain static,be consistent,stagnateFl

4、uctuate,wave,vibrate,Vary from,Swing,Rise and fall,Increase and decrease大约:about/around/approximately/roughly/in the neighborhood of,幅度副词,显著significantly,noticeably,obviously,sharplydramatically,rapidly,steeply,immensely,considerably,markedly,unexpectedly,平缓稳定 slowly,gradually,steadily,slightly,gent

5、ly,moderately,subtly,modestly,smoothly,marginally波动 fluctuately,wavily,flexibly,数字,趋势,顶点,低点,数字:figure/data/statistics/number/percentage趋势:trend/tendency/tend to be顶点:be at its highest level/top position,reach/attain/to a peak of(maximum/peak/summit/zenith/apex/climax),或peak at这里的peak是动词底点:Hit/reach

6、a floor/bottom/base/valley,或者:bottom out(动词短语),显示,Predict,indicate,display,expose,reveal,depict,illustrate,demonstrate,reflect,unfold,take up/make up contribute/occupy/represent/account for 涉及到百分比的时候才出现,只针对于pie 和 table,线状图(动态),永远不变的小作文句型结构:主语+变化+到具体数字+时间段主语变化体现的四种变句模式(句式灵活)研究对象做主语/There be做主语/时间段(pe

7、riod做主语/变化趋势做主语/地点做主语,句型必杀技之研究对象主语,研究对象做主语The figure/data/percentage(图单位)of/in/about 研究对象 dropped/increased/fluctuated/leveled off/remained stable/was upward(图趋势)from _ to _(具体数字波动)during/betweenand,and it reached the maximum/minimum of,句型必杀技之there be主语,研究对象做主语Attention should be drawn to the contin

8、uing rise/drop/wave in/of _ from _ to _.There be 作主语There was steadying/waving/sharp/slight(用形容词表趋势)increase(名词)/upward trend in/of _ from _ to _,reaching the bottom of _.,句型必杀技之时间主语,The last half of 2008 saw the most savage decrease in demand for motor vehicles since the second world war.The bigges

9、t/quickest/most noticeable increase occurred in 2000,which saw/witnessed a growth(替换increase)from _ to _.The year between 1980 and 2000 witnessed a huge/flexible change from _ to _.,举行必杀技之趋势,地点作主语,地点做主语The place witnessed a sharp increase in sth fromtoin certain year.“趋势”做主语A very noticeable trend w

10、as the steady increase in the number of _ from _ to _ in _.The trend showed the steady increase in the number of _ from _ to _in _.,句型练习之婚礼费用,上海的婚礼的花费从96年的5万迅猛的震荡上扬到08年的120万,最终达顶点300万在09年The figure of wedding fee in shanghai boomed rapidly from 50 thousand rmb to 1 million and 200 thousand rmb betwe

11、en 1996 and 2008,reaching the peak of 3 million in 2009.,句型练习之婚礼费用,There was a sharp rocket in the weeding fee in shanghai from 50 thousand rmb to 1 million and 200 rmb thousand between 1996 and 2008,reaching the zenith of 3 million in 2009.The amazing soar of weeding fee in shanghai occurred betwee

12、n 1996 and 2008,which witnessed the upward trend from 50 thousand to 1 million and 200 thousand,reaching the climax of 3 million in 2009.,句型练习之婚礼费用,海的婚礼的花费从96年的5万迅猛的震荡上扬到08年的120万,最终达顶点300万在09年Shanghai saw a tremendous rise of wedding fee from 50,000 rmb in 1996 to 1,200.000 rmb in 2008,peaking at 3,

13、000,000 in 2009.A very noticeable trend was the steady increase in the number of wedding fee from 50,000 rmb in 1996 to 1,200.000 rmb in 2008,peaking at 3,000,000 in 2009.,句型练习之外国国籍,加入外国国籍的百分比从1995的百分之一平稳增长到2006年的百分之六.The percentage of immigrants stabilized(动词)from one percent in 1995 to 6 percent i

14、n 2006.There was a steady and smooth rise(形容词+名词)in the percentage of immigrants from one percent in 1995 to 6 percent in 2006.The past decade witnessed a stable ascendance in the percentage of immigrants from one percent in 1995 to 6 percent in 2006,句型练习之外国国籍,加入外国国籍的百分比从1995的百分之一平稳增长到2006年的百分之六.Som

15、e immigrating countries witnessed a sharp soar of the percentage of immigrants from one percent in 1995 to 6 percent in 2006.The immigrating trend showed the steady increase in the one percent in 1995 to 6 percent in 2006.,Structure 结构,Introduction 总起段(介绍图表)Body 主体段(具体数字波动)Conclusion 总结段:趋势或对比,背景句介绍

16、题目四要素:图表类型,图表研究对象,图表趋势,图表时间,万能Opening,Opening的四要素:As is shown/displayed/revealed/in the(1)图的类型,the(2)图的单位(number/amount/percentage/figure)of 图的主题(3)图的趋势fluctuate/rise/fall/change(4)(图的时间)fromto,万能opening,前半句:As we can see from the 图的类型,According to the information described in the 图的类型,后半句:There is

17、a dramatic/slight/flexible 图的趋势 in 图的主题 in 图的时间,The educational background of employees in a company,The column graph shows the changes of educational levels of staff members in a company in the year of 1991,1996 and 2000.,The percentage of energy source in America,According to the pie graphs,there

18、is a dramatic change in the percentage of the energy sources of the united states in 1970 and 1980.,*动态图经典第一段概括趋势句(高分较难),位置:写在第一段第二句目的:概括出总趋势,给读者以宏观把握All trends can be categorized into groups(项目)/stages(时间)with(后面写趋势).举例:All trends can be categorized into 3 groups with fluctuating in A,rising in B a

19、nd falling in C.,概括句示范,All the trends can be categorized into 3 groups with a sharp increase in docotor,a fluctuation in bachelor and dramatic decline in secondary.,概括句示范,概括句练习一,概括句答案,All trends can be categorized into 2 stages with the dominance of the proportion of population aged 65 and over in A

20、merica and Sweden before around 2030 and the prevalence of that in Japan after 2030.,P72 All statistics can be categorized into 3 stages with the equilibrium均势 of/in the birth and death rates in the first decade of the 20th century,the predominance of birth rate in the following two decades,and the

21、predominance of death rate from 1930 to 1970.All statistics can be categorized into 2 groups with general increase in sales from 1991 to 2000 and fluctuating in profits in the same period.,All the statistics could be categorized into 2 stages with the prevalence in cinema specatators before 1960 and

22、 the domination in tv popularity after that year.All the trends could be categorized into 2 groups with a sharp increase in the attendance of tv and a general decrease in the popularity of cinema.,不一定用写总分句的情况,当然也可以简化的写成之表示项目1.部分饼图和表格(无数字变化的情况下)2.曲线既没有相交且趋势相同3.所有静态图且没有特征变化,Body段写法,1.一般来讲,两根线分两段,如果大于三

23、根线,使用上升下降关系分段,如同为上升或下降则用更相同趋势的线来分段.2.后面的话参考句型必杀技进分类详细数据描写.,衔接手段,After/before(之后)There was a rise,before(然后)the number went down.After a rise,there was a decrease,before the number remained stable.which was followed by There was a rise,which was followed by a decrease.,衔接手段练习,before乘客人数在1974年和1991年由于

24、衰退和海湾战争而下降,之后持续上升。The numbers of passengers fell in the recession year of 1974,and in 1991,the year of the Gulf war,before continuing upward.,衔接手段练习,自从八十年代早期,铁路使用一直增长;然而当地的公车使用却一直下降到99年,之后小幅增长。从1997/1998年开始到2000/2001年一直下降,在接下来的4年中每年都维持在21%水平,然后继续下降至2004/2005年的19%,Rail use has been increasing,in gene

25、ral,since the early 1980s,while the number of journeys on local buses continued to fall until 1999,before increasing slightly.It fell from 1997/98 to 2000/01,and then levelled off at 21 per cent for each of the four years to 2003/04,before falling again by 2004/05 to 19 per cent.,小作文练习P83,Direction:

26、The graph represents birth and death rates in a developing country.As can be seen from the diagram,the two curves illustrate the fluctuation of birth and death rates in the first seventy years of this country in a developing country.,Over the period from 1900 to 1910 the death rate remained constant

27、.In 1910,however,it rose rapidly and reached the peak of 60 per thousand in 1920.From 1920 to 1940 the death rate fell down sharply.There was a slight increase between 1940 and 1950,and after 1950 it began to decline again.,On the other hand,before 1920 birth rate almost leveled off.Then 1930 witnes

28、sed a drop in the per thousand of 30 roughly.From 1930 to 1940 there was a significant growth,which followed by a steady shrink after 1940.From the chart,it can be seen that the birth rates and the death rates had different trends.When the birth rates jump,the death rates go down accordingly.,两根线图,T

29、he graph below shows radio and television audiences throughout the day in 1992.Radio and television audiences in the UK,October-December 1992,Radio and television audiences in the UK,October-December 1992,首段,The graph shows the percentage of radio andtelevision audiences over 4 years old in the UKth

30、roughout the day from October to December1992(总趋势).The figure reveals that before 2:00pm there were more radio audiences,while after2:00 pm more people turned to television.(总结),广播听众,The data indicates that radio listeners increasedsubstantially before 8:00 am,when thepercentage amounted to a peak o

31、f 27%.Thepercentage then declined steadily to 11%at 4:00pm,which was followed by a slight increase to15%at 5:00 pm.However,from then on,therewas again a gradual decrease to 2%until 4:00am,when the percentage bottomed out.Theperiod from 4:00 am to 6:00 am saw anotherslight rise to 4%in radio listener

32、s.,电视观众,As for TV viewers,the percentage went up from6:00 am to 8:30 am,when there was a levelingoff at 8%until 10:00 am.After a slight decrease,the percentage rose sharply to 15%between 12pm and 2 pm,before it dropped slightly.Thepeak(45%)was reached at 8:00 pm after amassive rise from 14%since 3:0

33、0 pm.However,the period between 8:00 pm and 3:00 am saw aSlump in television viewers.The percentagereached the bottom of 3%at 3:00 am,whenthere was a slight rise afterwards.,结论,Through the line chart,we can easily draw the conclusion that before 2:00 pm,the number of radio audiences was larger than

34、that of TV viewers.After that,more UK residents chose to watch TV instead of listening to radio.Overall,in these 24 hours,the TV viewers were more than the radio audiences.,首段,The line diagram shows the proportion of people in Japan,Sweden,and USA aged 65+from 1940 and the expected proportions up to

35、 2040.,From 1940-1990,the proportions of people aged 65+in the USA and Sweden are similar and follow the same trend.In 1940 the figures were 9%and 7%respectively,rising to15%and 14%respectively in 1980,before dipping to 14%and 13%respectively in 1990.Thereafter,Americans proportion of people aged 65

36、+leveled out and is forecast to remain at 14%until 2020,after which it is expected increase to 23%in 2040.However,Swedens proportion of people aged 65+began to rise after 1990.This increase is forecast to continue until 2010 when the proportion is estimated to be 20%.Then,there is expected to be a s

37、light drop to 18%in 2030,followed by a steep climb to 25%in 2040.,日本,The situation in Japan differs considerably,with a fall in the percentage of people aged 65+between 1940(5%)and 1960(3%).The percentage remained steady until 1985,where upon it began to climb.This rise is projected to continue unti

38、l around 2030,when the proportion of Japanese aged 65+is expected to reach 10%.Thereafter,within just a few years,the proportion is forecast to rise dramatically to 25%,with a less dramatic rise to 27%in 2040.,结论,According to the graph,before the year 2030,the portion of population in Japan who aged

39、 65+was less than that of in Sweden and America,and after that it is more than the others.,多线图,The graphs below show the number of men and women in full and part-time employment in Australia between 1973 and 1993,首段,The curves reveal the percentage of men and women of different age groups in full an

40、d part-time employment in Australia between 1973 and 1993.The data relates that there were always more full-time males and less part-time males than their female counterparts.,The graphs for full-time males show that there were always more full-time males in 1973 than in 1993.In 1973 the percentage

41、of full-time males increased massively before age 25,when the percentage leveled off at 90%-95%until age 55,which was then followed by a dramatic decrease.The graph for 1993 shared the same tendency,while the percentage began to plummet at the age of 45,ten years earlier than in 1973.,As for full-ti

42、me females,before age 25 there were more women participating in full-time employment in 1973,while after that age 1993 saw more women.In 1973,the percentage was 47%at age 15 and soon reached a peak of 55%at age 20,which was followed by a dramatic drop until age 25.The figure continued to decline to

43、28%until age 30,when there was a gradual increase afterwards.However,after age 45,full-time females again declined.A similar trend was seen in 1993.Nevertheless,at age 15,only 20%of females participated in full-time employment in 1993,27%less than in 1973.,As to part-time employment,in 1993 both mal

44、es and females outnumbered their counterparts in 1973 by 10-20%,which was obviously distinct with full-time employment.For males,in 1993,the percentage slumped from 23%at age 15 to 8%at age 25,which was followed by a very small decrease until age 40,when there was a gradual rise afterwards.Then the

45、percentage dropped again after age 60.The difference between part-time males in 1973 and 1993 was in 1973 after age 35 the percentage did not decline until age 65.For females,in 1993,the percentage slumped from 30%at age 15 to 20%at age 20,and then remained stable until age 25,which was followed by

46、a massive rise to 30%at age 35,when the figure dropped continuously afterwards.,In conclusion,the most significant feature reflected by these figures is that the percentage of people working in Australia increased in all four groups except the group of full-time males.In addition,the percentage of w

47、orking teenagers rose in part-time groups while dropped in full-time groups.,线图总结,选择单词(上升,下降,波动,平稳以及表示幅度的副词)4类句型(There be,横坐标时间,纵坐标数值,地点)选择关联词(after than,then,before,follow,when)伴随状态表达进一步的说明(with,more specificly)结论或开头需要点明特殊点,或者作细节总结两条曲线时:第一条曲线(事物)单独写;描述第二条时适当提及第一条曲线(事物)作对比(或者第二条曲线也单独写,然后在结尾作大致走向的对比)

48、,饼状图,占据:take up/make up/occupy/account forConstitute/be the instrument of 致成物剩余事物the restthe remainder Sth is in the charge of due to/owing to/attributed/ascribed to/forsth,饼状图卓尔不群的表达,60%=three-fifths/three out of five5/6=five-sixths 史上最难读a/the majority of=a large portion/part/share/proportion/perce

49、ntage80%(93%)=a lions share/maximal proportion of5%=a minority of,a tiny portion37.8%=comparatively a majority of(50%的最大值)87%/76%=comparatively a minority of,倍数表示法,while Nuclear rocketed by 10 times.while the percentage of Nuclear was 11 times/eleven-fold that of its counterpartwhile there was an in

50、crease of 10 times in Nuclear.,比较和倍数练习,俄罗斯,乌克兰,和塔吉克斯坦的比例翻了一倍多,自从1990年社会主义垮台后。美国占据世界上百分之45%的军费支出,达到2007年的1.2trillion,比其他十四个最大国家加在一块都要多。男性每小时的总收入比女性高百分之17.4%.,Rates in Russia,Ukraine and Tajikistan have more than doubled since the collapse of Communism in 1990.America accounted for 45%of the worlds mi


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