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1、9A Unit 5 Revision,Films,Task1:Key words,努力进入工业,产业法语,法国人的坚持不久立即,马上终身,一生著名的,众所周知的遍及,贯穿超过献身,致力于给予表扬,荣誉颁发,授予出声地,大声地,effort,enter,industry,French(France),insist,shortly,immediately,lifetime,well-known,throughout,beyond,devote,honour,present,aloud,牛仔呼吸(n.)爆米花故事,传说影响,作用认为,考虑寂静,沉默无论如何,cowboy,breath,popcorn

2、,tale,effect,consider,silence,anyway,词汇识记:易拼错的单词:attract mourn industry environment president present peacefully terrible 2.词形变换:act_/_(名词)lose_(名词)attract_(形容词)peacefully_(名词)terrible_(副词)final_(副词)well-known_(同义词),actor,actress,loss,attractive,peace,terribly,finally,famous,吸引,哀悼,授予,平和地,工业,环境,总统,糟糕

3、的,词汇识记,根据中英文提示及句意填词,每空一词After Roman Holiday,Audrey Hepburn became famous _(立即).2.The old man died of _(癌症).Yao Ming is very _(有经验的)in playing football.The whole country were all_(哀悼)Cong Feis death deeply.Jack was _(授予)with the Medal of Hero because he saved others lives.6.Can you buy some _(爆米花)for

4、 me on your way home?,immediately,experienced,mourning,presented,popcorn,cancer,4.Her beauty a_ the writers a_8.Gongli is one of the famous a_9.The world m_ the loss of the great man10.He put his e_ into his teaching.11.That event m_ the beginning of her career12.He likes horror films _(include)Love

5、 Boat13.Do you still remember her last_(appear)on TV?,appearance,ctresses,ourned,ffort,arked,including,ttracted,ttention,14.The two events are _(in a close manner)connected15.When she died,the world _(feel sad)of her16.Do you know the _(a person whose job is to write books)of the novel?17.She is _(k

6、nown to many people)for beauty18.The article wants to _(make sb remember or think of)us to protect ourselves.19.We _(find sb or sth)that we got lost at last20.Audenry_(pass away)peacefully in her sleep,closely,mourned,writer,well-known,remind,discovered,died,We can call this kind of movies _(west)fi

7、lms.At the age of 63,Audrey passed away _(peace)in her sleep.23.Although Mary is not a beauty,many people say she has charm and is _(attract).24.The knock on the door broke the _(silent)in the room just now.25.Mr Green put a lot of _(努力)into arranging the concert.26.Edison was well-known because of

8、his special _(achieve)in science.27.The students all stood up when the teacher _(进入)the classroom.,western,peacefully,attractive,silence,effort,achievements,entered,Task 2:Phrases,1.不但而且(谓语就近)2.停止做白日梦3.哀悼的失去/损失4.上芭蕾舞课5.把某人全部的努力投入到,not only.but alsonot,not just.but also,stop daydreaming,mourn the los

9、s of,take ballet lessons,put all ones effort into,6.进入电影业7.吸引某人的注意力8.扮演的主角9.标志着的开始10.在某人的一生中11.最后一次在电影中露面12.超过;超越13.将奉献于(做)某事14.与在一起密切工作15.(平静地)死去,enter the film industry,attract ones attention,play the lead role of,mark the beginning of,during/in ones lifetime,make ones final appearance in films,go

10、 beyond,devote to(doing)sth.,work closely with,pass away(peacefully),16.适合于(所有年龄的人)17.与某人相爱(与某人坠入爱河)18.对某人有坏的影响19.有幸福的结局20.在(表演)方面有经验21.因而出名23.更多四个,be suitable for(all ages),fall in love with sb.,have a bad effect on sb.,have happy endings,be experienced in(acting),be well-known for=be famous/known

11、for,four more=another four,24.在她的整个演艺生涯中25.作为而记住某人26.授予某人某物27.患癌症28.她最后一次散步29.十天后(常用于过去时中)30.在岁时,throughout her acting years,remember sb.as.,present sb.with sth.,have cancer,take her last walk,ten days later,at the age of,31.持续(时间)32.为某人赢得某物33.感到恐惧34.上气不接下气35.以结尾37.以开始38.最好(不)做某事39.上演;上映;播放40.表演技巧(演

12、技)41.全世界,last for,earn sb.sth.,feel scared,out of breath,end with,start/begin with,had better(not)do sth.,be on,acting skills,all over the world,Task 3:Language points:,entrance,v.进入,enter,come/go into,She entered the room and closed the door.,她走进了房间,关上了门。,n.入口,在入口处,at the entrance,=,She went into t

13、he room and closed the door.,=,译林牛津版,坚持,坚决主张,坚决认为 坚持某事/做某事 insistthat从句(虚拟结构)某人坚持认为,1根据汉语意思完成句子他们坚持要邀请她。They _ that she(should)be invited.他坚持卖一些牛奶。He _ some milk.=He _-_ some milk.2单项填空()They insist on _ their music late at night.AplayingBplay Cto play Dplayed,insisted,A,insisted on buying,insisted

14、that he should buy,insist vt.,insist onsth/doing sth,译林牛津版,prep.超过,超出 表示范围、水平、限度、能力等,意思是“超出;多 于;为所不能及”。在句中常作表语、定语或状语。,()Can he take charge of(管理)the computer company?Im afraid its _ his ability.AbeyondBwithin Cof Dto,A,She was really touched _,她确实感动得无法形容。,beyond words,beyond,He _ his career.Adevoted

15、 to Bdevoted forCdevoted himself to Ddevoted himself for,译林牛津版,vt.奉献,贡献 devote to sth/doing sth 致力于,献身于;专心于 注意 与devote搭配的to是介词,而不是动词 不定式符号,所以后面要接名词、代词或动名词。,C,devote,他已经为他的家庭献出了自己的一生。,He has devoted his whole life to his family.,All her time _the experiment,she has no time to see the film A.devote to

16、 do B.devoted to doing C.devoting to doing D.is devoted to do,他致力于帮助穷人。,He devoted himself to helping the poor.,D,译林牛津版,n呼吸;气息 vt.&vi.呼吸;呼气;吸气 屏息,暂时停止呼吸 喘不过气来 喘粗气/呼吸急促 深深地吸一口气,breath,breathe,hold ones breath,out of breath,breathe heavily,_,and then you may feel relaxed.,深深地吸一口气,那样你就会觉得很放松。,昨天他跑到学校时,

17、气喘吁吁。,When ran to school yesterday,he breathed heavily,=,When ran to school yesterday,he was out of breath,Take/Draw a deep breath,take/draw a deep breath,v.n.影响 sth/sb affect sth/sb What he said _ us very much.What he said has a bad_ on us.,affected,effect,affect,effect,have a bad effect on,影响某事/某人

18、,不健康的饮食对我们健康有坏的影响,An unhealthy diet has a bad effect on our health.,对 有坏的影响,译林牛津版,vt.考虑,认为 把看作被动语态:被看作consider that从句 认为consider+it+形容词/名词+不定式短语。认为做某事是,consider,consideras,be considered as,At first they considered me as a doctor.,起初他们认为我是医生。,Youd better consider my suggestion.,你最好考虑我的建议。,We consider

19、 it hard to study English well.,我们认为学好英语很难。,We consider that the music is well worth listening to.,我们认为这首音乐很值得一听。,姚明被认为是一名伟大的篮球运动员,Yao Ming is considered as a great basket player.,译林牛津版,vt.颁发,授予,赠送赠送给某人某物(1)present adj.在场的,现在的(2)present n礼物,赠送物,present,present sb with sthpresent sth to sb,目前,现在,at p

20、resent,He often gave his neighbors kids little presents.,他常常送些小礼物给邻居的孩子。,They presented him with some flowers.,他们献给他一些鲜花。,not onlybut also,Not only he but also I am a student.,Not only I but also he likes playing basketball.,就近原则,不但而且,不仅他而且我是一个学生。,不仅我,而且他喜欢打篮球.,Not only his parents but also he_(be)i

21、nterested in the film.Not only he but also his parents _(be)interested in the film.,is,are,eitheror neithernor,bothand,注意:,(adj.),(n.),attract,vt.吸引;引起,attractive,attraction,The Summer Palace is one of the tourist _ in Beijing.It is such an _ place that it _ a number of visitors.,attractions,attract

22、ive,attracts,(1)._ he can help you with your English.(2).He _ late for the meeting because of the snow.(3).He _ forgot to bring his homework here.(4).He _ go sightseeing with his parents.,Perhaps/Maybe,may be,probably,probably,perhaps,maybe,may be,probably,would like,would rather,had better,a.would

23、like+to do sth.想要做某事=want to do sth.,I would like to go on a picnic.=I want to go on a picnic.,b.would rather:宁愿,宁可(表示选择),Id rather you didnt tell him the truth.,c.had better:最好(表示提建议),Youd better take an umbrella with you.,我想去野餐。,我宁愿你没告诉他真相,你最好带上雨伞。,I think you had better not give up your plan.,我认为

24、你最好不要放弃你的计划。,Task 4:Grammar,用 should,ought to,had better,have to,must 表示建议,We should We had better We ought to,We have to We must,keep healthy.,in a gentle way,in a more forceful way,We shouldnt We ought not to Wed better not,We dont have to We mustnt,in a gentle way,in a more forceful way,tell lies

25、.,用 why not,why dont you,perhaps 表示建议,Why not drink some water?,Why dont you drink some water?,Perhaps you should drink some water.,What/How about drinking some water?,Why not/Why dont you 后面跟动词原形,.Perhaps 常用于句首,后面跟句子What/How about 后接动名词形式,More practice,1.My mother was ill.I _ stay at home to look a

26、fter her.A.must B.have to C.could D.can,B,2.-_ go shopping with your father?-Thats a good idea.A.Why dont B.Why not C.Do D.Does3.You _ give up smoking.A.would better B.had better C.would better to D.had better to,B,B,4.Why dont you _climbing with us tomorrow?A.to go B.going C.go D.goes5.Cars _ stop

27、when the traffic lights changes to red.A.can B.may C.must D.need,C,C,6.Its too hot.Perhaps you _ swimming this afternoon.A.must go B.should go C.may go D.can go7.To make our hometown more beautiful,you _throw rubbish into the river.A.neednt B.mustnt C.must D.need,B,B,8.How interesting the news is!Wh

28、y _ join us?A.wont B.no C.dont D.not,D,句型转换:Wed better put all the things in order.否定 We _ _ _ put all the things in order?2.You should keep quiet while watching films.同义 You _ _ _ _ while _ are watching films.3.They ought to go now.(改反义疑问句)They _ go now.4.Why dont you come a little earlier?(同义句)_ _

29、 come a little earlier?5.Why not go to school?(同义句)Lets go to school,_ _?,had better not,ought to be quiet,should,Why not,shall we,you,Daniel arrived out of breath he had gone to the wrong cinema.,上气不接下气,had+过去分词,过去完成时:,表示过去某个动作之前所发生的动作,即过去的过去。,肯定句:sb.had done sth.否定句:sb.had not/hadnt done sth.疑问句:H

30、ad sb.done sth.?,常用的时间状语:by+过去的时间(by 2000,by 9 a.m.yesterday,by the end of last term)b.在when,before,after引导的时间状语从句中(e.g.When we got to the station,the train had left.),用所给词的适当形式完成句子:The bus _(leave)when we got to the bus stop.2.The film _(be)on when Jim arrived at the cinema.3.Lily said she_(learn)E

31、nglish for 3 years.4.He _(not go)to bed until his father came back.5.She_(not get)a letter since she came to Nanjing.6.Where did you go?-I _(go)to the post office.,had left,had been,had learnt,hadnt gone,hadnt got,had gone,综合时态填空:1.We _(learn)2000 English words since we came to this school.2.The tea

32、cher said we _(learn)2000 English words since then.3.We _(learn)500 words last term.4.We _(learn)2000 words by the end of last term.,have learned,had learned,learned,had learned,5.The film _(begin)when I got to the cinema.6.The film _(be)on for 10 minutes when I got to the cinema.,had begun,had been

33、,一、完成句子1、不仅他想成为电影明星,而且他的姐姐也想成为电影明星。_ wants to become a film star.2、章子怡在这部动作片担任了主角。Zhang Ziyi _ in this action film.3、我们的 校长将他的一生都奉献给了教育事业。Our principal _ the educational career.4、不健康的网站对孩子的身心有不良影响。Unhealthy websites _ a childs body and mind.5、在1998年,汤姆被她的美丽所吸引并爱上了她。In 1998,Tom _ her.,Not only he but

34、 also his sister,played the lead role,devoted all his life to,have a bad effect on,was attracted by her beauty and fell in love with,()1.She _a model before she_a superstar A.have been,became B.had been,become C.had been,became D.has been became()2.I cant decide which film to watch._ you read the fi

35、lm review?A.why not B.Lets C why dont D.perhaps.()3._people came to the meeting._people is 5000.A.A number of,the number of B.The number of,a number C.A number of,a number of D.The number of,the number of.()4.He said he _ the film already.A.had seen.B,has seen.C.have seen.D saw,A,A,c,C,()5.His mothe

36、r will come back _.A.nearly B.hardly C.shortly D.really()6.Not only_but also_ is interested in music.A.they,Jim B.Jim,they.C.Jim,his parents.D.they,their friends()7.He told us the event by _ us the pictures.A.show B showed C.showing D shown()8.What do you think _the film?A.on B about C over D.to()9.

37、Little Tom says he is good _ TV.A.for B.to C.in D.at()10.We _ about 1200 words by the end of last term.A.learned B.have learned C.learn D.had learned,C,A,C,B,A,D,()11.I think her acting skills will become _ in the future.A.even good B,even better.C.more better.D.much good.()12.He devoted his efforts

38、 _ children.A.to educating B.educate C.education D.educating()14.Ought you_hands before having meals?A.to wash B.wash C.washing D.not wash()15.You _ tell your parents before you go out A.had to B.had better C.had better not to D.would like()16.The play will be _ on the evening of 28th A.in B.on C.at

39、 D/,B,A,A,B,B,British Milkman Steve Leech saved some shops and flats with milk and won a National Bravery Award(国家勇敢奖).Leech,35 years old,said that when he was sending out milk as u 1 along Pine Street,he s 2 heard a loud,strange sound behind him and then he saw smoke coming out of a shop in Cornwal

40、l,southern England.“That must be a fire,I t 3”Leech said.“Then I quickly d 4 to do something.So I p 5 the door in and then I s 6 for the people inside.Then I started pouring milk e 7”He used 320 pints of milk to stop the fire.When firefighters r 8 the shop,the fire was under control.Leech helped save the l 9 of eight people in the flats above the shops.“It was hard work o 10 all those bottles.But it was even harder trying to tell my boss where all the milk had gone,”Leech said jokingly.,opening,lives,reached,everywhere,shouted,pushed,decided,thought,suddenly,usual,Thank you!,


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