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1、Translation of onomatopoeia,拟声词的翻译,Words Related with Crash,bang,bump,crash(哐啷),clash,crackthud:a dull sound caused by heavy obj.striking sth.soft,clank:a metallic sound,sharp and hard but not resonantSharp loud noise,sudden dull noise,sudden loud noise with sth broken or clasped,thump:repeated dull

2、 sounds caused by beating,striking,falling,walking,a loud,harsh,metallic noise(金属等的)刺耳的撞击声,My heart thumped with excitement.我的心激动得砰砰直跳We jumped from the branches and thudded on the grass.我们从树枝上跳下来,砰的一声落在草地上。The bullet hit his head and he thudded on the carpet.(fell with a thud to the carpet)子弹射中了他的头

3、部,于是他扑通一声栽倒地毯上。,Their swords clashed as the men fought one another.士兵们相互搏斗,The prisoners ankle chains clanked as they walked.囚犯们走路时,他们的镣铐发出叮当声,妈妈把盘子哐啷一声摔在地上,很生气Mother crashed the plate down the floor angrily.夜里 我听见什么东西扑通一声,Sound Related with Bell,Ring,toll,tick,tinkle,时钟发出嘀嗒嘀嗒的声音。The clock 丧钟为谁而鸣The

4、 bellThere was a crush and tinkling of breaking glassThe noise of the plane overhead made my ears,Words look similar,rustle,tinkle,rattle,whistle,rumble,prattle,patter(衣服,树叶,纸张)的沙沙声玩具等发出的卡塔卡塔声(发出急速轻的敲击声;嗒嗒地跑)尖锐刺耳的呼啸声隆隆声,辘辘声,吵嚷声小孩子唧唧呱呱的话,I heard the of feet behind me.我听见身后塔塔的脚步声With this he closed;an

5、d through the audience went a murmur,like the rustle of dead leaves.大雨啪嗒啪嗒急速地打着窗他的肚子饿的咕噜咕噜叫His stomach rumbled emptily.,The sound produced by animals,birds&chicken twitter,chirrups,chirpscheeps,peep,pipsChuck,cluckchatter,quackcackle,gagglecroak,tigers,lions,wolves,dogsgrowlhowlroar,The sound produced by animals,squeak,peephum,buzz,dronefly,mosquito,bee,The sound produced by animals,bellow,moo,bleat,bull,cow,calf,deer,sheep,lamb,goat,Horse,neigh,车辚辚,马萧萧 风萧萧,雨潇潇,树沙沙,The sound produced by animals,Other sounds,扑通(水溅声)splash嗖嗖的(子弹声)whiz噼啪的(爆炸声)Crack砰的(爆破声)pop,


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