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1、4.Problems can happen when families do not discuss how they really feel.happen 发生The accident happened outside my house.这个事故发生在我家房子的外面。It happened quite by chance.此事纯属偶然。A funny thing happened in the subway yesterday.昨天地铁里发生了一件有趣的事。(与to连用)碰巧I happened to be in the market yesterday when a fire starte

2、d.昨天发生火灾时,我正好在市场上。(与to连用)偶然发生;巧遇I happened to be out when he called.他来访时,恰巧我出去了。(与on,upon连用)巧遇;偶然发现I happened on just the thing I had been looking for.我偶然发现了我所要找的东西。happen to 发生(某事件);对产生影响A bad accident happened to that family.那个家庭发生了不幸的事情。Did you hear what happened to David last night?你听说大卫昨天晚上发生什么

3、事了吗?,比较 occur-rr-vi.发生(与to连用)想起;想到 break out 猛地爆发(不愉快的事):战争爆发 take place 发生,举行(暗含有计划的)come about发生1)The accident occurred at five oclock.事故发生在五点钟。2)An idea _ _ me.我想到一个主意。3)Fighting _ _ in the prison cells.牢房里发生斗殴.4)A war _ _ between the two countries.5)The race will _ _ tomorrow.6)The threatened st

4、rike did not take place after all.7)How did the accident come about?8)Sometimes it is hard to tell how a quarrel _ _.9)What will _ _ the children if Peter and Alice break up?如果彼得和爱丽丝离婚孩子们将怎么办?10)Do you _ _ _ his new telephone number?你可知道他的新电话号码?11)I _ _ _ Peter on the way to the bookstore yesterday.

5、昨天我去书店的路上碰巧遇见了彼得。12)I _ _ an old country hotel during the last summer holidays.去年暑假期间我偶然发现了一家古老的乡村旅馆。,occurred to,broke out,broke out,take place,comes about,happen to,happen to know,happened to see,happened on,5.Eric runs in after it,followed by a big dog,walking very slowly.艾瑞克跑过来拾球,后面一条大狗跟着,走得很慢fo

6、llow vt.跟踪,跟随1)The students _ the professor into the lecture room.2)A flood followed the heavy rain.接受,遵循(accept,take)1)Follow my advice!2)Youll spend lots on clothes if you always follow the fashion.了解,领悟(understand)1)He spoke so fast that I couldnt follow him.2)Do you follow me?following为形容词,与 the

7、 连用;也可作代词,意为“接着的,其次的,下列的”,例如:in the following year 在来年the following words 下列词语,followed,You werent supposed to come home until tomorrow!be supposed to(1)表示按照义务,规则,规律或约定“理应,应该”.He _ _ _ arrive before six oclock.他应该六点以前到达.You were supposed to finish your homework on time.你理应按时完成作业.We were supposed to

8、arrive at six.But were late.我们本应该6点钟到达.但是,我们迟到了.He _ _ _ have told me about it.他本应该把这件事告诉我的.(2)被认为,被看作是 The speaker is supposed to be excellent.演讲人据说(被认为)是很出色的.注意:was/were supposed to do 常用来表示“本应该(发生而实际上并未发生)”,有时也可以使用was/were supposed to have done表示过去本应发生而实际未发生的事.be not supposed to 意为“不应当”.Business

9、is not as good as it was supposed to be.生意不如想象的那么好.Youre supposed to have done it by now.你现在应该已经完成了.,is supposed to,was supposed to,6.What did you do with the money we left?你把我们留给你的钱用来做什么了?do with 1)利用 He gave me this strange object for my birthday,and I dont know what to do with it.2)应付,对付 The teac

10、her didnt know what to do with the class.比较do with,deal with 1)do with利用,处理,疑问句中用 what 提问。_ will you _ _ the problem?这个问题你应该怎样解决的?,What,do with,2)deal with 的几种用法 with 作“对付”“和。打交道”解释,例如:That man is impossible to deal with.这个人是无法相处的。A teacher should deal fairly with his students.老师应工整地对待学生。Deal

11、 with a man as he _ _ you.以其人之道还治其人之身。 with 可作“处理”解释,例如:I have a lot of letters to deal with today.今天我有很多信件要处理。Your problem will soon be dealt with.你的问题很快会得到处理.How did you deal with the matters of this sort?你是怎么处理这类事情的? with还可作“论述”“涉及”解释。例如:The subject isnt very well _ _ in his book.这个问题

12、在他书里没有得到很好的论述。He wrote a book dealing with life in Japan.他写了一本书,谈的是在日本的生活情况。 with的疑问方式应用how提问,dealt with,deals with,7.remember the day when we left you in charge?in charge(掌握,负责)在句中作you的补足语.take charge 接管 take charge of 接管 have charge of 掌管 be in charge of 掌管 in/under the charge of 在的掌管下Who is

13、 _ _ here?这儿谁负责?He is _ _ _ our class.他担任我们的班主任.The factory is in charge of the Wang ping.这家工厂的厂长是王平.When did you take charge of the company?你什么时候接管的这家公司?When she was away,he _ _ _ the business.她离开后,他负责处理各种事物.The nurse was left in charge of the children.保姆留下来照料孩子们free of charge 免费 whats the charge f

14、or?的费用是多少 charge 向某人索价(多少)charge for 因而收费 charge do 命令某人做 charge sth.将充电 charge sb.with 谴责/指控某人,指派某人做某事,had charge of,in charge of,in charge,8.I dont know the reason why the house is so dirty.Reason 作先行词时,其后的定语从句的关系词经常用 why/that 来引导。译为“。的理由,。的原因”。I see no reason _ they should not come

15、.我看不出他们有什么理由不来。The reason _ _I am late is that I had my tire punctured.我迟到的理由是我的车子爆胎了。Im not going abroad for the simple reason _ I cant afford it.我不出国,只因为我负担不起。,why,why/for which,that,Reason+prep.+n./pron./v.-ing,reason+to doI asked the reason _ his absence.我询问他缺席的理由。He gave a reason for it.他陈述其理由。

16、She had her own reason for keeping silent.她保持沉默有她的理由。There is(every)reason for their being angry.他们有充分的理由生气。He cried _ reason.他无缘无故地哭了。I have good reasons to trust him.我有充分的理由信任他。There is reason to believe that he is lying.有理由相信他在说谎。He has every reason to complain.他有充分的理由抱怨。,for,without,9.This is no

17、t a family where bad behavior goes unpunished and you go unpunished.得不到惩罚“go+否定过去分词”表示某动作不发生 He is worried that many crimes go unreported.他不安的是很多罪行无人报案.链接 go 作系动词,表示进入或处于某种状态(多为不好的变化)go blind 变瞎 go mad 变疯 go bad 变霉了 go pale 变苍白 go grey 变花白 go wrong 出差错,出故障 go wild 疯狂 go hungry 挨饿,10.Eric sits on his

18、 bed looking at Daniel,who has his arms crossed and looks angry.埃里克坐在他的床上看着丹尼尔,丹尼尔双臂交叉,看起来很生气.has his arms crossed 为have sth.done 结构,该结构含义有二:(1)使某事被做(主语有意识的行为,可能是主语自己做,也可能让别人做)(2)遭遇,经历(此事违背主语的意愿)注意:have可以替换成get.Youd better have that bad tooth _ out.你最好找医生把那颗坏牙拔掉.I must have/get my homework _ first b

19、efore going out to play.在出去玩之前,我必须先完成作业.The old women had/got her handbag stolen.这位老太太被偷了手提包.He was sentenced to death and would have/get his head cut off the next day.他被判处死刑,第二天就要被斩首.You should go to the barbers to have your hair _.你应该去理发店理发了.,pulled,finished,cut,注意:have sth.done 结构中,句子主语与实际动作执行者的关

20、系有三种情况:同一个人,不是同一个人,可能是同一个人或不是同一个人.例如:He is too old to have the book completed.他垂垂老矣,这本书写不完了.(同一个人)He is going to have the bad tooth pulled out.他要去拔牙.(不是同一个人)She has her car cleaned twice a week.她每周洗刷两次汽车.(同一个人或不是同一个人)have+sb+doing sth结构表示正在进行的,尚未完成的动作.have+sb+do sth结构表示已经完成的动作.比较 I had her _out the

21、paper.我让她正在打出那篇论文.I had her _ out the paper.我让她打出了那篇论文.,typing,type,11.They dont deserve to know the truth.deserve值得,应当(受到)1)跟名词或代词He deserved the glory.He did not deserve such fortune.Bad acts deserve punishment.2)跟不定式You deserve to succeed.She _ _win because she was the best.I think they deserve t

22、o be congratulated.He certainly _ _ _sent to prison.3)偶跟从句或动名词He said that he really didnt deserve she should be so kind.Such bad behavior _ a beating.,deserves,to,deserves,to,be,deserves, hard on 1)对(某人)很严厉,苛刻,对。心肠硬My English teacher is very hard on his students.英语老师对他的学生非常严.注意比较:Be strict wit

23、h Be pleased/happy/angry with2)磨得厉害,够。受These tough roads are hard on your shoes.Its hard on John,having to work when the rest of us are enjoying ourselves.3)紧跟,紧紧追赶The dogs _ _ _ him.,were,hard,upon,13.Maybe,but now that he has been so rude to us,I feel like we have to punish him or he wont respect

24、 that为从属连词,表示“由于,既然”(because of the fact that),相当于since(1)_youve passed your text you can drive on your own.既然你驾驶考试已经合格,你可以独自开车了。(2)_ you are busy,let me do it for you.既然你忙,就让我给你做吧。_ John has arrived,well discuss it.既然约翰已经到了,我们就讨论这件事。当分句动词为现在时,now that可与since,as互相使用。但若分句动词为过去时,主句动词为现在时,便不能用now

25、 that,因为它带有时间概念。(4)Now that/Since/As we are all here,the meeting can begin.(5)Since/As I was in the same class as Jim,I know him well.feel like 1)摸起来像(1)It _ wood.那摸起来像是木头。(2)This material _ silk.这料子摸起来像丝。,Now that,Now that,Now that,feels like,feels like,2)(常接v.-ing)想要,欲(1)I dont feel like _ with my

26、 sister about the housework.我不想和我妹妹为家务事争吵(2)I really dont feel like _ to the cinema tonight.我今晚真的不想去看电影。I usually like eggs and meat,but today I dont feel like _ them.我平时喜欢吃鸡蛋和肉,但今天不想吃。而would like+to do He would like _(buy)you some books.Id like _(ask)you some questions3)=feel as if one is(sth.or sb

27、.)感觉像是,像要是(1)I feel like catching a cold.我感觉像是感冒了。(2)It feels like rain.4)=feel as if(常用于美国口语中)觉得好象(1)He felt like he was a superman.和feel like相似的用法look like 看起来像 seem like 似乎像 sound like 听起来像 smell like 闻起来像 taste like 尝起来像,quarrelling,going,eating,to busy,to ask,14Most of the text is in the form o

28、f the form of 以形式,以形状(1)He wrote a novel_ a diary.他以日记是的形式写了一本小说。(2)Some new invention are found_ toys.一些新发明常以玩具的形式出现。shape强调物的具体的外行。如心脏的形状,V字形form侧重与内容相对的形式I have eaten a cake in the_of heart.(2)Different countries have different _of government.不同的国家有不同的政体。form可用作名词或动词。意为:形象,姿态,影子,形式,方式

29、,表格,仪式,礼貌;构成,组织,建立,养成,锻炼成,产生,in the form of,in the form of,shape,forms,translate the following into Chinese;(1)the biscuits(饼干)are all in the form of stars._(2)A dark form could be seen in the distance._(3)It is only a matter of form._(4)Please fill in the form._(5)It is not food form to speak while

30、 eating._(6)Ms Parker formed a tennis club._(7)Group activities help to form a childs character(性格)._(8)An idea formed in my mind._,那些饼干的形状都象星星,远处可以看见一个黑影,那只是形式上的问题,请填写表格,吃东西的时候说话是不礼貌的,帕克女士组织了一个网球俱乐部,团体活动对小孩的性格形成有帮助,我心中产生了某种想法,form的主要搭配有:as a matter of form 作为一种形式,礼貌上take the form of 采取的形式,Translate

31、 the follow;(1)She treated her dog very kindly._(2)The doctor treated her for headache._(3)I will treat you to lunch._(4-Lets go out for lunch._-OK.Its my treat today._(5)Her sons visits are a great treat for her._主要搭配有:treat as 把当作 treat of 探讨,论述(1)They treated my idea _ a joke.(2)I treat him _ my

32、best friend.This is a book that treats_ the progress of Chinese medicine.,她对她的狗很好,医生为她治疗头疼,我请你吃饭,我们去吃饭吧,好今天我请客,她儿子来看望她,她心里乐滋滋的,as,as,of,对比treat as;regard as;consideras think of.asconsider侧重“经过考虑而认为”,表示“一种比较客观的regard 指“把.认为”、“把.看作”,表示“以外部形象得出认识或个人的主观认识”treat 表示“在某种认识的基础上看待或对待”,重在行动,而不在认识(1)I_your sug

33、gestion as worth considering.=I regard your suggestion as worthy of consideration.我觉得你的建议值得考虑。(2)We _ your action as a crime/as criminal.我们认为你这种行为是犯罪行为。You mustnt _ of me as being unhappy.It was _ of as impossible.I _ what he said(as)reasonable.我认为他说的有道理。,regard,regard,think,thought,consider,16Can y

34、ou explain to me now why the house was a mess and what you did with the cash we left?(1)explain sth.(to sb.)He _ his plan _us.他向我们说明了他的计划。(2)explain+从句He _that he couldnt come because he was ill.(3)explain oneself 为自己的行为/立场辩解,表明自己的心意/立场How do you _ your rude behavior?你如何为自己的粗鲁行为辩解?(4)explanation n.i

35、n explanation of 作为的说明/辩解She didnt say anything_ of her behavior.注意:explain不可跟双宾语,explained,of,explained,explain,In explaination,17What do you usually argue about with your parents?(1)argue(about)sth.辩论某事,就某事进行议论。We _ the new teaching method with him.我们与他辩论那种新的教学方法。(2)argue that 主张,认为He _ that it wa

36、s just a waste of money.他认为那纯粹是浪费钱。(3)argue for/against sth.赞成/反对某事She_ the five-day week.她赞成一周上班5天。(4)argue with sb.about/over sth.He _ the taxi driver about the fare.他就车费问题与出租车司机理论。(5)argue sb.into/out of说服某人做/停止做I _her_ buying a new car.我说服她去买一部新车。,argued about,argued,argued for,argued with,argued,into,


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