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1、从句学习,定语从句与状语从句,定语从句,I dont like lazy people.我不喜欢不守信用的人I dont like people who never keep their word.两个重要的概念先行词关系词,Attributive Clause(定语从句)概念在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句.被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。,He is an English teacher who likes singing songs.,定语从句,先行词,引导词,引导词,关系代词:whowhomthatwhichwhose,关系副词:wherewhenwhy,关系词在定语从句充

2、当的成分,1 关系词用作从句的主语简单句变为定语从句The woman is a famous dancer and she lives next door.The woman who lives next door is a famous dancer.,2 简单句合并为一个含有定语从句的句子I like guys and they have a good sense of humor.I like guys who have a good sense of humor.,关系词用作从句中动词的宾语,i really like to find a friend and I can trust

3、 him completely.I d really like to find a friend I can trust completely.,更多例句,他是我见过的最好的法语老师He is the best grammar teacher who I have ever seen.Its hard to have a friend who you can trust completely.He is the student who the teacher likes to praise for his hard work.,关系词用作从句中介词的宾语,Im talking about fr

4、iend and you can share almost everything with them.Im talking about friend who you can share almost everything with.Who 充当介词的宾语我这里说的朋友,是指那些你几乎可以把一切与之分享的人。,注意:定语从句中的省略现象,作宾语的关系词可以省去1 Id really like to find a friend()I can trust completely.2 Im talking about friends()you can share almost everything wi

5、th.3 I hope I never have a boss()I cant talk to about my problems.注意:在从句中作主语的关系词无法省去。比如:不能说I like guys()have a good sense of humor.,关系代词与先行词的搭配关系,关系代词:关系副词:Whom,which,that,whose,when,where,why1先行词指人,用关系代词:who whom2表示人或物的所有关系,用whose3 先行词指物,用关系代词 which4 that 可以指代人,也可以指代物。,关系词的作用:1、连接作用 把主句和从句连接起来 2、替代

6、作用 在从句中代替在它前面 的先行词 3、成分作用 在从句中充当一个成分,例 1.The man _ gave you the talk yesterday is our teacher.,that/who,指人:that/who(主语),例2:The boy_ the nurse is looking after is my friend.,(who/whom/that),指人:who/whom/that(宾语,可省略),例3:The car_ is red was damaged yesterday.,that/which,指物:that/which(主语),例4:The question

7、_ I dont understand is about grammar.,(that/which),指物:that/which(宾语,可省略),Titanic is the ship _sank after hitting an iceberg.,which/that,_,Beijing is the city has got the chance to host the 2008 Olympic Games.,_,the city/get the chance to host the 2008 Olympic Games,which/that,Ye Xin is a nurse died

8、in the fight against SARS.,a nurse/die in the fight against SARS,who/that,1.The girl _ is sitting in the chair is a good singer.2.The skirt _ Mary bought two years ago is old.3.Is this the novel _ you introduced to me?4.Where is the boy _ broke the window?5.Luckily none of the people_I know were kil

9、led in the earthquake.,who/that,which/that,that/which,who/that,who/whom,限制性与非限制性定语从句,限制性:不用逗号隔开对一个名词提供必要的信息,一说明定语从句所修饰的先行词的身份和性质。I dont like people.I dont like people who are never on time.I dont like people who never keep their words.There are two factors.There are two factors which determine an in

10、dividuals intelligence.He is a man who is of value to the people.,判断下面句子,1Those people,who think that reading selectively is better,believe that good books are as many as bad books.2 some people think that it is an ancient Chinese custom which should be preserved.,非限制性定语从句-用逗号隔开,非限制定语从句用来提供附加的而非必要的信

11、息,只是对先行词作进一步的解释,补充或说明。如果去掉定语从句,整个主句的意义一样很明确,不会引起误解和歧义。分类学习,一 专有名词,如果定语从句修饰一个专有名词,一般要用逗号分隔先行词与定语从句。My mother,who is 50 this year,lives with me now.I asked my mother,who is 80,whether shed ever seen snow in Iraq before,and her answer was no.Beijing,which is the capital of china,has developed into an i

12、nternational city.Hawaii,which consists of eight principal islands,is a favorite vacation spot.,二 类指名词,普通名词作为先行词的情况,普通名词若是用来表示类指,即表示的是同一类事物,而非具体的某一个事物,此时,用非限制性从句。An elephant,which is the earths largest land mammal,has few natural enemies other than human beings.One of the elephants which we saw at t

13、he zoo had only one tusk.(象牙),用或不用逗号,句义有差别,在英文中,还有一类句子,用限制性或非非限制性定语从句都可以,但强调的意义不一样,即句义不同,试比较。He has a daughter who works in a hospital.He has a daughter,who works in a hospital.The food which wasnt in the fridge all went off.The food,which wasnt in the fridge,all went off.,The cab drivers who knew a

14、bout the traffic jam took another road.The cab drivers,who knew about the traffic jam,took another road.,非限制性定语从句的翻译,注意:现制定定语从句一般翻译成定语的形式 的,而非限定定语从句往往会译成各种状语形式。1 The food,which wasnt in the fridge,all went off.(译成原因状语从句)食物都坏了,因为没有放在冰箱里.2 The Ambassador gave a dinner to the scientists,with whom he es

15、pecially wished to talk.(译成原因状语从句)大使宴请了那些科学家,因为他特别想与他们交谈一下.3 The people were desperate for work,any work,which could support their family.(译成条件状语从句)人们急于找到工作,什么工作都行,只要能养家糊口.4 The millionaire had another house built,which he didnt need at all.(译成让步状语从句)那位百万富翁又建了一幢房子,尽管他并不需要.,定语从句与同位语从句的区分,关键点:that 引导的

16、定语从句和同位语从句的区别。二者在结构上有相似性,都是名词+that 从句,这里的名词都称作先行词。1 从结构上区分:that是否作成分。2 从意义上区分:that引导的从句的意义不同。,1 从结构上区分:that 是否做成分,That 在定语从句中要充当成分,比如作从句的主语或宾语;而that在同位语从句中不作任何成分,仅起连词的作用。也就是说:定语从句的结构是“名词+that+不完整的句子,”同位语从句的结构是名词+that+完整的陈述句,例句分析:判断下列句子分别是什么从句。,1 1)The rumor that he spread everywhere turned out to be

17、 untrue.2)The rumor that Tom was a thief turned out to be untrue.2 1)The fact that we talked about is very important.2)The fact that he succeeded in the experiment pleased everybody.,2 从意义上区分:that 引导的从句的意义不同。,定语从句相当于形容词,对先行词起修饰,描述和限制的作用;同位语从句相当于一个名词,对其前面名词饿内容的具体表达,二者是同位关系。1 1)The news that you heard

18、 is not true.2)The news that Lincoln was murdered at a theater is true.2 1)The fact that you point out made me interested.2)The fact that there are no lives on the moon is known to us all.,思维训练,请判断下列句子是定语从句还是同位语从句。He turned down the proposal that she offered at the meeting.He turned down the proposa

19、l that she should be sent abroad to study.,状语从句练习,状语从句种类时间状语从句地点状语从句原因状语从句目的状语从句结果状语从句条件状语从句让步状语从句比较状语从句,原因状语从句练习,常见连词Because,for,as,since当中because 能用强调词 only,just,perhaps等修饰.例句学习1 我的哥们都不喜欢我,是因为我长相英俊又事业又成.My close friends dont like me because I am handsome and successful.2 可能因为现在的大多数跨国婚姻都是基于真爱,所以夫妇俩

20、都很努力地克服双方的差异.Perhaps because most of todays cross-cultural marriage occur because of their true love,these couples make great efforts/work hard to overcome their differences.,原因状语从句练习,3 我们明天没有课,为什么不出去野餐呢?4 你是学英语专业的,我猜想你能帮我解决这个句子.Since we dont have classes tomorrow,why not go out for a picnic?Since y

21、ou are an English major,I guess you can help me with the sentence.,原因状语从句练习,连词as与since的用法差不多,所引出的理由在说话人看来已经很明显,或已为听话人所熟悉而不需要because加以强调.1 由于周一是法定假日,所有的政府机关都将休息.National holiday/government officesAs Monday is a national holiday,all government offices will be closed.连词for表示推断的理由,是对前面分句的内容加以解释或说明.昨晚下雨了

22、,因为今天早上地都湿了.It rained last night,for the ground is wet this morning.,连词总结,比较而言:as和for 引导的主,从句,二者处于平等位置.Because 引导的从句显得比主句重要,强调原因.since 引导的从句显得次要,而主句重要,以说明将要做什么事.,用介词表示因果关系,常见的介词有:Because of,due to,owing to 介词后面不能接从句We had an accident because he was careless.We had an accident due to his carelessness

23、.Owing to his carelessness we had an accident.,思维训练,1 _ you are leaving tomorrow,we can eat dinner together tonight.2_ the cold weather,we dicided not to go out.3 It was _he was so young that he could t do it.,目的状语从句,常用的从句连接词 so that,in order that,that,另外,在目的状语从句中常含有情态动词,比如may/might或could/can 等.1 我关

24、掉了电视,好让我的室友安静地学习.I turned off the TV in order that my roommates could study in peace and quite.2 小的时候,我常常睡觉时候带着手电筒上床,这样我就可以偷看连环画册而不被父母发现.When I was a child,I would take a flashlight to bed with me so that I could read comic books without my parents knowing about it.,结果状语从句,常见连接词:so that,suchthat1 我们

25、学校食堂的饭菜质量真差,练苍蝇都飞到那里去减肥.The food in our school canteen is so bad that flies go there to lose weight.2 外交官和螃蟹是行为方式相同的动物,因为我们无法判断他们是向前走还是想往后退.,Diplomats and crabs are creatures who move in such a way that it is impossible to tell whether they are coming or going.结果状语从句的倒装such/sothat引导结果状语从句,为了强调,可以倒装.

26、So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.Light travels so fast that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.,条件状语从句,常见引导词:if,unless冬天来了,传天还会远么?If winter comes,can spring be far behind?其他条件状语从句的连词So long as,as long as 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成真.So long as you work hard enough,an iron rod can be ground into a needle.,让步状语从句,常见的引导让步状语从句的词:though,although,even though,even if 尽管他努力了,但他还是失败了.Although he tried hard,he failed.对于每一个人来说,家是不可或缺的,它永远为你守候,即使有一天你发现你要离开它.The family is the essential presence-the thing that never leaves you,even if you find you have to leave it.,


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