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1、Adverbial clauses状语从句,状语,作用:修饰动词、形容词、副词以及全句,We study at school every day,时间状语,地点状语,状语从句种类:地点、时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、让步、比较状语从句充当句子的状语时,起_作用。状语从句一般由_引导,也可以由_引起。从句位于句首或句中时通常用逗号与主句隔开,位于句尾时可以不用逗号隔开。,副词,从属连词,词组,一.时间状语从句as/when/while(1)Mother was worried because little Alice was ill,especially _ father was away in

2、 France.,as/when/while,(2)_the teacher came in,we were doing our homework.(3)_Tom was hanging around,he came across his old friend.(4)_time went by,people began to realize the importance of protecting our environment from being polluted.(5)She sings _ she dances.,When,While,As,as,When(at or during t

3、he time)引导的时间状语从句可以表示时间点,也可以表示时间段,多用一般时态。,While(during the time)引导的时间状语从句表示主语在一段时间内所处的状态,多用进行时态。,随着,一边一边,*until&till 常常可以通用,置于句首常用until。,One with strong perseverance and patience will insist on doing his work _he achieves his goal.,till/until,till/until,till/until:直到 为止notuntil/till 直到才,He didnt rea

4、lize he had wasted much time playing computer games until he failed in the exam.倒装:强调:,Not until he failed in the exam,did he realize he had wasted much time playing computer games.,It is not until he failed in the exam that he realized he had wasted much time playing computer games.,He has made gre

5、at achievements in his work _ he graduated.,since/after,小结:since引导时间状语从句,意为“自从”。一般从句用一般过去时主句用现在完成时。,It is(has been)+时间+since+从句(did)“自从以来(已经)多久了”我把集邮当兴趣爱好已有十年了。It is(has been)ten years since I took up the hobby of collecting stamps.,一就引导的时间状语从句:The PLA began to help the victims _ _ they got to the e

6、arth-stricken area.,as soon as/the moment/the minute/immediately/directly,no sooner than,hardly.when,scarcelywhen主句中的动词用过去完成时。放在句首时句子部分倒装。(P235)No sooner had he sat down than he focused on study.他一坐下来就专注于学习。_ had he sat down _ he focused on study.,when,Hardly,地点状语从句,有志者事竟成Where there is a will,there

7、 is a way.,地点状语从句通常由where,wherever引导,,1.The Red Cross is expected to send help _there is human suffering.2.One of the successful peoples strong points is that they can succeed _ others fail.,wherever,where,我们应该到最需要我们的地方去。,We should go _ we are needed most.We should go to the place _ we are needed mo

8、st.,定语从句,状语从句,where,where,原因状语从句,引导连词:because,because of,as,since,for,1.Why do you write an English resume?-I write it to apply for the post of traffic policeman,_ I want to apply theory to practice.,because,because回答why,直接原因,语气最强,2._ youve made it up with him,you might as well get on well with his

9、family.,“既然”,一般用于句首。,4.She must be deeply moved by his courage_ her eyes brim with tears.,for,for 对前面分句的内容加以解释或推断,不放在句首。,3._ it is raining,youd better take a taxi.,已知事实;众所周知,Since,As,在表语从句和强调句中,只能用because引导.,5.It is _ he serves the people heart and soul that everyone thinks highly of him.,because,6.

10、_ his kindness,he is easy to make a lot of friends.,Because of,because of 后只能接名词、代词或名词性短语,不能跟句子,条件状语从句,连接词:,if,unless(ifnot),so/as long as,on condition that(只要;以.为条件),in case(假使;以免)等,You can go out to take exercise on condition that you finish your homework on time.,Take an umbrella in case it rains

11、.,你可以出去锻炼一下,条件是你要依时完成作业。,带把雨伞以防下雨。,_ you work hard,you will fail to achieve your goal.,Unless,unless:除非,含有否定意义。,1.We form a good habit of getting up early _we can memorize what we have learned more easily.2._succeed,he worked day and night.3.He practices his penmanship _ make a good impression on ot

12、hers.,目的状语从句,so that,in order that,so as to,in order to,so that in order that,In order to,in order to so as to,in order to可以用在句首或句中,但so as to只能用在句中。,让步状语从句,_ I get high grades in my studies,yet I still feel somewhat afraid of my mother.I wont lose courage _ I fail ten times.,Although/Though,even if/

13、even though,although/though不能与but连用,但可以与yet连用。,连接词:,though/although;even if/even though;however;whatever;wherever 等引导,A mixture of friends can help me with _difficulties I encounter in life._asks for help,she is ready to help.,No matter who,=Whoever,whatever,wh-ever既可引导名词性从句,又可引导让步状语从句。no matter wh-

14、只能引导让步状语从句。,No matter how hard he tries,he fails to catch a goat.无论有多困难,我们都要坚持到底。No matter how difficult it is,we will stick to it/keep it up.我认为孩子们想要什么就给什么是不明智的。这很容易宠坏他们。I consider it unwise to give a child whatever he or she wants.That is easy to spoil them.,2.He was _ angry _that he gave vent to

15、his anger by kicking the door.,结果状语从句,1.It gave him_ a shock _his face turnedwhite.,such,that,so that,so+形容词/副词+that,such+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+that,so+little/few/much/many+可数名词复数/不可数名词+that,3.George earned _(太少钱了)he couldnt afford the car he desired for.,so little money that,她是一位如此细心周到的老师以至于学生都喜欢她。She i

16、s so considerate a teacher that the students all love her.She is such a considerate teacher that the students all love her.,sothat与suchthat的区别,such+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+that,so+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数+that,方式状语从句,Guess the meaning of the following sentences.,Do in Rome as the Romans do.Leave things as they are.,

17、入乡随俗。,让一切顺其自然。,比较状语从句,asas(和一样),not as/soas(与不一样),than(比),结果正如我们预料的那么好。The result was as good as we had expected.常见句型:the+比较级,the+比较级(陈述语序)The harder you work,the greater progress you will make.,He is as diligent as his deskmate.He is not so diligent as his deskmate.He works as hard as his deskmate.

18、He doesnt work so hard as his deskmate.,“和一样”,用“as+adj/adv as”结构“不像那样”,用“not as(so)+adj/adv as”结构,He is _diligent _student as his deskmate.sb./sth.is as+adj+a/an+n.+asHe is not _diligent _student as his deskmate.sb./sth.is not so+adj+a/an+n.+as,as,a,so,a,倍数的表示方法 A is times as+adj.+as+B A is times+er

19、+than+B A is times the size(length/width/depth/height)of B,Our school is as big as theirs.,我们的学校是他们的四倍大。Our school is four times as big as theirs.Our school is three times bigger than theirs.Our school is four times the size of theirs.,1.His brother is _ handsome _ he(is).2.Your house is twice as ex

20、pensive as_(me).3.The driver drives faster _ he used to(drive).4._ knowledge we learn,_(happy)we will be.,mine,1.保持人称代词的格前后一致.如:1,2.2.倍数词须加在比较结构的前面.如:2.3.句中相同的成分,如动词,常常省去.如:1,3.,The more,than,as as,the happier,状语从句中的省略,在含有状语从句的复合句中,若从句的主句是it或与主句的主语相同,且在谓语中含有be时,常省略从句的主语和be。,1.Dont speak until you ar

21、e spoken to.=Dont speak until spoken to.2.Pressure can be increased when it is needed.=Pressure can be increased when needed.过马路的时候要小心。Look out when/while crossing the street.(=when/while you are crossing),(),(),(1)连接词+过去分词,(2)连词+现在分词,1.她急匆匆地走出屋去,好象很生气的样子。She hurriedly left the room as though/if ang

22、ry.(=as though/if she was angry)2.必要时,你应该做笔记。You are supposed to take some notes when necessary.(=When it is necessary,),(3)连词+形容词/其他如:if necessary,if possible,when necessary,if any,if so,1._(在北京的时候),I paid a visit to the Summer Palace.2._(当是个年轻人的时候),Abraham Lincoln was a storekeeper and a postmaste

23、r.3.He has no money._(要是有的话),he will give us.4._(要是给更多的关注),The boy could have turned out better.,When/While in Beijing,When/As a young man,If any,If given more attention to,Practice makes perfect!,为了做到劳逸结合,我们会培养一些爱好。In order to strike a balance between work and play,we will take up some hobbies.虽然他是

24、一个瞎子,但他没有被生活打败。He is not defeated by life,even though he is blind.,Translate the following sentences:,Although the author pointed out the negative factors of aging societies,he also made positive suggestions of dealing with the potential problems.虽然作者指出了老龄化社会的不利因素,但他也提出了解决这些潜在问题的积极建议。The WTO cant li

25、ve up to its name if it doesnt include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.假如世贸组织不包括占世界人口五分之一的中国的话,那它就名不副实。,Write a composition with 5 sentences according to the given situation:,昨天上午,你惊悉你的朋友李华被一辆汽车撞伤住了院,事情经过是:那天李华正要穿过大街,他很小心,直到看到绿灯亮时才开始过街。可当他刚要走到街心时,右侧突然出现了一辆轿车,径直朝他开来。他躲闪不及被撞出了几米远。他立即被送进

26、医院并动了手术。昨晚你去看他时,他虽已脱险,但仍然脸色苍白。参考词汇:躲闪:dodge 右侧:right-hand side,(1)穿过大街时他很小心,直到看到绿灯亮时才开始过街,(2)刚要走到街心时,右侧突然出现了一辆轿车,径直朝他开来。,(3)躲闪不及被撞出了几米远,(5)虽已脱险,但仍然脸色苍白。,记叙文,记事的文章,过去时,(4)立即被送进医院并动了手术,The other day he was going to cross a street.He was very cautious and didnt go until he saw the traffic light turn gr

27、een.But hardly had he got to the middle of the street when a car suddenly appeared on his right-hand side and came directly towards him.It was too late for Li Hua to dodge and he was hit by the car and thrown a few miles away.He was sent to hospital straight away and when I went to see him last night,he was out of danger but still looked pale.,


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