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1、,The Alchemist,The Alchemist is a novel by Paulo Coelho first published in the year 1988.Originally written in Portuguese(葡萄牙)by its Brazilian-born author,it has been translated into at least 67 languages.,AboynamedSantiagousedtobeashepherd(牧羊人)inhislivingcountryside.Hegetsthesamedreamtwicebothof wh

2、ich areaboutthetreasure in Egypt.Agypsy(吉普赛)womanandanoldmansuggesthimtofindwhatthetreasureis.Theoldoneencouragedhimifhewantssomething,theentireuniversewillconspireinhelpinghimtoachieveit.Onthewaytothetreasure,Santiagomeetstwohelpfulmen.Oneisanownerofacrystalstorewhohiredtheboyforoneyearlong.Itsanim


4、rageSantiagotocarryouthisdream.WhentheEnglishmantrieshardtofindwherethealchemistisinadesertoasis(绿洲),SantiagorealizeshistruelovetherewithayoungwomancalledFatima.ItsimportanttofindwhatthePersonalLegend(天命)is,but thejourneyoffindingseemstoendherewiththisgirl.However,girlaskstheboytoseeherasapartofhisP

5、ersonalLegendandcontinuetosearchfor it.And shewillwaitforhim.,Then,thejourneystartsagainbutthedangeranddifficultyaregreaterthanbefore.Thankstothehelpofanalchemistintheoasis,SantiagofinallyendsupworktothePersonalLegendandfindsthetreasure,not in Egypt but in Spain where he starts from.,The original dr

6、eam makes you go ahead.The way full of brambles makes you grow up.Having experienced the searching of dream,look back to the wayyou go through,and you will find that what the most important is your original dream.The dream,or treasure,is not only your starting point,but also your destination.“There

7、is one great truth on this planet:whoever you are,or whatever you do,when you really want something,its because that desire originated in the soul of the universe.Its your mission on the earth To realize ones Personal Legend is a persons only real obligation.All things are one.And when you want some

8、thing,all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”,Unfortunately,like Santiago,we face many obstacles while pursuing our destinies and most of us give up the pursuit of our Personal Legend when faced with them.,The obstacle may be fear of the price of dream.Indeed,“everything in life ha

9、s its price”.Santiago pays for his dream constantly.He has lost all of his property three times,facing the threat of death.He is stolen,robbed,beaten,and has to be separated from his beloved girl.But Paulo Coelho said that“Living your dream or giving it up also costs the same price,which is usually

10、very high.But the former lets us share the miracle of life,and the latter is of no use to us.”So,dream is not enough,we also should be brave enough to pay the price of it.,The obstacle may be fear of failure and defeat.One thing is certain:while pursuing our goals we willencounter setbacks and suffe

11、rings.However,when pursuing our Personal Legend,The Alchemist reminds us that the Universe is conspiring in our favor.Everything,including moments were down and out,arethere to teach us what we need to achieve our ultimate goal.“Everyone on the earth has a treasure that awaits him.But,unfortunately,

12、very few follow the path laid out for them-the path to their Personal Legends and to happiness.Most people see the world as a threatening place,and,because they do,the world turns out,indeed,to be a threatening place”.Paulo Coelho,The obstacle may be love.Even if our courage has been ample,love can

13、still stop us in our tracks.We fearabandoning or hurting our loved ones in the process of investing in our dreams.But just as the alchemist said,“You must understandthat love never keeps a man from pursuing his Personal Legend.If he abandons that pursuit,its because it wasnt true love,the love that

14、speaks the Language of the World”.The people worth our love are the first to encourage us and volunteer to participate in the journey and share therisks.,So,just summon up courage to realize and achieve yourdream.“Life shrinks or expands according to ones courage.”Although following dreams is really not easy,which needs courage,patience,and a sensitive heart,there are still so many people in the world trying to.Live your Personal Legend,pay the price of your dreams,read the omens(征兆),and dare to be different!,Thanks,


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