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1、2015希望之星决赛,-by Dani,决 赛,A:故事接龙俗话说:“三人行必有我师”。3人/组的你们将如何编出一个令人难忘的故事呢?此环节的难度可不只是3人/组,每人每轮将必须在规定的时间(15秒思考,30秒作答)内结合所抽到的首字母组一个单词(每次一个)进行故事讲述。按照NO.123123依次两轮接龙完毕后表示此环节故事接龙完毕。评委老师将根据两轮中你的表现来进行评判。温馨提示:机制灵活、创意无限肯定能留下深刻的印象给评委。重要说明:如果整组别参赛人数不是3的倍数,那么就会导致组别的人数增加或是减少,但个人比赛用时和环节形式不会变动。具体请见当场通知为准。,希望铸就梦想 英语挑战未来,B:

2、知识问答还记得那位学霸姐姐说的那句名言么?“你考97分,是因为你的能力只有97分。我考100分是因为卷面只有100分。”不过,在这里,什么学霸都不是王道,优秀的你才是。不管你是酷爱文学还是偏爱运动更或者你擅长音乐.在这里的知识问答版块里现场选出属于你的题。读题后是短短思考30秒后60秒内回答完问题,还是不用思考开口即答90秒结束。只要你能征服现场的评委,学霸神马滴都靠边呆着去吧。,希望铸就梦想 英语挑战未来,A:故事接龙-首字母,A-apple any and about art ant all animal an activity alwaysB-boy big but ball becom

3、e book bike because buy back blue busC-come can call cat cold cloudy cool class chair cloth clean colorD-desk do duck dance dress draw drink day E-eat egg eight elephant English evening excited excuseF-fall father favorite fish five flower football fresh friend fruit funny,希望铸就梦想 英语挑战未来,首字母,G-glad g

4、lass girl grass go get good green grape H-Happy her have hobby his him home house how hurt hospital I-in is it ill idea interesting J-July June jump jacket jeans K-kind knife kangroo kitchen know kite L-lake lay last learn like listen live long lunch letM-map matter make mom my music math May mirror

5、 monday,首字母,N-near news next nine night not/no noon nose need number O-Oclock often old on one orange ok P-people person play P.E.path pen place photo picture present Q-question quick quiet qq quiz quarter R-red rainbow rain read rabbit rice room run S-sun sit sing sad school see short sleep small s

6、mart study student swim,首字母,T-today to take tall that there then they this tree turn traffic too train U-usually under uncle use university U.S.A UFOV-visit village video vest vase VailW-wall well we watch wash water where why whrite who work what when weekend X-x-ray Y-yellow yes yeah yesterday yea

7、r you young yummyZ-zoo zebra zombie,Lets have a try!,The beginning of the story:1.Sara had just took her shower.2.Jim and Jack are twins.3.“I had a bad news.”Alice told her mom.4.It was the first day of summer vacation.5.Roy wants to visit Canada after two years.6.Its Sunday.Kate had invited her bes

8、t friend over for dinner.,B:知识问答 30s 思考 60s 回答问题,类别:1.语言类 2.影音类 3.生活类 4.百科类,希望铸就梦想 英语挑战未来,语言类,When is the Mothers Day?As a child,what can we do for our parents?,影音类,Look at this picture,can you tell us this movies name?Do you like it?Why or why not?,生活类,Whats this?If someone wants to pick it,what wo

9、uld you do?,百科类,Los Angeles is in America or Australia?Do you want to have a travel there?Why or why not?,语言类,1.How do you usually spend your pocket money?2.Do you remember your parents birthday?How do you celebrate their birthday?3.What is the monkey doing?Which animal do you think is the cleverest

10、 animal?Why?4.Do you have best friends?If your best friend told others your secret,what would you do?5.Do you have any bad habit(s)?How do you plan to remove it/them?,影音类,Jingle bell is the song of Chinese New Year,is it right?Which song do you like best?Can you share us a story on music class in yo

11、ur school?Did you watch the movie named The Little Match Girl?Share us one of your favorite movies.Do you have some unforgettable experience with your father?If you had a chance to become famous,what would you show to us?,百科类,Which job do you want to do in the future?If you can take a rocket,where d

12、o you want to fly to?Which city is the Great Wall in?Share us one of your interesting cities.Can you guess which country is it?Tell us one of your travel stories.If one day you saw a real one of them walk in the street,what would you do?,生活类,What season is after winter?And which season do you like best?Why?Where is Tian-an-men square?Tell us one of the city that youve been to?What is this festival?What do you usually do at this festival?When did the China to hold the Olympic Games?Which sport do you like best?,


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