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1、Unit6 Im going to study computer sciencePeriod4 Section B 1a-1e,1.能说出、写出 p44页的单词和词组:resolution,team,foreign,New Years resolution,make the soccer team2.重点掌握以下句型:what are you going to do next year?Im going to take guitar lessons.How are you going to do that?Im gong to study hard and get good grades.运用

2、1c,1d 听力材料,训练听力。能用英语谈论自己的新年计划。,学习目标,预习:我会读,我会认在书上标记并熟读 P43出现的单词和词组。,resolutionNew Years resolutionteammake the soccer teamforeignget lots of exerciseeat healthier food learn to play the pianoget good grades,决定新年决心队;组组建足球队外国的多锻炼吃更健康的食物学弹钢琴取得好成绩,预习检测:我会读,我会认,我会写用英语说出、读出 P43出现的单词和词组。,resolutionNew Year

3、s resolutionteammake the soccer teamforeignget lots of exerciseeat healthier food learn to play the pianoget good grades,决定新年决心队;组组建足球队外国的多锻炼吃更健康的食物学弹钢琴取得好成绩,Lead in,T:Today is November XX,a new year is coming.The plan you make for yourself on New Years Day are called New Years resolution.What are y

4、our New YearsresolutionS:,A:What are you going to do next year?B:Im going to,Look and learn,take guitar lessons,learn to play the piano,make the soccer team,learn a foreign language,A:What are you going to do next year?B:Im going to,Lead in,eat healthier food,get good grades,get a lot of exercise,Ne

5、w Years resolutions,1.learn to play the piano2.make the soccer team 3.get good grades 4.eat healthier food 5.get lots of exercise,1,2,5,4,3,1a,Next year,Im going to:,独立完成,组内互查,限时2分钟。,把图画和文中的“新年计划”匹配起来,在图画上标上1-5的顺序。,A:What are you going to do next year?B:Well,Im going to take guitar lessons.I really

6、love music.A:Sounds interesting.Im going to learn another foreign language.B:Are you?Great!But foreign languages are not for me.,1b,合作学习,1.learn to play the piano2.make the soccer team 3.get good grades 4.eat healthier food 5.get lots of exercise,告诉你的同桌你明年准备做什么,学习要求:1)1号和3号 2号和4号练习2)全班展示,1C,合作学习,1.仔

7、细看图,组内讨论,回答问题。,1)What are they doing?,They are talking,2)What are they talking about?,Maybe they are talking about their NewYears resolutions.,T:yes,next lets listen to the tape!You will hear Lucy,Kim,and Mike talking about their New Years resolutions.Circle the resolutions you hear in 1a.,learn to

8、play the pianomake the soccer teamget good gradeseat healthier foodget lots of exercise,听1c的听力,在1a中圈出你所听到的新年计划。,1c,自主学习,独立完成,组内互查,限时2分钟。,1d,听1d,听出Lucy,Kim and Mike是准备怎么样去做来实现他们的新年计划的,Shes goingto_and_ every day.,Hes going to practice really hard,and this summer hes going to _.,自主学习,独立完成,组内互查,限时2分钟。,

9、take piano lessons,study hard,do her homework,a soccer camp.,1e,become stronger,get a lot exercise,take piano lessons,be a musician,合作学习,两人一组,交流展示。,列举一系列其它的计划和决定,你准备让它怎么样实现,然后跟你的组员进行讨论。,A:I want to be a teacher.B:How are you going to do that?A:Well,Im going to study hard and get good grades.B:Sounds

10、 like a good plan.I want to get a lot of exercise.,能力培养相应内容 独立完成,全班展示交流,成果展示,Unit6 Im going to study computer sciencePeriod5 Section B 2a-2e,Study goal,1.学习P45新词18个2.掌握词组 be able to,make promises,at the beginning of,write down,have to do with,take up,too to,make resolutions3.理解文章大意,找出并标记 P45出现的单词和词组

11、。,ablebe able toquestion meaning discusspromise beginning at the beginningimprove,能够adj能够做某事怀疑;提问v.意义;意思n.讨论;商量v.承诺,许诺n.v.开头n.在.开始改进;改善,1.组长领读;2.组内熟读;3.先完成的组PK展示。,预习,write downphysicalthemselveshave to do withself-improvementtake uphobbyweeklyschoolwork,写下;记下身体的他们自己关于;与.有关系自我改进学着做业余爱好每周的功课,用英语说出 P45

12、出现的单词和词组。,ablebe able toquestion meaning discusspromise beginning at the beginningimprove,能够adj能够做某事怀疑;提问v.意义;意思n.讨论;商量v.承诺,许诺n.v.开头n.在.开始改进;改善,1.组长领读;2.组内熟读;3.先完成的组PK展示。,预习,write downphysicalthemselveshave to do withself-improvementtake uphobbyweeklyschoolwork,写下;记下身体的他们自己关于;与.有关系自我改进学着做业余爱好每周的功课,跟

13、你的同桌讨论下面两个问题,2a,1.Did you make any resolutions last year?what were they?2.Were you able to keep them?Why or why not?,Yes,I did.We made the soccer team.,Sure.Because I practiced soccer really hard.And we made our soccer team.,组内讨论,全班交流答案,合作学习,Lead in,T:I believe everyone has his resolutions.Thats to

14、say,resolutions are here and there in our life.Now we will do some reading to understand resolutions better.,2b,快速阅读2b,为教材提供的三个主题句找到相应的段落。,_ To question the idea of making resolutions_ To give the meaning of resolution_ To discuss the different kinds of resolutions,Paragraph 3,Paragraph 1,Paragraph

15、2,最迅速,自主完成,组内交流,仔细的阅读2b,将2c的句子放到文章中去。,These are about making yourself a better person.For example,a student may have to find more time to study.C.There are good reasons for this.D.The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions.,2c,自主完成,组内交流,1.能够做某事2.意义,意思3.表示疑问,提问4.讨论,商量5.在开始6.承诺7.写下8.

16、自我改进9.关于,与有关系10.身体的,1.be able to 2.meaning3.question4.discuss5.at the beginning of6.promise7.write down8.self-improvement9.have to do with10.physical,1.Do you know what a resolution is?Its a kind of promise.Most of the time,we make promises to other people.(“Mom,I promise Im going to tidy my room wh

17、en I get back from school.”)However,promises you make to yourself are resolutions,and the most common kind is New Years resolutions._ When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year,we hope that we are going to improve our lives.Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming

18、 year.This helps them to remember their resolutions.Others tell their family and friends about their wishes and plans.,D,Its a kind of promise.2.However,promises you make to yourself are resolutions,and the most common kind is New Years resolutions.,我是小小翻译家:,它是一种承诺。,然而你给自己的承诺就是决心,最平常的一种就是新年决心了。,3.Wh

19、en we make resolutions at the beginning of the year,we hope that we are going to improve our lives.our lives.当我们在一年开始的时候下决心,我们希望能够改善自己的生活。,2.There are different kinds of resolutions.Some are about physical health.For example,some people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise program

20、or eat less fast food.Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement._ Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos,or learn to play the guitar.Some resolutions have to do with better planning,like making a weekly plan for schoolwork._,A,B,4.For example,s

21、ome people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food.,我是小小翻译家:,例如,一些人向自己保证他们准备开始一个锻炼计划或少吃快餐。,3.Although there are differences,most resolutions have one thing in common.People hardly ever keep them!_ Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.Som

22、etimes people just forget about them.For this reason,some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions!How about you-will you make any next year?,C,1.Some resolutions have to do with better planning,有些决定与合理的时间规划相关,,have to do with表示“与相关;与有关联或有关系”。e.g.Good grades have to do with good stud

23、y habits.2)此句中的planning为名词,表示“计划;规划”等意思,如:city planning(城市规划)等。英语中better planning类似汉语中的“合理规划.2.tooto是一种固定结构,表示“太而不能够”。e.g.The kid is too young to go to school.这孩子太小,不能上学。=The kid is so young that he cant go school.=The kid isnt old enough to go to school.,疑难点拨,3.promise n.承诺;诺言 v.许诺;承诺;答应 Eg:He prom

24、ised to help me.他许诺过要帮助我。Eg:Once you make a promise,you should keep it,and you shouldnt break it.一旦你许下诺言,你就得遵守你的诺言,而不应当违背你的诺言。Eg:I promised you not to stay that.我答应你不说那件事。词组:make a promise/make promises 许下诺言 keep a promise/keep promises 遵守诺言 break a promise/break promises 违背诺言 promise sb.to do sth.许

25、诺某人干某事,再次阅读2b,回答下面的问题,What is a resolution?_2.When do people make resolutions?_3.Why do people usually make resolutions?_4.How can people remember their resolutions?_,Its a kind of promise.,They hope that they can improve their lives.,At the beginning of the year.,2d,Some people write down their res

26、olutions and plans.Some people tell their family and friends about their wishes and plans.,自主完成,组内交流,5.How many kinds of resolutions does the writer talk about?_6.Why do you think resolutions may be difficult to keep?_7.Do you think the best resolution is to have no resolutions?Why or why not?_,Thre

27、e kinds of resolutions:physical health,self-improvement and better planning.,Sometimes they may be difficult to keep or sometimes people just forget about them.,No,I dont.Because resolutions can help us try our best.,2e,找出下面的短语在文中的句子并用他们造句。,have to do with(与.有关)_make promises(做出承诺)_have in common(有共

28、同之处)_write down _for this reason(由于这个原因)_take up(开始从事)_,Bad grades have to do with bad study habits.,Dont make promises easily.,People have something in common.,Please write down these notes.,For this reason,Im late.,When I was 20 years old,I began to take up teaching English.,1.在的开端 _2.写下;记录下 _3.关于

29、;与.有关系 _4.学着做;开始做 _5.有相同之处 _6.太而不能 _7.向某人许诺 _8.提高某人的生活 _,at the beginning of,write down,have to do with,take up,too to,make promises to sb.,improve ones life,have something in common,成果展示1,能力培养相应内容 独立完成,全班展示交流,成果展示2,Unit6 Im going to study computer sciencePeriod6 Section B 3a-3c,学习目标,1.学习P 47 新词组 ow

30、n,personal,relationship.2.复习be going to结构的用法。3.为自己的将来做打算以及为了实现自己的目标安排好自己的日常行为,做有理想有追求的人。,预习:我会读,我会认在书上标记并熟读 P47出现的单词和词组。,ownpersonalrelationshipimprove my physical healthtake up a new hobbylisten to musiclearn to do sthimprove relationship with family and friends,自己的;本人的个人的;私人的关系;联系改善我身体的健康开始一种新的爱好听

31、音乐学做某事改善与家人和朋友的关系,预习检测:我会读,我会认,我会写用英语说出、读出 P47出现的单词和词组。,ownpersonalrelationshipimprove my physical healthtake up a new hobbylisten to musiclearn to do sthimprove relationship with family and friends,自己的;本人的个人的;私人的关系;联系改善我身体的健康开始一种新的爱好听音乐学做某事改善与家人和朋友的关系,Do you have any New Years Resolutions?What is i

32、t?,Lead-in,My New Years Resolution has to do with self-improvement.Im going to take up violin.Im going to take violin lessons every weekends.,My New Years Resolution has to do with physical health.Im going to eat less fast food and do lots of exercise.,Resolutions _ promises to yourself.They may _ t

33、o make you a better person and to make your life easier.I am going to _ four resolutions.The first resolution is about my own personal improvement.Next year,or maybe sooner,I am going to _ up a new hobby.I think singing _ a great activity so I am going to _ to sing.I think this will also make my fam

34、ily happy because they love to _ to music and sing together.,take,listen,make,is,help,learn,are,are,help,make,3a,用方框里单词填空。,take,is,learn,listen,自主完成,组内交流,1.Ideas for improving my physical health _2.Ideas for improving my relationships with my family and friends _3.Ideas for doing better at school _

35、_,get more exercise;,help mom cook meals;,eat more vegetables/healthy food,play games with friends,3b,自主完成,组内交流,make a weekly plan for schoolwork;,work hard,在3b中列出三项计划,第一项计划关于身体健康;第二项计划关于人际交往;第三项计划关于提升学习。,The second resolution is about improving my physical health._The third resolution is about impr

36、oving my relationships with my family and friends._The last resolutions is about how to do better at school._,3c,Im going to get more exercise and eat more vegetables.,根据3b中的要点提示,模仿3a中的写作方式,将自己的新年决心依次写在每个相关的决心里。,自主完成,组内交流,Im going to help mom cook meals and do the dishes.Im going to play games with

37、my friends.,Im going to make a weekly plan for schoolwork.Im going work hard at English and math.,能力培养相应内容 独立完成,全班展示交流,成果展示,Unit6 Im going to study computer sciencePeriod7 Section B 4-Self Check,学习目标,1.重点词组:computer science,study there for four days.2.复习be going to结构的用法。3.能用英语谈论未来的理想。,Were going to

38、make subway better.Then people dont have to drive to work._._ _5._,4,Were going to plant more trees and flowers around the city.,Were going to go to school or work by bike.,Were going to help clean the streets and parks on the weekends.,Were going to use more cleaner energy.,想出一个计划使你的城市更加干净和绿化,puter

39、 programmer medicine2.engineer computer science3.doctor math4.basketball player science5.scientist P.E.,Self Check,1.把工作和学科匹配起来,然后造句。,I want to be a compute programmer,Im going to study computer science.2.I want to be an engineer.Im going to study math.,自主完成,组内交流,A:What do you _ to be when you grow

40、up?B:I want _ a scientist.A:Wow!That sounds cool.But its also difficult._ are you _ to do that?B:After I finish high school,Im _ to go to university.A:_ are you _ to study?B:In Hefei.Im _ to study there for four years.A:I think I want _ a teacher.Im _ to teach in Wuhan.,2.Fill in the blanks in the c

41、onversation.,want,to be,How,going,going,自主完成,组内交流,Where,going,going,to be,going,Tomorrow,Im going to _.Next week,_.Next month,_.Next year,_.,play soccer with my friends in the park,Im going to visit my grandparents in Shanghai with my family,3.写出你的计划,Im going to take up chess in our school chess club,Im going to learn to swim with my uncle.Hes a great swimming player,自主完成,组内交流,练习册SectionB 独立完成,全班展示交流,成果展示,


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