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1、大学英语讲座,主题:雾里看花,别样精彩!从历年大学英语真题看应试技巧,大学英语讲座,英语学习2个纲领性问题1、词法 名形动副原则 2、句法 黄金谓语原则 从句(定语从句、状语从句等)非谓语(不定式、动名词、分词),大学英语人生长河中的小插曲(CET4)分项讲座(写作、听力、阅读)一、写作(writing)中西方语境的差异三大黄金原则 a.第一印象原则(First Impression)例如:think可以替换为 reckon,assume,argue,hold b.提纲原则 1)first,second,third,last 2)firstly,secondly,thirdly,finally

2、 3)the first,the second,the third,the last,1)to begin with,then,furthermore,finally 2)to start with,next,in addition,finally 3)first and foremost,besides,last but not least 连词的重要性(承接因果转折递进)例:枯藤老树昏鸦 Dead vine,old tree,dark crowC.语言闪光点原则 1).美文句式(6大句式与强悍句型)Nothing can be compared with i)定语从句(限定性和非限定性)i

3、i)状语从句(时间,原因,地点,条件,让步等),iii)分词短语做定语或状语iv)强调句v)倒装句vi)省略句 2).分割结构2008年重点关注的作文分析 A.人生的珍贵品质(virtueharmony)B.志愿者(volunteer)C.突发事件的描写,二、听力(listening),一、听力比重(35%)二、正确的方法A、(实力层面)独创3L听力秘诀 B、(应试层面)a、男女原则 b、尾音原则 c、挫折原则例如:16.A)She sold all her furniture before she moved house.B)She still keeps some old furnitur

4、e in her new house.C)She plans to put all her old furniture in the basement.D)She brought a new set of furniture from Italy last month.,18.A)Most of the mans friends are athletes.B)Few people share the womans opinion.C)The man doesnt look like a sportsman.D)The woman doubts the mans athletic ability

5、.21.A)The plane is taking off soon.B)There might be a traffic jam.C)The taxi is waiting for them.D)There is a lot of stuff to pack.16.A)She was absent all week owing to sickness.B)She was seriously injured in a car accident.C)She called to say that her husband had been hospitalized.D)She had to be a

6、way from school to attend to her husband.,12.A)The man is fond of traveling.B)The woman is a photographer.C)The woman took a lot of pictures at the contest.D)The man admires the womans talent in writing.14.A)The man can speak a foreign language.B)The woman hopes to improve her English.C)The woman kn

7、ows many different languages.D)The man wishes to visit many more countries.21.A)Its most beautiful in summer.B)It has many historical buildings.C)It was greatly expanded in the 18th century.D)Its the only French-speaking city in Canada.,听力总结,一、单词类1、情态动词(canshouldmight)2、否定前缀(un-dis-im-)3、比较级4、特殊词(st

8、ill、somewhat、used to do、no longer)二、结构类、形似项、近似项、反意项三、排除类 all、almost、mainly、most、tooto、asas四、Compound Dictation(单词、句子),三、阅读(Reading),一、Reading in Depth(2007)1.have been taking part in peace education _47_.k.2.took on the _48_ of peacemakers.m3.with _51_,peaceful ones.d4.are _53_ useful when.f 5.resou

9、rces for teachers and _54_ on starting.i6.help the _55_ of war.o7.the culture of the _56_ school.e acting B)assuming C)comprehensive D)cooperative E)entire F)especially G)forward H)images I)information J)offersK)projects L)respectively M)roleN)technology O)victims,二、Traditional Reading,A、阅读思维定式(善待真题

10、)B、词汇=阅读能力?!C、阅读的习惯(先看什么?)D、阅读的分类1、词汇题But since water is much cheaper than wine,and many of the fancies brands arent available in stores,most diners dont notice or care.(0612)59.The“fancier brands”(Line 3 Para.5)refers to _.A)tap water from the Thames RiverB)famous wines not sold in ordinary storesC

11、)PepsiCos Aquafina and Coca-Colas DasaniD)expensive bottled water with impressive names,2、句子题58.By saying“My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water”(Line 4 Para.2),von Wiesenberger wants to convey the message that _.(0612)A)plain tap water is certainly unfit for drinkingB)bottle

12、d water is clearly superior to tap waterC)bottled water often appeals more to dogs tasteD)dogs can usually detect a fine difference in taste,But in the long run,too much specialization doesnt pay off.Business,which has been flooded with MBAs,no longer considers the degree an automatic stamp of appro

13、val.The MBA may open doors and command a higher salary initially,but the impact of a degree washes out after five years.27.By saying“but the impact of a degree washes out after five years”(Line 3,Para,3),the author means _.A)most MBA programs fail to provide students with a solid foundationB)an MBA

14、degree does not help promotion to managerial positionsC)MBA programs will not be as popular in five years time as they are nowD)in five years people will forget about the degree the MBA graduates have got,三、推理题,标志:infer,imply,suggest,conclude,assume,because,according to.60.According to Hancock,the t

15、elephone is a preferable medium for promoting sales because_(0606)A.salesmen can talk directly to their customersB.salesmen may feel less restrained to exaggerateC.salesmen can impress customers as being trustworthyD.salesmen may pass on instant messages effectively28.We can learn from the passage t

16、hat _.A)unfairness exists in salary increasesB)most people are overworked and underpaidC)one should avoid overstating ones performanceD)most organizations give their staff automatic pay raises,四、主旨题,标志(mainly about;the main point;the main idea the main topic;the proper subject;the best title)30.The

17、passage mainly discusses(0606)A)unequal treatment of boys and girls in developing countriesB)the potential earning power of well-educated womenC)the major contributions of educated women to societyD)the economic and social benefits of educating women,五、态度题,36.The author had been given to Mr.Mays_(03

18、06)doubtful B.critical C.cautious D.supportive25.What is the authors attitude toward the future of autos?(0201)enthusiastic B)optimistic.C)pessimistic.D)cautious46.From the text we can see that the writer seems(2002)A)optimistic B)sensitive.C)gloomyD)scared.What is the authors attitude toward high-t

19、echcommunications equipment?(0301)A)critical.C)indifferent.B)prejudiced.D)positive.,作者的态度题(1)情感态度题选项核心词汇(一)必然不会成为正确答案的中性词:indifferent,漠不关心的意思impassive(冷漠的);hesitation;vague;unclear suspicion,怀疑的意思,它的形容词是suspicious,questioned,questionable,puzzled,puzzling,gloomy;neutral,中立的意思,议论文的论点必须有倾向性,必须鲜明,因此不选。,

20、(二)必然不会成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词sensitive,敏感的意思,这个词汇是万能选项,它的相近词汇有:concerned;biased,有偏见的意思,如果这个词是正确答案的话,也就是说命题者任何作者的观点是有偏见,prejudice scared,害怕的意思,如果作者对于他自己谈论的话题很害怕他怎么会邮寄到报社去发表呢?相近词汇有afraid,fear;,(三)可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词objective,客观的意思,impartial,公正的、没有偏袒的意思,解释同上。critical,批评的意思,作者在写议论文的时候完全批评一个事物;(中性词)(四)可以成为正确答案的褒

21、义词和贬义词approve,同意的意思,它的反意词是:disapprove;positive,积极的意思,它的反意词是:passive=negative;optimistic,乐观的意思,它的反意词是:pessimistic;,情感态度题解题步骤 如果该对象与伦理道德观念相吻合,那么应该选择含有可以成为正确答案的褒义词的选项;比如尊师重道;如果该对象与伦理道德观念不相吻合,那么应该选择含有可以成为正确答案的贬义词的选项;比如作奸犯科;如果该对象与伦理道德观念没有关系,那么一般应该选择可以成为正确答案的褒义词;比如经济的增长或衰弱;如果该对象与伦理道德的的关系还没有形成定论,那么应该选择可以成为

22、正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词;,白痴题32.It is not advisable to use the general,all-covering apology because_.(0601)A)it gets one into the habit of making empty promises B)it may make the other person feel guilty C)it is vague and ineffective D)it is hurtful and insulting 48.In Japans preschool education,the focus is

23、 on _.(0501)A)preparing children academically B)developing childrens artistic interests C)tapping childrens potential D)shaping childrens character,48.According to the passage,the NCC found it outrageous that _(0506)A)all the products surveyed claim to meet ISO standards B)the claims made by products are often unclear or deceiving C)consumers would believe many of the manufactures claim D)few products actually prove to be environment friendly,


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