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1、Lesson 2 Entry Visa(入境验证),The Important New Words1.entry 5entri n.进入,入场,入境登记2.visa 5vi:zE n.签证,(护照上)背签3.quarantine 5kwCrEnti:n n.检疫,留验4.well-deserved wel di5zE:vd adj.当之无愧的5.vaccinate 5vAksineit v.给种牛痘,给接种疫苗6.custom 5kQstEmz n.海关7.vaccination 7vAksi5neiFEn n.种牛痘,接种8.regulation regju5leiFEn n.规定,条例,规

2、章,法规9.obey E5bei v.服从,执行,Notes to the Conversation&Oral Drills,in the company of 在的陪同下 jet lag 高速飞行引起的不适 a well-deserved reputation 名不虚传 put sb.to trouble 给添麻烦 Immigration Service Desk 入境登记处 Quarantine Office 检疫站 vaccination certificate 预防接种证 Passport Control 护照检验处,Background Briefing,Analyse and tr

3、anslate the following sentence:1.And then,Mr.Brown is going through the entry formalities in the company of Huang Mei.然后布朗先生在黄梅的陪同下前去办理入境手续。2.The officers examine passport,visa,and quarantine certificate,and ask him to go through customs.海关工作人员检验了他的护照、签证和检疫证,然后要他去办理通关手续。,Situational Conversation Ana

4、lyse and translate the following sentence:1.Ill be good as new soon.我很快就会恢复的。2.Im glad to be of help.我很乐意帮忙。3.When were you last vaccinated,sir?先生,你最后一次种牛痘是什么时候?Oral Drills.Comprehension of the Situational Conversation:The teacher assigns(Student)A to ask(Student)B a question according to Oral Drill

5、 e.g.,A:Why do you think Mr.Brown must be very tired?B:Because he had a long flight.Perhaps it is jet lag I think.Complete the following dialogues:The teacher assigns(Student)A&B to make dialogue.e.g.A:You must be tired,Mr.B.Sit here and have a short rest,please.B:(谢谢,A小姐,你来接我真是太好了。我感到有点儿累了,也许是高速飞行引

6、起对时差的不适吧。我想我很快会恢复的。)Thank you,Miss A.Its very kind of you to meet me.I feel a little tired,perhaps its jet lag.I think Ill be good as new soon.Make Sentences with the Given Phrases:,The teacher ask a few students to make sentences with the given phrases.e.g.go through:You should go through entry for

7、malities at the Immigration Service Desk after landing.Read the following as loudly and clearly as possible;then translate them into Chinese:The teacher ask a few student to read the following English Sentences and as clearly and loudly as possible,and then translate into Chinese.e.g.I had a most en

8、joyable flight on Air China this time.这次我坐中国航班飞行非常愉快。,.Translate the Following into English:,The teacher ask a few students to translate the following Chinese setences into Eglish.e.g.你能来机场接我真是太好了。Its very kind of you to meet me at the airport.Read and Translate the Following Dialogues:The teacher a

9、sk a few students to read the following mini dialogues,and then tranlate them into Chinese.e.g.Taking a Short Rest 休息一会 A:Mr.B,this is the waiting room.Sit here for a while and take a short rest,please.B先生,这是候机室,在这坐一会,休息一下。,B:Thank you,Miss A.Its very kind of you to meet me at the airport.谢谢你,A小姐,感谢你到机场来接我。A:Its my pleasure,Mr.B.I do hope you had a pleasant trip.不用谢,B先生。我真希望你一路顺风。B:It wasnt too bad on the whole.Such fine weather is just right for travelling.总的来说还不错,这么好的天气正适合旅行。,


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