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1、Practice,灵活运用,一、单句填空,1.You are driving too fast.Can you drive a bit _(slowly)?,现在太快,问对方能否比现在更慢一点,用比较级;由形容词加-ly变成的副词的比较级,要在前面加more构成比较级。常修饰比较级的a bit也提醒我们用比较级。,more slowly,2.Those who have _(much)money than sense may sometimes act foolishly.由关键词than可知用比较级。3.Ten years ago the population of our village

2、was twice as _(large)as that of theirs.在asas结构之间,用原级。,more,large,4.The new group of students is better-behaved than the other group who stayed here _(early).与现在这组学生相比“更早的”。5.The melon the Smiths served at dinner would have tasted _(good)if it had been put in the fridge for a little while.将“放入冰箱中冷冻”与

3、“不放入冰箱中冷冻”作比较,故用比较级。,earlier,better,6.Speaking of all the songs he has written,I think this is probably his _(well-know)one.因为是从他所写的所有歌中选出一首来比较,故用最高级。7.Of the two coats,Id choose the _(cheap)one to spare some money for a book.因是两者比较,故用比较级。,best-known,cheaper,8.Work gets done _(easily)when people do

4、it together,and the rewards are higher too.,从and the rewards are higher too(得到的回报也更高)得到启示,要用比较级,省略了than when people dont do it together。,more easily,9.This washing machine is environmentally friendly because it uses _(little)water and electricity than _(old)models.由“environmentally friendly(有利于保护环境的

5、)”可知,这种洗衣机比“旧式的”洗衣机用“更少的”水和电。10.I dont think this film is by far the most boring.I have seen _(bad).意思是“我看过(比这部)更差的电影”。,worse,less,older,二、语篇填空,I dont think it 1 _(difficulty)to learn English well,because as long as you work hard,you can learn it well.I believe that the 2 _(hard)you work at your stu

6、dy,the better you can learn it.For example,Li Ping,a friend of 3 _,is the 4 _hardworking student in our class,and he gets 5 _(high)marks than any other student in our class in every English test.,difficult,harder,mine,most,higher,6 _(lead)by him,all the students in our class are studying English 7 _

7、 _(越来越努力).As a result,in the latest English test,our class was the 8 _(good)of the two key classes in our school,and the number of students who got excellent marks is 9 _ _(两倍大)that of the other.Therefore,10 _ of us should study hard no matter what we learn.,Led,harder,and harder,better,twice as,lar

8、ge as/twice larger than,all,三、单句改错,1.Different people have different attitudes to the value of honesty.According to me,nothing could be important.,在be后加more 比较级表示最高级,句意:没有什么比诚实更重要。,2.Although he was seriously injured in the devastating earthquake,he recovered more faster than anyone else in Wenchuan

9、 Red Cross Hospital.,去掉faster前的more 因faster已经是比较级了。,3.My beloved mother bought some articles of furniture in the second hand market at an extremely low price,but they all look well.,well good 因look系动词后面接形容词,well作形容词时意思是“身体好的”。,4.Fast&Furious 7 is by far the exciting film that I have ever seen.在the后加

10、most 由by far和that I have ever seen 可得知要用最高级。5.In spite of the fact that he got the task in the last minute,he accomplished it as better as others.better well 在asas中间用形容词或副词的原形。,6.The number of tourists paying a visit to Tai Mountain was small last year,but there seems to be even few tourists around

11、this year.,few fewer 今年甚至更少,填fewer。,7.In the distance appeared a figure who I thought was professor Wang.However,when he came close to me,I found he was professor Li.close closer 指走得“更近”。8.If they had got to the station five minutes early,they would have caught the first train bound for Panyu Square

12、.early earlier 如果是早到五分钟,就赶上了。,9.I cant understand what you said just now.Can you speak a bit slowly?在slowly前加more 请对方说得比之前说的要“更慢”一点。10.Of all the participants,Martha Berry works hard.hard hardest 由Of all可知,后面应用最高级。,11.He is a heavily smoker.heavily heavy 在名词smoker前作定语,用形容词。12.She looks happily.happi

13、ly happy 在系动词looks后作表语,用形容词。,13.I find it easily to get on with her.easily easy 作宾补用形容词。14.You must work much more careful.careful carefully 修饰动词作状语,用副词。,15.Being a student,he was natural interested in museums.natural naturally 修饰形容词interested,用副词。16.All of them are working extreme well.extreme extremely 修饰副词well,用副词。,17.Hopeful,well meet again on Thursday.Hopeful Hopefully 修饰全句,用副词。18.He is bad in need of money.bad badly 修饰介词短语in need of,用副词。,The longer you stay,becoming more and more beautiful,larger than any other country in Asia,The taller of the two boys,the length,longer,


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