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1、Module Twelve,The Job Market,New Words and Expressions:,work colleagues 同事salary n 工资,薪水flexible hours 灵活的时间overtime uvtaim n 加班promotion prmun n 升职,提升,3,The Job MarketWords&Phrases:bonus:奖金 intern:实习生 well-paid:薪水丰厚的 recruitment:招聘 challenging:挑战性的 benefits package:福利待遇,The Job MarketWords&Phrases:

2、job objective:工作目标work overtime:加班personal/casual leave:事假 sick leave:病假 paid leave:带薪假responsible:有责任心的be qualified for:胜任,具有资格,4,The Job MarketWords&Phrases:promotion:升职vacancy:空缺strong point:优点weakness:弱点practical and professional skills:实用和专业技能 work in the industry:在这个行业工作,5,The Job MarketUseful

3、 Expressions:What salary do you expect?你希望的薪水是多少?Have you ever done this kind of work before?你以前做过类似的工作吗?I dont mind if I start with a low salary because it is my first time hunting for a job and I lack experience.我不介意刚开始的薪水低,因为这是我第一次找工作,而且我缺乏工作经验。,6,-for Chinese graduates,Job market,Content,1.labor

4、 market or job market 2.working condition in China3.Typical problems job hunters vacancies wrong attitude cannot reach the demand of employer,Whats it like working in China?,1.Average working hours:working week of 40 hours,Mondayto Friday,eight to nine hours a day.,2.Holidays:at least five days annu

5、al leave which increases every year,and 13 national holidays.3.Tax rates:progressive income tax system,starting at 5%rising to 45%.,Typical problems-In Chinajob market,The number of graduates increasing with a rocket speed.,discrimination,Chinas colleges have failed to train students in accordance w

6、ith the labor market demand.,wanted,16,Tips for Interviewing:-Show proper confidence:Not too modest,not too boastful 恰如其分地展示你的自信:不要过分谦虚,也不要过分自夸Be polite:“When it is over,say:I look forward to hearing from you”.“I appreciate your taking the time to talk with me.”“Thank you for seeing me.”要有礼貌。面试结束后,要

7、说:“我渴望听到你们的消息。”“对于占用你们的时间我深表歉意。”“谢谢你们给我面试的机会。”,17,Pair workDirections:make up a dialogue with your partner based on the following situation.Task situation:Before A goes to an interview,B advises A to pay attention to his/her appearance(hair/dress)and manner(polite but firm).B also advises A to tell

8、about his/her work experience and his/her character,to ask about the job requirement and to learn the usual salary for a new hand before answering the interviewers question about the salary he/she expects.,18,Tips:Here are some things A can say:B,do you have any tips for a successful interview?Can y

9、ou give me some advice on success in an interview?What should I prepare for an interview?Im not sure what kind of questions theyll ask?What should I pay attention to during an interview?Then,what about during the interview?What kind of questions they will ask?Should I ask them about the salary and b

10、enefits they offer?,19,The Job MarketIs it appropriate for me to tell them my job requirement?Oh,Ive learned so much from you.A thousand thanks!Here are some things B can say:Well,first of all,you need to dress appropriately.Careless clothes may be an indicator of careless attitude in work.Be sure t

11、o maintain good eye contact.Dont look to shy/timid,nor should you sound too aggressive.,20,The Job MarketTheyll probably want to know about your work experience.Companies usually dont want an entirely new hand.I strongly recommend you thatDont ask before they bring up the issue/question.Better not.N

12、ot unless they bring it up.Just use the interview to sell yourself.-Therell be plenty of chances for you to talk about money later on.,21,Tips for Interviewing:Be well groomed 仪表、打扮要适当Be on time 准时Try to relax 放松Be yourself 自然Be prepared to answer questions从容回答问题Be prepared to ask questions有准备地提出问题。,22,


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