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1、2018中考英语考前讲座2018.6,讲座内容,中考英语试卷结构,讲座内容,高难度题型做题技巧,1,第七部分 书面表达 15分,假设你是李华,上周末你参加了一次郊游(outing)。请根据下面表格中的提示信息写一篇题为“A pleasant outing”的英语短文,参加某英文报纸的征文比赛。,主要问题1.层次不清晰2.拼写和语法错误多3.汉语思维痕迹过重,A pleasant Outing Last weekend,I went for an outing with my classmates.We had a great time.At 7:30 in the morning,we met

2、 at our school gate.We went to the North Hill Park by bike.On the way,we were so excited that we sang loudly.When we arrived there,we started to climb the hill at once.We had a picnic on the top of the hill.After that,we walked down the path and had a rest.Later,some girls danced under the trees and

3、 some boys played games happily.We didnt go back until 4:00 pm.We were tired but very happy.What a pleasant outing it was!,A pleasant Outing Last weekend,I went for an outing with my classmates.We had a great time.At 7:30 in the morning,we met at our school gate.We went to the North Hill Park by bik

4、e.On the way,we were so excited that we sang loudly.When we arrived there,we started to climb the hill at once.We had a picnic on the top of the hill.After that,we walked down the path and had a rest.Later,some girls danced under the trees and some boys played games happily.We didnt go back until 4:

5、00 pm.We were tired but very happy.What a pleasant outing it was!,A pleasant Outing Last weekend,I went for an outing with my classmates.We had a great time.At 7:30 in the morning,we met at our school gate.We went to the North Hill Park by bike.On the way,we were so excited that we sang loudly.When

6、we arrived there,we started to climb the hill at once.We had a picnic on the top of the hill.After that,we walked down the path and had a rest.Later,some girls danced under the trees and some boys played games happily.We didnt go back until 4:00 pm.We were tired but happy What a pleasant outing it w

7、as!,After that,Later,写作评分标准A.要点 B.结构段落清晰;主题句;衔接词C.语言正确;难度D.字数,语言的标准 句子正确 2-4个句子加难度,1.如何写正确?,2.如何提高难度?,化繁为简化简为繁,确保正确,加大难度,书面表达高分口诀:,A.简单英语表达复杂汉语思维B.每句话都争取用:主+谓+宾(主+系+表)主+系+表C。同义词、近义词,确保正确,化繁为简,化简为繁,加大难度,1.给力词汇千金一词2.高端语法千金一句,千金一词(第二词汇)同义化:1.should:2.many:3.not like:4.like:具体化:1.unhappy:2.cook:,be supp

8、osed to,a great number of,dislike,/hate,be fond of,stressed out/upset/lonely/mad,boil/bake/fry/steam,千金一句:1个定语从句(可以增加修饰部分)1个被动语态 1个长句(并列、转折、时间、原因、目的)随机应变:感叹句、虚拟语气等,如何写长句,其 核 心 问 题是 连词 连词会让句子逻辑清晰,句子变长而显得有水平。,表示句子间逻辑关系1.如果 2.尽管;虽然 3.因为;因此目的是5如此以至两者都不7不是而是 直到 9.直到才 10.否则表示动作发生时间关系1.一就 2.当时候 3.(一直)自从(时间

9、点)4.在.之前5.表示先后顺序的词,书面表达亮点句训练一:宾语从句没有人知道明天会发生什么。_2.我想知道Tom两天以后是否会去北京。_3.大家都知道健康是最重要的。_,Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow.,I wonder if/whether Tom will go to Beijing in two days.,Everyone knows(that)health is the most important.,书面表达亮点句训练二:定语从句1.Emily是一个有美丽梦想的孩子。_2.我昨天给妈妈买的围巾很漂亮。_,Emily is a chil

10、d who has a beautiful dream.,The scarf that/which I bought for my mother is very beautiful.,整合短文 First,Next,Then(After that),Finally Firstly,secondly,Thirdly,Summary,卷面整洁 句子正确“三好学生”(词汇、衔接、句型),第五部分 词语运用 10分,该题型旨在考查学生的英语基础知识和综合运用英语的能力。该题型将重点考查:同一词根的不同词性变化;序数词与基数词的区别运用;名词的单复数及所有格;代词的用法;形容词和副词比较等级的运用;动词

11、各种时态语态的灵活运用。,27,总结解题思路:,词语运用,读懂句子选对词,用正确形式填空,认真检查,“词语运用”为08年以来河南中考的新题型,主要考察学生在语境中运用词汇的能力。题目以短文的形式出现,提供12个形式为原形的单词,让学生根据短文内容从中选10个,并用其适当形式填空,使文章通顺、完整。此题型为历年来得分率最低的题目。题目考察主要以实词为主(名词、动词、代词、数词、形容词、副词等),词语运用,检查核对,Rules,动词,人称、数,时态,被动语态,非谓语(to do/doing)do/done,名词,单复数,所有格,形容词,副词,Rules,副词,比较级,最高级,反义词,形容词,Rul

12、es,词的位置,一、了解短文填词的宗旨:缺啥填啥,注意形式。1、首先找谓语动词。如果主语宾语之间、情态动词和助动词后面有空就是动词,通过上下文语境注意形式。2、空在动词前就是主语,空在动词后就是宾语,要选择名词、代词或动名词。动词名词之间则选形容词或介词或数词。冠词、形容词和数词后应为名词。3、若主谓宾都有,则是修饰动词或全句的,就选择副词,形容词前也常常用副词,若两句主谓宾齐全句意完整,有空要则关联词。,阅读文章并理解文章大意方法:边读边在文章中划出空前空后 关键词,Lets practice!,在单词上标出单词词性,sad come sing for hear good take one

13、invite friendship her girl,读课文圈出文章空前空后的关键词并做题,Read the passage quickly and try to understand it:You may know the song Happy Birthday very well.But do you know who sang it 1?It was written by an American girl.And 2 has become a very rich woman now.When she was a child,she was poor.Once she was 3 to h

14、er friends birthday party.She was pleased but also sad because she had not enough money to buy a present for him.“The party will begin soon.Now I have no money.”4 ran down her face.,Late that night she was in bed,thinking about the present when the door opened and her grandma 5 in.“What happened?”he

15、r grandma asked.Hearing the 6 story,she said,“Dont worry.I think I can help you.How about 7 a song?Happy birthday to.”What a beautiful song!She sang and sang.Suddenly she woke up.It was a dream!She decided to write it down at once and sing it to her friend at the party.When she sang the song at the

16、party the next day,her friend was very happy.“How 8 you sang!It is the most beautiful song that I have ever 9 before!Thank you 10 giving me the special present!”he said.And they learned to sing it together.Later the girl became well-known in America.,sad;come;sing;for;hear;good take;one;invite;frien

17、dship;her;girl,1.You may know the song Happy Birthday very well.But do you know who sang it_?2.It was written by an American girl.And _has become a very rich woman now.3.When she was a child,she was poor.4.Once she was _to her friends birthday party.5.Now I have no money.”_ appeared on her face.6.La

18、te that night she was in bed,thinking about the present when the door opened and her grandma _in.,first,She,invited,sadness,came,7.“What happened?”her grandma asked.Hearing the_story,she said,“Dont worry.8.How about _a song?Happy birthday to.”9.“How_you sang!”10.It is the most beautiful song that I

19、have ever _before!,sad;come;sing;for;hear;good take;one;invite;friendship;her;girl,girls,singing,well,heard,词语运用记忆口诀,空格前后要注意,“名词”单复要牢记,还有s不放弃,“动词”注意变形,“形副”注意跳级,要填“数词”请留意,千万别忘“基”和“序”,填入“代词”需谨慎,五格变化要谨记。,讲座内容,高难度题型做题技巧,必考题型做题策略,1、/,2、,听力考场建议,在应试时,首先应利用一切可能的时间快速浏览一下题目,并根据所给答案的不同信息做出相应标记,在听的时候就更能有针对性,提高做

20、题效率。第二,要注意把握关键词,抓住主要信息。往往重读或拖长的词是帮助我们解题的关键词,最好养成边听边记提示信息的习惯。最后,考生在心态上一定要保持沉着冷静。当某一小题没有听清的时候,应马上转入下一小题,不要急躁慌乱而影响回答后面的题目。,第二部分 单项选择题 15分,由近三年的中考卷来看,选择题的发展方向为:1.知识点覆盖比较全面,纯知识性的题比例减少,能力分析题增多。2.向情景的题型发展。3.考理解和考语用的试题相继出现 4.与高中接轨。,2、思路点拨及答题技巧,正确的解题思路简言之存在于“审、选、验”三个字中。1)审:审清题干,明确考点,对症下药。2)选:运用知识,注意提示,比较排除。3

21、)验:初定答案,放回原句,仔细检验。,方法1 融入语境法 Monica,you _ the exam!Congratulations!A.pass B.have passed C.will pass D.are passing,We must protect plants.They are friends of _.A.we B.us C.our D.ours,根据最后一句中的“祝贺”可知语境是通过了考试,所以使用现在完成时。,考查名词性物主代词,friends of ours意为“我们的朋友”,They look _ at his broken clothes and didnt know

22、_ to do.A.sad,what B.sadly,how C.sadly,what D.sad,how,研析 本句的look并不是连系动词,而是和at构成短语动词,因此应用sadly修饰look at;此外应是what to do(what 作do 的宾语),how to do it(it做do的宾语,how表示方式),因此选C.,The teacher had Tom _ his homework by himself,but he had his homework _.A.to do,doing B.did,to be done C.do,done D.do,doing,研析本题考查使

23、役动词have的用法。have sb do sth.表示让某人做某事(to要省略);have sth done表示让别人做某事,因此选C。,第三部分 完形填空 10分,语言学家们认为,完形填空可用于检查学生外语学习的综合水平,在知识层次,它可以检查词汇,语法知识;在应用层次,它可以检查结合背景知识理解全文主题大意和作者意图的能力,根据上下文运用语言知识猜测生词词义的能力,以及全面驾驭语篇,获取信息的能力。,考点1、实词在完形填空中的应用,完形填空考点提示,(4)副词,考点2、虚词在完形填空中的应用,(2)动词,(3)形容词,(1)名词,(4)冠词,(2)代词,(3)连词,(1)介词,1.精选练

24、习,不断总结。有计划、有步骤,由简到难、由长到短地进行有针对性的专项训练。2.可先不看选项,靠逻辑推理填上一个你认为可行的词,有时可练无词短文填空,这有助于增强学生的语感和逻辑思维能力。3.朗读、欣赏和背诵历届中考试卷中的完型填空试题的文章。4.1+12-多读做过的题更有助于能力的提高,不要单纯求多,切勿大量囫囵吞枣式的练习。,复习建议,第四部分 阅读理解 40分,阅读理解:四篇内容为:记叙(故事)、说明、应用文体、任务型。考察形式一般为推理判断、词义猜测、主旨把握、标题确定等多种形式。题目的设计要注意把握中心内容,紧扣重点,不要针对无关紧要的信息设题。语篇中可以有生词;中文注释不超过3处。选

25、材料之前一定要看能不能出题,好不好出题。A 篇故事类的题通常出一个主旨题,突出教育意义,让学生知道通过阅读明白了什么道理,这样就与一般的细节性考察类题目拉开了档次,提高了出题水平;C 篇图表类阅读最后一题可以设一道总体把握的题,避免全是细节性考察,如 50.What do these four activities have in common?D 篇的任务型阅读,还原句子是考察对语篇把握的很好形式。,阅读试题类型的比较,阅读技巧和解题方法 阅读短文应遵循由整体到细节的原则,按“全文、段落、句子、词语”的步骤阅读文章。可采用速读、细读和复读的三步法找到最佳答案。,先看选题再读文章用这种方法解题

26、时应该注意以下几个问题。1)先只读题干,不读选项2)在读了题之后,要把这些问题记在心里,并带着这些问题阅读短文。3)读短文时,不要经常停下来。4)带着问题读完短文之后,便可以选择答案。,如何培养自己英语阅读的水平,树立大阅读的理念掌握阅读方法:一猜、二查、三问、四记、五译精读和泛读相结合默读与朗读相结合,讲座内容,考场心态影响成绩的重要因素,1保持一个良好的心态,精神饱满地参加中考,考出自己的水平是考生和家长共同的心愿。,2在考试过程中,难免会遇到某些影响考试的现象,因此考生需要有应对考试意外事件的思想准备。,3战略上藐视考试,战术上重视考试。,1试卷发手中,浏览莫放松,答题过程讲究策略从容解答,2仔细审题意,细心答好题,3按顺序答题,避难就易,4卷面要整洁,书写要规范,5认真复核,仔细检查,Boys and girls Wish you success!,Thanks for your listening!,


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