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1、,SELF-INTRODUCTIONNAME:ENGLISH NAME:CoCo ZhangEMAIL:QQ:PHONE:OFFICE:HOBBIES:,FINAL MARKS(100)=ATTENDANCE+PARTICIPATION(30)+TERMINAL EXAMINATION(70),TenseAspectVoiceMood,7th&8thLecture 11-13,9thLecture 14-15,10thLecture 16,Present Past 现在时 过去时,Progressive Perfective 进行体 完成体,Simple Present 一般现在时Simple

2、 Past 一般过去时,Present Progressive 现在进行体 Past Progressive 过去进行体,Present Perfective 现在完成体Past Perfective 过去完成体,Present Perfective Progressive现在完成进行体Past Perfective Progressive过去完成进行体,Future Time将来时间,一般现在,现在进行,现在完成,现在完成进行,一般过去,过去进行,过去完成,过去完成进行,过去将来,过去将来进行,过去将来完成,过去将来完成进行,一般将来,将来进行,将来完成,将来完成进行,代表过去某一时间,代表

3、以过去为基准的将来某一时间,代表现在,代表将来某一时间,Momentary present 现在的性质、状态behavestative verbs 静态动词I am 19 years old.我19岁。We have three kittens.我们养了三只小猫。He lives in this apartment.他住在这所公寓。Children like outings.孩子们喜欢户外活动。,Habitual present现在的习惯动作、反复出现的事情dynamic verbs 动态动词I usually get up at six and eat breakfast at seven.

4、我一般六点起床七点吃饭。Marry teaches music.玛丽教音乐。My father doesnt smoke.我父亲不抽烟。,Timeless present 不受时间限制的客观存在eternal truths,proverbs,scientific statements,etc.客观真理、格言、科学事实、社会的一般概念A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交见真情。Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.水由氢和氧组成。Beijing is the capital of China.北京是中国的首都。,I

5、nstantaneous present 现在瞬间动作dynamic verbs denoting short actions表示短暂动作的动态动词Here comes the bus.公交车来了。I name this ship the“Mayflower”.我将此船命名为“五月花号”。Dont you think so?难道你不这么认为么?Now watch-I put this egg in this hat.看好了,我把这个鸡蛋放进这顶帽子里。,Tough tone,severe warning and pointing directions表示强硬语气、严厉警告或指点道路You mi

6、nd your own business.管你自己的事吧(别多管闲事)。You take the first turning ahead,then cross a bridge and you(will)see the city library.前面第一个路口左拐,然后过了桥就看见市图书馆了。,Referring to the future 表示将来时间in some clauses在一些分句中*future events determined by calendar or timetable按时间表将要发生的动作或事件,或者事先安排好的动作Tomorrow is Sunday.明天周日。Th

7、e meeting begins at 2:00 this afternoon.会议今天下午两点开始。We eat out this evening.今晚我们到外面吃饭。,Referring to the past 表示过去时间tell/say/hear/learn/gather/听说、得知等quotations引用titles标题historic present 历史现在时It says in the Bible,“Love your enemies.”圣经上说:“爱你的敌人。”99-Year-Old Man Scales Mount Fuji99岁男子登上富士山,Past event 过去

8、的动作和状态、过去发生的事情He left for San Francisco the day before yesterday.他前天启程去旧金山。World war II broke out in 1939.第二次世界大战于1939年爆发。Past habit 过去习惯的动作、过去反复发生的事情I often went fishing in that river.我常去那条河钓鱼。This neighborhood was once an exclusive residential area.这一带曾经是高级住宅区。,Attitudinal&hypothetical past表示婉转口气或

9、想象性用法P128-129 11.2 2,Action in progress at the moment of speaking or at a period of time including the present现在、现阶段一直进行中的动作、事情Little Peter is sleeping.小彼得在睡觉。The boy is kicking his father.小男孩在踢他父亲。瞬间动作此时表示动作的反复Im only telling you the truth.我只是告诉你实情而已。除进行之意外,含强调目前行为之意We are eating more bread these d

10、ays.这些天我们(比以前)吃的面包多。,Future happening according to a definite plan or arrangement按计划安排近期内即将发生的动作I am leaving for Beijing tomorrow.我明天去北京。The train is stopping.列车停下了。瞬间结束的动作此时表示其瞬间或接近终点I am not leaving.我不打算离开。be going to也表示很近的将来,单纯的进行体有时也表示很强的决心,action in the immediate past刚刚过去的动作口语中某些表示说话的动词:tell,ta

11、lk,say,exaggerateI dont believe what you are talking about.我不相信你说的。make polite requests表示婉转口气限于hope,wish,wonder等少数几个词Im hoping youll give us some advice.希望你能给我们一点建议。表示强烈的感情色彩表示愿望的动词如hope,desire,long,wish,want等表示爱憎好恶的动词如like,love,dislike,hate等-How are you liking Nanjing?-Oh!Im loving her.,动作动词与always

12、,forever,continually,constantly等频度状语连用表示重复的动作,这种动作可能使人感到厌倦或觉得不合理;状态动词与这些频度状语连用 表示某种思想、情绪、行为反复发生,带有厌恶、烦躁、赞叹等感情色彩Jim is always coming late for class.吉姆上课总是迟到。(不合理)She is always doubting my words.她总是怀疑我的话。(生气、烦躁)状态动词用于进行时可以强调某一具体时间的特殊状态或某种暂时的心理状态或活动,亦可表示某种感情、认识、思维的发展过程Hes finding that the man is diffic

13、ult to deal with.他渐渐发现这个人并不好相处。(原来不知道,后来慢慢发现),表示原来设想将发生却未发生的情况,有希望落空、不耐烦、引以为憾等含义She is always coming to see me.她总说来看我,但一次也没来。(字面意思是:她总在来看我的路上。一直都在“coming”,就是一直都没到,其实就是说她一直都说来而没来)现在进行时有时可以表示否定意义You are wasting time!你在浪费时间!(别浪费时间了!)You are telling me!不用你说!(含有我早知道了之意。)Im forgetting her name.我差点忘了她的名字。(

14、指刚才的心理状态。)Hes being kind.他倒发起善心来了。(含有他这是一时的之意。),P134-P136,11B:1-1011D:1-10,现在完成体,用法:1.表示过去 所发生的动作或事情对现在的影响或产生的结果,着眼点在现在 I have lost my wallet.我的钱包丢了。(现在没钱花了。)2.表示一个从过去某个时间开始,延续到现在,并可能延续下去的动作 Up to now,we have received no news from her.直到现在,我们还没有收到她的消息。3.在after,as soon as,if,till,when等引导的状语从句中,用现在完成时

15、代替将来完成时 Ill watch TV when I have finished my homework.我写完作业就看电视。,现在完成进行体,用法:1.表示一个从过去某时开始发生,一直延续到现在,并可能继续延续下去的动作 Ive been waiting for an hour but she still hasnt come.我已经等了一个小时,但她还没有来。2.表示动作刚刚结束 Where have you been?你到哪儿去了?Ive been watering flowers in the garden.我刚才在院子里浇花。3.表示某种感情色彩 Whos been telling

16、 you such nonsense?谁和你说的那些胡话?,过去完成体,用法:1.表示在过去某个动作或某个具体时间之前已经发生、完成的动作或情况 They had got everything ready before I came.我到来之前他们已经把一切准备好了。2.intend,mean,hope,want,plan,suppose,expect,think等动词的过去完成体表示本来打算做而没有做的事 We had meant to tell her the news but found that she wasnt in.我们本想把这消息告诉她,但发现她不在家。3.表示过去的将来某一时

17、刻之前完成的动作 She made up her mind to go on trying until she had succeeded.她决心不断尝试直到成功。,过去完成进行体,用法:表示过去某个时间之前一直在进行的动作,并且可能继续进行下去 She had been typing a paper before I came in.我进来之前她一直在打一篇论文。,AssignmentA.Review B.Do Exercise 11F:21-30 11G:21-30 12E:1-10 12H:IC.Preview,各种时态比较,以下各组句子意义完全相同,使用时可互换:Lets see wh

18、o finishes the work first.Lets see who will finish the work first.Hell be on the same train as you are.Hell be on the same train as you will be.She will perhaps come earlier than you do.She will perhaps come earlier than you will.,补充内容,以下各组句子意义有所不同,使用时应注意区别:They tell me that youve agreed to it.强调现在的

19、事实或结果 They told me that youve agreed to it.强调过去他们告诉我 I leave tomorrow.陈述不一定是我自己作的计划 I am leaving tomorrow.我自己决定要走 Tomorrow is Sunday.日历的规定 Tomorrow will be Sunday.单纯陈述(这两句基本差不多)Will you be free this evening?语气认真,含若有空可否之意Are you free this evening?随便问问 Youre not going.不要去,较为温和的命令 You wont say it again

20、.不许再说那个,命令语气较强 Shes studying English at the university.强调现阶段 She studies English at the university.说明事实,You dont eat much.你饭量不大,吃的不多。一般情况 You are not eating much.你怎么不多吃些啊!现在的情况 I forget her name.我不记得她的名字了。陈述事实或结果 Im forgetting her name.我差点忘了她的名字。刚才的心理状态 When you pass by the shop,please drop in.指任何时候

21、 When youre passing by the shop,please drop in.将来某时 Here comes the bus!习惯用法 The bus is coming.强调现在的情景 He is very kind.指个人品质 He is being kind.一时的表现,发善心 The computer is working perfectly.暂时性 The computer works perfectly.经常性,For this week we are starting work at 7:30.临时安排 We start work at 7:30.经常性She l

22、ives in Nanjing.永久性、长期性She is living in Nanjing.短时间、短期内、一段时间内Jane does fine work at college.陈述事实Jane is doing fine work at college.赞扬When do you pay the money?你几时还钱?生硬When will you be paying the money?不知你几时能还钱?(婉转)Her father was a chemist.已去世Her father is a chemist.尚健在Thats all I had to say.要说的都说了Th

23、ats all I have to say.说完了但言之未尽How did you like the dancing?舞蹈已看完How do you like the dancing?仍在看,Did you see the film?现在已不再放映Have you seen the film?目前仍在放映Alice was a teacher all her life.已去世Alice has been a teacher all her life.仍活着I never liked her.从来就不喜欢I never like her.绝不喜欢She was waving her hand.不

24、断挥手She waved her hand.挥了挥手The train stopped.火车停了/急速停了The train was stopping.火车将要停了She was dying.快要死了She died.死了It is so nice to meet you.刚见面时It was so nice to meet you.见面后离别时,He changed his mind last Friday.单纯的过去动作,与现在无关He has changed his mind since last Friday.强调结果He has not been here for two years

25、.两年没来过了He has not been here two years.来了不到两年Its a long time since he lived there.不住那里很久了Its a long time since he has lived there.住在那里很久了Its five years since he was in the army.离开部队五年了Its five years since he has been in the army.参军五年了I thought you would know that.我当时想你会明白的。I thought you would have kn

26、own that.我本以为你会明白的(谁知你竟然不明白)She has gone to Beijing.去北京了.正在北京She has been to Beijing.去过北京.现已返回,Ive seen her this May.说话时还在五月I saw her this May.说话时五月已经过去He comes from Nanjing.生于南京He has come from Nanjing.从南京来但不一定是南京人Have you ever heard of such a thing?认真提问,希望回答Did you ever hear of such a thing?修辞问句,不

27、必回答Whos seen here while I was out?发现有人来过,东西被人动过Who was here while I was out?一般提问You read/ri:d/very well.指具有朗读才能You read/red/very well.刚才读得很好You have read very well.仅指刚完成的动作Ive been thought it over.已经考虑过了Ive been thinking it over.一直在考虑,Have you met him recently?见到过没Have you been meeting him recently?

28、经常见到What have you been doing?惊异What have you done?一般提问She hasnt been speaking since nine oclock.不是从九点开始说She hasnt spoken since nine oclock.从九点起就不说话,非延续性动词在现在完成体中不可与时间段连用:She has gone away for a month.(误)She has been away for a month.(正)He has joined the army for a long time.(误)He has been in the arm

29、y for a long time.(正)He has been an army man for a long time.(正)Harry has got married for six years.(误)Harry has been married for six years.(正)Harry got married six years ago.(正)They have begun a new lesson since yesterday.(误)They have begun to study a new lesson since yesterday.(正),下面的非延续性动词是同for短语

30、连用的,但这里的for短语不是表示这些非延续动词“延续”了,而是表示它们发生后的情况,如:He had gone for two days.他走了,一共离开两天。(正)他走了两天了。(误)She has come for a week.她来了,要呆一个星期。(正)她来了一个星期了。(误)They wont leave for two hours.他们两小时后离开。(正)他们不会离开两小时。(误)She wont be back for three months.她三个月后才回来。(正)她不会回来呆三个月。(误)The plane wont take off for forty minutes.

31、飞机40分后起飞。(正)飞机不会飞40分钟。(误),非延续性动词一般不用于进行体:如admit,allow,permit,consent,promise,accept,receive,refuse,deny,decide,determine,resolve,end,complete 等等,表示感觉、感情、情绪、精神活动、拥有关系等的动词,一般不用于进行体,如:understand,remember,wonder,cost,have,resemble,exist,appreciate,care,desire,fear,detest,hate,like,love,dislike,prefer,mi

32、nd,want,know,hope,wish,agree,believe,expect,forget,mean,perceive,realize,recognize,recollect,concern,consist,matter,respect,need,depend,belong,seem,appear显得,look看似,signify意指,think认为,please快乐,intend意欲,forgive宽恕,differ异于,despise轻视,adore爱慕,lie位于,represent代表,result导致,stand位于,remain停留,own拥有,hold持有,contain包含,但上述某一些词有时也可以用于进行体,例如:Do you see the rainbow?看见彩虹了吗?The manager is seeing the applicants today.约见,会见 Theyre now seeing the city.游览,观光 Im seeing a lot of John in the campus.常 见到约翰,


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