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1、考点精讲精练,名词,聚焦中考英语,考点一 名词辨析,对名词辨析的考查,主要以单项选择和完形填空两种题型设题。其中,以语境类名词辨析为主,且选项的话题词汇设置主要涉及:饮食类、职业身份类、方位地点类、动物类、时间类、科目类等日常生活类,同时涉及含抽象名词的固定搭配用法以及近义名词、同根词辨析。语境辨析 语境辨析是名词词义辨析的重点,主要考查同类单词的意思在具体语境中的运用。我们可以通过语境记忆法进行记忆,在日常的学习中推而广之。如:我们渴了就需要水(water),饮料(tea,coffee,juice),饿了就需要食物(bread,rice,meat,cake等);我们寄信需要去post off

2、ice,取钱需要去bank。,对点精练:,(C)1.Mike,what club do you want to join?Well,I want to join the_ clubI love paintingAchess Bsports Cart DEnglish,(C)2.Excuse meIs there a_ near here?I want to buy some drinksYesGo along the street,and its on your leftAzooBschool Csupermarket Dmuseum,(B)3.Bill will be a/an _ to i

3、nterview the football players in the coming Rio 2016 OlympicsAguest BreporterCtourist Dengineer,(D)4.Tu Youyou received the Nobel Prize for her_of anemisinin(青蒿素)And she was the first Chinese who won the prize in scienceAdesign Bthought CinventionDdiscovery,(D)5.Steve Jobs was full of_-always coming

4、 up with new ideas which led to great changes in societyAinstruction Binvitation Cintroduction Dinvention,近义词辨析,1.family,home,house family n.着重指家庭、家庭成员或家中人口。如:My family are all excited about the news that I am admitted to the key school.我的家人对我被重点学校录取的消息感到非常兴奋。home n.家,主要指一个人出生或居住的地方;home也意为“家乡、故乡”。含

5、有感情色彩,强调家里的氛围和环境。如:The nurse visits patients in their homes.护士对病人进行家访。She was born in London,but she now looks on Paris as her home.她生在伦敦,但现在把巴黎看成是她的家乡。house n.房子,主要指建筑物、住宅。如:New houses are going up everywhere.到处都在兴建新的住宅。,2.job 与 workjob 是可数名词,指一项具体的工作,也可指“零工”或“短工”;work 是不可数名词,指工作、劳动、努力、用功。如:Selling

6、 newspapers is his part-time job.卖报纸是他的兼职。He has been out of work.他失业了。Li Ling wants to be a singer.She thinks its an interesting job.李玲想成为一名歌手。她认为那是一份有趣的工作。,3.problem 与 question两个词都表示“问题”。一般来说,problem 总是与“困难”相联系,它可以指社会问题、教学问题,这种“问题”是“有待解决的”,与之搭配的动词是 solve;question 总是与“疑问、质问、询问”相联系,这种“问题”是“有待回答的”,常与

7、动词 ask/answer 连用。如:He asked me some questions.他问了我一些问题。There are many problems to be solved.有许多问题要解决。,4.message,information与 newsmessage:(1)作“消息”讲,一般指口头传递的或者书写的消息,是可数名词。如:He left a message for you.他给你留言了。(2)指书或者演讲稿的要领,要点,教训。如:This is a film with a strong religious message.这是一部有强烈宗教色彩的电影。information作

8、“信息”讲,通常指在阅读、观察、谈话或书信往来中特别关注的消息、情报、资料等。它侧重内容,是不可数名词。如:They must find out some information about planes to Yunnan as quickly as possible.他们必须尽快找到有关去往云南班机的资料。,news作“新闻、信息”讲,一般指通过广播、电视、报纸等新闻媒体向大众发布的社会各方面的最新消息,它侧重一个“新”字,是不可数名词。如:Theres a piece of interesting news in todays newspaper.在今天的报纸上有一则有趣的消息。No n

9、ews is good news.没消息就是好消息。,5.voice,noise与 sound voice,noise和 sound这三个名词都可表示“声音”,但是,它们表示的“声音”并不相同。voice表示“嗓音”,指人的说话声或唱歌声。如:The girl has a beautiful voice.那女孩嗓音很美。noise噪音,吵闹声,常具有贬义,表示令人心烦的、不和谐的“嘈杂声,噪音,响声”。如:The noise of traffic kept him awake.车辆的喧闹声使他睡不着。sound泛指一切声响,指一切可以听到的声音。如:Light travels much fas

10、ter than sound.光的传播速度比声音快得多。,对点精练:,(B)6The boy didnt sleep well last night because of the _ from the factory.Avoice Bnoise Cmusic Dsong,(B)7.Wheres our headteacher?Hes left a _ saying that he has something important to do.Anews Bmessage Cexcuse Dsentence,(D)8.He was born in Germany,but he has made C

11、hina his _.A.familyB.address C.houseD.home,同根词辨析,中考还会涉及同根词的考查,如:(1)health,healthy与healthily(2)surprise,surprised 与surprising(3)die,death,dead 与dying,对点精练:,(D)9.Fang Zhao died for saving the child,so his _ is heavier than Mount Tai.A.die B.dead C.dying D.death(A)10.Dali has a lot of scenery.Words can

12、not describe the _ of the scenery.AbeautyBbeautiful Cbeautifully Dbeautys,考点二 名词的数,不可数名词(包括物质名词和抽象名词,不能跟one,two.等数词或不定冠词 a,an 连用,也没有复数形式。)1.初中阶段常见的不可数名词有:water,rice,tea,milk,food,fruit,meat,fish(鱼肉),chicken(鸡肉),beef,mutton,orange(橙汁),sugar,salt,paper(纸),porridge,bread,sand,juice,news,music,time(时间),

13、information,fun,advice等。2.不可数名词常用much,(a)little,a lot of,some,any等修饰。常用it来替代。,对点精练:,(A)11.Please pick up the_.Dont keep it on the floor.A.paper B.boxes C.books D.bottles(A)12.Mum,I am hungry.May I have some_?Of course.But dont eat too much.Abread Bnoodle CdumplingDhamburger,(A)13.Yesterday for dinne

14、r I had a piece of beef,vegetables and _.A.some riceB.a few rice C.a little rices D.a rice,既可做可数名词也可做不可数名词:,对点精练:,(C)14.Could you please move over a little and make some_ for me?Sure,please.AplaceBseat Croom Dground,(D)15.Father bought some_.So we will have some to eat for dinner today.A.fishes;fish

15、es B.fishs;fish C.fish;fishes D.fish;fish,(A)16.I couldnt see clearly,so my father bought_ for me last week.Aa pair of glasses Ba glassesCa glass Da pair of glass,可数名词,可数名词单数变复数的规则1.一般直接+s如:map-maps,sea-seas,girl-girls,day-days,desk-desks,book-books,pen-pens,magazine-magazines,tree-trees2.以s,x,sh,ch

16、 结尾的单词在词尾+es如:class-classes bus-buses glass-glasses box-boxes bush-bushes brush-brushes watch-watches match-matches,3.以辅音字母+y结尾变y为i再+es如:baby-babies city-cities family-families party-parties story-stories country-countries.4.以元音字母+y 结尾直接+s.如:boy-boys key-keys monkey-monkeys holiday-holidays.5.以f/fe

17、结尾,变f/fe为 v 再+es如:half-halves wolf-wolves self-selves shelf-shelves leaf-leaves life-lives knife-knives wife-wives thief-thieves记忆口诀:树叶(leaf)半数(half)自己(self)黄,妻子(wife)拿刀(knife)上山岗,架(shelf)后窜出一只狼(wolf),好像小偷(thief)逃命(life)忙。,6.以o结尾的名词变复数(有生命+es,没有生命+s)常考有:英雄hero-heroes 土豆potato-potatoes 西红柿tomato-toma

18、toes(Heroes like eating potatoes and tomatoes.)radio-radios piano-pianos photo-photos kilo-kilos zoo-zoos,对点精练:,(B)17.Please remember to give the horse some tree _.AleafsBleaves CleafDleave,(C)18.There are many _ about this farm.Yes,lots of _ are planted on it.A.photo;potato B.photos;potatos C.photo

19、s;potatoes D.photoes;potatoes,不规则变化,巧记 不规则名词单数变复数:男女孩子的脚踩住老鼠的牙。manmen;womanwomen;childchildren;footfeet;mousemice;toothteeth各国人变复数:中日不变英法变,其余加s。Chinese,Japanese 单复数同形;Englishman,Frenchman中man变为men;其余各国人如 German,American,Australian,Indian等均在后面直接加s。,对点精练:,(A)19.How many_are there in the international

20、village?AChineseBRussian CAmericanDGerman(A)20.The_that came to the farm yesterday come here again.A.deer B.horse C.cow D.dog,名词修饰名词时的复数形式的构成,1)名词作定语修饰名词时,复数形式是将后面的名词变为复数。如:many apple trees,boy students2)man 和woman作定语修饰另一个名词时,两部分都变为复数。如:men teachers,women doctors,对点精练:,(A)21.All the _ teachers and_

21、students are having a sports meeting on the playground.Awomen;girl Bwomen;girlsCwomans;girlDwoman;girl,(B)22.What kind of noodles would you like?Id like some _ noodles.A.carrots B.beef C.potatoes D.vegetables,集体名词的数,1)集体名词是由若干个个体组成的集合体。如:family,class,team等,它们以单数形式出现,但实为复数。若他们强调某个集合的整体则应视为单数。My famil

22、y are watching TV.我的家人正在看电视。My family is a happy one.我家是一个幸福的家庭。2)有些集体名词通常只用作复数,如:people(人们),police(警察)等,如果要表达单数形式则要使用其他名词。如:一个人 a person()a people()一名警察 a policeman/policewoman()a police(),注意:,1)可数名词的单复数要与句子结构保持一致。2)可数名词一般不单独使用,表类别时可用复数形式,或用不定冠词或定冠词加单数名词。如:oranges,the/an orange。3)修饰可数名词复数的词有these,t

23、hose,many,(a)few,a/the number of,some/any,a lot of等。常用they,them来替代。4)有些名词通常只有复数形式。如:trousers,socks,glasses,clothes,shorts,scissors5)有些名词虽然以s结尾却表示单数。如:news,grass,politics(政治),physics(物理)等。,对点精练:,(B)23.I bought beautiful clothes yesterday.I like very much.A.it B.them C.mine D.clothes(C)24.The students

24、 of Grade 7 visited Mikes farm and saw many _ there.A.bird B.duck C.sheepD.rabbit,(A)25.There are a lot of_on the hill but hardly any_.A.sheep;people B.cows;person C.sheeps;peoples D.cows;peoples,(B)26.British people eat_ a lot.They are cooked in different ways.Apotato Bpotatoes Cbeef Dchicken,考点三 名

25、词所有格(表示人或物的隶属和拥有关系,翻译为“.的”)。,构成 s结构(有生命事物的名词以及表示时间、距离、国家、城市的名词所有格):1)不与s结尾的名词后+s。如:Lucys father,Childrens Day,todays newspaper,the boys room.2)以s结尾的名词后+。如:the girls desks,Teachers Day,the students homework of所有格(表示无生命的名词所有格):a map of China,the title of the text,特殊用法(1)表示一件东西为两人或三人共有时,只需在最后一个名词后加“s”,

26、后面所跟名词用单数;表示各自所有时,则需在每个名词后加“s”,后面所跟名词用复数。如:莉莉和露西共有的房间 Lily and Lucys room莉莉和露西各自的房间 Lilys and Lucys rooms(2)表示“某人家”、“店铺”、“诊所”等处所,所有格后的名词常省略。如:在李雷家 at Li Leis 在医生的诊所at the doctors(3)用介词“to”表达所有格:the answer to the question 问题的答案;the key to the door 门的钥匙;the way to去.的路;the solution to the problem 问题的解决

27、方法;the ticket to the game 比赛的门票。,对点精练:,(C)27.Are you sure this is a photo _,the famous comedy actress?It surprised you,didnt it?But she was once really thin.A.Jia Ling B.Jia Lings C.of Jia Ling D.of Jia Lings,(D)28.Looking after children is not only _work,men should also do it.A.womans B.women C.wom

28、ens D.womens,(A)29._fathers didnt come to the meeting.Why?Because they have gone to Beijing.A.Jeffs and Amys B.Jeff and Amy C.Jeffs and Amy D.Jeff and Amys,(B)30.Where is Lucy?I havent seen her for a long time.She had a fever several days ago and she is_ now.Aat the doctorBat the doctorsCat the doct

29、orsDat doctors,(D)31.Its convenient to travel from Ezhou to Wuhan by taking the newly-built green railway.Yes.Its said that _ is enough.A.fifteen minutes drive B.fifteen-minutes driveC.fifteen minutes drive D.fifteen minutes drive,(B)32.Lucy and Lily look almost the same.Yes,but they are really diff

30、erent.Lucys eyes are much brighter than_.Aher sister Bher sistersCher sisters Dher sisters,中考探究,()1.Mickey mouse is one of the most famous _ in American _.(2015广东)A.symbol culture B.symbol cultures C.symbols culture D.symbols culturesC,()2.The broken _may cut into your hand if you touch it,you shoul

31、d be careful.(2016广东)A.glassB.glassesC.candleD.candlesA,()3.Daniel has tried to lose by eating less recently,but two kilos has been put on instead.(2017广东)A.weight B.weights C.height D.heightsA,过关测试,()(2017 云南)1.Many _are playing an active part in making Kunming a civilize d city(文明城市).A.man B.woman C.volunteer D.volunteersD()(2017湖北)2.Whats your to English learning,Lin Tao?I think watching English movies is helpful.A.place B.age C.time D.secretD,Thank you!,


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