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2、结合的旅游活动。“生态旅游”这一术语,最早由世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)于1983年首先提出,1993年国际生态旅游协会把其定义为:具有保护自然环境和维护当地人民生活双重责任的旅游活动。生态旅游的内涵更强调的是对自然景观的保护,是可持续发展的旅游。Ecotourism is:Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.(TIES,1990),生态旅游的特征,(1)生态旅游的目的地是一些保护完整的自然和文化生态系统,参与

3、者能够获得与众不同的经历,这种经历具有原始性、独特性的特点。(2)生态旅游强调旅游规模的小型化,限定在承受能力范围之内,这样有利于游人的观光质量,又不会对旅游造成大的破坏。(3)生态旅游可以让旅游者亲自参与其中,在实际体验中领会生态旅游的奥秘,从而更加热爱自然,这也有利于自然与文化资源的保护。(4)生态旅游是一种负责任的旅游,这些责任包括对旅游资源的保护责任,对旅游的可持续发展的责任等。由于生态旅游自身的这些特征能满足旅游需求和旅游供给的需要,从而使生态旅游兴起成为可能。characteristic of ecotourism,low impact on natural and cultura

4、l resources build environmental and cultural awareness and respect provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts.Provide financial benefits and empowerment for local people,Why is ecotourism important?,Ecotourism is a growing segment of the global tourism industry that is making significa

5、nt positive contributions to the environmental,social,cultural and economic well-being of destinations and local communities around the world.Offering market-linked long-term solutions,ecotourism provides effective economic incentives for conserving and enhancing bio-cultural diversity and helps pro

6、tect the natural and cultural heritage of our beautiful planet.By increasing capacity building opportunities,ecotourism is also an effective vehicle for empowering local communities around the world to fight against poverty and to achieve sustainable development.Furthermore,ecotourism has provided a

7、n impetus to assist in greening the tourism industry on many fronts.,DIFFERENCES,Difference traditional tourism doesnt typically encourage the protection of the environment Traditional tourism has always been more about luxury and the comfort of the guest Main aim is making profit Here the benefit o

8、n guests are more important It is more centered with the area of enjoyment.ECOTOURISM Eco-tourism is the earth-friendly and concentrate on environment protection.Empowerment of local communities;and fosters respect for different cultures and for human rights Main aim is to protect environment and ed

9、ucate about it.Ecotourism seeks to benefit both the guests and the hosts.Centered on a natural area or attraction.,我国生态旅游类型,我国生态旅游形式已从原生的自然景观发展到半人工生态景观,旅游对象包括原野、冰川、自然保护区、农村田园景观等,生态旅游形式包括游览、观赏、科考、探险、狩猎、垂钓、田园采摘及生态农业主体活动等,呈现出多样化的格局。,生态旅游的分类,我组总结生态旅游的分类有观鸟、自行车旅游、漂流旅游、沙漠探险、登山探险、海洋之旅等。生态旅游是一种负责任的旅游,旅游者有对旅

10、游资源的保护责任,对旅游的可持续发展的责任。生态旅游的目的地是一些保护完整的自然和文化生态系统,参与者能够获得与众不同的经历。而且旅游规模的要小型化,限定在承受能力范围之内,这样有利于游人的观光质量,又不会对旅游造成大的破坏。旅游者亲自参与其中,在实际体验中领会生态旅游的奥秘,从而更加热爱自然。旅游者在生态旅游活动中极为重视保护旅游物件。在生态旅游开发中,避免大兴土木等有损自然景观的做法,旅游交通以步行为主,旅游接待设施小巧,住宿多为帐蓬露营,尽一切可能将旅游对旅游物件的影响降至最低。并且在生态旅游目的地设置一些解释大自然奥秘和保护与人类攸息相关的大自然标牌体系及喜闻乐见的旅游活动,让游客在愉怡中增强环境意识,使生态旅游区成为提高人们环境意识的天然大课堂。,观鸟旅游,登山旅游,登山探险,漂流旅游,沙漠探险,自行车旅游,海洋旅游,Thank You,小组成员:高源,卫靖,周茹丽,沈蕾,吴静,顾子琪,董红波,


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