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1、,Section A,Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.,人教版 九年级下册,Do you like to listen to music?,Soft and quiet music makes me relax.,Loud music makes me happy.,Sad movies made her cry.,Look at the two restaurants belowWhich would you like to go to?Why?,1a,A:Id like to go to the Blue Ocean because I dont like l

2、oud music.It makes me angry.B:Id like to go to the Blue Ocean because I like quiet music just like the girl in the picture does.It makes me relax.,Id like to go to Rockin Restaurant because I like loud music.It makes me feel excited.This loud music makes me want to dance.,Listen and fill in the blan

3、ks.Then match the restaurants with the statements.,1b,awful,uncomfortable,loud,nervous,soft,relax,sleepy,Id rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating.,But that music makes me sleepy.,I want to have the hamburgers at Rockin Restaurant.,Role-play a conversation be

4、tween Amy and Tina.,1c,1.Id rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating.while连词,意为“在期间;与同时;虽然”。a.引导时间状语,有时可与when替换。如:While she was listening to the music,she fell asleep.她听着收音机睡着了。,Language points,b.引起让步状语从句,如:While he loves his students,he is strict with them.虽然他

5、爱他的学生,可是他对他们很严格。,【拓展】引导条件状语从句。如:While there is life there is hope.只要生命存在,就有希望。,Language points,表“而,然而”。如:The walls are green,while the ceiling is white.墙是绿色的,而天花板是白色的。,2.But that music makes me sleepy.make 用作使役动词表示“使;让”,可跟复合结构,即“make+宾语+宾语补足语”,其中的宾语补足语是可以不带to的不定式、过去分词,名词或形容词。本句makes me sleepy,即是“mak

6、e+名词/代词+形容词”结构。如:The shirt made the lady beautiful.那件衬衫使得那位女士很漂亮。,Language points,被动语态中常用be made of/from“.是由.制成的”,be made in sp.“.是在.制成的”,be made by sb.“.是被.制成的”。如:Wine is made from grapes.酒是由葡萄制成的。(化学变化,看不出原材料)These cars were made in Changchun.这些汽车是在长春制造的。,Language points,汉译英。1.轻柔的音乐使我感到放松。The soft

7、 music _ me _.2.我更愿意待在家里看书。I _ _ stay at home to read.3.她说喧闹的音乐使她感到不舒服。She said loud music _ her _.,makes relaxed,would rather,made crazy,drive sb.crazy/mad使人发疯/发狂,be friends with(sb.)是(某人的)朋友,Listen and number the pictures1-4in the order you hear them.,2a,2,4,1,3,1.Waiting for Amy drove Tina _.2.Am

8、y didnt want to _at the Rockin Restaurant.3.Loud music makes John want to _.4.The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy_.5.Sad movies dont make John cry.They just make him want to _.,Listen again.Complete the statements.,2b,crazy,stay,dance,cry,leave,Look at 2a and 2b.Role-play a conversation b

9、etween Tina and John.Use the example to begin your conversation.,2c,Did you have fun with Amy last night?,Well.yes and no.She was really late.,Hey,Bert.I thinkIve made Alice mad and Im not sure what to do about it.,What happened?,You know Julie is Alices best friend,right?,Uh-huh.,Role-play the conv

10、ersation.,2d,Well,the more I got to know Julie,the more Ive realized that we have a lot in common.,So weve been spending more time together lately.,But whats wrong with that?,Umm.it makes Alice unhappy because she thinks Julie is now better friends with me than with her.,I see.Mmm.why dont you ask A

11、lice to join you each time you do something with Julie?,Then she wont feel left out.,Oh,good idea!That can make our friendship stronger.,1.Waiting for Amy drove Tina_.drove 作动词,原形是drive,本意为“开,开车”,在文中意为“迫使”,如“drive sb.crazy/mad”。如:Dreaming of being rich drove people crazy.发财梦迫使人们疯狂。Hunger drove the t

12、iger get down the hill to seek food in the village.饥饿迫使老虎下山来村子里觅食。,Language points,2.Well,the more I got to know Julie,the more Ive realized that we have a lot in common.So weve been spending more time together lately.(1)the more.the more.意为“越.越;愈愈”此为比较级的用法。“The+比较级,the+比较级”意为“越,就越”。如:The more you p

13、ay,the more you gain.付出越多,收获越多。,类似的用法还有:the morethe better,the higer.the wider.。如:The more you read,the better you write.你读得越多,你写得越好。,(2)lately 副词,意为“最近的 不久前”。如:Weve seen very little of him lately.最近我们很少见到他。,3.Then she wont feel left out.left out 原形为 leave out 意为“不包括;不提及;忽略”。如:Do not leave out commo

14、n ingredients.不要遗漏通用的配料。【拓展】leave out 还可表示“遗漏,省去;不考虑”。如:They must decide what to leave out.他们必须决定省去什么。,4.That can make our friendship stronger.friendship 可数名词,意为“友谊”。如:A friendship is a relationship between two or more friends.友谊是一种建立在两个或两个以上的朋友之间的关系。I certainly treasure the friendship between us ve

15、ry much.我当然非常珍视我们之间的友谊。,(3a-4b),Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.,1.Can medicine help the king?Why or why not?2.Why does power not make the prime minister happy?3.Why does money not make the banker happy?4.Why does fame not make the singer happy?,3a,Read the story and answer the question.,1.did not wa

16、nt to eat _2.was asked to come and help _,didnt feel like eating,was called in,3b,Find words or phrases from the storywith meanings similar to these phrases.,3.look carefully at _,examine,4.becoming less important _5.get my job _,losing my power,take my position,3c,Role-play the story with your grou

17、p in Activity 3a.,GrammarFocus,Dear Diary,June 29thI thought today was going to be really bad.To start with,it was cloudy and grey,and cloudy days make me_.And this was the day we would get our exam results back,but I didnt answer the exam questions very well last week.That made me _.,uncomfortable,

18、worried,I walked to school with my best friend Holly.She didnt say much to me.That made me a little_.In class,the teacher handed back our exams.That made me_.But I found out that I didnt do too badly.That made me very_.Then things got even better.Holly bought me my favorite lemon juice and a turkey

19、sandwich for lunch,and we talked a lot.That made me_.We both did quite well on the exam,too.,sad,nervous,relaxed,happy,4b,Complete the survey.Then ask two other students.,What makes you angry?,When people throw rubbish on the streets,it makes me angry.,Me,too.It makes me want to tell them to clean u

20、p the streets.,1.He slept badly and didnt feel like eating.feel like 作动词,意为“想,想要”,feel like doing sth=want to do sth=would like to do sth.表示“想要做某事”。e.g.:Its hot,I feel like taking off my coat.=Its hot,I want/would like to take off my coat.我有点热了,我想脱下外套.Do you feel like going to a movie?你想看电影吗?,Langua

21、ge points,2.One day,a doctor was called in to examine the king.(1)call in 意为“叫(某人)进来;来访;召集,拜访”。如:My first port of call in town was the bank.我进城的第一站是银行。How many friends will you call in?你将邀请多少位朋友?,Language points,(2)examine作动词,意为“检查;调查”。如:If you examine something,you look at it carefully.如果你要检查某东西,你应

22、该仔细看看它。,Language points,3.Neither medicine nor rest can help him.neither.nor 意为“既不也不”。如:She seemed neither surprised nor worried.她似乎既不惊讶也不担心。Neither volleyball nor basketball is a hundred years old.排球和篮球都不到一百年的历史。,4.Im always worried about losing my power.Many people are trying to take my position.(

23、1)lose my power 意为“丧失权利;下台”。如:The Prime Minister lose his power.那位首相下台了。【拓展】lose heart 灰心;丧气,(2)take my position 意为“取代我的位置”,相当于take place of sb.。如:The manager made Tom take Jacks position.经理让汤姆取代了杰克的位置。,5.To start with,it was cloudy,it was cloudy and grey.(1)to start with 意为“起初的,开始时”,作为“首先”来讲时,相当于fi

24、rstly,first of all。如:To start with,he is a politician.首先必须说,他是一个政治家。(2)grey 作形容词,意为“(天空)阴沉的;昏暗的;灰色的”。如:It was a grey,wet,April Sunday.那是一个阴沉、潮湿、4月里的星期天。,1.He feels like _ his hometown.A.leave B.to leave C.leaving2._ my mother _ my father has been to Beijing,but they have been to Wuhan.A.Both,and B.Either,or C.Neither,nor3.-Why do you like staying in Guiyang?-Because the weather there is _ too hot _ too cold.A.either,or B.neither,nor C.both,and,C,C,B,如果学习只在于模仿,那么我们就不会有科学,也不会有技术。高尔基,


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