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1、36“记”之生物保护,核,心,单,词,1._ n野生动植物2danger n危险3protect v保护4_ n保护5_ n成长;增长6natural adj._7affect v影响8effect n影响9peace n和平;和睦;安宁10_ n方便;便利,wildlife,protection,growth,自然的,convenience,11expand v扩张;扩展12_ n扩张;扩展13residential adj._14attention n注意15wild adj.野生的16advantage n_17_ n弊端18beauty n美;漂亮19_ adj.和谐的20harmon

2、y n和谐,expansion,居住的,好处;利益,disadvantage,harmonious,特别关注 expand(3年2考)Perhaps the best reason for exploring space is this genetic tendency to expand wherever possible.无论在哪里,人类总有向外扩张的遗传倾向,这也许是 对为什么要探索外空最好的解释。The railway will be extended next year.明年将要延长这条铁路。He stretched himself out on the beach,bathing

3、in the sun.他平躺在海滩上,沐浴着阳光。,expand/extend/stretch(1)expand(使)(尺寸、数或数字等)扩大,增加(活动量),扩 大(活动范围)。(2)extend延伸,延长(建筑或道路、时间等),扩大(控制、影响力等)。(3)stretch拉紧(绳子),伸长(脖子),伸臂/腿/伸展身体(以健 身),stretch oneself out(on)平躺。,核,心,短,语,1.bring about带来2result _导致3die out灭亡;逐渐消失4tear down拆掉;拆毁5in peace和平地;和睦地;安祥地6_ danger(of)在危险中;垂危7

4、protect._.保护不受(危害)8_ a.rate以比率9ought to应该;理应10as for至于,in,in,from,at,11have an effect on 对产生影响12raise the awareness of.唤醒的意识13take action采取行动14lead to导致15be concerned _关注;担心16pay attention to注意17live in harmony _.与和谐相处18_ the end最终19as a result结果20have a bad influence on.对产生不良的影响,about,with,in,核,心,语

5、,句,1.Many people are concerned about the disappearing of animals and plants.很多人为动植物的消失而担心。2We should raise the public awareness of protecting the wildlife.我们应该唤醒大众对于野生动植物的保护意识。3With economic development and population growth,the city size grows larger and larger,which has a bad influence on the farm

6、land.随着经济的发展和人口的扩张,城市不断地扩大,这对农田带来了不良的影响。,4Many animals are in danger,so we should pay attention to wildlife protection.很多动物都处于危险中,因此我们应该注意野生动植物的保护。5As a result of economic development and population growth,many animals are in danger.由于经济的发展和人口的扩张,很多动物面临着危险。6If we dont take action to protect wildlife

7、,they will die out some day.如果我们不采取行动保护野生动物,有朝一日它们将全部消亡。7Peoples overhunting resulted in some animals dying out.人们的过度捕杀导致了一些动物的灭绝。,8City expansion brings about both advantages and disadvantages.城市的扩张同时带来了利和弊。9Only in this way can we live in harmony with the animals.只有这样我们才能与动物和谐相处。10Only when we pro

8、tect the animals from being harmed will they live in peace here.只有当我们保护这些动物不受伤害时,它们才能在这里安宁地生活。,美,文,连,线,动物保护(3年3考)(2011重庆卷)某国际动物关爱协会面向全球中学生招募“动物代言人”,希望申请者选择一种自己喜欢的动物,为之代言(speak for)。假设你是重庆新华中学的学生李华,有意参与该活动。表示有意参加 说明自己富有爱心、关爱动物 打算为何种动物代言,并说明理由 希望申请成功 注意:词数100左右。,I am a student from Xinhua Middle Schoo

9、l in Chongqing,China.I have just learned that the International Association which shows loving concern for animals will raise spokesmen speaking for animals from the middle school students all over the world.I am kindhearted and take great interest in caring for animals.I would like to apply for the

10、 position.I tend to speak for dogs.Firstly,dogs are our devoted friends,who bring us large quantities of happiness and comfort.,Secondly,not only are they our soultosoul partners in daily life,but they are of vital importance to ecological environment.So it is obvious that to love dogs is to love ou

11、rselves.I would appreciate it if you give my application your favorable consideration.With all my best regards.Yours truly,Li Hua,1.文章段落清晰,结构明了(1)第一段介绍自己并说明目的希望当动物代言人。(2)下面两段分别叙述了所选动物狗的原因。2全文行文流畅,使用词汇恰当(1)高级词汇和短语:show loving concern for.,raise,take great interest in,apply for,devoted,favorable consi

12、deration等。(2)高级句型:not only.but(also).,be of vital importance to.,it is obvious that.,I would appreciate it if.等。,【佳作习得】翻译句子句型:not only.but also.用于倒装句式这部电影不仅有趣,而且还给我们上了宝贵的一课。_答案Not only is the film interesting,but also it brings much more to us.,名,师,招,招,鲜,写作失误分析三三、句式单一,缺乏关联词及高级词汇【典题例析】人们完成工作的方式通常有两种:

13、独立完成与合作完成。两种方式各有特点。请你以“Working Individually or Working in a Team”为题,按照以下要点写一篇英语短文:1独立完成:自行安排、自己解决问题;2合作完成:一起讨论、相互学习;3我喜欢的方式及理由。,注意:词数100120,文章的题目和开头已给出(不计入总词数)。Working Individually or Working in a Team There are basically two ways to get work done._,1文章要求我们围绕独立工作和合作工作的特点来完成写作任务。题目给出了写作要点,只需围绕主题适当扩展,

14、连词成句即可。2写作要领:全篇基本框架可分成两段。(1)There are basically two ways to get work done.独立工作的优点与合作工作的优点。(2)我喜欢何种工作方式并阐述自己喜欢的理由。,【写作指导】,Working Individually or Working in a TeamThere are basically two ways to get work done.One way is working individually.It can make people independent and think questions by his ow

15、nApart from,working individually improve our ability to work out problems.The other way is working in a team.Some people like working in a team.They can learn from each other and help each other in a team.They can save more time and money,which makes things are efficient and effective.,【学生例文】,As for

16、 me,I like working in a team.It can make me learn more from other members.I can have more experience to solve problems.Working in a team can make me make more friends.全篇所用句式比较单一,没有复杂句式,缺乏高级词汇。文章读起来有句子堆砌之嫌,句子与句子之间少了一些过渡词。用词单调,如:make sb do sth,can do sth.,【失误诊断】,日常表达短语不能准确识记,如:独立地on ones own;思考问题think

17、 about questions;apart from为介词短语,不能独立作状语。句法基本知识不扎实,如:working individually improve应该为working individually improves以及make后不能接句子等。Working Individually or Working in a TeamThere are basically two ways to get work done.One is to work individually.In this way,people can decide for themselves when to start

18、 work and how to do it.Whats more,they will be able to learn how to solve problems on their own.,【参考范文】,People may also choose to work in a team,where they can learn from each other and help each other.Besides,they may work out better ways to get work done by discussion.Personally,I prefer to work i

19、n a team,which offers me a chance to learn how to get along with others and to share my experience with them.As the work can be divided among several people,it can be done efficiently.Teamwork is always important.,1in this way用这种方法2learn from each other互相学习3work individually独立工作4choose to work in a

20、team选择合作方式工作5work out better ways找出更好的方法6get along with others与他人相处,【重点短语】,【高级句型】,1In this way,people can decide for themselves when to start work and how to do it.(whto do和how to do结构),2People may also choose to work in a team,where they can learn from each other and help each other.(非限制性定语从句)3Pers

21、onally,I prefer to work in a team,which offers me a chance to learn how to get along with others and to share my experiences with them.(offer sb sth及prefer to do结构)4As the work can be divided among several people,it can be done efficiently.(被动语态),1“wh”to do及how to do结构的使用。如:when to start work and how to do it,how to solve problems,how to get along with others等。2对介词短语的选用是文章在表述的过程中的亮点,无疑增色不少。如:in this way,for themselves,on their own,by discussion等。,【精彩再现】,


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