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1、Health Response Officer健康专员培训,Produced by Learning Solution Services学习解决方案服务部制作,Qualification Number/审定号:xxx,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Printed Materials-Please print the following documents for use in this course:打印材料请打印下列培训材料:Health Crisis Management Plan健康危机管理计划Downloadable Posters宣传画下载件Downloadabl

2、e Flowcharts 流程图下载件Visitor Screening 访客体检制度Sick Employee Handling患病员工处理办法,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Learning Objectives培训目标Upon successful completion of this course,you will be ableto:通过本次培训,你将掌握以下知识和技能:Explain the purpose of the Health Response Officer(HRO)role as well as their responsibilities 健康专员

3、(HRO)的职责与职务State how infectious diseases are spread 传染病的传播途径Identify and understand effective workplace practices that decrease infectious disease spread at the worksite 能有效控制传染病传播的工作场所良好行为规范Set up a visitor screening program 访客体检制度的建立Describe how HROs work with other facility stakeholders to decrea

4、se risk of infectious disease spread at the worksite 如何与各利益相关方开展合作,防控工作场所传染病传播State the need for a facility plan for dealing with sick employees at work制定本单位当班患病员工应急处理预案的必要性,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Purpose of Role职责The purpose of the Health Response Officers(HRO)roleis to:健康专员(HRO)的职责如下:Work with m

5、anagement(site incident management team)to apply basic infection control strategies 协同管理层(本单位应急管理团队)落实基本传染病防控措施Help to develop and implement effective infection prevention and control work practices 协助制定实施有效的传染病防控行为规范Coordinate site health surveillance activities 协调本单位健康监测活动Liaison with corporate an

6、d regional medical resources与总公司和区域医疗资源保持联络,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Purpose of Role职责Health Response Officers are the first-line of defense for keeping the worksite and the workforce safe from transmission of disease.Individuals can help to prevent the spread of germs in the workplace,and must lear

7、n and follow good personal hygiene practices including:健康专员是抵御疾病向员工和工作场所蔓延的第一道防线。而我们每一个人只要养成以下良好的个人卫生习惯,就都能为遏制工作场所病菌病毒传播出一份力:Good hand washing techniques 掌握科学的洗手技巧Not touching eyes,nose,and/or mouth more than necessary 不随意触摸眼、鼻、口Proper disposal of dirty tissues 不随意丢弃用过的纸巾Covering coughs and sneezes咳

8、嗽、打喷嚏时捂住口鼻,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Purpose of Role职责It is the Health Response Officer who works to ensure thatpeople at their location are aware of these importantpractices,and are doing their part to contain diseasespread.This presentation will explain simple worksitepractices that can help keep p

9、eople safe and healthy at theworkplace.健康专员有责任向员工灌输上述重要的卫生知识,并督促员工从自我做起,共同防控疾病传播。后文将介绍一些简单易行的工作场所行为规范,以促进工作环境的安全与健康。,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Role Responsibilities职务The HRO works in conjunction with the site incident management team.The HRO will help the site management team in understanding,interpr

10、eting,and responding to local health rules,regulations and customs.Specifically,the HRO:健康专员协同本单位应急管理团队工作,向其宣传、解释当地的卫生健康制度、规章和惯例,并协助制定应对措施。具体负责如下事务:Initiates the sites infection containment activities upon notification from management and/or corporate or regional medical director(s)一接到管理层和/或总公司或区域医务

11、总监的相关指示,即启动本单位传染病防控活动Manages all local health related activities for site in conjunction with site management during pandemic periods 在全球性疫病流行期间,协同本单位管理层组织开展所有卫生防病活动Serves as a point of contact/communication to and from the corporate and/or regional medical director(s)and regional communications sta

12、ff担任总公司/区域医务总监和区域联络人员的联系人,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Role Responsibilities职务Roles and Responsibilities continued.(“职务”续)Works with facility manager to get needed personal protective equipment and supplies 协同设施经理置备必要的个人防护用品用具Works with the Global task force team to get information in the event of an ep

13、idemic or pandemic在地区性或全球性疫病流行期间协同全球特别工作组及时掌握最新情况,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Epidemic vs.Pandemic地区性与全球性流行病Epidemic:An epidemic is a disease outbreak in which some or many people in a community or region become infected with the same disease.Some epidemics occur when an entirely new disease,such as AI

14、DS,or a new version of an old disease,such as influenza,emerges.地区性流行病:系指社区或地区范围的疫病暴发,可致使部分或大量人员感染同一种疾病。在出现全新疫病(如艾滋病)或已知病种发生变异(如流感)时,易暴发这种流行病。Pandemic:A pandemic is an epidemic that spreads throughout the world,as influenza did in 1918.If the source of the pandemic is a new virulent pathogen or a ne

15、w form of an old virulent pathogen,very few people,if any,may be resistant to the disease,and the rates of illness and death may be high around the world,unless effective prevention strategies can be rapidly developed and implemented.全球性流行病:系指波及全世界的流行病,如1918年暴发的流感。如果流行病是由新生的急性病原体或已知急性病原体的变种所引发,则几乎无人

16、能够免疫,若不迅速制定实施有效的疫病防控方案,可能导致全球性的高患病率和高死亡率。,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Spread of an Infection传染病的传播The spread of an infection requires the following threeelements:传染病的传播需要具备以下三个先决条件:A sufficient level of a source of an infecting microorganism or other infectious agent 足够多的传染性微生物或其他传染因子A susceptible host

17、 易感染的宿主A path for transmission of the infectious agent to the susceptible host传染因子与易感染宿主之间的感染途径,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Spread of an Infection传染病的传播All three of these elements must be present in order for any disease or germ to be transmitted.There are many opportunities in the workplace to affect

18、any or all three of these elements,and prevent the transmission of disease.任何疾病或病原体的传播都必须具备上述全部三个先决条件。在工作场所中,我们有很多机会可以破坏三个条件之一甚至全部条件,从而预防疾病传播。This course will discuss the most basic workplace practices that can prevent illness.While these practices are simple measures,they have great power to disrup

19、t disease transmission,and are very important to successful outcomes.本次培训将探讨可有效防病的工作场所基本行为规范。这些规范虽然简单易行,却能事半功倍、极富成效地阻止疾病传播。The key is to ensure that these practices HAPPEN-all the time.Consistency is important to contain germs that cause illness.恪守良好行为习惯,人人有责。只有持之以恒,才能有效防病。,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,

20、H5N1 Virus Transmission H5N1病毒的传播Since the H5N1(Avian Flu)virus continues to change,there is much that is not yet known about the typicalpatterns of infection.由于H5N1(禽流感)病毒的不断变异,其典型传染方式至今尚不明朗。Incubation period unclear at this time(use 1-10 days as guide for now)其潜伏期目前尚不明确(暂以1-10日为参考)Ways humans beco

21、me infected:人类受感染的途径:Hand to mouth contact with contaminated objects 污染物手口接触Inhaling or swallowing tiny infected particles 吸入或摄入带病毒微粒Absorbing particles through nasal passages通过鼻腔吸入带病毒微粒Close contact with sick,dead,infected birds and/or poultry 直接接触病禽、死禽或受感染的禽类Contact with contaminated dust and bird

22、 feces 接触受污染的尘土或禽粪Through cuts(cover cuts with waterproof dressing or gloves)通过伤口感染(应以防水服或手套遮盖伤口),2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,H5N1 Virus TransmissionH5N1病毒的传播The incubation period(the time between acquiring the infection until becoming ill)for avian flu is unclear at this time,though illness seems to d

23、evelop within one to five days after exposure to the virus.However,government agencies such as US Health and Human Services refer to 1-10 days as the incubation period until more specifics are known about the virus.Note the ways,as stated on the previous page,that humans can become infected with a p

24、andemic flu(e.g.,the H5N1(Avian Flu)virus disrupting the“paths”that transmit this virus will prevent its ability to infect a person.禽流感的潜伏期(感染至发病的时间)目前尚不明确,一般认为接触病毒后会在一至五日内发病。但美国卫生及公共事务部等政府部门在获得进一步研究结果之前将潜伏期暂定为1-10日。请牢记前一页所列的人类感染全球性流感病毒(如H5N1禽流感病毒)的途径,只要阻断病毒感染途径,就能有效预防人类患病。,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,

25、Signs/Symptoms of Flu Virus流感症状Our bodies recognize and work to destroy regular/seasonal flu virus.However,with a new strain of virus like H5N1(Avian Flu),our bodies are not as capable of fighting off the germs.This often leads to health complications that cause problems with breathing.During period

26、s of a pandemic,it is very important for people to contact their physician or local flu clinic early to obtain anti-viral medication that can help to lessen complications of the flu.人体有能力识别并消灭常见的或季节性的流感病毒。然而,对于H5N1禽流感之类的变种病毒,人体的免疫系统作用有限。感染这类病毒的患者往往还会产生并发症,导致呼吸问题。在全球性疫病流行期间,一旦出现症状必须尽早去医院或流感门诊部进行抗病毒治疗

27、,以控制并发症的产生。As a Health Response Officer,you can help to direct people to their physician or flu clinic as early as possible after symptoms develop.People with flu symptoms should not be at work during times of epidemic or pandemic.作为健康专员,当他人出现症状时,应指导其及时就诊。在地区性或全球性疫病流行期间,有流感症状的员工不得带病上班。,2xxx xxx,Comp

28、any xxx/xxx,Signs/Symptoms of Flu Virus流感症状The following are some signs/symptoms of the flu virus:以下是一部分流感症状:Fever higher than 38C(100.4F)发热38C以上(100.4F)Sudden congestion or trouble breathing;sometimes progression to pneumonia 呼吸道急性充血或呼吸困难,有时有肺炎倾向Dry Cough 干咳Possibly a sore throat,joint aches,muscle

29、s aches,and/or weakness可能伴随咽喉痛、肌肉和关节酸痛、体虚,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Effective Workplace Practices工作场所良好行为规范Employees should concentrate on effective workplacepractices to control and contain the spread of infection.员工应恪守工作场所良好行为规范,做好传染病防控工作。Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette 注意呼吸道卫生,文明咳嗽Good han

30、d hygiene practices 养成良好的手部卫生习惯Staying away from work(and others)when ill or after exposure 患病或接触病源后应立即病假、隔离Social distancing;avoiding people who are sneezing or coughing-keep distance as much as possible 减少社交接触,尽可能远离打喷嚏或咳嗽的人Canceling non-essential and face-to-face meetings;avoiding crowds and publi

31、c gatherings 取消非必要的面对面会议,远离人群聚集场所Keeping work stations clean保持工作环境清洁卫生,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Effective Workplace Practices工作场所良好行为规范The benefit of wearing any type of mask for general use in the work setting has not been established.Local practices,customs and/or your personal physician may dicta

32、te these practices,and in these cases,mask wearing should not be discouraged.However,anyone wearing a mask must know how to correctly apply it,dispose of it,and know when to change it(masks should fit snugly and should be changed daily,or when they become wet).Proper training is required.在工作场所佩戴任何种类

33、的通用型面罩对疾病防控是否有效,目前尚不明确。但如果当地的规范、惯例和/或私人医师提出这一要求,则不应置之不理。佩戴面罩时,必须了解正确的使用、弃置和更换方法(面罩应贴合面部,每日更换或在变潮时更换)。应开展使用方法培训。,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Effective Workplace Practices工作场所良好行为规范For the most part,however,xxx recommends and will supply N-95(or equivalent)respirators for those in the workplace who are c

34、onsidered at a higher risk for possible exposure due to their job function or duties.Examples may include plant operators,maintenance personnel,drivers,and administrative staff who may work with the public.Other employees will require a higher level of protection such as the fitted mask respirator w

35、ith P100(HEPA)filter cartridges.Examples here may include healthcare workers who handle patients,drivers who deliver to hospitals or clinics,emergency response team members,and the site HRO.对于工作岗位或工作性质存在较高患病风险的员工(如车间操作维护人员、司机、可能与公众接触的管理人员等),空气化工产品公司在绝大多数情况下都建议佩戴并发放N-95口罩(或等效防护用品)。对于风险更高的员工(如医护人员、运送患

36、者就诊的司机、应急人员、现场健康专员等),则要求采取防护性更强的措施,如佩戴含P100(HEPA)滤棉的半面型防护面罩。,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Effective Workplace Practices工作场所良好行为规范Your worksite needs to identify those job functions whichwill require the wearing of respiratory protection,andensure that wearers are properly educated regarding useand wear

37、of the mask or respirator.As a Health ResponseOfficer,you should know which jobs,if any,require the useof a mask or respirator at your facility.Talk withManagement if you are not sure.公司应明确哪些岗位的员工需要佩戴呼吸防护用品,并确保这类员工已就面罩或口罩的佩戴和使用方法接受了相关培训。作为健康专员,你应该了解本厂哪些职务要求佩戴面罩或口罩,若有不明之处,应与管理层商议。,2xxx xxx,Company xx

38、x/xxx,Respiratory Hygiene,Cough Etiquette注意呼吸道卫生,文明咳嗽The following are some respiratory hygiene and coughetiquette best practices:以下是几种良好的呼吸道卫生习惯和文明咳嗽习惯:Cover your mouth and/or nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze 咳嗽或打喷嚏时用纸巾掩住口鼻Dispose of used tissues securely in a trash receptacle 用过的纸巾妥善弃置于

39、垃圾桶内Wash hands after disposing of tissues 弃置纸巾后立即洗手Keep distance of greater than 1 meter or yard if you must cough,sneeze or blow your nose 咳嗽、打喷嚏、擤鼻涕与他人保持一米或一码以上的距离Avoid touching your mouth,nose,eyes with bare hands-if you must,wash your hands BEFORE and AFTER 勿用裸手触摸口、鼻、眼部,万不得已时,事前事后应洗手,2xxx xxx,Co

40、mpany xxx/xxx,Respiratory Hygiene,Cough Etiquette注意呼吸道卫生,文明咳嗽The HRO encourages and promotes workplace infection control practices.This basic information needs to be communicated to all employees.Posters are available to encourage good personal hygiene practices,and can be posted throughout your bui

41、lding(s)-in places like Food courts,entrances,meeting rooms,rest rooms,and notice boards.It helps to remind employees of these basic preventive strategies.健康专员应鼓励倡导他人养成工作场所传染病防控行为习惯,向全体员工普及相关基本知识。公司备有倡导良好个人卫生习惯的宣传画,可张贴于餐厅、入口处、会议室、休息室、布告栏等处,提醒员工时刻牢记疾病预防基本准则。The HRO works to ensure that these communic

42、ations are prominent and visible.Go to the WorldAlert website if you have not already downloaded the posters.健康专员应确保宣传画张贴显眼、醒目。尚未取得宣传画的,可至WorldAlert网站下载。,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Hand Washing洗手Some key things to keep in mind regarding hand washing:应牢记:Most important hygiene measure 洗手是最重要的卫生措施Gloves

43、 are not a substitute for hand washing 戴手套不能替代洗手A mild liquid hand wash should be used for routine hand washing 日常洗手应使用温和洗手液Wet hands thoroughly and lather vigorously for 10-15 seconds 洗手时先充分湿手,再用肥皂沫用力搓揉10-15秒Pat dry with clean paper towel;discard properly 用清洁的纸巾拍干双手,妥善弃置纸巾Avoid touching taps with c

44、lean hands手洗净后尽可能不要触摸水龙头,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Hand Washing洗手Our hands are the number one transmitter of germs and diseases.Advise employees to always wash hands before eating and/or smoking,after any direct contact with body secretions or excretions,after going to the toilet,before and after rou

45、tine use of gloves,or after handling dirty equipment or tools.双手是病菌病毒的头号携带者,告诫员工在以下场合必须洗手:饮食和吸烟前、直接接触分泌物或排泄物后、如厕后、在日常工作中使用手套前后、接触不洁设备或工具之后。If hands are washed frequently,it can help to apply lotion after washing to avoid dry and/or cracked skin.Intact skin(with no cuts or abrasions)is a natural defe

46、nse against infection.Viable virus can be transferred from non-porous surfaces to hands for many hours to days after collecting on environmental surfaces.若洗手较频繁,可涂抹润肤品防止手部干燥或开裂。完好的皮肤(无割伤和擦伤)是传染病的天敌。当手部有无孔隙遮盖物时,活性病毒需经数小时乃至数天的滋生繁衍,才能透过该遮盖物侵入手部。,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Waterless Hand Washing?无水洗手?When

47、 water is not available alcohol-based(60%)hand gel can be used as a substitute.Alcohol-based hand gel and liquids are effective,but can have a drying effect on the skin if used too often.Hand gel containing emollients help to prevent this drying effect.无用水条件时,可代以酒精洗手液(酒精含量大于60%)。此类洗手液也具有良好效果,但使用过频可能

48、引起皮肤干燥。选用含润肤剂的洗手液可防止干燥。Basic hand washing technique with soap and water is preferred,but this method can serve as a good adjunct when needed.应首选最常用的肥皂加水洗手方法,但在必要情况下,无水洗手也不失为一种有效的替代方法。,2xxx xxx,Company xxx/xxx,Personal Protective Equipment个人防护用品The benefit of wearing masks routinely at the workplace

49、has not been established.Local customs,regulations,or personal physician recommendations may require them.Generally xxx recommends N-95 dust/mist respirator(or equivalent)for:在日常工作中佩戴面罩对疾病防控是否有效,目前尚不明确,但某些地方的规范、惯例和/或私人医师可能规定或建议佩戴面罩。对于下列人员,空气化工产品公司一般推荐使用防尘/防雾型N-95口罩(或等效防护用品)。Healthy employees at low

50、risk of airborne viral exposure 处于低风险的空气传播感染环境中的健康员工This includes regular work duties with unavoidable,close contact with the general public包括日常工作中不可避免需要与公众近距离接触的员工Employees with symptoms of influenza while at work 出现流感症状的当班员工These employees must follow sick employee procedure,and then leave work必须按


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