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1、Reading,Tasks for preview,2.Design some questions.,Groups 1 5(Para 1-4),Groups 610(Para 5-8),1.Read the whole letter fluently.,Fantasyland,Adventureland,Main Street USA,Tomorrowland,Answer the questions,1.Has Kitty been in HK for a whole week?2.Can you say out the names of four different parks in HK

2、 Disneyland?3.Is Space Mountain a fantastic theatre?4.What did Kitty think was the best part of the day?,5.What did the performers do while they marched across the park?6.What was a three-D film like?Why did she think so?7.What did they do at the end of the day?,1.have a fantastic/great time(doing),

3、2.include V.包括;包含;列在里面,e.g.除了我们的亲戚,我们把我们的好朋友也列入了名单。,Besides our relatives,we included some of our close friends in the list.,Language points,A lot of houses were on fire,including Mr.Whites house.,旅游行程中包括了参观科学博物馆。,The trip included a visit to the Science Museum.,很多房子着火了,包括怀特先生的房子。,including prep,6.c

4、ant stop doing,He couldnt stop chatting with his classmate.The teacher got very angry.,他在课堂上不停地与同桌讲话。老师很生气。,He sat there all night,playing the piano.,7.They waved to people while they marched across the park,singing and dancing all the way.,他坐在那儿,弹了一整夜的钢琴。,孩子们互相看着,做着鬼脸。,The children looked at each o

5、ther,making faces.,Fill in the blanks,1.They bought some _(文具)for me.2.Do you like those _(people who perform in a play).3.The book i_ three interesting stories.4.Every day he spends half an hour _(read)English.5.How _(beautiful)he is dancing!6.I dont like the cartoon c_ in this film.,stationery,per

6、formers,ncludes,reading,beautifully,haracters,Phrases,玩得开心整天一个著名的主题公园在入口处一个确实让人激动的过山车高速移动在整个行程中一家快餐店对感兴趣例如,have a fantastic timethe whole daya famous theme parkat the entrancea really exciting roller coastermove at high speedthrough the whole ridea fast food restaurantbe interested in(doing)sthsuch

7、as,情不自禁做某事下午晚些时候一天中最精彩的部分穿着不同的服装向挥手一路上唱着跳着开心的尖叫观看3D电影像魔术一样闻到苹果派的味道,cant stop doinglater in the afternoonthe best part of the daywear different costumeswave toall the wayscream with joywatch a three-D filmbe like magicsmell the apple pie,感受到风买一些纪念品在结束时观看焰火看起来闪闪发光在焰火的映衬下总共给某人看是中国风格的,feel the windbuy s

8、ome souvenirsat the end ofwatch fireworkslook shiny and beautifulunder the fireworksin allshow sth to sbbe in Chinese style,Fill in the blanks with the given words:,Your job(include)taking good care of these flowers.2.I have to prepare food for seven people(include)me.3.You can(enter)the cinema from

9、 this(enter).4.One of the(attract)in Beijing is the Palace Museum.5.How did you go to Disneyland?-I(ride)there.It was a two-hour(ride).,includes,including,enter,entrance,attractions,rode,ride,6.Did you watch the _(perform)yesterday?-Yes.The(perform)all wore special costumes.7.The sun(shine)brightly

10、on that(shine)morning.8.The children all(clap)when they heard this news.,performance,performers,shone,shiny,clapped,Suppose you are guides from Disneyland,try to introduce the things to do in each park in groups.,Group work,Try to retell,at the entrance,take photos(fountain),Tomorrowland,Space Mount

11、ain,one ofroller coaster,at high speed,through the whole ride,a fast food restaurant,have lunch,Fantasyland,Sleeping Beauty Castle:meet Disney charactersTake photos.,Fantasyland,parade:wear andwave to,all the waychildren:clap andscream with joy,watch a three-D film,Adventureland,watch the great show

12、,Main Street USA,buy souvenirs,Sleeping Beauty Castle,watch fireworks,Complete the article:,Kitty has been in Hong Kong for two days.Her parents and she are having,there.Today,they in Hong Kong Disneyland.Its a and four different parks.First,they in front of the whale fountain at the entrance.Then t

13、hey went to Space Mountain,in Tomorrowland.It is a really exciting roller coaster.It moved,and they screamed and laughed.After they had lunch,they Fantastyland.Kitty met many of her favourite Disney characters there,Sleeping Beauty,Snow White,Alice and Cinderella.,a fantastic time,美妙的时光,花了一整天,spent

14、the whole day,著名的主题公园,famous theme park,包括,includes,拍照,took photos,吸引人的地方之一,one of the attractions,高速,through the whole ride,at high speed,整个行程中,冲到,rushed to,例如,such as,She taking photos with them because they all.The parade was.The performers all and while they.the park.The children.After the parad

15、e,Kitty watched a three-D film.It was because she could and feel the wind when Donald Duck was flying with Aladdin in the sky.After the Lion King Show in Adventureland,Kitty and her parents went to.in Main Street USA.,情不自禁,couldnt stop,看起来如此漂亮,可爱,looked so nice and cute,这天最好的部分,the best part of the

16、day,穿不同的服装,wore different costumes,向人们挥手,waved to people,行进穿过,marched across,愉快地拍手,尖叫,clapped and screamed,with joy,像魔法,like magic,闻到苹果派,smell the apple pie,买纪念品,buy souvenirs,they.in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle.The castle and beautiful under the fireworks.They stayed at the park for about twelv

17、e hours.It was a really exciting trip.,在这天结束的时候,At the end of the day,watched fireworks,看烟火,看起来闪闪发光,looked shiny,总共,in all,Translations:,1.这只小狗看起来真可爱,我情不自禁给它拍了照片。2.当他们行进穿过公园时,我们鼓起掌来。3.我肯定你们这次旅行会玩得很开心。4.高速驾车很危险。,The little dog looked so cute and I couldnt stop taking photos for it.,We were clapping w

18、hile they were marching across the park.,Im sure you will have a fantastic time during the trip.,Its dangerous to drive at high speed.,5.他在办公室里总共呆了20个小时。6.观赏烟火是这一天最棒的部分。7.这个婴儿在整个行程中都在睡觉。8.全世界有许多著名的公园,例如迪斯尼乐园。,He stayed in his office for twenty hours in all.,It was the best part of the day to watch fireworks.,The baby was sleeping through the whole ride.,There are many famous parks all over the world,such as Disneyland.,Homework,1 Recite the passage.2 Finish the workbook.,


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