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1、1,2015英语学业考试词汇表例句翻译,2,aboutprep.&ad.关于,在各处,四处;大约,到处I know nothing about the accident.我对这个事故一无所知。Id like to travel about the world.我想要环游世界。He likes to walk about after supper.他喜欢晚饭后散步。Acceptv.接受I didnt accept his gift.我没有接受他的礼物。I receive their invitation yesterday,but I decided not to accept it.我昨天收到

2、了他们的邀请,但是我决定不接受。,3,affordv.负担得起(的费用),抽得出(时间);提供They walked because they couldnt afford a taxi.他们因为付不起出租车只好步行。Id love to go on holiday but I cant afford the time.我想去度假但是我抽不出时间。Television affords pleasure to many people.电视给许多人带来了欢乐。againstprep.对着,反对We walked against the snow.我们迎着雪前进。Most people are ag

3、ainst the new idea.许多人都不同意这个新方法。,4,agreev.同意,应允We agree to meet up later and talk things over.我们同意晚点见面谈下事情。I asked for a pay rise and she agreed.我请求加薪,她同意了。agree to同意She agreed to my idea.她同意了我的观点。Is she going to agree to our suggestion?她会同意我们的建议吗?,5,agree with 同意Do you agree with me about the need

4、for more schools?你同意我关于需要修建更多学校的想法吗?alla.&pron.全(部),所有的,总;全部,全体人员He spent all his money.他用光了所有钱。All my friends are kind.我所有的朋友都很友好。Youve had all the fun and Ive had all the work.你享受了所有的快乐而我承担了所有的工作。All of the toys were broken.所有的玩具都坏了。I invited my five sisters but not all can come.我邀请了我的五个姐妹担不是所有人都能

5、来。,6,allowv.允许,准许My boss doesnt allow me to use the telephone.我老板不允许我用电话。“Can I smoke?”“Im sorry,its not allowed.”“我能抽烟吗?”“不好意思,这里不能抽烟。”anothera.&pron.再一,另一,别的,另一个Would you like another cup of tea?你想再喝一杯茶吗?He has got another pen.他又买了一支笔。We can do it another time.我们可以下次再做。,7,Thats quite another thing

6、.这完全是另一回事。I dont like this pen.Please give me another.我不喜欢这支笔。能给我另一支吗?answern.&v.回答,回信,答复;回答,回复I rang the bell but there was no answer.我按了门铃但是没有人回答。The answer he gave us was quite surprising.他给我们的答复让我们很吃惊。Have you had an answer to her letter?你回复了她的信吗?Who knows the answer to his question?谁知道这个题的答案?,8

7、,Please answer me a letter as soon as possible.请尽快回信给我。Think carefully before you answer.请在回答前想清楚。anxiousa.忧虑的;焦虑的;不安的Helen is anxious about traveling on her own.海伦对于自己一个人旅游很不安。“Feeling scared,Joe?”No,just a little anxious.”“乔,你害怕吗?”“我不害怕,就是有点不安。”Peggy is anxious to show that she can work out the pr

8、oblem.佩吉急于地想表示她会解答这道题。,9,appearv.出现A smile appears on his face.一抹笑容出现在他的脸上。Roger appeared very sad.罗杰看起来很伤心。appreciatev.感激I appreciated his help when we moved.我很感谢他在我们搬家时给我们的帮助。“Thanks,boys.I appreciate it.”“谢谢,男生们,我非常感激。”,10,arrivev.到达;达到What time did you arrive?你么是什么时候到的?Give me a call to let me k

9、now when youve arrived.你们到的时候给我打个电话。,11,askv.问,询问;请求Ask him about the book you lost-he may have found it.问下他关于你那本丢失的书,他可能找到了。Asking your boss for a pay rise shows that you are an excellent employee.想你的老板要求加薪表示你是一位优秀的员工。She has asked me to come to the party.她要请我去参加这个聚会。ask for要求(得到)Did you ask your b

10、oss for a pay increase.你向你的老板要求加薪了吗?,12,asleepa睡着的,熟睡Dont wake him up-hes asleep.不要吵醒他,他睡着了。beatv.敲打,打赢 n.音乐节拍We could hear the rain beating on the roof.我们可以听见雨滴敲打屋顶的声音。Hes alive-I can feel his heart beating.他还活着,我能听见他的心跳声。I could always beat my brother at chess.我每次下象棋都能赢我弟弟。Try to follow the beat.试

11、着跟上节拍。,13,beginv.开始,着手I will begin thinking about the matter tomorrow.我从明天开始就会思考这件事。I will begin when youre ready.你准备好了我就开始。believev.相信,认为She didnt believe such things mattered much.她不认为这种事很重要。I cant believe her-it cant be true.我不相信她,这不会是真的。,14,besidesprep.除之外(还有)Will there be anyone else we know at

12、 the party besides Will and Janet?除了Will和Janet之外,聚会上还有我们认识的人吗?ad.(一般用于句首)此外,而且I dont like those shoes;besides,theyre too expensive.我不喜欢这些鞋子,而且,它们太贵了。be famous for以出名New York is famous for its skyscraper.纽约因她的摩天大楼而出名。,15,be good at擅长He is good at describing things.他很擅长描述事物。be in good health身体(状况)好He

13、is in good health.他身体很好。be made from由制成Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒由葡萄制成。be pleased with对(感到)高兴/满意Your mother will be very pleased with you.你妈妈将会为你感到高兴。,16,be similar to与相似We have similar opinions.我们观点相似。My opinions are similar to hers.我的观点和他的相似。be strict with对(要求)严格Shes very strict with her childre

14、n.她对她的孩子很严格。be supposed to 被期望(被要求)You are supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom.如果你想要离开教室,你应该先向老师请示。Were not supposed to smoke here.我们不应该在这里吸烟。,17,be willing to乐意(做某事)How much are they willing to pay?他们愿意付多少钱?I told them I was willing to help.我告诉他们我愿意提供帮助。belong to属于He has

15、never belonged to a trade union.他从未隶属于哪一个贸易组织。borrowv.向(别人)借用,借You can borrow the book from the library.你可以在图书馆借书。,18,bothpron.两者,双方Both Mike and Jim have red hair.麦克和吉姆都有红色的头发。botherv.使恼怒;打扰Is something bothering you?有什么事情让你恼怒吗?Danny,stop bothering me while Im trying to work.丹尼,不要在我尝试工作时打扰我。,19,bre

16、akv.打破(断,碎);损坏,撕开A piece of china breaks easily.一块瓷片很容易摔碎。n休息;空隙The sun shone through a break in the clouds.太阳光从云层的缝隙里照射出来。break down停止运转The lifts in this building are always breaking down.这座建筑的电梯总是停止运转。,20,bringv带来,拿来,取来Ill bring you the book as soon as possible.我会尽快把书给你带来。Did you bring anything to

17、 eat?你带了什么吃的东西吗?buildv.建造;建设Another bridge has been built over the river.河上又建了一座桥。,21,businessn(本职)工作,职业;职责;生意,交易;事业We discussed about this weeks business.我们讨论了本周的生意。He is in the wool business.他在做羊毛生意。busya忙(碌)的The shops are always busy before Christmas.圣诞节前商店都很忙碌。,22,buyv买His parents promised to bu

18、y him a new bike.他的父母答应给他买个新自行车。Sallys buying new curtains for the bedroom.萨利正在给卧室买心窗帘。call at 拜访(某人)Do you think we should call at Bobs while were in London?你人为我们去伦敦时应该拜访鲍勃家吗?,23,call up1.给打电话I called him up and told him the news.我给他打电话说了那个消息。2使人想起The sound of happy laughter called up memories if h

19、is childhood.这欢乐的笑声使他想起了自己的童年。carev1介意,在乎I dont care how far Ill have to go.我不在乎还要走多远。2.关心Nobody cares what I do.没人关心我做什么。n照顾,保护,小心Cross the road with care.过马路要小心。,24,care about关心;在意I dont think she cares about what happens to her children.我认为她不关心自己的孩子发生了什么事。care for喜欢;爱护(某物)Would you care for a dri

20、nk?你想喝饮料吗?She cares for her father through his long illness.她父亲生病期间她一直照料在床榻边。,25,carefula小心地,仔细的,谨慎的Be careful not to fall.小心不要摔倒。carelessa粗心的,漫不经心的I was so careless with my things.我对自己的事都很粗心。carryv.拿,搬,带,提,抬,背,抱,运These bags carry easily.这些包很好背。Let me carry that for you.让我帮你抬。,26,carry out进行,实施They

21、are carrying out urgent repairs.他们正在实施紧急维修。We carried out her instructions to the letter.我们不折不扣地执行了她的指令。catchv.1.接住She threw the ball and I caught it.她抛球我接球。2捉住The cat catches mice.猫抓老鼠。,27,3.赶上The police had to drive very quickly in order to catch the train.警察为了赶上火车将车开得很快。4.染上(疾病)Youll catch(a)cold

22、 if you dont put a sweater on.如果你不穿毛衣的话会感冒。causen原因,起因The heavy rain was the cause of the flood.这场大雨是洪水的起因。,28,certainlyad.确实地;无疑地;(口语)当然;行Certainly well consider your suggestion,Alan.我们一定会考虑你的建议,艾伦。“Can I come along?”Certainly.”“我能和你们一起吗?”“当然可以。”“Did you break my camera?”Certainly not.”“是你弄坏了我的相机吗?

23、”“当然不是。”chancen机会,可能性I havent had a chance to read my letter.我还没有机会读信。,29,changev.1.改变,变化Nothing will change him,and he will always be the same.没有什么能改变他,他将永远这样。2更换He changed trains at Chicago.他在芝加哥转乘了火车。3.兑换Where can I change my English money for U.S.dollars?我能在哪里将英镑兑换成美元?cheapa.便宜的,不值钱的Bread is che

24、ap in this supermarket because they bake it themselves.这个超市的面包很便宜,因为他们的面包都是自己烘焙的。,30,choosev.选择 Choose three from these books.从这些书中选出三本。cleana.清洁的,干净的That shirt is dirty,here is a clean one.那件T恤很脏,这有一件干净的。v.弄干净,擦干净 I used to clean my bedroom on weekends.我过去常常在周末打扫房间。,31,clean out打扫干净They spent the d

25、ay cleaning out the garage(车库).他们花了一天时间把车库打扫干净了。clean up 彻底清理We spent all Saturday morning cleaning up.我们星期六花了一上午做大扫除。The mayor is determined to clean up the city.市长下定决心要彻底清扫这个城市。,32,closev.关,关闭When dose the shop close?商店什么时候关门?a.近,靠近 Get close to me and Ill tell you something funny.靠近我,我告诉你一点趣事。com

26、e along进步,出现Hows Martin coming along with his English?马丁的英语怎么样了?When the right opportunity comes along,shell take it.只要合适的机会一出现,她就会牢牢抓住。,33,come by(难于)得到某物Jobs are hard to come by these days.如今工作很难找。come out出版,发表The magazine comes out once a month.这个杂志每月出版一次。come true(希望等的)实现;达到The dreams come true.

27、美梦成真。,34,come up with提出;想出(主意、回答等)He came up with a good idea to solve the problem.他想出了一个解决问题的好方法。comparewith与比较He cant compare with Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies.作为一个悲剧作家,他无法与莎士比亚相提并论。Theres nothing to compare with a nice cold drink when you get home after work当下班你到家时,没有什么能与一杯好的冷饮相提并论。.下班后回到

28、家喝一杯清凉的饮料,再也没有什么比这个更惬意的了。,35,complainv.抱怨;埋怨;发牢骚Neighbors complained to the police about the dogs barking.邻居们都向警察抱怨狗的叫声。complain about抱怨;发牢骚She complained to me about his rudeness.她向我抱怨他的粗鲁。cookv.烹调,做饭I havent cooked the dinner.我没有做晚饭。n.炊事员,厨师Mum is the best cook in the world.妈妈是世界上最棒的烹调家。,36,copyn.

29、抄本,副本一份(本、册)Please send a copy of this letter to Mr.Grey.请将这封信的副本给一份格雷先生。v.1.抄写I copied the letters into my book.我把字母抄写在课本上。2.复印;(计算机用语)拷贝(备份盘)Jean always copies the way I dress.京总是模仿我的方式穿衣服。costv1.值(多少钱)How much did that bag cost?那个包值多少钱?,37,2.花费 Careless driving cost him his life.粗心开车使他丧失了生命。n.费用T

30、he cost of living is going up.生活费用正在上涨。covern.盖子,罩The book had a blue cover.这本书封面是蓝色的。v.覆盖,遮盖She covered the table with a cloth.她用一块布罩着桌子。Dust covered the furniture.家具上布满了灰尘。,38,crossv穿过,越过They crossed the road.他们穿过了马路。n.十字形的东西the Red Cross(Society)红十字协会cryn.叫喊;哭声It sounded like the cry of a woman i

31、n pain.这听起来像一个痛苦的女人的叫喊。v喊叫,哭The boy cried for help.男孩哭着求助。,39,cutv切,剪,割to cut a cake切蛋糕n.伤口a cut on the leg腿上的伤口cut in line插队cut up切碎,伤害His mother has to cut up all his food for him.她的妈妈不得不为他把所有的食物都切碎。,40,dangern.危险Is there any danger of fire?有火灾的危险吗?dangerousa.危险的This river is dangerous for swimmer

32、s.这条河对游泳的人来说很危险。darev.&aux v.(后接不带to 的不定式;主要用于疑问、否定或条件句)敢,敢于I dont know how she dares wear that dress.我不知道她怎么敢穿那条裙子的。If you ever dare call me that name again,youll be sorry.你要是再敢那样叫我,我就不客气了。,41,deal with应付,处理Mr.Smith,its already been dealt with.史密斯先生,这个已经处理完了。They try to deal politely with angry cus

33、tomers.他们尽量礼貌地应付生气的顾客。decidev.决定,下决心Its difficult to decide between the two.很难在这两者之间做决定。I cant decide what to do.我无法决定该怎么做。,42,decisionn.决定,决心Everybody must make decisions for themselves.每个人必须自己做决定。dependv.视而定;决定于“Are you going to visit them?”“Well,it depends.”你会去拜访他们吗?嗯看情况吧。depend on依靠;取决于The count

34、ry depends heavily on its tourist trade.这个国家很大程度上依赖于旅游业。Their future depends on how well they do in these exams.他们的未来取决于他们在这些考试中的表现。,43,diev.死My grandfather died at the age of 86.我的祖父在86岁的时候去世了。discoverv发现Ive discovered a super restaurant near here.我在这附近发现了一个很棒的餐厅。discussv议论,讨论We discussed when we s

35、hould go.我们讨论什么时候该走。discussionn.讨论,辩论The plans have been under discussion for a year now.这些计划已经讨论一年了。,44,dislikev讨厌,不喜欢Why do you dislike her so much?为什么你那么讨厌她?Tom dislikes going to the dentist.汤姆讨厌去看牙医。do well in擅长于,在做得好She does well in math.她很擅长数学。drawv1.绘画;绘制She draws a house.她画了一个房子。,45,2.拉,拖I d

36、rew my chair up to the table.我把椅子拖向桌子。3.提取(金钱)Can I draw$50 from the bank?我能从银行取50美元吗?dress up装扮;打扮The facts are quite clear-its no use trying to dress them up.事实非常明显-掩盖他们毫无用处。,46,dropn.滴I like my tea with just a drop of milk.我喝茶喜欢只加一滴奶。v掉下,落下The bottle dropped and broke.瓶子掉下来,摔坏了。v投递She dropped a p

37、ostcard to her grandmother.她给她的祖母寄了张明信片。v.放弃Drop everything and come here!放下所有的活,过来!,47,drop by顺便拜访I just dropped by to see how you were getting on.我只是顺便拜访,看看你怎么样?dryv使干;弄干,擦干Please dry the wet clothes.请把湿衣服弄干。a.干的,干燥的Is the clothes dry yet?衣服还是干的吗?,48,eacha.每个,每人,每件There is a line of trees on each

38、side of the river.河的两边都有一排树。pron.每个,每人,每件 Each of us had a try.我们每个人都试了一下。earlya.早的We hope for an early production of the play.我们期待剧本尽早能见雏形。ad.早,早早地The bush was planted early in the season.灌木在这个季节早早地就种下了。,49,eithera.两方任一方的;二者之一He sat in the car with a policeman on either side of him.他坐在车上,一边坐着一个警察。c

39、onj.或是或是,不是就是(or)Either you come in person,or you entrust someone with the matter.要么你亲自过来,要么你把这事委托给别人来处理。ad.(用于否定)也If he doesnt go,I wont either.如果他不去,那我也不去。End n.末尾,终点;结束There is no end of progress.发展永无止境。v结束,终止The party ended at midnight.晚会在半夜结束。,50,end up以结束He ended up taking the train.他最后坐了火车。en

40、ougha.足够的,充分的Three people are quite enough for the job.这份工作三个人就足够了。ad.足够地,充分地 This book is easy enough for me to read.这本书对于我来说读起来很简单。enterv进入A new idea entered his mind.他想到了一个好主意。,51,escapev逃跑,逃走 Two men have escaped from Durham jail.有两个人已经从德哈姆监狱逃跑了。excusen.借口,辩解Please make my excuse to your friend.

41、请为我向你的朋友解释一下。v.原谅,宽恕Excuse me,but could you tell me the time?打扰一下,您能告诉我现在是几点吗?,52,expectv.预料,盼望;认为He is expecting a letter.他正在盼着一封信。Hed been out celebrating and expected his wife to drive him home.他在外面庆祝并盼望着他妻子能来开车把他带回家。expensivea.昂贵的He bought a very expensive new car for his girl friend.他为女朋友买了一辆很昂

42、贵的新车。,53,extraadj.额外的Its 20 for dinner,and drinks are extra.晚餐是20英镑,饮料是额外收费。failv.失败;不及格;衰退He tried but failed.他尝试过,但失败了。fall asleep 入睡She fell asleep in her chair.她在椅子上睡着了。,54,fall down跌倒The little boy fell down and hurt his knee.那个男孩摔倒了,伤了他的膝盖。Far a.遥远的The man was on the far side of the street.ad.

43、遥远地Did your father go far?你父亲走得远吗?favourite(=favorite)a.最喜欢的,特别中意的Oranges are my favourite fruit.橙子是我最喜欢吃的水果。n.特别喜欢的人(或物)This is my favourite among his novels.他的小说中,这本是我的最爱。,55,feedv喂养,饲养She fed the child with a spoon.她用勺子喂孩子。feelv感觉,觉得;摸,触It feels like silk.这摸起来像丝绸。Im feeling a little better today.

44、我今天感觉好点了。feelingn.感情;感觉I have a feeling that he is right.我感觉他是对的。,56,fetchv.(去)取(物)来,(去)带(人)来Fetch me some bread.去帮我拿些面包来。fightv打仗(架),与打仗(架)He had fought in the First World War.他在一战中打过仗。n.战斗,斗志He has alt of fight in him.他充满了斗志。fill in填写(充)Could you fill in the application form,please?您能否填写这个申请表?,57,

45、find out 探查(资料);了解(情况)Have you found out how much the tickets cost?你查出了票价是多少钱吗?We never find out her real name.我们从不知道她的真名。finishv.结束,做完The music finished.音乐结束了。I finished typing the report just before you called.就在你打电话来之前,我刚刚打完报告。,58,fita.健康的;适合的Do you feel fit?你觉得适合吗?v.(使)适合;安装 Her height fitted he

46、r for basketball.她的身高很适合打篮球。fix up修理;整理;安排The eletricians coming to fix up the cooker.电工来修理炉灶了。We fixed up the guest bedroom before my parents came to stay.在我父母来之前,我们把客房整理出来了。Well have to fix up a time to meet.我们会安排时间见个面。,59,foolv.愚弄;欺骗They tried to fool you into coming after us.他们试着愚弄你,让你跟在我们后面。n.愚

47、人;白痴“You fool!”she shouted.“你是个白痴!”她喊道。forgetv忘记,忘掉He forgot her birthday.他忘记了她的生日。,60,friendlya.友好的He is friendly to us all.他对我们大家都很友好。funn.有趣的事;娱乐,玩笑Have fun at the party tonight!get(got,got)v.成为;得到;具有;到达I got a letter from my sister this morning.今天早上我收到了我姐姐的来信。,61,get along(with)相处融洽;进展If you two

48、 are going to share a room,youd better learn how to get along.如果你们要住在一个房间,那你们最好要学着和睦相处。Hows your son getting along at University?你的儿子在大学学习的怎么样?How are you getting along with your colleagues?你和你的同事相处得怎么样?get on 上(车、船等);友好相处;取得进展;继续The bus stopped and I got on.巴士停下后,我就上车了。Do you get on well with your

49、parents?你和你父母相处得好吗?Get on with your homework.继续做你的作业。Hes new here,but he seems to be getting on fine.他在这还是个新人,但是他看上去进展顺利。,62,get out逃离;帮(某人)逃避How on earth did the dog manage to get out?狗究竟是怎么逃出去的?Can you help me get out of the meeting tomorrow.你能帮我逃过明天的会议吗?get over从(疾病或者失望中)恢复过来;完成(必须做的难事)She still

50、hasnt got over the shock of her mothers death.她仍然没有从她母亲去世的打击中恢复过来。If you want to watch TV,get your lessons over first.如果你想看电视,得先把课程上完。,63,get ready(to)准备好做(某事)I have got ready to make a cake.我准备做蛋糕。I dont want to take the text yet,Im not ready for it.我不想上这个课文,我还没准备好。get to 到达(某地)We finally got to Lo


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