1、第九章 成交签约,成交合同,形式与内容,注意事项,有效成立条件,有效成立条件,一方的发盘经对方有效接受,合同即告成立,但合同是否具有法律效力,是否受法律保护,要具备以下几个条件:1、当事人必须在自愿基础上就合同条款达成协议。2、当事人必须具有订立合同的行为能力。3、合同标的和内容必须合法。4、合同必须有对价,即合同当事人之间相互给付、互为有偿。例如在买卖合同中,买方支付货款是为了得到卖方提交的货物,而卖方交货是为了取得买方支付的货款。,合同文本起草,当事人签约资格,合同必须真实,双方责任与义务,合同的缔结,注意事项,形式与内容,约首,本文,约尾,合同文本的起草,一般来说,合同文本由谁起草,谁就
3、能是未成年人或精神病患者。,合意必须真实,合同是双方当事人意思表示一致的结果,如果当事人意思表示的内容有错误或意思表示不一致,或是在受欺诈或胁迫的情况下订立了合同,这种“合意”即为不真实的合意.对此各国都在法律上有不同的处理办法。,合同条款应具体详细,要明确规定双方应承担的义务、违约的责任,合同条款太笼统,不利于合同的履行。合同文字含糊不清,模棱两可,在执 行过程中,往往争议纷纷。,合同的缔结或签字仪式,签约地点往往决定该合同所适用的法律。根据国际法的一般原则,如果合同中对适用哪国法律未作具体规定,一旦发生争执,法院或仲裁院就可以根据合同缔结地国家的法律来作出判决或仲裁。,合同的基本形式及内容
4、,根据1999年10月1日生效的中华人民共和国合同法规定,进出口当事人订立合同,有书面形式、口头形式和其他形式。书面形式是指合同书、信件和数据电文(包括电报、电传、传真、电子数据交换和电子邮件)等可以有形地表现所载内容的形式。,约 首,指合同的序言,包括合同的名称、订约双方当事人的名称和地址以及双方订立合同的意愿和执行合同的保证。序言对双方都具有约束力,因此在规定序言时应特别慎重。,约 尾,一般列明合同的份数,使用的文字及其效力,订约的时间和地点及生效的时间。合同的订约地点往往要涉及合同准据法的问题,因此要慎重对待。我国出口合同的订约地点一般都写在我国。有的合同将订约时间和地点在约首订明。,本
5、文,品名,品质,数量,包装,价款,支付方式,运输与保险,履行期限及地点,争议的预防与处理,品 名,通常是将与客户往来的发盘还盘函中使用的品名列明在“商品名称”和“品名”(NAME OF COMMIDITY)的标题下。对于具有不同的品种、等级和型号的商品,也有把有关具体品种、等级或型号的概括性描述包括进去,变为品名条款与品质条款的合并。,品 质,一般要写明商品的名称与具体品质。,数 量,包括成交商品的数量和计量单位。按重量成交的商品,还需订明计算重量的方法。数量条款应具体明确。数量机动幅度要在条款中明确。不宜采用大约、近似、左右(ABOUT,CIRCA,APPROXIMATE)等字眼。,包装,包
6、装材料,包装方式,包装规格,包装标志,包装费用,包装材料,海运包装要求牢固铁路运输包装要求不怕震动航空运输包装要求轻便考虑有关国家的法律,包装方式,单件包装集合包装通常情况下,应选择集合运输包装方式,包装规格,涉及到每一包装件中商品的摆放、件数和包装的费用等方面,应根据实际情况确定。,包装标志,包装标志分为运输标志、指示标志和警告性标志。运输标志即为麦头。麦头可有我方选定,也可由客户制作。,包装费用,一般包括在货价之内。也有不计在货价之内,而由买方另外支付。,价 款,包括:(1)计价货币(2)价格术语(3)单价(4)总额(5)并且用大小写写明总额。,支付方式,支付工具付款时间付款地点支付方式,
7、运输和保险,在洽谈交易时,买卖双方必须就交货时间、装运地和目的地、能否分批装运和转船、转运、投保的金额、投保的险别、保费率以及哪一个保险公司的保险条款为准等问题商妥,并订明。运输:不同的价格条款对应不同的责任和风险。详见附录2保险:不同的价格条款,办理投保的人就不同。详见附录2,规定机动幅度,在品质条款中加订“交货品质与样品大致相同”(QUANLITY TO BE CONSIDERED AND BEING ABOUT EQUAL TO THE SAMPLE)之类的条文按照国际公认的产品品质的误差,订立商品的品质公差(QUALITY TOLERANT)对于某些质量不甚稳定的初级产品,在规定其品质
9、构、检验证书、检验依据与检验方法、商品的复验等详见附录6,不可抗力条款(FORCE MAJEURE),指在买卖合同签定后,不是由于合同当事人的过失或疏忽,而是由于发生了合同当事人不能预见,又无法预防和避免的意外事故,以至不能履行或不能如期履行合同,遭遇意外事故的当事人一方,可以根据合同或法律规定,免除履行合同的责任,或延期履行合同。详见附录7,仲裁(ARBITRATION),指当事人双方在发生争议时,根据双方之间的协议,由一定机构以第三者身份,对争议的事实或权利义务关系依法做出裁决,从而解决争议的一种法律制度。我方应尽量选择本国的仲裁机构,或第三国的仲裁机构,Chapter9 Contract
10、,Contract,The form and main content,Precautions,Terms of an effective contract,Drawing up a contract,The consensus must be consistent,The form and main content,Preamble,Body,End,Terms of an effective contract,When the offer is effectively accepted by the other side,the contract is fixed.But to make
11、it legal effective,it must include following terms:1、Both parties must voluntarily reach an agreement on the terms of contract.2、Both parties must have the ability of signing a contract 3、The content of the contract must be legal.4、The contract must have proper consideration and legal offer.The form
12、s of contract also must be consistent with the legal provision.In our country,only the writing form is accepted in signing、altering and rescinding a contract,which includes telegram and telex.,The form and main content of a contract,The forms of contract also must be consistent with the legal provis
13、ion.In our country,only the writing form is accepted in signing、altering and rescinding a contract,which includes telegram and telex.,Drawing up a contract,Generally,those who are in charge of drawing up the contract will have the initiative in hands.During the process of drawing up a contract,they
14、can have careful consideration on every terms of the contract,select proper words that are favorable to themselves,arrange the terms of the contract,and give explanations to relative clauses,even if the other side carefully exam every clauses of the contract,it is very difficult to totally avoid loo
15、pholes because of their difference on culture and different understanding of the words.So we should struggle for the right of drawing up the contract,at least we can draw up the contract together.,The qualification of signing a contract,Contract is a kind of restraining document with legal effect.It
16、 is a prerequisite for the two parties to have qualifications of signing a contract.Otherwise,even the signed contract is invalid.When signing a contract,the two parties ought to ask each other to provide its relative documents to prove its legal qualification.,The consensus must be consistent,The c
17、onsensus must be consistent in the contract,if the consensus is wrong or different,or make the contract under swindle or coerce,this consensus is not true consensus.In this situation,every country has different solution.,Responsibility and obligation of both sides,The clauses of a contract must be d
18、etailed,and clearly define the responsibility and obligation of both sides.If the terms are too indeterminate,it will hinder the performance of the contract.The ambiguous words in a contract will lead to many disputes in the process of performance.,Concluding of a contract,We should struggle to hold
19、 the signing ceremony in our place:the place where the contract is signed will decide which law is applicable for the contract.According to the general principles of international law,if the contract does not clearly stipulate the adopted law,when dispute arising,the court or arbitrate institution m
20、ay make judgment or arbitration according to the law of the country where the contract is signed.,Preamble,It refers to the preface of a contract,which includes name of the contract、names and addresses of both parties、their will of signing the contract and assurance of implementing the contract.,End
21、,Generally it sites the amount of a contract、language and its effectiveness、the time and place of signing a contract,and the time of entry-into-force.We ought to be cautious about the signing place because it determines the applicable law of the contract.,Name of commodity,Quality,Quantity,Package,P
22、rice,Payment,Transport and insurance,The time limit and place of performance,The prevention and handling of dispute,Name of commodity,Generally,this clause is relatively simple,we always list the names that in the offer or counter-offer under the article of Name of Commodity.And sometimes we only wr
23、ite several sentences showing the two parties agreement on the business of some commodity at the beginning of a contract.,Quality,In the quality clause we should clearly list the name and detailed qualities of commodities.As commodities are various,the ways showing their qualities are not the same.S
24、o the terms of quality must be fit for the characteristics of commodities.,Quantity,The quantity clause mainly includes the quantity and unit of commodity.To facilitate the performance of contract and avoid disputes,the quantity clause should be clear and detailed.In addition,it is improper to use t
25、hose uncertain words like about、circa、approximate to define the quantity.,Packing material,Method of packing,Specification of packing,Packing mark,Packing charges,Package,Packing material,The packing for sea need firmThe packing for rail need not afraid of shakingThe packing for air need lightSee th
26、e law of relative country,Method of packing,Single packingSet packingGenerally,choose set packing,Specification of packing,Involve such respects as every package putting,the piece and expenses packed,etc.,should confirm according to the actual conditions.,Packing mark,Packing mark includes shipping
27、mark,indicative mark and dangerous cargo markShipping mark can be chosen by us,or by the customer.,Packing charges,Generally including in the price of goodsOr not including in the price of goods,paid by buyer.,Price,Unit price and the total amount of payment are extremely important in a contract.Aft
28、er several rounds of offer and counter-offer,both parties reach an agreement on the price.The price clause should clearly indicate the currency、price terms、unit price and the total amount of payment.When writing the total amount in capital,we always add“say”at the beginning of the sentence,and“only”
29、at the end.,Payment,This clause mainly includes:The means of paymentTime and place of payment and so on,Transport and insurance,While negotiating,both parties must discuss for the time of delivery,place of loading and the destination,whether partial shipment or transshipment,amount of insurance,risk
30、,insurance rate and which insurance clause of insurance company being accurate.Shipment:different price terms must relate to different responsibility and risk.See Appendix-2.Insurance:different price terms,different person to fix insurance.See Appendix-2.,Stipulate the flexible range,In quality term
31、s,add the clause such as“QUANLITY TO BE CONSIDERED AND BEING ABOUT EQUAL TO THE SAMPLE.”According to the error of products quality that internationally acknowledged,add“QUALITY TOLERANT.”As to some primary product that quality is not very steady,while regulating its quality index,can make certain fl
32、exible range of quality separately,allow certain range in the quality index of the goods that sellers hand in,but should adjust prices according to the situation of quality of delivering goods.While negotiate on quality,the seller can add such in the contract:If the quality seller delivers is defect
33、ive,does not accord with the regulation of the contract,the buyer cant cancel contract,but can lodge a claim against seller.,Use various kinds of expression methods properly,Choose the way describe quality according to the character.If can describe in one way,dont use many ways.,Formulate the clause
34、 according to actual ability,Pay attention to the science and rationality.Avoid too high or too low.Pay attention to the inner link and relation between every quality index.,Inspection,Force majeure,Arbitration,The prevention and handling of dispute,Inspection,The third party provides the inspection
35、 certificate.At present in our country,examine in the export country,re-inspects in import country.Inspection clause includes:inspection time,inspection place,inspection organization,inspection certificate,method of inspection,re-inspect,etc.See Appendix-6.,FORCE MAJEURE,After the contract is signed
36、,it is not fault or carelessness of contracting parties,but because of the accident that cant be predicted,cant be prevented and avoided,so that the parties cant fulfill or cant fulfill the contract as scheduled,so the party that had the accident,can avoid the responsibility of fulfilling contract a
37、ccording to the stipulations of the contract or the law,or postpone fulfilling the contract.See Appendix-7.,ARBITRATION,Mean both parties while disputing,according to the agreement between both sides,certain organization as the third part,judge the fact of the dispute or the rights and obligations,thus solve the dispute.We should try our best to choose the national arbitration organ or the arbitration organ of the third country.,