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1、A a,apple,ant,alligator,See the.看这个苹果。The on the.鳄鱼头上的苹果。,B b,book,bat,bed,See the.看看这本书。The on the.床上的书。,C c,cat,cup,cap,See the.看看这只猫。The on the.帽子上的猫。,Join the letters and pictures with lines.将对应的图片与字母 用线连接。,Listen and check.听音,根据所听单词选择合适的字母。,A C B c a b,D d,dog,desk,duck,This is a.这是一只狗。It is my

2、.这是我的狗。It is on the.它在桌子上。,E e,egg,elephant,Eskimo,This is an.这是一个蛋。It is my.这是我的蛋。It is on the.它在大象身上。,F f,fish,frog,flag,This is a.这是一只青蛙。It is my.这是我的青蛙。It is on the.它在旗帜上面。,F D E e f d,Join the letters and pictures with lines.将对应的图片与字母 用线连接。,Listen and check.听音,根据所听单词选择合适的字母。,G g,girl,gorilla,gl

3、ass,I am a.我是一个女孩。I am with my.帽子上的猫。,H h,hat,hand,house,I am a.我是一只河马。I am with my.我和我的帽子在一起。,I i,igloo,Indian,insect,I am an.我是一个印第安人。I am with my.我和我的昆虫在一起。,Circle the right letters.根据图片,圈出正确的字母。,Listen and check.听音,根据所听单词选择合适的字母。,C E H d i G G H F d i g D C H I E d G I f e h f h g i,J j,jelly,je

4、t,jacket,The has a.喷气机有一件夹克。The likes the.喷气机喜欢这件夹克。,K k,king,key,kangaroo,The has a.国王有一把钥匙。The likes the.国王喜欢这把钥匙。,L l,lion,lamp,lemon,The has a.狮子有一盏台灯。The likes the.狮子喜欢这盏台灯。,Circle the right letters.根据图片,圈出正确的字母。,Listen and check.听音,根据所听单词选择合适的字母。,d k c k G I K a c I g E c K L e H g h I L A J D

5、 J d j,Lets chant!说一说,a a a a ab b b b bc c c c cd d d d de e e e ef f f f f,g g g g gh h h h hi i i i ij j j j jk k k k kl l l l l,Connect and write.连接相同字首的词并拼写。,A aE eF fI iL l,M m,mouse,melon,map,Who has the?谁有瓜?The has the.老鼠有瓜。,N n,nut,net,nest,Who has the?谁有坚果?The has the.巢里有坚果。,O o,octopus,ox

6、,ostrich,Who has the?谁有章鱼?The has the.巢里有坚果。,P p,pen,pig,panda,The said,“I like my and.”熊猫说,“我喜欢我的钢笔和猪。”,Q q,queen,question,quilt,R r,ring,rabbit,robot,Listen and complete the words below.(听音,并将单词补充完整)_ e g _ u g _ o _ i c k _ e s t 2.Read the words below.(读出下列单词)lag jam nod fan man3.Listen and pick out the picture you hear.(听音,并挑出图片),S s,sock,sun,sea,T t,tiger,truck,tent,U u,umbrella,up,under,V v,violin,vest,vase,W w,watch,window,watermelon,X x,box,fox,six,Y y,yo-yo,yellow,yam,Z z,zebra,zoo,zero,


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