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1、考研强化写作,Rolent Jee,NETEM Writing Advanced,Knowing Writing,Part A:10 应用文写作,Part B:20 图画、表作文,三、语言准确多变,范文赏析:2012年9分小作文,应用文写作,Practical Writing,PART 2:,05 辞职信,历年真题一览:,06 请求信,07 建议信,08 道歉信,09 建议信,10 招聘通知、感谢信,11 推荐信、祝贺信,12 建议信、投诉信,13 邀请信、倡议信,2014?,小作文高分口诀,开门见山道贵干,,主体内容要扯淡。,格式语气不怠慢,,语言准确又简单。,51.,书信格式:,称呼,正文

2、(3-4段).,敬语,Li Ming,1、熟人,Dear Fellows,一、称呼,同辈:Dear 人名,前辈:Dear Mr./Ms.姓,Dear Editor/Prof./President 姓,没有名字可以自己编,e.g.Dear Louis Vuitton,2、陌生人,一、称呼,给人:Dear Mr.or Ms.,给机构:To whom it may concern,To your honored/prominent university/college,S1 寒暄,二、正文首段,1、陌生人:Self-introduction,I am a/an _ from _.,student/g

3、raduate/editor/millionaire,I am the _ of _.,I am a member of the Student Union of Harvard University.,写作诊所:关于名词的主要错误,可数名词不能裸奔:每个名词都必须让人知道指的是什么。,I am student from university.,I am a student from a university.,I am a student from the university.,I am your student from the university.,*.不可数名词,写作诊所:关于名词

4、的错误,特指加the,泛指裸奔,*.喜欢裸奔的词,写作诊所:关于名词的错误,专有名词,某些地点名词,Lets go to school.,Lets go to the school.,I am back from(the)school.,*.必须裸奔的词,写作诊所:关于名词的错误,三餐、play xxx、时间,man、society、nature,S1 寒暄,二、正文首段,2、熟人:Greetings,好久不见;最近好吗;我好想你哟,Long time no see.,It has been a long time/a lifetime since last time we met(in Be

5、ijing).,S1 寒暄,二、正文首段,2、熟人:Greetings,好久不见;最近好吗;我好想你哟,How do you do?,How is everything(going)?,How have you been?,S1 寒暄,二、正文首段,3、回信:表示信已收到,收到信后很(不)开心。,I am/feel exceedingly delighted to receive your last letter(in which you mentioned that.).,It is delightful to hear from you.,S1 寒暄,二、正文首段,3、回信:表示信已收到,

6、收到信后很(不)开心。,I am/feel terribly sorry to hear that.,S2 致信意图,二、正文首段,1、同辈:语气轻松,I am writing to.,可以编造背景以使逻辑通顺:例2011,I still remember you very much enjoy watching movies in your spare time,so I am writing to recommend one of my favorites to you.,S2 致信意图,二、正文首段,*语气轻松不代表语气随便和口语化,Hey man!,Hey dude!,You know

7、,Hey Jude!,I wanna/gotta/am gonna.,S2 致信意图,二、正文首段,*语气轻松不代表语气随便和口语化,Hey dude,long time no see!Where u at?You know what,I f*king miss you!I saw a bad-ass movie and I wanna share it with you,so Im writing.,找屎,S2 致信意图,二、正文首段,*语气轻松不代表语气随便和口语化,We havent seen each other for so long a time.Where are you now

8、?I miss you badly.I watched a wonderful movie recently,and I want to share it with you,because I remember.,改正:,*so/such加强语气,so修饰a.;such修饰n.,Xia Wei is so handsome a boy./such a handsome boy.,复数和不可数名词只能用such修饰,Im such a fool!,They are such fools!,S2 致信意图,二、正文首段,2、陌生人、前辈:语气谦恭,This letter is written to

9、./for the purpose of.,最简单、最常见的改写句式的方式。,*被动语态,有利于让句子正式化、去主观化。,基本结构:be+done(prep.+n.),Hitler was killed(by himself).,1.be动词忘记加,写作诊所:被动语态的错误,throw,My idea was approved of by other members.,2.过去分词不全加ed,catch,take,3.动词词组的被动语态忘记加介词,Againstchina Zhou was deprived of all his political rights for a lifetime.

10、,S2 致信意图,二、正文首段,2、陌生人、前辈:语气谦恭,This letter is written to./for the purpose of.,This letter is written to make suggestions for.,This letter is written for the purpose of making suggestions for.,介词后只能接名词性结构。,*介词,名词性结构:名词、代词、名词词组、名词性从句、动名词(加宾语),名词:,A of B,B的A,:所有格、修饰,(A in B/A with B/A concerning B.),介词后

11、只能接名词性结构。,*介词,名词性结构:名词、代词、名词词组、名词性从句、动名词(加宾语),动名词:,V.-ing(n.),Sex&the City is a column on having dates and s*x in New York.,S2 致信意图,二、正文首段,2、陌生人、前辈:语气谦恭,Please excuse me,but Id like to ask./could you.,It might be abrupt,yet I.,S2 致信意图,二、正文首段,3、投诉:不卑不亢,I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid I have

12、 to make a complaint about.,I am writing to show my complaint with.,S1 可写一句客套话凑字,三、正文中间段,I would be much appreciative if you could take into consideration the following content.,S2起:改写题目+拓展,三、正文中间段,尽量不照抄题目的原文,拓展要分点写:,First,.Second,.Third,.,To begin with,.Moreover,.Therefore,.,Initially,.In addition,

13、.By the way,.,e.g.2006帮助孩子,三、正文中间段,To begin with,the child should be a boy.,Firstly,it will be better if the child is a boy under 10 years old,for I have always dreamed of having a son in the future.,想原因是最重要的拓展思维,e.g.2007改良图书馆,三、正文中间段,Initially,you must add more seats.,First and foremost,more seats

14、ought to be settled in our library,since/in that an increasing number of students are coming to our university.,三、正文中间段,可用因果句式:,.,because/for/in that/since/as.,As/Since/Now that/Because.,.,.,because of/blaming on/thanks to.,.,so/thus.,S2起:改写题目+拓展,三、正文中间段,拓展核心思路:Specify(扯淡),1、扯客观的淡,2、扯上数字,3、扯上专有名词,e.

15、g.2005我要辞职,三、正文中间段,First,since I have been admitted to Harvard University,I have to leave Shanghai for over two years.Besides,I decide to stay in America after achieving my MA in Communication degree.Last but not the least,I cannot find any reasons to give up the opportunity for a 2500yuan-per-month

16、 job.,1-2句客套话,四、正文末段,很熟的人不用客套:,Write to me/Write me back as soon as possible.,Best wishes(to you and your family)!,1、此致敬礼,五、落款,心情不错:,Yours(sincerely/lovely/always/cordially),(Sincerely/Lovely/Always/Cordially)yours,心情不OK:,Regards,1、首行居中写标题:,*通知,Notice/Announcement,2、首句写when,where,what:,On.(日期)/At.(时

17、刻)in sp.,there is going to be a./a.is going to be held.,Sth.is found(by sb.)on.in.,3、S2起:改写提纲+拓展,*通知,4、不同内容可分段,5、末句:,个人发通知给联系方式,组织发通知展现权威,*通知,5、末句:,组织发通知展现权威,Please kindly note that.,Enquiries are welcomed but visits declined.,图画作文,Cartoons,PART 3:,Directions:,Write an essay of 160-200 words based o

18、n the following drawing.In your essay,you should,1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain its intended meaning,and,3)give your comments.,You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.,描述,阐述,评述,构思、起草(5min),P1全段,P2前两句及框架,P3框架及末句,图画描述段,How to Describe the Drawing Briefly,Section 1:,图画描述三原则:,1.对原则,2.细原则,3.纯


20、how,present,capture,必备词汇,修饰描绘的ad.,vividly,graphically,clearly,distinctly,必备词汇,人物,别写peopleperson!,性别、职业等,不会写的物体,:上义词修饰,a hotpot=a cooking device,crutches=tools for walking,pearls,ribbons=items for decoration,必备词汇,玩弄句子的黄金板斧,竹脑湿的十八般武艺粉碎模板写作,Henry is a teacher.,attach(no/little/great/more)importance to,

21、I.修饰、并列不嫌多,Henry is a cute and knowledgeable teacher.,修饰词组中的名词,make(useful)suggestions for,Henry is dancing.,Henry is dancing awkwardly and stupidly.,I.修饰、并列不嫌多,3、n./v.后加介宾短语,n.,I.修饰、并列不嫌多,of/in/on/from/for/near.,n.,v.,from/to/across/into/with.,n.,with+n.相当于副词,Henry is dancing with grace and eleganc

22、e.,Henry woke David up with a kiss.,e.g.,Henry is tall,cute and rich.,ad.修饰a.表程度,Henry is very tall,fairly cute and unexpectedly rich.,Henry is barely tall,hardly cute and far from(being)rich.,I.修饰、并列不嫌多,表情、心情,grin,anger,indignation,indifference,sorrow,sadness,confidence,joyance,smile,anxiety,.,poke

23、r face,定语从句,“.的”:修饰名词,Q:所有的“的”都要写成定语从句?,The picture depicts a boy who is very healthy.,有动词的“的”才写成定语从句,物加which人加who,不会选就用that;剩下中文语序翻。,e.g.,Henry是个喜欢David的男孩。,Henry是个男孩whothat喜欢David。,Henry是个David喜欢的男孩。,定语从句,“.的”:修饰名词,e.g.,Henry拍的这张照片展示了穿着中国传统服饰的David。,The picture(which)Henry takes/took demonstrates

24、David who is dressed in Chinese costume.,n.which/that/who+主谓动宾,定语从句,“.的”:修饰名词,e.g.,He can conquer the world who can conquer himself.,主语的定语从句可以拉至句尾,定语从句,“.的”:修饰名词,V-ing主动、V-ed被动,II.两个宝:现在分词&过去分词,There is a vigorous and healthy athlete in the enlightening drawing running fast towards the finishing tap

25、e.,1、放在名词后面修饰,V-ing主动、V-ed被动,II.两个宝:现在分词&过去分词,Captured in the photo above is a girl dressed in Chinese costume.,1、放在名词后面修饰,V-ing主动、V-ed被动,II.两个宝:现在分词&过去分词,2、以动制动:修饰其他动作,Smiling brilliantly,the athlete is running towards the finishing line.,The athlete,wearing a brilliant smile,is running towards the

26、 finishing line.,V-ing主动、V-ed被动,II.两个宝:现在分词&过去分词,3、句前表原因,句后表结果,Hearing the bell,the students rushed into the classroom.,The students rushed into the classroom,getting prepared for the next class.,V-ing主动、V-ed被动,II.两个宝:现在分词&过去分词,4、加with/while作伴随,With our society developing very fast,.,It is/was.that/

27、who.,III.强调不为过,It was Henry who kissed David.,1、强调主语,“正是.”,It was Young who David kissed.,2、强调宾语,III.强调不为过,It was in the corner of Room 314 that Henry kissed David.,3、强调状语,It was on April 4th that Henry married Young.,(时间、地点等),It is/was.that/who.,“正是.”,IV.一种特殊的倒装句,Henry is in front of David.,be动词两边对

28、调:强调主语,In front of David is Henry.,IV.一种特殊的倒装句,Henry and David are kissing in the classroom.,be动词两边对调:强调主语,Kissing in the classroom are Henry and David,who are madly in love with each other.,e.g.2008,As is graphically depicted in the enlightening drawing,two handicapped men are running fast with con

29、fidence and joyance.With their only legs tied up together,they are holding each other on the shoulder,leaving their crutches(tools for walking)abandoned far behind.In the meantime,the caption indicates that:we can travel to anywhere in the world if we share our legs.,V.我也可以用主谓双宾&主谓宾宾补,Henry gave Dav

30、id a kiss of love.,1、主谓双宾,5个及5个以下字母表示“给”的词。,offer,teach,grant,sing,spare等,e.g.,例外:return,prepare,choose等,接双宾的动词:,V.我也可以用主谓双宾&主谓宾宾补,Henry found David cheating.,2、主谓宾补,e.g.,find,consider,make,leave,render,entitle,Henry considers David dishonest and a liar.,接宾宾补的动词:,V.我也可以用主谓双宾&主谓宾宾补,The improvement of

31、 modern technology renders our life more convenient and our ways of dealing with work more efficient.,2、主谓宾补,e.g.,The improvement of modern technology renders our life more convenient and our ways of dealing with work more efficient.,The improvement of modern technology makes it possible for us to d

32、eal with work more efficiently.,V.我也可以用主谓双宾&主谓宾宾补,3、写成被动语态亮爆!,e.g.,The most striking feature of the sketch is that the“football”is entitled an aged father.,The computer is considered a necessity in the 21st century(,for it has dramatically enhanced our working efficiency and rendered our life more e

33、nriched).,VI.地道一小步:状语从句后置,Because Henry is handsome,David loves him so much.,1、原因从句,David loves Henry so much since he is handsome.,e.g.,指代不明,David loves Henry so much since he is handsome.,提醒一下,没有这些词:,themself,ourself,theirselves,hisself,VI.地道一小步:状语从句后置,Although Henry is ugly,David loves him so muc

34、h.,2、让步从句,David loves Henry so much in spite of Henrys dreadful appearance.,e.g.,VI.地道一小步:状语从句后置,If it rains tomorrow,we will not go for a picnic.,3、条件从句,We will not go for a picnic if it rains tomorrow.,e.g.,这些词也可以表示“如果”:once,on condition that,in case,VI.地道一小步:状语从句后置,David fell in love with Henry i

35、mmediately when Henry kissed him.,4、时间从句,e.g.,VI.地道一小步:状语从句后置,直接接V-ing/V-ed分词,*、if,when,once的高级用法:,I would say that Yunzhu is one of my most exceptional students if asked.,e.g.,前后同主语,We usually bury them underground when dealing with disposable plastic bags.,e.g.2007,Clearly,two football players are

36、 found in the sarcastic sketch,with their faces filled with anxiety.With the man on the left preparing to shoot,the goal-keeper is posing to defend his attack.What characterizes the picture is that they both overestimate their rivals and underestimate themselves when confronted with a challenge,rend

37、ering the goal-keeper enormous in the others mind but rather small in his own.,e.g.2010,Distinctly and vividly,portrayed in the funny but enlightening sketch is a large hotpot.It is the“foodstuffs”inside the cooking device that catch my eyes the most which are entitled names of cultures,both Chinese

38、 and western,such as Kong-fu,Liangzhu,Laoshe and Shakespeare.Meanwhile,the caption indicates that the“foods”are nutritious as well as delicious.,VII.Nani?形容词也可以后置?,.And there came Mr.Bingley,quite young,wonderfully handsome and extremely agreeable.,e.g.,Pride&Prejudice,1、两个以上形容词后置,VII.Nani?形容词也可以后置?

39、,Depicted in the sarcastic picture is a little bird,homeless,helpless and hopeless.,e.g.,1、两个以上形容词后置,Depicted in the sarcastic picture is a little bird,poor and sad.,VII.Nani?形容词也可以后置?,We must adopt some measures,both effective and efficient.,e.g.,1、两个以上形容词后置,VII.Nani?形容词也可以后置?,Basically,there are t

40、wo factors responsible for the issue.,2、形容词短语后置,双图题,必备词汇,两张图,the two 图s,the set of 图s,the couple of 图s,presented,Never pair!,看作单数,看作复数,VIII.小状语提至句首,轻轻地,我走了。,VIII.小状语提至句首,In contemporary/modernized/industrialized/society,.,1、时间、地点,Currently,/Recently,/Previously.,Decades ago,.,VIII.小状语提至句首,2、原因、目的,Wi

41、th this faith,we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.,Martin Luther King,Holding this faith,.,VIII.小状语提至句首,2、原因、目的,To hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope,we have to cling to the faith.,VIII.小状语提至句首,3、唯一动词的状语,Directly or indirectly,the Internet can exert

42、undesirable impact on our health,both physical and mental.,VIII.小状语提至句首,*、万能状语,to some/a large(r)extent,in one way or another,as a matter of fact,必备词汇,两图关系,对比,On the contrary,.,In/By contrast,.,相似,Similarly,.,Likewise,.,意义阐述段,How to Explain the Intended Meaning,Section 2:,STRUCTURE,1+X(+1),论点:深层含义,分

43、论点论据,原因、影响、利弊,Specify:例子等,总结本段,67句,80100字,1、形容词、副词提前,IX.让步状语从句的倒装:as,Henry loves David,but they cannot get married.,Deeply as Henry loves David,they cannot get married.,Old as Young is,he stays young in mind when getting old.,2、助动词后的东西提前,IX.让步状语从句的倒装:as,Reading a book as Henry is,he is thinking of D

44、avid.,Try any harder as you might,you can never bring me down.,IX.这些逻辑词很棒,1、转关系,In fact,/Actually,.,Instead(of.),.,Yet,.,2、顺关系,Also,.,What is more,.,Further,.,X.这些逻辑词很棒,3、由于,Thanks to.,.,Blaming on.,.,X.这些逻辑词很棒,4、因此,Accordingly,.,Hence,.,X.这些逻辑词很棒,这个逻辑词很不棒:,X.这些逻辑词很棒,On the one hand,.;on the other h

45、and,.,深层含义,现象:,the phenomenon of/that.the issue of/that.the(matter of)concern that.,提醒:,alert us to sth./to do sth.,warn us of sth./to do sth.,inform us of sth./inform us that.,深层含义,重视、关注:,pay attention to.,attach importance to.,think much/highly of.,take seriously sth.,深层含义,道理:,the idea/notion that

46、.the awareness that.the conception that.,that.,告诉:,convince us of/that.,persuade us of/to do sth./that.,bring us over to.,深层含义,总结道理常用句型:,根据需要加个never,we shouldought toare supposed to.,we mustare meant to.,1、双重否定,XI.正话反说、反话正说,It is not uncommon in contemporary society that.,.has never been an issue of

47、 little importance.,II、用否定意义的词消灭not,XI.正话反说、反话正说,do not=have/has never done,will not=will never,did not=never did,be not a./n.=be far from a./n.,II、用否定意义的词消灭not,XI.正话反说、反话正说,cannot=can hardly/barely=fail to,=be unable to,did not failed to,do/did not hardly do/did,II、用否定意义的词消灭not,XI.正话反说、反话正说,unwilli

48、ng/reluctant/resistant/immune,A cannot do B.,Doing B is beyond A.,It is beyond A to do B.,1、想原因,顾此即彼、内外兼修,想分论点,1、想原因,(1)内原因常和人们有关,想分论点,想俩形容词,1、想原因,(1)内原因常和人们有关,想分论点,某些人 are so.that they.,某些人 are so.as to do sth.,1、想原因,(1)内原因常和人们有关,想分论点,So.are 某些人 that they.,So.are 某些人 as to do sth.,倒个装:,1、逻辑词放在主谓间,X

49、II.状语位置变变变,however,therefore,for example等,There are a great number of people who love David,Henry,for example,is one of them.,e.g.,2、也不一定在主语后,XII.状语位置变变变,In developed countries,however,.,e.g.,Today,for example,people are.,2、用状语冲破动词词组,XII.状语位置变变变,只关注:focus only on.,Lets go to school directly.,e.g.,Le

50、ts go directly to school.,XII.状语位置变变变,Some Africans,unfortunately,are suffering severely from extreme poverty and serious starvation.,e.g.,2、用状语冲破动词词组,XII.状语位置变变变,Children raised under constant protection from their parents will be conditioned in their early ages to rely on others.,e.g.2003,2、用状语冲破动


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