1、Chapter 9Modern Poetry,Helen Shao,.Introduction.Paul Verlaine保尔魏尔伦法国.William Butler Yeats 叶芝爱尔兰.Ezra Pound埃兹拉庞德美国,出生于美国,1908年定居伦敦.William Carlos Williams威廉卡洛斯威廉斯美国.T.S.Eliot托马斯斯特尔那斯艾略特英国,出生于美国.Sergei Yesenin 谢尔盖叶赛宁俄罗斯.Robert Frost.Rabindranath Tagore拉宾德拉纳特泰戈尔印度,Contents,I.Introduction,traditional po
2、etry,modernist poetry,Post-modernist poetry,I.Introduction,Traditional poetry:a great store of principles.poetry:language organized for aesthetic purposes.Important poets in 20th century:Thomas Hardy,Robert Frost.Modernist poetry:Symbolism&imagism.Post-Modernist poetry:in the 60s with pop-art,the be
3、at generation,the magic realism of Latin American novelists,and the poet-structuralist theories of Barthes,Derrida and others.For post-modernists,the world exists only through our understanding of it,and the prime medium of that understanding is ordinary language.,I.Introduction,Symbolism:1.largely
4、a reaction against realism by employing symbols 2.a movement in poetry,originating in 1912&represented by Ezra Pound,Amy Lowell,&others,aiming at clarity of expression through the use of precise visual images.3.formulated by Ezra Pound in conjunction with fellow poets Hilda Doolittle,Richard Aldingt
5、on,&E.S.Flint&inspired by the critical views of T.E.Hulme.,I.Introduction,Fundamental features of Symbolist poetry:P180-1811.the symbolists attached importance to the symbolized image;2.symbolist poetry has deep mysticism 3.as regarding rhythm:to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase,not in
6、sequence of a metronome节拍器.,Originated in France exerted a great influence on all the European poetry ever since.,Mallarme,Verlaine,&Rimbaud:representatives of French symbolism poetry.,The Symbolist movement,I.Introduction,Arthur Symons&William Butler Yeats:representatives of symbolist poetry in Eng
7、lish-speaking world.,in English-speaking world,the closest counterpart to symbolism:aestheticism&the Pre-Raphaelites,which have much in common.,Symbolist movement,I.Introduction,Influenced by the philosophical ideas of Schopenhauer,Nietzsche,Bergson,&the literary ideas of Baudelaire&other French sym
8、bolists.,roots in French Symbolism,inherited its technique,&developed the Russian traditional culture.,Russian Symbolist movement,I.Introduction,II.Paul Verlaine,1844-1896,保尔魏尔伦One of the leaders of the French symbolist movement in poetry;began writing early,influenced by Parnassianism法国高蹈派/巴那斯派,十九世
9、纪六十年代法国诗歌流派,特点是反浪漫派,自然主义思潮在诗歌创作中的表现,亦为法国象征主义的文学前驱;Focus on the pure musicality Rhyme was necessary for French poetry.,III.William Butler Yeats,1865-1939,an Irish poet“When You Are Old”,IV.Ezra Pound,1885-1972;The poet most responsible for defining famous for his influence on his contemporaries as W.
10、B.Yeats,Robert Frost,William Carlos Williams,Marianne Moore,Hilda Doolittle(H.D.),James Joyce,Ernest Hemingway,T.S.Eliot.Imagism:a movement in poetry which derived its technique from classical Chinese&Japanese poetrystressing clarity,precision,&economy of language,&foregoing traditional rhyme&meter
11、in order to“compose in the sequence of the musical phrase,not in the sequence of the metronome.”,IV.Ezra Pound,The Cantos:encyclopedic epic poem;百科全书般的史诗“In the Station of the Metro”:characteristic for the features of Chinese poetry:Parallelism(2 phrases/2 images:faces in the crowd;petals on a wet b
12、lack bough);“juxtaposition of images”.,V.William Carlos Williams,1883-1963,one of the most principle poets of the Imagist movement;Early work was influenced by Ezra Pounds Imagism;Major works:P188Kora in Hell(1920),Spring and All(1923),Pictures from Brueghel&Other Poems(1962),Paterson(5-colume epic,
13、1963),Imaginations(1970).,VI.T.S.Eliot,1888-1965,one of the greatest poets of the 20th century;The Waste Land(1922):one of the most original it is an examination of the soul of a timid man paralyzed by indecision&worry about his appearance to others,particular women.,VII.Sergei Yesenin,1895-1925,a f
14、amous Russian lyrical poet;His poems:deep sincerity Several failed marriages&alcoholism contributed to his suicide.,1874-1963,the most celebrated poet in America by the 1920s,a poet of traditional verse forms“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”“The Road Not Taken”,VIII.Robert Frost,1861-1941,the greatest writer in modern Indian literature Gitanjali,his most acclaimed book:about divine&human love.,IX.Rabindranath Tagore,Summary,.Introduction.Paul Verlaine.William Butler Yeats.Ezra Pound.William Carlos Williams.T.S.Eliot.Sergei Yesenin.Robert Frost.Rabindranath Tagore,