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1、2013七年级下册Unit1-unit2,复习,Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?单元大归纳,短语归纳play chess 下国际象棋play the guitar 弹吉他speak English 说英语English club 英语俱乐部talk to sb.跟某人说play the violin 拉小提琴,play the piano 弹钢琴play the drums 敲鼓make friends with sb.和某人结交朋友do kung fu 会打功夫tell stories 讲故事play games 做游戏on the weekend=on wee

2、kends(在)周末,play+棋类/球类 下棋,打球play the+乐器 弹/拉乐器be good at doing sth.=do well in doing sth.擅长做某事be good with sb.善于与某人相处need sb.to do sth.需要某人做某事,can+动词原形 能/会做某事a little+不可数名词 一点儿join the club 加入俱乐部like to do sth.=love to do sth.喜欢/喜爱做某事want to do sth 想做某事,典句必背,-Can you draw?-Yes,I can./No,I cant.What cl

3、ub do you want to join?I want to join the chess club.,You can join the English club.Sounds good.I can speak English and I can also play soccer.Please call him at 12345.,1.Can you _ English?A.speak B.talk C.sayD.tell2.Can he _ basketball?A.playB.plays C.playing D./3.My brother wants_ the chess club.A

4、.joinB.to join C.joins D.join to,A,A,B,4.Mary can play the chess_ she cant swim.A.and B.or C.but D.so5.His brother plays _ piano every day.A./B.a C.an D.the,C,D,写出以下俱乐部名称,看谁写的即快又正确。,艺术俱乐部_音乐俱乐部_ 象棋俱乐部_游泳俱乐部_ 足球俱乐部_,the art club,the music club,the chess club,the swimming club,the football club,用所给词的适

5、当形式填空.,1.Beethoven is a famous_(music).2.My uncle has three _(boy).3.There are two _(piano)in the music club in our school.4.These _(kid)are very lovely.5.He can _(play)the drums.,musician,boys,pianos,kids,play,1.Can you help me_ my English?A.with B.of C.about 2.Bob can play_ basketball but cant pla

6、y_ violin.A.the,theB./,/C.the,/D./,the 3.Miss Read is good _ music.She can be good _children in the music club.A.at,at B.with,with C.at,with D.with,at,A,D,C,4.Hi.Can I help you?_ A.Yes,please.B.No,I cant C.Yes,I can 5.Can he _ it in English?A.speak B.speaks C.say D.talk,A,A,Unit 2What time do you go

7、 to school?,1.go to school去上学2.take a shower洗澡3.brush ones teeth刷牙,4.in the morning/afternoon/evening在早上/中午/晚上 on Friday morning 在星期五的早上5.do ones homework做作业,6.listen to 听7.get to到达8.get up起床9.at night 在夜晚10.go to work去上班,Write to sb.给某人写信do morning exercise 做早操Its time to do sth.是做某事的时候have time to

8、 do sth有时间做某事dont have much time to do sth.没很多时间做某事,关于时间的问法,(1)以“when”提问,“什么时候?”可以是较长的时间段,也可以是具体的时间点。When is your birthday?My birthday is October 29th.(这里就是指一天的时间段)When do you go home?I go home at 4:30.(这里when问的是具体的时间。),(2)what time通常用来提问具体的在几点钟:What time is it now?Its 9:30.,(二)时间表达法,时间前通常用at at 5 o

9、clock 在五点整 at 7:30 在七点半1.点钟数+分钟数:eg:6:15 six fifteen 7:29 seven twenty-nine,2.分钟数+past+点钟数(分钟数不超过30分)6:15 a quarter(刻钟)past six3.差分钟数+to+下一点钟数(分钟数超过30分)例如:5:45 a quarter to six,【经典例句】Please write and tell me about your morning.【点拨】tell意为“讲,告诉”,常见结构:tell sb.sth.告诉某人某事 例:I can tell you a secret.tell s

10、b.about sth.告诉某人有关某事 例:Tell me about your morning.,tell sb.(not)to do sth.告诉某人(不要)做某事 例:Tell him not to sleep late.告诉他不要睡太晚。,Complete the sentence with at,in or on.(用at,in 或on完成句子。),1.Mike goes to school seven oclock the morning.2.Mr.and Mrs.Jackson dont go to work Sundays.3.Bob often listens to mus

11、ic 6:00 p.m.4.Jims birthday is April 18th.5.My mother usually does housework the evening.,at,in,on,at,on,in,Multiple choice(单项填空),1.Jim,dont talk Bill and listen me,please.A.with;atB.to;withC.to;toD.at;to,c,2.Thanks for me the good news.A.to tell B.tellsC.tellingD.tell,c,3.What time does June after

12、school?A.do her homeworkB.does her homeworkC.do her homeworksD.does her homeworks,4.What time is it?.A.Is about four thirtyB.Its about four halfC.About thirty past fourD.Its about half past four,d,填空,-你通常几点钟起床?-我通常在五点整起床。-_ do you _ get up?-I usually _ up _ five oclock.,What time,usually,get,at,-她通常几点钟去上学?-她通常在七点整去上学。-What time _ she usually _ _ _?-She usually _ to school _ seven oclock.,does,go to school,goes,at,Try your best in the first month exam!GOOD LUCK!,


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