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1、Section Word power,Grammar and usage,Words and Phrases1_(n.)飞机2 _(n.)船长,队长,上尉3 _(n.)警告4 _(adj.)广泛的,普遍的5star _ 在中担任主角6get _touch _ 和取得联系7come _ use 开始使用,airplane,captain,warning,widespread,in,in,with,into,过去完成时一、过去完成时1过去完成时的构成与用法过去完成时由“had动词的过去分词”构成,主要有以下几种用法:,(1)“过去的过去”表示在过去之前已经发生的事或做的动作,此时句子需有过去的某一

2、个时间作为背景或参照。When the police arrived,the thief had run away.警察赶到时,小偷已经逃跑了。,(2)间接引语中用在told,said,knew,heard,thought等后的宾语从句中,表示从句动作发生在主句动作之前。She said that she had told the truth to her parents.她说她已经把真相告诉了父母。,(3)“持续到过去”表示从过去某个时间开始一直持续到过去另一个时间的动作或状态。He had learned English for five years before he moved to

3、Australia.他移居澳大利亚之前已经学了5年英语。,【注意】表示意愿、打算的动词,如hope,mean,want,think,expect,plan,intend等的过去完成时表示“原本(但事实上并没有)”之意。,(4)过去完成时用于固定句式常用于hardly/scarcely.when.和 no sooner.than.句型中。We had hardly got there when it began to rain.我们刚到那里就开始下雨了。No sooner had he arrived than he went away again.他刚到就又走了。,在“It was the f

4、irst(second,third.)time that.”句型中,that从句要用过去完成时。It was the first time that I had gone abroad.这是我第一次出国。【注意】在before,after,as soon as 等引导的从句中,由于这些连词本身已经表示出时间先后,所以可以用过去时来代替过去完成时。,I went home after I finished my work.完成工作后,我就回家了。I called him as soon as I arrived.我刚到就给他打了电话。,二、现在完成时与过去完成时的区别,I have learne

5、d 1,000 English words so far.到目前为止,我已经学会了1 000个英语单词。I had learned 1,000 English words till then.到那时为止,我已经学会了1 000个英语单词。,.用所给动词的适当形式填空1They became friends again that day.Until then,they_(not speak)to each other for nearly two years.2Danny _(work)hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popula

6、r.,hadnt spoken,has worked,3At the end of the meeting,it was announced that an agreement _(reach)4I _(be)there more than an hour when he appeared.5The unemployment rate in this district _(fall)from 6%to 5%in the past two years.,had been reached,had been,has fallen,6John had to have his car repaired

7、in a garage because it _(damage)seriously.7When you get the paper back,pay special attention to what _(mark)8Did Alan enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday?Yes,he did.He _(see)his old friends for a long time.,had been damaged,have been marked,hadnt seen,.单项填空1I would rather you _there yesterday.Aar

8、eBwereChad been Dhas been解析:选C。句意:我真希望你昨天在那儿。would rather后接从句,其谓语动词要用虚拟语气,用一般过去时表示现在或将来的动作或状态,用过去完成时表示过去的动作或状态。由题中yesterday判定应用过去完成时。,2The policemans attention was suddenly caught by a small black box which _placed under the ministers car.Ahas been Bwas beingChad been Dwould be解析:选C。caught ones atte

9、ntion用的是一般过去时,而从句的动作是在此之前完成的,所以用过去完成时态。,3His earlier concert in Shanghai_ a big success.It was the first time the Taiwan singer _a concert on the mainland.Ais;held Bwas;heldChad been;would hold Dwas;had held,解析:选D。由earlier可知第一个空用一般过去时;第二句特别注意was,It was the first time.结构中要用过去完成时,若是It is the first tim

10、e.则需用现在完成时。,4I went to the supermarket yesterday,but I didnt see you there.I _doing the old businessa year ago.Ahave stopped BstopChad stopped Dam stopping,解析:选A。注意句中“a year ago”,这一时间状语并非句子的状语,由破折号可知“a year ago”是起进一步补充说明作用的,题意是“我现在已经不干了,是一年前不干的”,所以该题应用现在完成时。,5I_that we would be able to leave tomorro

11、w,but it was beginning to look difficult.Aexpected Bhad expectedCexpect Dhas expected解析:选B。动词expect,hope,mean,plan,think等的过去完成时形式可表示未实现的过去的希望、意图、期待等。,6Hardly _his job when he left the office.Ahas he finished Bhe had finishedChe finished Dhad he finished解析:选D。hardly.when.是固定搭配,意思是“一就”。此句型结构要求hardly后的

12、动词时态用过去完成时,when后的时态用一般过去时。因hardly 是否定副词,位于句首时应用倒装,故选D。,7We first met on a train in 2000.We both felt immediately that we _ each other for years.Aknew Bhave knownChad known Dknow解析:选C。know在felt之前延续了一段时间,是过去之前的状态,所以用过去完成时。,8Have you read the book called Waiting for Anya?Who _ it?Awrites Bhas writtenCw

13、rote Dhad written解析:选C。上文的时态为现在完成时,下文中的“write”应该发生在这个对话之前,现在完成时指的是现在,所以本题应该用一般过去时。,9(2011高考辽宁卷)By the time Jack returned home from England,his son _ from college.Agraduated Bhas graduatedChad been graduating Dhad graduated,解析:选D。句意:到杰克从英格兰返回家时,他的儿子已大学毕业。本题考查时态用法。根据句意可知,设空处说的是过去的事情,故用过去时,排除B项;设空处的动作(

14、graduate)先于returned这一动作,表示“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。,10(2011高考四川卷)What a mistake!Yes.I _ his doing it another way,but without success.Awas suggesting Bwill suggestCwould suggest Dhad suggested,解析:选D。句意:真是个错误啊!是啊,我建议过让他用另外一种方法做事,但他不听。考查动词时态。从语境看,他已经犯了错误,那么“建议”是在他做事之前的动作,是“过去的过去”,应该用过去完成时,而不是过去进行时、一般将来时或过去将来时。,本部分内容讲解结束,按ESC键退出全屏播放,


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