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1、Nature,Paragraph4,contents,)sentences translation)words explanation)Emersons viewpoint my understanding)conclusion,To speak truly,few adult persons can see nature.老实说,很少有成年人能够真正看到自然。NatureSpirit;God;Over soul(超灵),Most persons do not see the sun.At least they have a very superficial seeing.The sun il

2、luminates only the eye of the man,but shines into the eye and the heart of the child.人们大都看不到太阳,至少他们看到的只是非常肤浅的表象。太阳只是照亮了成人的眼睛,而却闪烁在孩子的眼睛和心坎里。,superficial seeing:“see sth.very simple”成人对阳光熟视无睹,视线只停留在事物表面,缺乏孩子般好奇求知的探索欲Illuminate:“shine light on sth.”“only the eye of the man”使人联想起成人清晨一睁眼看到太阳,便为生计开始了忙碌的一

3、天。shine into:“shine light through”阳光透过孩子们的眼睛照亮他们的心田。因为七彩阳光使孩子们心里产生童话世界,激起他们对自然的热爱和向往,Children V.S.Adults,naive V.S.complicated,The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other;who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood.真正爱自然的人,

4、他的内外感官能达到真正的和谐相通,即使进入成年还保持着孩童的求知精神。,inward senses:指孩子般的求知欲,探索欲outward senses:指成人停留在事物表象的视线the spirit of infancy:与生俱来的求知欲和未泯的童心 人应该回到原始物质状态去,如稚子一般去观察世界 浪漫主义,Coleridge,Wordsworth,His intercourse with heaven and earth,becomes part of his daily food.In the presence of nature,a wild delight runs through

5、the man,in spite of real sorrows.与天地之间的交感成为他日常精神食粮的一部分。即使心中有种种现实的哀愁,身处自然之中,他也会感到狂喜渗透全身。,his:?Intercourse:“communicate,exchange”指与天地交流,融为一体。wild delight:“ecstasy,great joy”“wild”与现代文明的束缚形成鲜明的对比。society return nature materialism real happiness,Thoreau,Walden,Nature is a setting that fits equally well

6、a comic or a mourning piece.In good health,the air is a cordial(甜果汁饮料)of incredible virtue.自然就是一个舞台,既适合上演快乐,也适合上演痛苦。身体健康的时候,空气便成了快乐的兴奋剂。,Comic or MourningIntuitive(直觉)强调人的直觉情绪决定世界的存在。世界善恶美丑完全取决于人的喜怒哀乐 唯心主义,Crossing a bare common,in snow puddles,at twilight,under a clouded sky,without having in my th

7、oughts any occurrence of special good fortune,I have enjoyed a perfect exhilaration.黎明时刻,天空中布满了阴云,我跨过光秃秃的土地,站到了雪坑里,让脑子不去想那些命运好坏的事情,我整个身心都在享受着那份真实的快乐。,snow puddles,twilight,clouded sky dark sideperfect exhilaration optimism a force always at work to make the best better and the worst good.Good will f

8、inally defeat evil,and angel is always stronger than the demon.optimistic philosophy,Hawthorne,Whitman,In the woods too,a man casts off his years,as the snake his slough,and at what period soever of life,is always a child.In the woods,is perpetual youth.也是在树林里,一个人完全忘掉往昔岁月,就像蛇蜕弃陈皮一样,无论他是在任何年龄,都会回复到孩提

9、时代。在树林里,你会感到青春永驻。,Woods mysterious&primitive The Scarlet Letter Hester,DimmesdaleLady Chatterleys Lover Constance,Mellors,Simile:a man casts off his years,as the snake his sloughcasts off:“throw away,get rid of”slough:“lose a layer of death skin,esp.for snakes”成人只有在自然面前才能抛开世俗利益的纠纷,重获孩子的天真和好奇。,Standi

10、ng on the bare ground,-my head bathed by the blithe air,and uplifted into infinite space,-all mean egotism vanishes.I become a transparent eye-ball;I am nothing;I see all;the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me;I am part or particle of God.我站在空地上,头沐浴在和煦的空气里,仰望着渺邈无垠的太空,小我的一切都消失了。我变成一

11、只透明的眼球;本身不复存在;我洞察一切;“上帝”的精气在我的周身循环。我成为上帝的一部分。,bathe:“fill or cover with light or water”,喻指抛弃心灵上的世俗包袱,思想境界达到升华。egotism:“self-centered”,指个体的小我融入自然界中,达到人与自然和谐统一。I am nothing:小我的消失,与自然界融为一体。I see all:融入自然后,视线不再局限于事物的表面,具有了孩子探求一切的好奇心。Universal Being:God,Oversoul,Spirit,a transparent eye-ball:“透明的眼球”爱默生超验

12、哲学思想的典型意象。eye I man God and nature,In the tranquil landscape,and especially in the distant line of the horizon,man beholds somewhat as beautiful as his own nature.从这篇静谧的景色中,尤其是从远处天际的地平线上,人类看到了与其本性一样美丽的东西。,Society V.S.Nature Adults V.S.Childrensuperficial seeing see allilluminate shine into real sorrow wild delightmean egoism upliftdisturbance blithe,Thank you,Thank you,


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