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1、课程简介,课程名称:E英语教程课程类型:本科专业必修课适用专业:艺术类学时与学分:48学时 2学分,邮件:,Listening and speaking,Reading,Grammar,Writing,Culture express,Content,Pronunciation and listening skills,Conversations,Passage,Listening and speaking,Listen to some short conversations and choose the best answer to each of the following question

2、s.,Listening for attitudes,Listen to some short conversations and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.,1 Whats the womans brothers attitude toward other peoples opinion of him?,A Concerned.B Interested.C Indifferent.,2 Whats the womans attitude toward rock music?,A Like.B Disli

3、ke.C Indifferent.,Listening for attitudes,Listen to some short conversations and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.,Listening for attitudes,3 Whats the womans attitude toward going shopping?,A Positive.B Negative.C Neutral.,4 What is most peoples feeling toward this years bas

4、ketball season?,A Itll be exciting.B Itll be disappointing.C Itll be better than last years.,Listen to some short conversations and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.,Listening for attitudes,5 What is the womans feeling toward her dormitory?,A Positive.B Negative.C Indifferen

5、t.,6 What is the mans attitude toward the play?,A Positive.B Negative.C Neutral.,我们可以通过对话中的提示词、语气、语调等来推测说话者的意图、观点和态度。如第1题中,我们可以从cares little about 中的little 推测出说话者的哥哥不是特别在意别人的看法。再如,从第3题中的so much fun 可以看出说话者非常喜欢购物。人们在兴奋、惊讶或激动时说话的语调就高;在相反的情况下,语调则低。,Tips,Listening for attitudes,Listening for attitudes,S

6、cripts,Listening for attitudes,Scripts,Listening for attitudes,Scripts,Conversations,Conversation 1,Conversation 2,Functional language,Exercises,Exercises,Functional language,1.Listen to a conversation and complete the following sentences with what you hear.,Conversation 1 Complaining&responses,happ

7、y about it,how you feel,I know_.We will look into the matter as soon as possible.,So what?Its not fresh and Im not_.,1.Listen to a conversation and complete the following sentences with what you hear.,a complaint to make,be assured,Besides,Im afraid I have _ about the poor service.,Please_ that we w

8、ill do something about it.,Conversation 1 Complaining&responses,2.Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).,T,T,F,1 The fish does not taste very good.,2 The waiter tries to offer something free.,3 The guest is a person who is very easy to please.,Conversation 1

9、 Complaining&responses,Scripts,Conversation 1 Complaining&responses,Scripts,Conversation 1 Complaining&responses,3.Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations.You may refer to the Functional Language.,(Sample),(Sample),Conversation 1 Complaining&responses,3.Role-pl

10、ay a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations.You may refer to the Functional Language.,Conversation 1 Complaining&responses,Role play-Sample conversation,Situation 1,Conversation 1 Complaining&responses,Role play-Sample conversation,Situation 2,Conversation 1 Complaining&r

11、esponses,Functional Language,Conversation 1 Complaining&responses,1.Listen to a conversation and complete the following sentences with what you hear.,Conversation 2 Making complaints&responses,1.Listen to a conversation and complete the following sentences with what you hear.,I dont know if I can_ m

12、uch longer.,You are right.I guess university life is not as good as_.,I know that,but theres a difference when it _ your enjoyment of study.,stand it,I expected,Actually its a good thing that teachers are _ their students.,strict with,spoils,Conversation 2 Making complaints&responses,2.Listen again

13、and answer the questions with“yes”(Y)or“no”(N).,Does Mark like having so much homework to do?,N,Y,Y,Do the two speakers agree that there should be a balance between work and rest?,Is Mark disappointed at university life?,Conversation 2 Making complaints&responses,Scripts,Conversation 2 Making compla

14、ints&responses,Scripts,Conversation 2 Making complaints&responses,3.Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations.You may refer to the Functional Language.,(Sample),(Sample),Conversation 2 Making complaints&responses,3.Role-play a conversation in pairs according to o

15、ne of the following situations.You may refer to the Functional Language.,Conversation 2 Making complaints&responses,Role play-Sample conversation,Situation 1,Conversation 2 Making complaints&responses,Role play-Sample conversation,Situation 2,Conversation 2 Making complaints&responses,Functional Lan

16、guage,Conversation 2 Making complaints&responses,1.Listen to a passage and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).,Passage,1.Listen to a passage and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).,Passage,F,T,F,1 The student asked the teacher to bring him beer

17、 and hamburgers.,2 The teacher was very surprised at the students request.,3 The student enjoyed his food and drink so much that he stopped answering the exam paper.,2.Listen again and choose the best way to complete each of the following sentences.,Passage,1.The copy of the 400-year-old Laws of Cam

18、bridge was written in _.,B,2.Listen again and choose the best way to complete each of the following sentences.,Passage,2.Thestudent was fined five pounds for_.,C,3.The story is intended to be _.,A,Here is a true story regarding exams at Cambridge University.During an exam one day a bright student ra

19、ised his hand and asked the teacher to bring him cakes and beer.The dialog went like this:“I beg your pardon?”,the teacher said.“Sir,I request that you bring me cakes and beer.”“Sorry,no.That will not happen.”“Sir,I really must insist.I request and require that you bring me cakes and beer.”At this p

20、oint,the student took out a copy of the 400-year-old Laws of Cambridge,written in Latin and still nominally in effect,and pointed to the part which said,“Gentlemen sitting exams may request and require cakes and beer.”,Scripts,Passage,The teacher,though very surprised,could no longer deny his reques

21、t.Since cakes and beer couldnt be found immediately,Pepsi and hamburgers were brought to the student.And the student sat there,happily enjoying the food and drink while answering the exam paper.Three weeks later,the student was fined five pounds.The reason was very simple.According to the 400-year-o

22、ld Laws of Cambridge,he was supposed to wear a sword to the exam.,Scripts,Passage,3.Suppose your class is collecting opinions on the current school rules.Do you have any complaints to make?What suggestions would you like to offer?,Passage,3.Suppose your class is collecting opinions on the current sc

23、hool rules.Do you have any complaints to make?What suggestions would you like to offer?,Passage,I have some complaints among which the most annoying thing is we are not allowed to curtain our beds in our dorm.Otherwise we will be fined 20 to 50 yuan.Although this will make the dorm look neat and cle

24、an,I think this rule is quite unfair.Usually six students share the same room.Sometimes we want to have more privacy,so we prefer to have a curtain to separate us from the outside world.I suggest that we should be allowed to curtain our beds.,Passage A,Passage B,Techniques to rapidly improve your se

25、lf-confidence,More than gold,Reading,Techniques to rapidly improve your self-confidence,Lead-in,Text study,Exercises,Passage A,Lead-in,Extended reading,Pre-reading questions,Video appreciation,Passage A Techniques to rapidly improve your self-confidence,Lead-in,-Extended reading,Passage A Techniques

26、 to rapidly improve your self-confidence,Catch the star that will take you to your dream,Catch the star that holds your destiny,the one that forever twinkles within your heart.Take advantage of precious opportunities while they still sparkle before you.Always believe that your ultimate goal is attai

27、nable as long as you commit yourself to it.,当生命中的那颗星在你内心闪耀的时候,要学会把握它,永远相信只要自己持之以恒,就一定能够实现自己心中的梦想。,Lead-in,-Extended reading,Though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams,remember that your destiny is hiding behind them.Accept the fact that not everyone is going to approve of the choi

28、ces youve made.Have faith in your judgment.Catch the star that twinkles in your heart and it will lead you to your destinys path.Follow that pathway and uncover the sweet sunrises that await you.,尽管通往梦想的道路上总有坎坷,你需要记住的是,你的命运就隐藏在那困难背后。学会接受这样的事实:不是每一个人都赞同你的选择。你要坚定自己的判断走下去。捕捉住那颗在你内心闪耀的星吧,它将引领你抵达自己的命运之路。

29、沿那条路走下去,你就会发现那属于自己的美丽日出。,Passage A Techniques to rapidly improve your self-confidence,Lead-in,-Extended reading,Take pride in your accomplishments,as they are stepping stones to your dreams.Understand that you may make mistakes,but dont let them discourage you.Value your capabilities and talents for

30、 they are what make you truly unique.The greatest gifts in life are not purchased,but acquired through hard work and determination.Find the star that twinkles in your heartfor you alone are capable of making your brightest dreams come true.Give your hopes everything youve got and you will catch the

31、star that holds your destiny.,为自己的成绩自豪,因为它们是你通往梦想的阶梯。要知道你自己也会犯错误,但是可别因此而气馁。正确评价自己的能力,是它们令你与众不同。生活里最丰厚的礼物不是买来的,而是通过艰苦的努力和决心获得的。找到在你内心闪耀的那颗星吧,虽然你独自一人,但也有能力实现你最辉煌的梦想。对即得的怀抱希望并抓住那颗掌控你命运的星吧。,Passage A Techniques to rapidly improve your self-confidence,1.Are you a self-confident person?Why or why not?,Pre

32、-reading questions,Work in groups to discuss the following questions.,Sample answer:Yes.I am a self-confident person.I always believe I can succeed as long as I try my best.A self-confident person should be sure of his or her abilities.When meeting challenges or difficulties,he or she should be opti

33、mistic,active and enthusiastic.,2.In your opinion,what are the characteristics a self-confident person should have?,Passage A Techniques to rapidly improve your self-confidence,The Lion King,Lead-in,-Video appreciation,Passage A Techniques to rapidly improve your self-confidence,Text study,Organizat

34、ion of the text,Language points,Text reading,Passage A Techniques to rapidly improve your self-confidence,Passage A,Techniques to rapidly improve your self-confidence,One of the most important qualities that a person must possess in order to achieve happiness and satisfaction is self-confidence.Self

35、-confidence refers to a persons belief that he has the ability to accomplish tasks and overcome challenges.These challenges can be anything,such as completing an assignment,performing well at work,or simply interacting with family members.,_,_,_,_,_,_,Passage A,2.Often,it is easier for a person to h

36、ave more confidence in others than in themselves.This is not healthy.Self-confidence is what gives people the drive to work toward their goals and the perseverance to continue when difficulties arise.It simply makes people feel good about themselves.Those that are self-confident are happier and are

37、able to achieve their goals more easily.,_,_,_,Passage A,Passage A,3.Self-confidence is a must-have in todays world.If a person lacks this essential quality,then he is usually overlooked when good chances come around.People without self-confidence are less noticed.They merely sit quietly in the back

38、ground,ignored.In contrast,people with self-confidence are ready to express their thoughts and feelings,have more enthusiasm and show a stronger desire to succeed.They work hard to achieve their goals.They feel good about themselves and their ability.They strive to excel in ways that those who lack

39、self-confidence only dream about.This is why,if a person wants to be successful,he must first work on improving his self-confidence.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Passage A,Passage A,4.Here are 10 ways to improve your self-confidence:5.1 Improve your physical appearance.Exercising,eating properly and dres

40、sing well are excellent ways of doing this.If you feel good about your outward appearance then you are more likely to feel the same inwardly.6.Concentrate on achieving smaller goals,rather than focusing on the final overwhelming task.Focusing on smaller successes creates a feeling of consistent achi

41、evement and allows you to deal with larger challenges over time.,Passage A,7.3 Dont put things off!When people are stressed,they dont operate at their highest level.Start on your tasks immediately and you will find that you will have more success and less anxiety.8.4 Help others when theyre in need.

42、Lending a hand naturally makes everyone feel good.It boosts ones self-confidence to see that others are better off because of something that you did to help.It may be something small or something major.It doesnt matter because even the little things count.,_,_,_,9.5 Learn a new skill.Nothing makes y

43、ou feel more confident than when you master something new.Take time to invest in yourself,to build your self-confidence.10.Stop beating yourself up.Dont concentrate on your weaknesses.Work to exclude the negativity from your life.Focus on the positive things you have done or are going to do.11.7 Dev

44、elop a clear plan.Take time to create a plan to accomplish your goals.Nothing is more damaging to self-confidence than failure.You wouldnt go on an expedition without a map,so take the time to create a plan for success.,_,_,Passage A,12.8 Increase your network.You are an image of those you associate

45、 with.Seek out and enhance relationships with people who have the self-confidence characteristics you are looking for.A rising tide lifts all ships.13.9 Be thankful for what you have been given.Sometimes our vision is clouded by feelings of self-pity.Take some time to evaluate all of the things you

46、have to be grateful for and then be truly thankful.Life can always be worse.And your journey to success has to start from somewhere.,_,_,_,_,_,Passage A,14.10 Boost your self-confidence with a motivational speech.Nothing lifts our spirits more than a motivational speech.Give yourself a burst of moti

47、vation,self-confidence and inspiration by listening to the insights and expertise of a trained motivational speaker or trainer.15.The path to self-confidence is continuous.Work hard on it,and you will find the benefits of believing in yourself are endless.,Organization of the text,Structure,Part I(P

48、ara._),Part II(Para._),Part III(Para._),1-3,4-14,Introduction:Definition and importance of self-confidence.,Main body:10 ways to improve self-confidence.,Conclusion:Work hard to build up self-confidence,15,Passage A Techniques to rapidly improve your self-confidence,One of the most important qualiti

49、es that a person must possess in order to achieve happiness and satisfaction is self-confidence.,一个人要想获得幸福和满足,必备的最重要的品质之一就是自信。,我昨天拜访的那个老人是我的老师。,TheoldmanthatIvisitedyesterdayismyteacher.,本句主语部分较长,其中的定语从句 that a person must possess in order to achieve happiness and satisfaction 修饰先行词 qualities。,(Line

50、 1,Para.1),Passage A Techniques to rapidly improve your self-confidence,Passage A Techniques to rapidly improve your self-confidence,Self-confidence refers to a persons belief that he has the ability to accomplish tasks and overcome challenges.,(Line 4,Para.1),自信指的是一个人相信自己有能力完成任务、战胜挑战。,他会再来这里,这是毫无疑问


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