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1、There be句型,我有一只小老鼠。,I have a little mouse.,你有一只小狗吗?,Do you have a dog?,Mr Wang有一架火箭。,Mr Wang has a rocket.,他有一把枪。,He has a gun.,他们有很多金子。,They have a lot of gold.,桌子上有一个杯子。,The table has a cup.,There is a cup on the table.,凳子上有只狗。,The chair has a dog.,There is a dog on the chair.,火车上有许多人。,The train h

2、as lots of people.,There are lots of people on the train.,there be句型,记忆口诀,there be句型有特点,表示某处有某(人)物。be的选择看后面,单数is复数are。后面若为不可数,一定要选择is。变疑问be提前,变否定,not紧跟be后面。some/any表一些,肯定句用some。疑问否定换any。there be还有注意,be要就近。,1.我们学校有三位老师。There are three teachers in our school.2.我们班有一个漂亮的女孩。There is a beautiful girl in

3、our class.3.桌子上有一个干净的杯子吗?Is there a clean cup on the table?4.你们家有五口人吗?Are there five people in your family?5.客厅里有一台电视。There is a TV in the living room.6.阅览室里有很多书。There are lots of books in the reading room.,1.桌子上有一本书和两支钢笔。There _ a book and two pens on the desk.2.桌子上有两本书和一只钢笔。There _ two books and a

4、 pen on the desk.,注意,is,are,就近原则,注意,There isnt any water in the bottle.,There is no water in the bottle.,同义句,not any(a)=no,There arent any pictures on the wall.,There are no pictures on the wall.,Exercises,1.There arent any photos on the wall.(同意句转换)There _ _ photos on the wall.2.There isnt a bike b

5、ehind the tree.(同意句转换)There _ _bike behind the tree.,are no,is no,3.There is no milk in the glass(同意句转)There _ _ milk in the glass.4.There is no book on the floor.(同意句转换)There _ _ book on the floor.5.There are no pens in the pencil-case.(同意句转换)There _ _pens in the pencil-case.,isnt any,isnt a,arent

6、any,注意,There is a book on the desk.,What is on the desk?,划线提问,There are many trees behind the house.,划线提问,Whats behind the house?,提问东西用What,句型:What is(Whats)+地点?,注意,There is a boy in the room.,划线提问,Who is in the room?,提问人用Who,句型:Who is+地点?,Exercises,1.There are many beautiful flowers in the garden.(

7、就划线部分提问)_ _ in the garden?2.There is a boy in the classroom.(就划线部分提问)_ in the classroom?3.There are some big trees behind my house(就划线部分提问)_ _ behind your house?,What is,Whos,What is,注意,There are three apples on the table.,划线提问,What is on the table?,There are three apples on the table.,How many appl

8、es are there on the table?,提问可数名词的数量用How many,句型:How many+名词复数+一般疑问句?,Exercises,1.There are four children on the playground._ _ children _ _ on the playground?2.There are some books on my shelves._ _ books _ _ on _ shelves?3.There is a girl under the tree._ _ _ _ there under the tree?,How many,are t

9、here,How many,are there,your,How many,girls,are,注意,There is a cup of coffee on the table.,划线提问,How much coffee is there on the table?,What is on the table?,There is a cup of coffee on the table.,提问不可数名词数量用How much,句型:How much+不可数名词+一般疑问句?,There is a cup of coffee on the table.,划线提问,How many cups of

10、coffee are there on the table?,注意,提问可数名词的数量用How many,句型:How many+名词复数+一般疑问句?,Exercises,1.There is some water in the bottle._ _ _ _ there in the bottle?2.There is a lot of tea in my cup._ _ _ _ there in _ cup?3.There are three cups of coffee on the desk._ _ _ _ there on the desk?,How much water is,How much tea is,your,How much coffee is,


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