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1、Xizhai Middle School of Songzi zhen Wuyu 2013-08-28,How often do you exercise?,Unit 2,writing,Section BThe Sixth Period,Every day,Eat fruit/vegetablesDrink milkSleep 9 hoursDo exercise,healthy lifestyle,Never,Drink coffee/wineEat junk food,How can we keep healthy?,Never,Eat fruit/vegetablesDrink mil

2、kDo exerciseOftenSleep 4 hoursDrink coffee/wine,Unhealthy lifestyle,A healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.,Good food and exercise help meto study better.,What does a healthy lifestyle help us?,健康的生活方式对我们有什么帮助?,Every day,Eat fruit/vegetablesDrink milkSleep 9 hoursDo exercise,healthy lifestyle,

3、Never,Drink coffee/wineEat junk food,Never,Eat fruit/vegetablesDrink milkDo exerciseOftenSleep 4 hoursDrink coffee/wine,Unhealthy lifestyle,Look at the information in the chart and complete the report.,3a,more than 超过,多于,不仅仅,相当于 over.在句型转换中考查两者的同义替换。反义词组为:less than.I lived in Shanghai for more than/

4、over ten years,Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States.American teenager magazine asked her about her habits.Jane has a lot of good habits.She always exercises and she reads books _.Also she _drinks juice and she _stay up late.However,she has some bad habits,too.She _watches T

5、V for more than two hours a day,and she _eats hamburgers.Her parents are not very happy because she _helps with housework and she _goes to the dentist for teeth cleaning.She says she is afraid!,every day,often,hardly ever,often,sometimes,hardly ever,never,3a,Look at the information and complete the

6、report.,Complete the chart with your own information.In the last column,use expressions like always,every day,twice a week and never.,3b,exercise,eat a lot of vegetables,always,eat fruit,every day,every day,drink milk,every day,eat junk food,twice a week.,sleep eight hours,every night,drink juice,ne

7、ver,Im very healthy.I exercise every day.I usually run to school.And my eating habits are good.I always eat rice for meals and try to eat a lot of vegetables.And I eat fruit and drink milk every day.I never drink coffee.Of course,I like junk food,too.but I try to eat it only twice a week.Oh,and I sl

8、eep eight hours every night.So you see,I look after my health.And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.Good food and exercise help me to study better.,Writing,Complete the chart with your own information.In the last column,use expressions like always,every day,twice a week and never.,3b,exe

9、rcise,eat vegetables,hardly ever,twice a week,eat fruit,never,drink milk,never,go to KFC,three or four times a week,sleep eight hours,every night,drink coffee,twice a day,Writing,I think Im kind of unhealthy.I hardly ever exercise.I eat fruit twice a week.I never eat vegetables.And I dont like to dr

10、ink milk at all.I love junk food.I usually go to KFC and eat junk food three or four times a week.I love to drink coffee,too.So maybe Im not very healthy.but I have one healthy habit,I sleep for eight hours every night.,Write a report about your good and bad habits.Say how often you do things.Use th

11、e report in 3a as an example._,3c,4,1,Complete the chart activities you do and dont do.What about your mother/father?,Self Check,I,My mother or father,always,usually,often,sometimes,Hardly ever,never,often,sometimes,hardly ever,never,Talk about your mother.,Review,always,usually,do housework,watch T

12、V,exercise,go shopping,read,use the Internet,I alwaysin the morning.I often,but sometimes I And I hardly ever I never.,often,sometimes,hardly ever,never,always,Write five sentences using the information above._,2,Fill in the blanks in the conversation.A:What do Tom and Mike _ do on weekends?B:They s

13、ometimes go to the museum.A:_ do they go to the shopping center?B:_ ever.Maybe about twice a month.A:_ do they watch TV?B:Mike never watches TV,but Tom watches TV _ day.A:Oh,Im just like Tom.I _ watch TV,too.,usually,How often,Hardly,How often,every,always,3,1、你父亲周末经常做什么?What _ your father usually_

14、_ _?2、你多久打扫一次你的卧室?_ _ do you clean your bedroom?3、母亲说这对我的健康有益。Mother _its _ _ my health.4、你每晚睡几个小时?_ _ hours do you _ every night?5、一些学生每周看电视4到5次。Some students watch TV _ _ _times.,完成句子,每空一词。,does,do,on,weekends,How,often,says,good,for,How,many,sleep,four,or,five,二、用所给词的正确形式填空1.I look after my and I

15、 am.(health)2.My teacher wants me(write)a letter to you.3.They(hard)go out of this small town.4.The boy is trying(climb)up the tree.5.This word is(difference)from the other.6.We must do eye(exercise)every day.7.My mother(have)a healthy lifestyle.She eats(little)junk food but more vegetables.8.I prac

16、tice(speak)English every day.9.What can I do(improve)my math?10.Jim often(play)computer games.,health,healthy,to write,hardly,to climb,different,exercises,has,less,speaking,to improve,plays,三.汉译英 1.我经常帮他学英语。(help with)2.这个故事我读了好几遍了。(have read.some times)3.我将在这待一段时间。(some time)4.几乎没有剩下的食物。(hardly)5.你

17、多久锻炼一次?(how often)6.我用刀切面包。(use)7.吃蔬菜对你有益(be good for)8.农场上有多少个工人?(How many)9.玛丽问我关于我生日聚会的一些事情。(ask sb.about sth.)10.他发现没有人能回答他的问题。(find)11.我发现他正站在门口(find)12.男生中的百分之七十喜欢电脑游戏。(percent)13.没有一个人知道这个问题的答案。(the answers to the questions)14.尽管下了一天雨了,但是那些男孩们仍在外面玩耍(although)15.我认为对于动物来说呆在笼子里是没有益的。(is good fo

18、r)16.他通过他的朋友得到了这份工作。(through)17.来和我们一起过周末吧。(spend)18.我害怕乘飞机旅行。(be afraid to do sth.)19.有些小孩怕黑。(be afraid of sb./sth,)20.我们在这儿住了不到两年(less than six),My cousin sister,She usually exercises three times a week.After she gets up,she usually goes running and does other exercise for half an hour.This can he

19、lp her to keep healthy.She goes shopping once a week and goes to see her parents once a month.Her eating habits are good.She often eats many vegetables and fruit,and she doesnt eat too much meat and junk food.She hardly ever drinks coffee and sometimes drinks cola.And she likes watching TV every day,but not too long.I think her lifestyle is very healthy.,写作,Early to bed and early to risemakes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.早睡早起身体好。,Thank you,An apple a day keeps a doctor away.,一天一个苹果,医生不找我,Thank you for your listening!,


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