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1、如何上好读写课,一、读写的意义,“读”和“写”是紧跟“听”和“说”的两种语言技能,是除口语交际外的另外两条交际途径。它能够帮助学生获取知识信息,了解英语国家的文化习俗和风土人情,培养学生的思维能力、分析能力、理解能力、文字表达能力,从而有效提高学生综合运用语言的能力。,二、读写课的基本策略,(一)自主学习和教师指导相结合 教师的指导主要表现为根据文本材料设置由易到难的问题,学生的自主学习表现为在教师指导下用各种方法(如圈、点、勾关键词,在有关句子下面划线等)到文本材料中获取需要的信息,整理和分析信息,从而理解文本材料。,(二)独立思考与小组合作相结合,1.由学生先自行阅读文本材料,根据上下文猜

2、意,用铅笔在不懂的词汇和语句上做标记;2.小组讨论,互相请教,解决一部分不懂的知识,将弄懂的部分的标记擦掉;3.向老师求助,将小组合作学习未解决的问题解决好;4.教师设置问题,检测学生阅读效果。,例:六下第一单元B部分阅读课,1.让学生观察插图,提出问题:This material is telling about the two animals.What are they?Do you know?引出词语sperm whale和killer whale。2.让学生自主阅读,划出不懂的语句。(This material is telling us something about the spe

3、rm whale and the killer whale.Read the material and underline what you dont understand.),3.让学生分组交流自己从文本中获得的信息,并互相请教不懂的语句。4.让学生全班内提问,解决小组合作学习中未解决的问题。5.教师设置问题,检测阅读效果。(1)Tell the Chinese of the following length weight skill(2)Answer the following:1)Which is longer,a sperm whale or a killer whale?2)Whic

4、h is bigger,a sperm whale or a killer whale?3)Whose tail is longer?4)What can they do?,(3)Complete the following:1)A sperm whale has _ teeth and each up to _ cm long.2)A killer whale has _ teeth and each up to _ cm long.3)A sperm whale likes to eat _,_ and _.4)A killer whale likes to eat _,_,_ and e

5、ven _.(4)Try to tell the information about a sperm whale or a killer whale.,(三)略读与细读相结合,对于一篇文本材料的处理,最好利用任务型教学,设置不同难度的任务,让学生在完成教师设置的任务的过程中,从略读到细读,逐步读懂、读透文本材料,从中获取需要的信息和答案。,略读解决:What does Wu Yifans aunt do?What does his uncle do?细读解决:1.Is Wus aunt beautiful?2.Where does she work?3.How does she go to H

6、ong Kong?,三、阅读课基本步骤,(一)Pre-reading(约5分钟)目的:检查学生已有知识储备,导入新文本材料,为学生深入阅读作铺垫。内容:复习检查的内容要精选,不要面面俱到,要选用与本节课相关的内容,特别要复习可能会影响学生对新语言项目的理解的内容。导入方式介绍:情境导入 插图导入 悬念导入,What did he do there?Guess!学生可能说出多种答案,教师把学生的答案板书出来,提出问题和要求:Are you right?Read the letter from John to his mom.Find what he did in Xinjiang.Tuesday

7、 Monday Thursday everyday went to a park went to a restaurant sang and danced ate good food climbed a mountain took pictures,(二)While-reading(15-20分钟),这一阶段要求学生进行细致观察,抓住材料的重点,从中学习到新的词汇和语言表达法。常用的方法有skimming(略读),scanning(跳读),intensive reading(细读)。,以六上第一单元B部分阅读课为例,1.略读:Choose a title for the paragraph:A

8、.The traffic rules in ChinaB.The similarities and differences about traffic rules in different countries,2.细读,解决下列问题,(1)Are the traffic lights the same in every country?What color are they?What do they mean?(2)Which side of the road do drivers drive on in China?How about it in England/Australia?(3)I

9、f we go somewhere by car,by bike or on foot,what should we know?一般来说,三组问题要一组一组地分别出示,逐组解决,同时出示会增加学生学习的难度。,3.跳读,Find the words about the following:Colors:Countries:Means of traffic:教师板书学生找到的关键词,让学生看着关键词来复述课文。复述基本内容正确即可,不必追求与课文完全一致。,(三)Post-reading(15-20分钟),这一阶段做法通常是根据前两个阶段所获得的语言材料开展语言判断、口头表达、写作等操练活动。,

10、1.Try to complete the dialogue below:Zoom:Are the traffic lights the same in every country?You:_Zoom:What colour are they?You:_Zoom:What do they mean?You:Red _.Yellow _.Green _.Zoom:Which side do drivers drive on in China?You:_.Zoom:How about it in the US and England?You:_.2.Try to tell something about the traffic rules in different countries.,注重学生学习策略的培养注重学生自学能力的培养,凡事预则立,不预则废Keep your students busy.Do not do one activity for long time.,Thank you!,


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