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1、Unit Ten,Ode to Public Transport,Unit Ten,Ode to Public Transportode d a poem that speaks to a person or thing or celebrates a special event 颂诗;颂歌Keatss Ode to a Nightingale 济慈的夜莺颂transportation trnsp:ten 不可数名词=transportthe transportation industry运输业,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,A

2、US Congressman once proclaimed that,There can be no doubt that the transportation sector is the most critical sector of our economy.一位美国国会议员曾经说过,“毋庸置疑,交通业是我们经济中的支柱行业。”,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,Congressman kgrsmn n.国会议员proclaim prklem verbto publicly and officially tell people a

3、bout sth important 宣布;宣告;声明The charter proclaimed that all states would have their own government.宪章规定,各州皆允建立各自的政府。sector sekt(r)nouna part of an area of activity,especially of a countrys economy(尤指一国经济的)部门,领域,行业the manufacturing sector制造业,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,critical krtk

4、l adj.=crucial extremely important because a future situation will be affected by it 极重要的;关键的;至关紧要的a critical factor in the election campaign竞选活动的关键因素,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,I know exactly what he means.(承上启下句)In this day and age,access to transportation is considered a neces

5、sity.我很清楚他的意思。在如今这个时代,交通出行已是生活中必不可少的部分。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,necessity nsesti 可数名词 a thing that you must have and cannot manage without 必需的事物;必需品Many people cannot even afford basic necessities such as food and clothing.许多人甚至买不起食物和衣服之类的基本必需品。,Text A:The Importance of Public

6、 Transportation,Public transportation is defined as a service that is available for use by the general public.It is a cheaper and environmentally friendly alternative.公共交通被定义为能为大众所使用的一种服务。它是一种相对便宜并且对环境有利的出行方式。alternative:lt:ntv noun a thing that you can choose to do or have out of two or more possib

7、ilities 可供选择的事物You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly;those are the two alternatives.你的工资可以按周以现金支取,或按月以支票支取。二者可选其一。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,It is not a transportation service that you can arrange privately to suit your own personal convenience(although you may,to

8、a certain extent,such as paying for a cabin or suite on a train or ship)公共交通不是那种根据个人需求而随意安排的交通服务(虽然在某种程度上也可以这样做,比如说你可以付钱包下火车或船上的一个包厢),,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,It is not a transportation service that you can arrange privately to suit your own personal convenience(although you m

9、ay,to a certain extent,such as paying for a cabin or suite on a train or ship)公共交通不是那种根据个人需求而随意安排的交通服务(虽然在某种程度上也可以这样做,比如说你可以付钱包下火车或船上的一个包厢),,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,arrange rend verbto plan or organize sth in advance 安排;筹备Can I arrange an appointment for Monday?我可以安排星期一约见吗?pri

10、vately pravtl adv.私下地,不公开地;私自;a privately owned company 私营公司cabin kbn a small room on a ship in which you live or sleep(轮船上工作或生活的)隔间suite swi:t a set of rooms,especially in a hotel(尤指旅馆的)一套房间,套房a hotel/private/honeymoon suite旅馆/私人/蜜月套房,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,since you have to

11、 consider other passengers who are riding and making similar arrangements with you.因为你需要考虑那些和你一起并和你做相似安排的其他乘客们。ride rad usually+副词或介词短语 to travel in a vehicle,especially as a passenger 搭乘;乘坐She rode the bus to school every day.她每天乘公共汽车去上学。to ride the subway/an elevator,etc.乘地铁、电梯等,Text A:The Importa

12、nce of Public Transportation,I have experienced first-hand how important public transportation is.公共交通有多重要,我亲自经历过,所以深有体会。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,I live in Saipan,a US territory and the closest things we have to public transportation are tourist and school buses.You have to ha

13、ve your own car or bike,rent a car,or pay upfront for a taxi to go from point A to point B.我住在美国塞班,在那里只有游客公交和学生公交这种公共交通工具。你不得不拥有自己的私家车或者自行车,或者租一辆汽车,或者付费搭乘的士从一个地方到另一个地方。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,territory tertri noun a country or an area that is part of the US,Australia or Canad

14、a but is not a state or province(美国)准州;(澳大利亚)地区;(加拿大)地区Guam and American Samoa are US territories.关岛和美属萨摩亚是美国的准州。upfront pfrnt adj.paid in advance,before other payments are made 预付的;预交的There will be an upfront fee of 4%.将收取4%的预付费。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,Otherwise you end up b

15、asked(使沐浴)in sweat and sunburn traveling to work every day.When I first came here,I walked.I walked going to and from work.I walked to the store and lugged(使劲拉)my heavy groceries back to the house.否则你就只能每天走去工作,太阳当空,大汗淋漓。当我刚来这里的时候,去哪儿我都步行,我步行上下班,步行去商店,然后徒步拖着大包小包的东西回家。,Text A:The Importance of Public

16、Transportation,bask b:sk(in sth)to enjoy sitting or lying in the heat or light of sth,especially the sun 晒太阳;取暖We sat basking in the warm sunshine.我们坐着享受温暖的阳光。bask in sthto enjoy the good feelings that you have when other people praise or admire you,or when they give you a lot of attention 沉浸,沐浴(在赞美

17、、关注等中)He had always basked in his parents attention.他一直沉浸在父母的呵护中。sunburn snb:n 不可数名词 the condition of having painful red skin because you have spent too much time in the sun 晒斑;晒伤,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,lug lg 动词+名词短语,+副词或介词短语(informal)to carry or drag sth heavy with a lot of

18、 effort 吃力地搬运;用力拖;使劲拉I had to lug my bags up to the fourth floor.我只得费劲地把我的几个包拖上五楼。grocery grsri 复数 food and other goods sold by a grocer or at a supermarket 食品杂货,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,I walked to church and I barely got to go to places farther than a twenty-mile radius from

19、my house since I did not own a car then,and I considered renting a car and riding a taxi such an expense for a starting single mother like I was at that time.我步行去教堂,由于没有小汽车,而且租辆小车或者打的对于当时我这样一个年轻的单身妈妈来说是笔不小的开支,所以我很少去离家超过20英里远的地方。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,barely beli adv.in a way

20、 that almost does not happen or exist 几乎不;几乎没有She barely acknowledged his presence.她只略微向他打了个招呼。radius redis round area that covers the distance mentioned from a central point 半径范围;周围They deliver to within a 5-mile radius of the store.他们在距离商场5英里的范围内送货上门。expense kspens nounmoney spent in doing a parti

21、cular job,or for a particular purpose 开支;花费;费用living/household/medical/legal,etc.expenses生活费用;家庭开支;医疗、律师等费用,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,For me,public transportation is very important because of the following reasons:于我而言,公共交通非常重要,主要是因为以下几个原因:1.It saves money.1节约开支,Text A:The Impor

22、tance of Public Transportation,According to research done by the American Public Transportation Association(美国公交协会),individuals can save up to$9,515 annually by parking their cars at home and using public transportation instead.根据美国公共交通协会的一项研究,如果把车停在家里而使用公共交通工具,每个人每年可以节省9515美元。,Text A:The Importance

23、 of Public Transportation,individual ndvdul nouna person considered separately rather than as part of a group 个人The competition is open to both teams and individuals.团队和个人均可参加比赛。annually njuli adv.once a year 一年一次地The exhibition is held annually.这个展览每年举行一次。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transporta

24、tion,In this economy,saving money has become a main concern in most households.With the rising prices of fuel and other vehicle-related expenses,doing the public commute(通勤)to work and school certainly saves money.在如今的经济形势下,如何攒钱已成为大部分家庭关注的主要问题。随着油费的不断上涨和其他与车辆相关的开销日益增大,使用公共交通上下班和去学校毫无疑问能节省很多钱。,Text A

25、:The Importance of Public Transportation,household hashld noun all the people living together in a house 一家人;家庭;同住一所房子的人Most households now own at least one car.大多数家庭现在至少有一辆汽车。vehicle vi:kl noun a thing that is used for transporting people or goods from one place to another,such as a car or lorry/tr

26、uck 交通工具;车辆motor vehicles(=cars,buses,lorries/trucks,etc.)机动车辆commute kmju:t the journey that a person makes when they commute to work 上下班路程a two-hour commute into downtown Washington去华盛顿中心区两小时的上下班路程,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,2.It helps the environment.2有利于环境When you switch from

27、 driving your car to taking public transport,you are reducing your carbon footprint(碳足迹;碳排放量)and making a great step forward in saving the environment.当放弃开小车而改乘公共交通工具时,你正在减少二氧化碳的排放量并为拯救地球环境而贡献自己的力量。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,switch swt verb(sth)(over)(from sth)(to sth)|(between

28、A and B)to change or make sth change from one thing to another(使)改变,转变,突变Press these two keys to switch between documents on screen.按这两个键就可以在屏幕上的文件之间进行切换。carbon k:bn 不可数名词(symbol C)a chemical element.碳carbon fibre碳纤维footprint ftprnt nounthe amount of space that sth fills,for example the amount of sp

29、ace that a computer takes up on a desk(某物所占的)空间量,面积,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,The environmental costs of individuals using their cars every day have done massive damage to the environment and if the majority or all individuals like you and me use public transport instead,think o

30、f what good we could do for the environment.开私家车出行对环境造成极大的破坏,如果大多数人都能像你我这样使用公共交通工具的话,那么我们的环境就会好多了。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,massive msv adjextremely large or serious 巨大的;非常严重的The explosion made a massive hole in the ground.爆炸在地面留下了一个巨大的坑。majority mdrti 单数名词+单数/复数 动词(of sb/sth)t

31、he largest part of a group of people or things 大部分;大多数The majority was/were in favour of banning smoking.大多数人支持禁烟。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,3.It will wean(使戒除)us out of energy dependence.3逐步减少对能源的依赖,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,wean wi:n 动词+名词短语 sb/sth(off/fro

32、m sth)(婴儿或动物幼崽)断奶wean sb off/from sthto make sb gradually stop doing or using sth 使逐渐戒除恶习(或避免依赖)The doctor tried to wean her off sleeping pills.医生设法使她逐渐停止服用安眠药片。dependence dpendns(on/upon sb/sth)the state of needing the help and support of sb/sth in order to survive or be successful(生存或成功必需的)依靠,依赖,依

33、存the dependence of Europe on imported foods欧洲对进口食物的依赖,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,According to a paper made by Dr.Jean-Paul Rodrigue and Dr.Claude Comtois,transportation accounts for(占比例;解释)approximately 25%of world energy demand and for more than 62%of all the oil used each year.

34、根据JeanPaul Rodrigue和claude comtois博士所写的一篇文章,交通所耗费的能源大概占世界能源需求的25,每年的耗油量超过62。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,approximately prksmtli adv.used to show that sth is almost,but not completely,accurate or correct 大概;大约;约莫The journey took approximately seven hours.旅程大约花了七个小时。,Text A:The Impo

35、rtance of Public Transportation,Ninety-five percent of transportation is almost completely reliant upon petroleum products with the exception of railways using electrical power.除了铁路使用电力外,95的交通基本上完全依赖于石油产品。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,reliant rlant adj on/upon sb/sth needing sb/sth

36、 in order to survive,be successful,etc.依赖性的;依靠的The hostel is heavily reliant upon charity.这家收容所在很大程度上依赖赞助。petroleum ptrlim 不可数名词 mineral oil that is found under the ground or the sea and is used to produce petrol/gas,paraffin,diesel oil,etc.石油;原油,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,except

37、ion ksepn with the exception ofexcept;not including 除之外;不包括在内All his novels are set in Italy with the exception of his last.他的小说除最后一部外全是以意大利为背景。without exceptionused to emphasize that the statement you are making is always true and everyone or everything is included 一律;无一例外All students without excep

38、tion must take the English examination.所有学生都必须参加英语考试,无一例外。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,While the use of petroleum for other economic sectors,such as industrial and electricity generation,has remained relatively stable,the growth in oil demand is mainly attributed to the growth in

39、transportation demand.而其他使用石油的经济领域,诸如工业和电力行业都保持相对稳定,石油的需求日益增加主要归因于交通需求的增长。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,electricity lektrsti 不可数名词 电;电能a waste of electricity浪费电stable stebl adj.firmly fixed;not likely to move,change or fail 稳定的;稳固的;牢固的stable prices稳定的价格attribute trbju:t sth to sth

40、to say or believe that sth is the result of a particular thing 把归因于;认为是由于She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck.她认为她的成功来自勤劳和一点运气。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,When we strengthen our public transportation services,we are consequently lessening this oil demand and

41、dependence.It will also motivate us to consider alternative energy and fuel resources.当我们加强公共交通服务时,相应地也在减少对石油的需求和依赖,这同时也激励我们考虑可替代的能源和燃料资源。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,consequently knskwntli adv.as a result;therefore 因此;所以This poses a threat to agriculture and the food chain,and co

42、nsequently to human health.这会对农业和食物链造成威胁,由此而危及人的健康。lessen lesn verbto become or make sth become smaller,weaker,less important,etc.(使)变小,变少,减弱,减轻to lessen the risk/impact/effect of sth减少某事物的风险/影响/效果,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,4.It provides ease and convenience.4为人们提供舒适感和便利Having p

43、ublic transportation definitely eases some of the burdens of people who do not have cars or prefer not to own one.使用公共交通毫无疑问会减轻那些没有车或者不打算买车的人们的压力。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,ease i:z Noun.the state of feeling relaxed or comfortable without worries,problems or pain 舒适;安逸;自在;无忧无虑In

44、 his retirement,he lived a life of ease.他退休后过着悠闲舒适的生活。Verb.to become or to make sth less unpleasant,painful,severe,etc.(使)宽慰;减轻;缓解The plan should ease traffic congestion in the town.这项计划对城里的交通拥挤状况应该有所缓解。,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,definitely defntli adv.a way of emphasizing that

45、sth is true and that there is no doubt about it 肯定;没问题;当然;确实I definitely remember sending the letter.我记得这封信肯定发出去了。in a way that is certain or that shows that you are certain 确切地;明确地;清楚地The date of the move has not been definitely decided yet(=it may change).搬迁日期还未完全确定下来。,Text A:The Importance of Pub

46、lic Transportation,They are provided with choices to use public transport.Public transportation also provides valuable services not just to local inhabitants in the area but to tourists as well.他们可以选择使用公共交通工具。公共交通不仅为当地的居民而且也为游客提供服务。inhabitant nhbtnt a person or an animal that lives in a particular p

47、lace(某地的)居民,栖息动物the oldest inhabitant of the village这个村最老的居民,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,When a tourist visits a place,which does not have public transportation,their choices are limited and the experience they get is limited,too.当游客来访一个没有公共交通工具的地方,他们的选择就会受限,他们的旅游经历也会受到相应的限制。,Text

48、 A:The Importance of Public Transportation,All in all,public transportation improves our way of life,strengthens the community,provides new jobs for the public and gives us a cleaner environment.总而言之,公共交通改善我们的生活,加强社区之间的联系,为公众提供新工作,并且还给予我们一个更加清洁美好的环境。All in all,it has been a great success.总的来说,非常成功.,Text A:The Importance of Public Transportation,Phrases and Expressionsbask in 晒太阳;取暖account for 数量上、比例上占be reliant upon 依赖;依靠be attributed to 把归因于,认为是由于 attributeto 归因于,归功于all in all 总的来说,大体而言;总而言之;总之;归根结蒂;,


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