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1、farmers lifestyle,miners lifestyle,teachers lifestyle,doctors lifestyle,students lifestyle,singers lifestyle,rocksys lifestyle,pilots lifestyle,地质学家,traffic polices lifestyle,coachs lifestyle,drivers lifestyle,builders lifestyle,Lesson 1A Perfect Day?,What are your favorite kinds of TV program?,spor

2、ts programmes,the news,TV series,cartoons,game shows,films,talk shows,music programmes,cartoon,sports games,TV series,A Dream of Red Mansions,filmmovie,After Shocks,The Sorcerers Apprentice,E5prentis,电视知识竞赛,talk shows,谈话节目 现场访谈,game shows,Do you ever watch too much TV?How much time do you spend watc

3、hing TV every day?,What kind of lifestyle do you think the men in the picture have?,boring,busy,dangerous,active,easy,lazy,exciting,free,interesting,peaceful,relaxing,stressful,Read the text and do the following exercises.,Read the two texts quickly and:,1.Underline the TV programmes that Brian usua

4、lly watches.,the childrens programs,news,old movies,TV series,sports games,2.Underline the kinds of work Bob does every day.,meetings and phone calls,urgent matters,do his own paperwork and answer some personal e-mails,look at documents at home,be ready for the next days work,What does a couch potat

5、o refer to?,A person who works very hard and finds it difficult to stop working and do other things.,He is a,workaholic.,Read the two texts again and answer these questions:,1.Is Brian a lazy person?Can you find two examples of his lazy behavior?2.What do you think“Youve got the world at your feet”m

6、eans?,3.How does Bob spend his morning and evening?4.Why does Bobs family complain?5.Why does Bob work so hard?,Yes,Brian is lazy.For example,he watches the childrens programs until about half-past ten.Then gets up.He doesnt work but his wife works and she makes his meals.,1.Is Brian a lazy person?C

7、an you find two examples of his lazy behavior?,2.What do you think“Youve got the world at your feet”means?,It means you are in a position where you can have the chance to become successful.In the text it is used in a humorous way.It means this person feels that he has a successful life because he ca

8、n watch anything he likes on TV.,3.How does Bob spend his morning and evening?,Bobs morning is very busy with very little time to get dressed and have breakfast and he has all kinds of urgent matters.His evening is not easy,either.He has documents to read and never goes to sleep until mid-night.,4.W

9、hy does Bobs family complain?,Bob seldom has time for fun and other leisure activities with his family.,5.Why does Bob work so hard?,He wants to make more money.Besides,he gets bored if there is nothing to do.He likes being busy.,True or false,Brian is not satisfied with the kind of lifestyle.2.Bria

10、ns wife goes out to work and supports the family.3.Bob almost has no time to spend with his family.,T,F,T,4.It seems that Bob prefers doing a lot of things all day to doing nothing.5.Brians wife often complains that the money Brian makes is not enough.,F,T,Which lifestyle do you prefer?Which one is

11、healthier?What can Bob or Brian do to improve their lifestyles?,Discuss,Do you work too hard?You may need more time to enjoy your life with your family.,read,go jogging,go cycling,go to gym,play football,You are too lazy!Your life is too boring only at home.You should go out for work and do some exe

12、rcise.You should share burden with your wife.,go swimming,go for a walk,go dancing,Use the following phrasal verbs in the correct form to complete the sentences below.,switch on,switch off,switch over,take up,fill with,complain about,bring back,As the mother of four children,my days are _ coking and

13、 cleaning!,filled with,2.Doing research and writing reports _ a large part of my day.3.I dont enjoy watching TV with my brother as he always _ to the programmes that he wants to watch.4.Please _ the TV when you go to bed.,take up,switches over,switch off,5._ the light.Its really dark in here!6.I try

14、 to do the homework that I _ from school as soon as I get home.7.Mona is never happy.Listen,shes now _ her lunch!,Switch on,bring back,complaining about,Language points,Perfect perfect weather 极好的天气 Practise makes perfect.,熟能生巧。,present past,future perfect,现在 过去,将来,完成时,Language points,2.switch v.转换,

15、转变 n.We have to wait till the lights have switched to green.switch on=turn on 接通,打开(电器)switch off=turn off 切断(电流等)At weekends,he often switches on the computer early in the morning and doesnt switch it off until midnight.,You drive first and then we can switch over.Now please switch over to CCTV 9,I

16、 want to watch the main news.,switch over:转换,交换位置,开关,on,3.in the evenings=in the evening on the evening of September 22nd Friday evening,4.do some exercise=take do morning/eye exercise do exercise/homeworkDo crosswords gives the mind some exercise.,at weekends,at the moment,do some sports,5.Portable

17、 computer/TV,8.take up 拿起,占据(时间、空间)He called on the people to take up arms to defend their freedom.他号召人民拿起武器保卫自由。,6.walk round in a circle run/sit,7.live the lifestyle live a happy/peaceful/poor life dream a strange/nice dream,Her time is fully taken up with writing.她的时间都用来写作了。take up还可以表示:开始学习某项课程;

18、向提出;开始做某项工作;拿起武器;打断某人等。如:A few years later I dropped medicine and took up physics.几年以后我放弃了医学,开始学习物理。,This table takes up too much room.这个桌子太占地方,He said he would take up my difficulties with the headmaster.他说他要向校长提出我的困难。When can you take up your duties,Doctor White?怀特医生,您什么时候可以开始工作?,She took me up su

19、ddenly when I suggested that the job be only suitable for a man.我提出那工作只适合男人做,她突然不容分说地把我打断了。,9.fill vt./vi 使充满;注入 Flowers filled the garden.花园里开满鲜花。The doctor filled the bottle with some medicine.医生往瓶里装入一些药物。The bottle was filled with medicine.be filled with 充满 她眼里满含泪水。Her eyes are filled with tears.

20、,10.When I get home at about ten,I look at some documents that I bring back from the office so that I can be ready for the next days work.,定语从句,目的状语从句,时间状语从句,11.be/get bored厌倦,厌烦 Im getting bored and homesick.我感到厌倦了,有点想家。Im bored with the subject anyway.不管怎么说我对这个题目有点烦。Relax oneself三维P5,Sentence expl

21、anations,1.I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round in a circle.点拨:这是一个并列复合句。and 前边是一个简单句;,and 后边是一个复合句,while the dog walks round in a circle是一个时间状语从句。句意:我总是随身携带手提电视,坐在石墙上看,小狗则在我身边绕圈。,2.I couldnt live this lifestyle without a good wife.点拨:句中的without a good w

22、ife 表达的是一种虚拟条件,与现实相反。句意:没有一个好妻子,我不可能过上这种日子。,3.Thirty-six-year-old Bob Black is sitting at his desk and working his way through his paperwork.点拨:(1)这是一个简单句。本句的主语是thirty-six-year-old Bob Black;sitting at his desk 和working his way through his paperwork 是由and 连接的两个并列谓语动词。,(2)work ones way through sth.意为

23、“自始至终做(尤指耗费时间或力量的事)”。36岁的鲍勃布莱克正坐在写字台前忙着他的案头工作。,4.I get to bed around midnight when my wife and children are already asleep.点拨:这是一个主从复合句,包含一个定语从句。I get to bed around midnight 是主句,,when my wife and children are already asleep 是定语从句,修饰先行词midnight。句意:我一般半夜才上床睡觉。那时妻子和孩子们都早已进入梦乡。,Match the sentences with

24、the rules.Find more examples in the texts for each use.,For lunch,I have biscuits and a glass of milk.I like the main news at six oclock.,The Present Simple tense describes:a)an activity that is repeated regularly.b)a present state,a feeling or opinion.,a),b),What tense is used in the following sentences?Complete the rule.,Brian Blakey is sitting on his sofa.Brians wife is working as a secretary.,The Present _ describes:a)an activity happening now.b)a present activity that happens regularly but only during a short period of time.,Continuous,


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