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1、Unit 5,What were you doing whenthe rainstorm came?,SectionB 2 P30 2b Reading,2a Look at the pictures and the title in the passage.What do you think the passage is about?,Do You Remember What You Were Doing?,Presentation,世贸中心,文化注释,1.马丁.路德.金(美国黑人运动领袖)(1929年1月15日1968年4月4日)世界知名的美国民权运动领袖,20世纪50-60年代为美国黑人

2、的社会权利及地位的改善做了大量的工作。1968年4月,马丁.路德.金前往孟菲斯市领导工人罢工遭遇枪击,遇害时年仅39岁。,2,2.世界贸易中心简称“世贸中心”,位于美国纽约曼哈顿岛西南端,业务主要是纽约州和新泽西州的港务局。大楼于1966年开建,主体于1973年建成使用。大楼共110层,高达411米,是一个由两座并立的塔式摩天楼(双子塔)、4幢办公楼和1幢旅馆组成的建筑群。2001年9月11日,恐怖分子劫持两架民航客机先后从不同的方向撞向世贸中心的双子塔楼,两栋塔楼随后相继倒塌。,The title can be helpful for you to understand a text.It

3、is also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before you read the whole text.,Read the title and first Sentences.,2b.Read the passage and answer the questions.,1.What are the two events in the passage?2.When did they happen?,1.What are the two events in the passage?2.When did they

4、 happen?,Dr.Martin Luther King was killed.The World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists.Dr.Martin Luther King was killed on April 4,1968.The World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists on September 11,2001.,阅读作业,任务一、完成句子,每空词数不限。1.When Martin Luther King was killed,R

5、obert Allen was a school pupil.2.Kate Smiths friend shouted that a plane hit the World Trade Center.(T)3.Robert Allen is more than 50 years old now.(T)4.Kate Smiths office is near the two towers.,Useful phrases,1.was killed 2.the rest of in silence 3.was taken down has meaning to4.at first,1.passage

6、 n.章节,段落 passage 作“(文章的)段落”解时,不限于文章的一个自然段,也可以由若干句话或若干个 paragraphs 组成。passage 也可作“一段,一节”解,一般指讲话、文章或乐曲的一部分。,课文详解 passage 1,1.People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history.2.was killed 被谋杀 kill-killed-killed be+Ved 被动语态3.Although some people may not

7、remember who killed him,they remember what they were doing when they heard the news.,Passage 1,文章共有四段,第一段作者首先提出观点然后举例马丁.路德.金遇害时,许多美国人都记得他们正在干什么,来说明所提出的观点。,1.People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history.,Passage 21.My parents were completely shock

8、ed!completely adv.彻底地,完全地 e.g.I understand completely.我完全明白。shocked adj.惊愕的;受震惊的 e.g.She was so shocked that she could hardly say a word.她大为震惊,几乎一句话也说不出来。,2.My parents did not talk after that,and we finished the rest of our dinner in silence.in silence 沉默,无声 without speaking or making a sound;silent

9、ly,e.g.Many patients were waiting in silence.许多病人在静静地等候着。A hundred and fifty reporters sat in silence.在场的150名记者静静地坐在那里。,Passage 2,在第二段中,作者又以具体的例子:当马丁.路德.金遇害时,Robert Allen 及家人正在进行的活动,进一步证明观点。When Robert Allen heard Martin Luther King was killed,he and his family were_.,eating dinner in the kitchen,Pa

10、ssage 3,More recently,most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists.Eg:The houses were taken down.He helped me to take down the tent.The book was written by Mo Yan.,Passage 3,第三段介绍9.11事件发生时大多数美国人都能记得当时他们正在做什么,这也是举例证明第一段提出的观点。,Passag

11、e 4,This was a day(Kate Smith will never forget.)at first 起初 true(adj.)truth(n.)The event is true.He told me the truth.,I didnt believe him at first.at first“起初,首先”,作为介词短语,只起副词作用(在句中用作状语)。at first 主要用于强调前后对照,暗示接下去的动作与前面的动作不同甚至相反,因此常有 but,afterwards,soon,at last 等相呼应。如:,At first we used hand tools.首先

12、我们使用手工工具。At first I didnt want to go,but soon I changed my mind.我开始不想去,但我很快就改变了主意。,Passage 4,在第四段中,Kate Smith 叙述9.11事件发生时,她自己的行为及反应:用这个具体的例子更进一步证明观点。,She was working in her office.And she couldnt believe that a plane hit the World Trade Center.,2c.Read the passage again.Are the following statements

13、true(T)or false(F),or is the information not given(NG)?,_ 1.Everyone in America remembers who killed Dr.King._ 2.Robert Allen was eating lunch when Dr.King was killed._ 3.Roberts parents were shocked to hear the news._ 4.Kate Smith was watching a movie when a plane hit the World Trade Center._ 5.Kat

14、e didnt think her friend was telling the truth about the event.,F,F,T,F,T,2d.Underline sentences from the passage with similar meanings to the ones below.,1.Not everyone will remember who killed him,but they can remember what they were doing when they heard that he got killed.2.No one said anything

15、for the rest of dinner.,Although some people may not remember who killed him,they remember what they were doing when they heard the news.We finished the rest of our dinner in silence.,3.September 11,2001-the date alone means something to most people in the US.4.I had trouble thinking clearly after t

16、hat because I was very afraid.,Even the date-September 11,2001-has meaning to most Americans.I was so scared that I could hardly think clearly after that.,in historyin silenceat firsttell the truth be shocked to do sth.have trouble doing sth.so that,1.在历史上2.默默地3.首先4.讲实话5.做.感到吃惊6.做某事有麻烦7.如此.以致,The boys in Class 1,The boys in Class 2,Mary,Ann,Tom,Jim and classmates,At 5 yesterday afternoon,完成英语周报24期 2、3版 SectionA 完成导学案 unit5 SectionA,Thank you!,


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