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1、,Pollution Of Solid Waste,环监一班,第四组,小组成员:江婷、沈媛、叶雅洁魏光月、李超、佘天磊、孙卫星,First of all,lets look at a group of pictures.,Definition,Classification,Pollution,Solid waste treatment,Solid waste recycling value,Solid waste,Definition,Solid waste is refers to the humanity in production,consumption,life and other a

2、ctivities and causing solid,semi-solid abandoned materials(the definition of abroad is even more widely,animal activity of the waste also belong to such),popularly says,is to junk。Mainly includes solid particles,garbage,slag,sludge,waste products,damaged the vessels,imperfection,animal carcasses,met

3、amorphic food,human and livestock waste,etc.Some countries of the extractant,waste alkali,waste oil,waste organic solvents and other high levels of liquid is also referred to as the solid waste.,固体废弃物是指人类在生产、消费、生活和其他活动中产生的固态、半固态废弃物质(国外的定义则更加广泛,动物活动产生的废弃物也属于此类),通俗地说,就是“垃圾”。主要包括固体颗粒、垃圾、炉渣、污泥、废弃的制品、破损器

4、皿、残次品、动物尸体、变质食品、人畜粪便等。有些国家把废酸、废碱、废油、废有机溶剂等高浓度的液体也归为固体废弃物。,Classification,1 City life waste2 Industrial solid waste3 Agricultural waste also,According to the composition can be divided into organic waste and inorganic waste;According to the form can be divided into solid waste,half solid waste and li

5、quid(gas)waste;According to the pollution features can be divided into hazardous waste and general waste,etc.In the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste will be divided into city solid waste,industrial solid waste and hazardous waste.According to the source of the solid w

6、aste usually divided into city life solid waste,the industrial solid wastes and agricultural wastes.,按其组成可分为有机废物和无机废物;按其形态可分为固态的废物、半固态的废物和液态(气态)废物;按其污染特性可分为有害废物和一般废物等。在固体废弃物污染环境防治法中将其分为城市固体废弃物、工业固体废物和有害废物。通常按照固体废弃物的来源分为城市生活固体废弃物、工业固体废弃物和农业废弃物。,1 City life waste,City life solid waste is mainly refers

7、 to the urban everyday life or services provided to urban everyday life activities of solid waste generated,namely of urban living garbage,mainly including residents living garbage,hospital rubbish,commercial garbage,construction waste(also called waste).Generally speaking,the city of the garbage qu

8、antity per person a day for 1-2 kilograms,the amount and composition and residents material life level,habits and waste materials recycling degree,municipal construction situation and so on.Such as domestic waste mainly for the kitchen waste.,城市生活固体废弃物主要是指在城市日常生活中或者为城市日常生活提供服务的活动中产生的固体废弃物,即城市生活垃圾,主要

9、包括居民生活垃圾、医院垃圾、商业垃圾、建筑垃圾(又称渣土)。一般来说,城市每人每天的增圾量为12公斤,其多寡及成分与居民物质生活水平、习惯、废旧物资回收利用程度、市政建筑情况等有关。如国内的垃圾主要为厨房垃圾。,2 Industrial solid waste,It is to point to in the industry,transportation etc from production activities of mining waste stone,tailing,fuel waste residues,chemical production and smelting slag a

10、nd solid waste,and says the industry waste or industrial waste.Industrial solid waste according to its source and physical properties general can be divided into six types.And in accordance with the waste residue of toxic and can be divided into two types of toxic waste and non-toxic,containing fluo

11、rine,and all hg,as and chromium,lead,cyanide,etc and compounds and phenol,radioactive substances are toxic waste residue.,工业固体废物是指在工业、交通等生产活动中产生的采矿废石、选矿尾矿、燃料废渣、化工生产及冶炼废渣等固体废物,又称工业废渣或工业垃圾。工业固体废物按照其来源及物理性状大体可分为六类。而依废渣的毒性又可分为有毒与无毒废渣两类,凡含有氟、汞、砷、铬、铅、氰等及其化合物和酚、放射性物质的均有毒废渣。,3 Agricultural waste also,Agricu

12、ltural waste also called agricultural waste,mainly from waste and plants of straw.,农业废弃物也称为农业垃圾,主要来自粪便以及植物秸秆类。,Pollution,Untreated factory waste and living garbage open air are simple,take the land,destroys the landscape,the harmful ingredients and waste air spread through wind and rain,through into

13、 the soil and underground water source,the polluted river,this process is solid waste pollution.,未经处理的工厂废物和生活垃圾简单露天堆放,占用土地,破坏景观,而且废物中的有害成份通过刮风进行空气传播,经过下雨侵入土壤和地下水源、污染河流,这个过程就是固体废弃物污染。,1 Polluted water 2 Atmospheric pollution 3 Contaminated soil 4 Occupy land,Solid waste harmless treatment without pil

14、es up at will,will with the natural rainfall and surface runoff into rivers,lakes,long-term deposition,make the water,the harmful ingredients reduce the harm will be greater.Solid waste of harmful ingredients,such as mercury(from red plastic,neon lights tube,battery,scarlet inkpad,etc.),cadmium(from

15、 printing,ink,fiber,enamel,glass,cadmium pigments,coatings,colouring ceramic,etc.),lead(from yellow polyethylene,made of water pipe,antirust coatings,etc)and other trace the harmful elements,If not handled properly,can dissolve into the soil waterlogging caused by excessive rainfall with,and the gro

16、undwater pollution,at the same time also may vary with rain water seeping into the water channel,into the Wells,rivers and ocean near by plant intake,again through the food chain,enter human body,affect human body health.Our country individual cities around the landfill,found that the concentration

17、of the groundwater,chroma,total number of bacteria,such as heavy metals pollution index exceeds bid badly.,1 Polluted water,固体废物未经无害化处理随意堆放,将随天然降水或地表径流入河流、湖泊,长期淤积,使水面缩小,其有害成份的危害将是更大的。固体废物的有害成分,如汞(来自红塑料、霓虹灯管、电池、朱红印泥等)、镉(来自印刷、墨水、纤维、搪瓷、玻璃、镉颜料、涂料、着色陶瓷等)、铅(来自黄色聚乙烯、铅制自来水管、防锈涂料等)等微量有害元素,如处理不当,能随溶沥水进入土壤,从而污

18、染地下水,同时也可能随雨水渗入水网,流入水井、河流以至附近海域,被植物摄入,再通过食物链进入人体,影响人体健康。我国个别城市的垃圾填埋场周围发现,地下水的浓度、色度、总细菌数、重金属含量等污染指标严重超标。,2 Atmospheric pollution,The solid waste dry matter or light,wind blows on atmospheric pollution.Treat solid waste incineration method is now relatively popular way,but the burning will produce the

19、 massive harmful gas and dust,some organic solid waste pile up in suitable for a long time,temperature and humidity will be microbial decompose,at the same time release harmful gas.,固体废弃物中的干物质或轻质随风飘扬,会对大气造成污染。焚烧法是处理固体废弃物目前较为流行的方式,但是焚烧将产生大量的有害气体和粉尘,一些有机固体废弃物长期堆放,在适宜的温度和湿度下会被微生物分解,同时释放出有害气体。,3 Contami

20、nated soil,The soil is many bacteria,fungi,etc,site of the microbial inhabit these microbes in the embodiment of the soil functions play an important role,They and soil itself constitutes a balance of ecological system,and the untreated harmful solid waste,after weathering,rain,surface runoff functi

21、on,its toxic liquid into the soil,and then killed will be in the soil microorganisms,destroy the soil of the ecological balance,polluted place even grass grows.,土壤是许多细菌、真菌等微生物聚居的场所,这些微生物在土壤功能的体现中起着重要的作用,他们与土壤本身构成了一个平衡的生态系统,而未经处理的有害固体废物,经过风化、雨淋、地表径流等作用,其有毒液体将渗入土壤,进而杀死土壤中的微生物,破坏了土壤中的生态平衡,污染严重的地方甚至寸草不生

22、。,4 Occupy land,Increasing the quantity is quite rapid,many cities to the edge of the suburbs of large pile up,no wonder they farmland scientists from the earth to take satellite photos,around the city on the large white garbage is so conspicuous.,不断增加的产生量相当迅速,许多城市利用大片地城郊边缘的农田来堆放它们,难怪科学家从卫星拍回的地球照片上,

23、围绕着城市的大片白色垃圾是那么显眼。,Solid waste treatment,Usually refers to physical,chemical,biological,chemical and biological methods the solid waste into for transportation,storage,use or disposal of solid waste treatment process,the goal is harmless,reduction,and set.,通常是指物理、化学、生物、物化及生化方法把固体废物转化为适于运输、贮存、利用或处置的过

24、程,固体废弃物处理的目标是无害化、减量化、资源化。,1 Compaction technology 2 Crushing technology3 Separation technology4 Curing processing technology 5 Burning and pyrolysis technology6 Biological treatment technology,1、压实技术2、破碎技术3、分选技术4、固化处理技术5、焚烧和热解技术6、生物处理技术,Solid waste recycling value,If will waste recycling,can get lar

25、ge range of comprehensive utilization of resources with the effect.Recovery work depends on the extent of the classification and rubbish cumulant,solid waste recycling is of great historical significance.Solid waste s way basically has 3 kinds:,如果将垃圾分类回收,便可得到大范围资源化综合利用的事半功倍之效。回收工作取决于分类的程度和垃圾的累积量,固体废物的回收有着重大的历史意义。固体废物资源化途径主要有3种:,1 Recycling 废物回收利用2 waste conversion废物转换利用3 waste energy power废物转化能源,Understand the knowledge of solid waste pollution,what should we do?,


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