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1、形容词(adj.)、副词(adv.),的,地,2018专插本语法复习,一、形容词,1.什么是形容词 形容词是用来修饰或描述名词(或代词),表示人或事物的性质、状态和特征的词。如:Li Lei is a good student.李磊是一名好学生。(形容词good修饰名词student)China is a great country.中国是一个了不起的国家。(形容词great修饰名词country)The coat is black.那件上衣是黑色的。(形容词black表示coat的特征),二、副词,副词的作用 一、作状语,用于修饰动词、形容词、副词、介词短语或整个句子。1.The train

2、 runs fast.(修饰动词)2.She has been badly ill these days.(修饰形容词)3.The shop is right on your left.(修饰介词)4.Luckily,he passed the final exams.(修饰句子),二、作定语,有少数地点副词、时间副词可以作定语,放在所修饰的词的后边。1.The students there are from Beijing.那里的学生来自北京。2.I met an old friend on my way home.我在回家的路上遇到一位老朋友。3.China today has devel

3、oped greatly.今天的中国有了巨大的发展。,三、作表语,作表语的副词多数是表示位置的,如:in,out,on,back,down,up,off,away,等1.You must be away now.你现在必须离开。2.School is over.Lets go home.放学了,我们回家吧。3.The TV is still on,please turn it off.电视还开着呢,请把它关掉。,副词的种类,1时间副词 如:now,usually,often,always,sometimes等2.地点副词 如:here,there,out,everywhere3.方式副词 如:

4、carefully,well,fast,slowly4.程度副词 如:very,much,quite,almost5.疑问副词 如:how,when,why,where6.连接副词 如:whether,why,when,how,有关副词的用法辨析,、,规则变化,规则变化,一、比较级用法,表示两者(人或事物)的比较时用比较级,通常用连词 than 引导,表示“较”或“更一些”的意思1.This cake is more delicious than that one.2.Li Lei jumped farther than Jim(did).,二、最高级用法,表示三者或三者以上(人或事物)的比较

5、用最高级,最高级的前面一般要加定冠词the,后面可带of(in,among)短语来说明比较的范围*Shanghai is the biggest city in China.*Lucy sings(the)best of all.*He is the most careful among us.,三、同级比较的用法,在表示“和一样”和“不如那样”这概念时,可以用“as+原级+as”和“not as(so)+原级+as”的句型*Our teacher is as busy as before.*He does not run so(as)fast as I.,四、几种比较级的使用句型,(1)“比

6、较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越”Your English is getting better and better.你的英语越来越好了。These days more and more people are learning English.现在学英语的人越来越多了,(2)“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越就越”*The more,the better.越多越好。*The busier he is,the happier he feels.他越忙越高兴。,(3)可用much,still,a little,even,far,three years等表示程度的状语来 修饰比较级*She

7、 is much taller than Mrs.Liu.*He is three years older than I.*This problem is a little more difficult than the other one.,(4)“more(less)than”表示“超过(不到)”*She is more than thirty.她三十多岁了。*The lightest weighs less than 50 kilograms.最轻的不到五十公斤。,(5)“more or less”表示“差不多,或多或少”*The problem is more or less solv

8、ed.这个问题差不多已经解决了。*-Is it straight?-More or less.它直吗?差不多吧。,(6)在比较级中为了避免重复,在the后常用one,that,those等词来替代前面提到过的名词 1)This pen is shorter than that one.2)The weather here is warmer than that of Shanghai.3)The boys in our school leave school later than those in theirs.,(7)用or连接两项需作比较的内容时,须用比较级;若or连接三项或三项以上的内容

9、时,则须用最高级*Who is taller,Mary or Jane?*Which is the biggest,the sun,the moon or the earth?,(8)“the same+形容词或副词原级+as”表示同等比较This orange is the same big as that one.(10)特殊句型no+比较级+than 与 一样不 Tom is short,but Bob is no taller than Tom.,使用比较级要注意的几点,含有 than 的惯用短语 more than 不只,不仅仅 not more than=at most 不多于,最多 no more than=only 仅仅,只 not less than=at least 不少于 no less than=as much as 多达,不亚于 less than 少于 other than 除了 no other than 除外没有,只是,正是 morethan 与其说 倒不如说是,含有 than 的惯用短语,more or less几乎,差不多,大约,或多或少;sooner or later(迟早,早晚,总有一天);whats more(而且,此外);no soonerthan(一就)。,


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