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1、Peter Newmark,1.philosophical foundation2.theoretical development3.distinction between Newmark and Nidathe 8 translation methodsReferencesData analysis,Table of contents,1.The philosophical foundation of Newmarks thinking on translation,Philosophy is a fundamental issue in translation theory.(Newmar

2、k,1981:6).The American philosopher C.S.Peirce,the founder of semiotics,for communicative translationThe meaning of a sign consists of all the effects that may conceivably have practical bearings on a particular interpretant,and which will vary in accordance with the interpretant.(Newmark,1981:5),the

3、 British philosopher J.Austins distinction between constative and performative sentences Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language.(Newmark,1981:7)One of the basic difference

4、s between S-T and C-T is on constative and performative.(Newmark,1981:23),2.Newmarks theoretical development,SL bias TL bias literal free faithful idiomatic semantic/communicative(Newmark,1981:39)SL emphasis TL emphasis word-for-word adaptation literal free faithful idiomatic semantic/communicative(

5、Newmark,1988:45),The 8 translation methods,Word-for-word translationThis is often demonstrated as interlinear translation,with the TL immediately below the SL words.The SL word-order is preserved and the words translated singly by their most common meaning,out of context.Cultural words are translate

6、d literally.The main use of a word-for-word translation is either to understand the mechanics of the source language or to construe a difficult text as a pre-translation process.Literal translationThe SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest TL equivalents but the lexical words ar

7、e again translated singly,out of context.As a pre-translation process,this indicates the problems to be solved.,Faithful translationA faithful translation attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures.It transfers cultura

8、l words and preserves the degree of grammatical and lexical abnormality(deviation from SL norms)in the translation.It attempts to be completely faithful to the intentions and the text-realization of the SL writer.Semantic translationSemantic translation differs from faithful translation only in as f

9、ar as it must take more account of the aesthetic value(that is,the beautiful and natural sound)of the SL text,compromising on meaning where appropriate so that no assonance,word-play or repetition jars in the finished version.Further,it may translate less important cultural words by culturally neutr

10、al third or functional terms but not by cultural equivalent and it may make other small concessions to the readership.The distinction between faithful and semantic translation is that the first is uncompromising and dogmatic,while the second is more flexible,admits the creative exception to 100%fide

11、lity and allows for the translators intuitive empathy with the original.,AdaptationThis is the freeest form of translation.It is used mainly for plays(comedies)and poetry;the themes,characters,plots are usually preserved,the SL culture converted to the TL culture and the text rewritten.The deplorabl

12、e practice of having a play or poem literally translated and then rewritten by an established dramatist or poet has produced many poor adaptations,but other adaptations have rescued period plays.Free translationFree translation reproduces the matter without the manner,or the content without the form

13、 of the original.Usually it is a paraphrase much longer than the original so-called intralingual translation,often prolix and pretentious,and not translation at all.,Idiomatic translationIdiomatic translation reproduces the message of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferrin

14、g colloquialisms and idioms where these do not exist in the original.(Authorities as diverse as Seleskovitch and Stuart Gilbert tend to this form of lively,natural translation.)Communicative translationCommunicative translation attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such

15、a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership.,The apparent triumph of the consumer is,I think,illusory.The conflict of loyalties,the gap between emphasis on source and target language will always remain as the overriding problem in translation theo

16、ry and practice.(Newmark:1981:38).The purpose of the change in this period is to narrow down the gap between SL and TL orientation by moving down one level towards the converging tip of the V diagram.,In 1981,Newmarks definition of S-T:S-T=to render,as closely as the semantic and syntactic structure

17、s of the second language allow,the exact contextual meaning of the original.In 1988,he gave the above definition to faithful translation and added one more element to S-T:S-T=the contextual meaning and aesthetic value of the original in TLs meaning and structure In 1981,Newmark defined C-T as:C-T=to

18、 produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original In 1988,he gave up effect and redefined C-T as:C-T=to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to t

19、he readership.,The 1st change from 1981 to 1988,The difference between S-T and C-T,The 2nd change from 1988 to1991,Replace the functions of language with two correlations and a rider(Newmark,1991:1-2):布拉格学派雅科布逊(Jakobson)提出的语言具有“表达功能”(the expressive function),“信息功能”(the informative function)和“呼唤功能”(t

20、he vocativefunction,或称“诱导功能”)这三大交际功能的观点,expressive text:serious imaginative literature、authoritative statements、autobiography、personal correspondence;informative text:scientific,technological,commercial,industry,economic textbook,report,paper,article,memo,minutesvocative text:notices、instructions、pr

21、opaganda,publicity、popularFiction(call upon people to act,to think,to feel),The more important the language of a text,the more closely it should be translated.(S-T)the less important the language of a text or any unit of text at any rank,the less closely that too need be translated,and therefore it

22、may be replaced by the appropriate normal social language.(C-T)the better written a unit of the text,the more closely it too should be translated,whatever its degree of importance,provided there is identity of purpose between author and translator,as well as a similar type of readership.(S-T)The pur

23、pose is try to eliminate the division between the three language functions.,3 Distinction between Nida and Newmark,Criticism:their propositions are same.This description of C-T resembles Nidas dynamic equivalence in the effect it is trying to create on the TT reader,while S-T has similarities to Nid

24、as formal equivalence(Mundy,2001:44).,Newmarks dissatisfaction with Nidas theory,4 types of texts for which the effect cannot be realized:(1)non-literary text with language peculiarity;(2)non-literary text relating to the peculiarity of a culture;(3)artistic work with a strong local flavor;(4)artist

25、ic work for self-relief(Newmark:1981:10-12).,Newmarks translating methods are language function-oriented whereas Nidas are reader-centered.For Newmark,different ST types require corresponding translation methods,with one-to-one relationship between ST and TT.For Nida,a same ST is addressed to differ

26、ent readerships and consequently has different TL versions.The gap between S-T and C-T is narrower than that between F-E and D-E.,While Nida treats meaning and form separately,Newmark regards them as an integral whole.While Nida makes it clearly that to preserve the content of the message the form m

27、ust be changed.(Nida,1969:5),Newmark always emphasizes in his translation method the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow.,They treat meaning differently.Nida:connotative meaning and referential meaning including objects,events,abstracts and relationsNewmarks Obsession of M

28、eaningMeaning is complicated,many-leveled,a network of relations.A message is only a part of a complete meaning.(Newmark,1981:51),Varieties of Meaning,Besides,meaning is related to writers background,culture(material or ideological),situation(formality,generality,objectivity),language(literal,figura

29、tive,expressive,informative,persuasive or imperative,sound).(Newmark,1991:31),References:Munday,Jeremy.Introducing Translation Studies:Theories and Applications.London&New York:Routledge,2001.Newmark,Peter,Approaches to Translation,Oxford:Pergamon Press,1981.Newmark,Peter.A Textbook of Translation.L

30、ondon:Prentice Hall,1988.Newmark,Peter.About Translation.Clevedon:Multilingual Matters,1991Nida,E.A.Toward a Science of Translating.Leiden:E.J.Brill.1964 Nida,E.A.Language,Culture and Translating.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.1993,Data analysis,勿踏草坪!Keep off the grass!Walking on

31、 the grass is forbidden油漆未干!Wet paint!The paint is not dry!世人都说神仙好。红楼梦All men long to be immortals.(杨宪益、戴乃迭)All men know that salvation should be won.(David Hawks),Its a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune,must be in want of a wife.凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条

32、举世公认的真理。(王科一)一个拥有丰厚资产的单身汉,一定需要一位太太,这是普天下公认的真理。(李素)饶有家资的单身男子必定想要娶妻室,这是举世公认的真情实理。(张玲,张扬)举世公认,一个拥有一大笔财产的单身男人,必定想娶一个女人做太太。这已成为一条真理。(义海)有这么一条真理举世公认:单身男人拥有一大笔财产,就必定需要一个太太。,满树金花、芳香四溢的金桂;花白如雪、香气扑鼻的银桂;红里透红、花多味浓的紫砂桂;花色似银、季季有花的四季桂;竞相开放,争妍媲美。进入桂林公园,阵阵桂香扑鼻而来。The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion

33、 of osmanthus tree.Flowers from these trees in different colours are in full bloom which pervades the whole garden with the fragrance of their blossoms.,The youngest of the Rocky Mountains,the Teton Range is a spectacular sight.Enhanced by glaciers,deep canyons,snowfields,and lakes,the range shoots up suddenly,with no foothills around it.落矶山脉中最年轻的特顿山脉景色壮观,在冰川、深谷、雪地、湖泊的衬托下,它突兀而起,四周悬崖峭壁.虽为落矶山脉中的小字辈,特顿山却器宇不凡,它拔地而起,绝壁凌空,冰川映雪地,高峡出平湖,景色蔚为壮观。,


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