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1、Prospect-了解国内外科技产出的最新动态中国已成为世界上第三研发国和第二论文产出国(科技投入:GDP/R&D;文章产出;高等教育)Publishing-您展示最新科研成果 on JZUS-B,张月红(Helen ZHANG),浙江大学学报英文版(A&B)Managing Editer of JZUS(A&B)Editorial Board Member of Learned Publishing(UK&USA),Prospect-了解国内外科技产出的最新动态:,中国成为世界上第三研发国和第二论文产出国近十年科技产出世界前十出炉 中国位居第六世界临床医学排名前20 的国家,中国榜上有名美国


3、3%,该数据反映了科技在中国经济快速发展中的显著地位;相比之下,欧盟15国该数字为1.8%,美国为2.6%短短十多年来,中国的科研人员数量从1991年仅占美国科研人员总数的16%增长至2003年的42%。而且据ISI最新数据报道中国论文总数量已居世界第二(包括所有文献类型,ISTP,Ei等)。,近十年科技产出世界前十出炉 中国位居第六,据汤姆森路透6月16日最新消息,从1998年1月起截至2008年2月29日,汤姆森路透据ESI-SM(Essential Science Indicators SM)资料库中涵盖自然科学和社会科学22个主要学科,及过去十年SCI11500种期刊中总数超过一千万的

4、文章数据文件(不含非SCI期刊所引用的出版书籍、书籍章节及文章),统计分析出在科学界(包括社会科学)的22个主要学科领域内科学引文索引的期刊文章篇数排名前十的国家是:,世界临床医学排名前20 的国家,中国榜上有名Top 20 Countries in Clinical MedicineA featured country selection from Essential Science IndicatorsSM Below is a listing of the top 20 countries which,as of the latest bimonthly update of Essent

5、ial Science Indicators,attracted the highest total citations to their papers published in Thomson Reuters-indexed journals of Clinical Medicine over the 10-year+4-month period(1998-April 30,2008).These countries are the top 20 out of a pool of 106 countries comprising the top 50%ranked by total cita

6、tion count in this field(see source dates below).,根据美国国家科学委员会2008年年报告:“Science and Engineering Indictors”U.S.GDP growth is robust but cannot match large,sustained increases in China and other Asian economies World Bank and other data show that the worlds total economic output nearly doubled over the

7、 past two decades.1 Although most world regions participated in this rapid expansion of total economic output,increases did not occur evenly(没有达到2倍).A group of East and Southeast Asian economies(the Asia-10)gained more rapidly than did most of the rest of the world,initiating a slow shift of the epi

8、center of world economic growth toward the region(figure O-1).Its GDP nearly tripled as China,India,and South Korea posted strong advances,even as Japans economy struggled with slow growth.The rapid rise in Asian economic output over two decades,combined with slower growth elsewhere,pushed the regio

9、ns share of world GDP from less than one-quarter in 1985 to 36%in 2005,1.U.S.GDP growth is robust but cannot match large,sustained increases in China and other Asian economies.,以全球R&D 投入$813(Billion)的总数在世界各地的分布,/,一些国家和地区及经济体的基础研发经费占总R&D和GDP的比重分析(中国基础研究的份额只占总R&D6%,远低于发达国家的20%等)http:/

10、stics/seind08,19952005(20年的后10年,美国,日本增长平缓,亚洲成2倍增长,其中根据最新汤姆森路透报道 中国SCI自然科学论文跃入 前5位。但是引用仍然有待进一步发展空间)while Asias output doubled(figure O-18).China moved to fifth place in total article output,and a number of other Asian economies,including South Korea,Singapore,and Taiwan,registered steep publications

11、increases,suggesting improving basic scientific infrastructure.But a broad citation measure(citations received adjusted for the volume of articles available for citation)indicates a more measured pace of increasing article quality for many Asian locations.,In international comparison,the United Stat

12、es has a larger proportion of the working-age population with a higher education degree(39%)than most other countries(figure O-45).Only the Russian Federation(55%),Israel(45%),and Canada(45%)have higher percentages for this indicator 资料显示知识密集性经济的发展与高等教育关系密切。如美国等在职人口中受高等教育比例较高(39%),苏联(55%),以色列(45),加拿

13、大(45),人力资源(教育)与知识密集性经济的对应关系 Human capital development responds to incentives of the knowledge-intensive economy,初次大学教育比(自然科学工程)人才的现代知识培训在自然科学(上图)和工程(下图)中显得越来越普及Advanced training in natural sciences and engineering is becoming widespread,eroding the U.S.advantage.(发达国家的的进步得宜于此,人力资源的素质是科技原创力的评价指数)The

14、number of first university degrees a nation awards in natural sciences and engineering(NS&E)is a workforce indicator that is more specifically focused on a nations capacity to innovate in S&T.Because of its population size,the United States has seen much larger numerical increases in first universit

15、y NS&E degrees than other countries.China is an exception.It has experienced a huge recent increase in NS&E degree recipients,although there are questions about the quality of some of its graduates.The rising number of Chinese-trained engineers is similarly striking,especially in contrast with decli

16、ning numbers of graduates(figure O-49).中国在自然科学工程方面增长凸现,但质量仍有问题。尤其工程方面增长特别突出,而现对应于美国等在逐渐降低。,世界科学中的中国,论文产出比较:Article,Review 数量世界第二,世界科学中的中国,论文产出比较:全部记录数量世界第五,世界科学中的中国,论文产出比较:全部记录数量世界第五,3.7倍,3.9倍,4.4倍,4.8倍,5.5倍,12.2倍,世界科学中的中国,论文产出比较:学术影响的差距正在缩小,2003-2007,2002-2006,2001-2005,2000-2004,19

17、99-2004,1998-2003,1997-2002,差距在缩小,世界科学中的中国,科技投入比较:经费,六国R&D经费比较(按美元汇率计算,单位:亿美元),差距在缩小,Dr.Ramshackle T.Higginbotham(c.1857),Scholarly Journals,Conferences,Data,Research,Lab Notebook,Learned Societies,Dr.Ramshackle T.Higginbotham(c.2007),Blogs,Wikis,Institutional Repositories,Scholarly,Global Conferenc

18、es,Central Repositories,ComplexDatasets,Lab eNotebook,Digital Research,RSS Feeds,Podcasts,Publishing-您展示最新科研成果 on JZUS-B浙江大学学报(英文版)在国际化和数字化六个 方面走在了大学学报的前列2 国际同行评议的终极目标:保证科学研究的公正性,权威性3 严正科学期刊的学术声誉,坚决杜绝学术浮躁4 写好英语科技论文的诀窍:主动迎合读者期望,预先回答专家可能质疑(英文写作要点举例),Internationalization&Digitalization of Academic Jour

19、nals欢迎您把最新研究成果投向-国际化&数字化的学术期刊http:/,浙江大学学报(英文版)在国际化和数字化六个方面走在了中国大学学报的前列()JZUS(A&B)developed rapidly in technologic specialties:Journal of Zhejiang University SCIECEN A(Applied Physics&Engineering)Journal of Zhejiang University SCIECEN B(Biomedicine&Biotechnology)快速专业化(2)International Editorial Board

20、&International Peer Review System(more 4600 referees from almost 55 countries and areas)第一个通过Internet 全面实行了国际同行评审体制,提高了刊物的学术质量,扩大的学报以及浙大的 国际影响(3)The geographic representation(国际作者群达40%)(4)From 2004,with DOI,Internet linkage and its active effects(PubMed,PMC,INSPEC,ZR,Ei,etc)and since 2006,Internatio

21、nal Cooperation with Springer(SpringerLink)第一个申请了国际出版链接协会CrossRef的 DOI号,使学报的电子文档真正在国际统一标准下实现了网络全球化,从而提升了的学报的国际显示度(5)Acceptance by international databases more 28(SCI-E,Ei,Medline,SCI etc,and PMC,only one from China)第一家综合性大学学报,创刊第二年,就被Ei,Medline 两大著名检索库收录,2007年 A,B 双双同年收到SCI-E 收录通知,PMC第一家)(6)JZUS cit

22、ation frequency increased rapidly since 2004 by digital and online-first implement(about 50 cited times/a month)自从2004实现了数字化传播手段,国际显示度带动了引用率的上升,平均月引用率约每月50次),Online editorial management&peer review system,Using DOI,JZUS(A&B)link to ISI Web,Ei,PubMed,Princeton Uni Library,JZUS(A&B)on the SpringerLink

23、,Online-First&SpringerLink Impact,This paper was online-first on SpringerLink,and then fast linked to E-LIS by which,it attracted many eyes(readers)from US,Germany,UK,Canada,Italy etc.during more 20 days,Realization of Forward Linking by Web of Science,通过DOI,每月被下载和使用的篇热点文章报告CrossRef Month Report for

24、 Publisher:Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE(A&B)-Top 10 DOI,CrossRef Report for Publisher:Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE(A&B)January-June,2008,Top 10 downloaded articles of Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE(A&B)via CrossRef(DOI),June 2008,2008/07/31 analysis on uptrend JZUS(A&B)SC

25、I citation records and DOI resolutions(Source:ISI Web of Science and CrossRef),2000-2004 五年总引用仅20次,自2004年,由于与时俱进,紧跟国际数字化创新步伐(如在线PMC平台),运用数字化标准规范(如DOI标识索引),使学报JZUS(A&B)从单纯的电子化文档走向了真正意义的科学信息网络在线的数字化传播,扩大了出版物的可视度和散播度,提高了文章的引用率,网络数字标准化扩大了期刊的国际显示度,提高了期刊的引用率,同行评议的终极目标 保证科学研究的公正性,权威性 通过美国国际商用(IBM),谷哥(Googl

26、e),自然出版集团(NPG)等开发的用于开放同行评议目的功能软件,如:IBMs 的“Many Eyes”;Googles 的“Gapminder”;Metawebs“Freebase”;CSAs“Illustrata,以及其他的如Swivel”preview等均具有极强的开放索引和公开评议功能。这些举措和工具就象探照灯一样,助于杜绝学术界的一些造假,剽窃等浮躁行为。同时也助于避免科学研究进程中的重复浪费的现象。因此同行评议是保证科学研究的公正性,权威性,前进性的一种必要的过程。在现代高技术手段支持下,如以上的这些功能软件的开发,科学家会得心应手地把它作为研究中不可缺少的,成熟完善的工具而运用。

27、,JZUS(A&B)最新举措:运用国际创新工具 CrossCheck/iPlagiarismWhat is CrossCheck?CrossCheck powered by iThenticate is a new initiative from CrossRef to help the scholarly publishers verify the originality of submitted manuscripts.The need of a plagiarism tool was identified as a top priority by CrossRef members in

28、2006 and as a result CrossRef researched the best plagiarism tools on the market to provide a solution for the CrossRef members.CrossCheck is really two products,a database of scholarly publications and a web-based tool to check an authored work against that database.The web-based tool can be used i

29、n the editorial process to identify matching text but it can not,on its own,identify plagiarism.A human has to look at the matching text and use their best judgment to identify if plagiarism has occurred or not.严正期刊学术声誉,杜绝学术浮躁,防止学术 PLAGIARISM*Narayanan Kulathuramaiyer and Hermann Maurer discuss the

30、growing problem of plagiarism-why it matters,and what can be done about it.Narayanan et al.讨论了日益突出和不断出现的剽窃问题为什么?如何应对*科学时报2008年4月2日2版发表Elsevier科技部一篇题为:“学术欺骗案频发,学术期刊如何应对”防止学术 plagiarism期刊的责任和防欺骗的策略我刊最近的一些案例,一稿两投的范例:Polymorphisms of MTHFR C677T and MTRR A66G as maternal risk factor for Down syndrome in

31、 ChinaAbstract:Down syndrome is a complex genetic and metabolic disorder attributed to the presence of three copies of chromosome 21.The extra chromosome derives from the mother in 93%of cases and is due to abnormal chromosome segregation during meiosis(nondisjunction).Except for advanced age at con

32、ception,maternal risk factors for meiotic nondisjunction are not well established.A recent preliminary study suggested that abnormal folate metabolism and the 677CT polymorphism in themethylenetetrahydrofolate reductase(MTHFR)gene may be maternal risk factors for Down syndrome.The present study was

33、undertaken in China to determine whether the MTHFR 677CT polymorphism was associated with increased risk of having a child with Down syndrome in yellows population.Methionine synthase reductase(MTRR)is another enzyme essential for normal folate metabolism.A common polymorphism in this gene was recen

34、tly associated with increased risk of neural tube defects and might also contribute to increased risk for Down syndrome.The frequencies of the MTHFR 677CT and MTRR 66AG mutations were evaluated in DNA samples from 64 mothers of children with Down syndrome and 70 control mothers.Odds ratios were calc

35、ulated for each genotype separately and for potential gene-gene interactions.The results show that the MTHFR 677CT polymorphism is more prevalent among mothers of children with Down syndrome than among control mothers,with an odds ratio of 3.78(95%confidence interval CI 1.78-8.47).In addition,the ho

36、mozygous MTRR 66AG polymorphism was independently associated with a 5.2-fold increase in estimated risk(95%CI 1.90-14.22).The combined presence of both polymorphisms was associated with a greater risk of Down syndrome than was the presence of either alone,with an odds ratio of 6.0(95%CI 2.058-17.496

37、).The two polymorphisms appear to act without a multiplicative interaction.Key words:tetrahydrofllate dehydrogenase,ligases,Down syndrome,folate,China _Polymorphisms in genes involved in folate metabolism as maternal risk factors for Down syndrome in China*Abstract:To explore the relationship betwee

38、n genetic polymorphisms in methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase(MTHFR),methionine synthase reductase(MTRR),the central enzymes in folate metabolism that affects DNA methylation and synthesis,and the risk of Down syndrome in China.Methods:Genomic DNA was isolated from the peripheral lymphocytes of 64

39、mothers of children with Down syndrome and 70 age matched control subjects.Polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism were used to examine the polymorphisms of MTHFR 677CT,MTRR 66AG and the relationshipbetween these genotypes and the risk of Down syndrome was analyzed.Res

40、ults:The results show that the MTHFR 677CTpolymorphism is more prevalent among mothers of children with Down syndrome than among control mothers,with an odds ratioof 3.78(95%confidence interval(CI),1.788.47).In addition,the homozygous MTRR 66AG polymorphism was independently associated with a 5.2-fo

41、ld increase in estimated risk(95%CI,1.9014.22).The combined presence of both polymorphisms was associated with a greater risk of Down syndrome than the presence of either alone,with an odds ratio of 6.0(95%CI,2.05817.496).The two polymorphisms appear to act without a multiplicative interaction.Concl

42、usion:MTHFR and MTRR gene mutation alleles are related to Down syndrome,and CT,TT and GG gene mutation types increase the risk of Down syndrome.Key words:Tetrahydrofllate dehydrogenase,Ligases,Down syndrome,Folate,从一个编辑的视角谈谈发表文章要注意的几个问题:1.写好科技论文要关注:读者的期望审稿人的要求2.英文科技论文撰写中常见的问题 和范例 张月红 编审,Managing edi

43、tor,Journal of Zhejiang Univeristy SCIENCE(A&B),写好英语科技论文的诀窍:主动迎合读者期望,预先回答专家可能质疑http:/How to write good paper“*Source from Dr.Yaoqi ZhouIndiana University School of Informatics,Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis前言2 导言2读者需要什么?2 读者期望什么?3读者对句子的期望3 读者对段落的期望4读者对图表的期望5 审稿人要什么?6怎样满足审稿人7 文章

44、的结构7方法/实验步骤7 结果部分8标题8 引言部分8讨论部分10 摘要部分10总结10 结束语11 致谢11 引用11,导言 通常来讲,研究生和博士后从他的导师那儿得到研究方向。经过多次反复试验,得到一些好的结果。接下来他们需要对得到的数据进行总结和分析,写成论文。好的结果是一篇好论文的前提。但是对相同的结果,一篇精写的论文会更容易被高档杂志接受。而写得不好的论文很可能被退稿。论文的数量和质量是学生和导师事业发展的敲门砖。不成文,便成仁,是学术生涯的写照。很多学生以为当结果到手的时候研究就结束了。他们写的草稿,常常把原始数据放在一起,没有对方法和数据进行详细分析,没有对当今论文的评述。事实上




48、读者知道的东西。但这对科技论文是不可能的,因为只有新的东西才会被发表。事实上科技论文通常会包含很多新术语,所以一个容易理解的句子应该从读者熟悉的信息(或刚刚提过的)开始而以新信息结束,并在它们之间平滑地过渡。好文章的所有句子都应该这样从旧到新地平滑过渡。写好一句开头的金科玉律是问问你自己:“我以前有没有提过这个概念?”大多数文章很难读是因为很多新概念在没有被介绍之前就使用了。例如:Samples for the 2-dimensional projection of kinetic trajectories are shown in Figure 7.The coil states are l

49、oosely gathered while the native states can form a black cluster with extremely high density in the 2-dimensional projection plane.这里从第一句到第二句信息无法流动。“The coil states”不知道是从何而来的。读者会发现下面改动后的句子更容易明白。Kinetic trajectories are projected onto xx and yy variables in Figure 7.This figure shows two populated st

50、ates.One corresponds to loosely gathered coil states while the other is the native state with a higher density.在这个新段里,新插入的第二句使每句均能从旧信息出发到新信息结束。第一句与第二句之间以“Figure”相连而第二句与第三句之间以“two states”相连。而新信息“coil states”则出现在第三句的最后。整段环环相连,成为一个整体。再看一个例子:The accuracy of the model structures is given by TM-score.In c


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