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1、English to Chinese of English for biology 科技英汉翻译要点,faithfulness Expressiveness elegance,English to Chinese of English for biology 英汉翻译要点,faithfulness Expressiveness elegance 信:忠实达:通顺雅:文雅,English to Chinese of English for biology 英汉翻译要点,Emphasis:Translation of attribute clause,attribute clause定语从句在句法

2、结构上属次要部分,在语言作用上却地位重要,应用极广定语从句结构有简有繁,对先行词限制有强有弱,翻译时需灵活处理。汉语里没有类似英语中定语从句的结构,一般定语放在它所修饰的词之前,只起修饰或限定作用,而定语从句的功能却不止于此。英语从句可很长,可由几个从句并列同时修饰一个名词,可借助关系代词由一个从句套出另一个从句而汉语名词前一般少用结构复杂、描写性的长定语因此,翻译时不都把它前提在名词前译作定语。常用的定语从句译法有:,1.译成前置定语Translate to clause be ahead,一般说来,限制性的定语从句可提前译成定语。还有一些定语从句,虽然不明显地带有限定性质,但本身较短,和被

3、修饰语关系紧密,也可译为前置定语。如:,Example 1To be sure,the human genome project would give jobs to many of those people who study on them.,Example 1To be sure,the human genome project(HGP)would give jobs to many of those people who study on them.诚然,人类基因组计划也许能为许多生物学研究者提供就业机会。,Example 2In recent years,however,people

4、 have begun to become aware that cities are also areas where there is a concentration of problems of environment.,Example 2In recent years,however,people have begun to become aware that cities are also areas where there is a concentration of problems of environment.可是,近几年来人们开始意识到城市也是生态环境问题成堆的地方。,如以上

5、例句所示,这种译法最适于翻译较短的限定性定语从句。有时较长的也可采用这种译法,以使修饰关系清晰,句子结构紧凑。如:,译,This practice book is intended for foreign students of bio-engineering who have already mastered the elements of English,and who now want to use their knowledge of the language to read books on their subjects.,This practice book is intended

6、 for foreign students of bioengineering who have already mastered the elements of English,and who now want to use their knowledge of the language to read books on their subjects.这本练习课本是给那些已经掌握了英语基础知识而现在要利用学到的语言知识来阅读专业书籍的生物工程学的学生用的。,2.译成后置的并列分句,A一些结构较复杂,或者意思上又较强的独立性的限定性定语从句,通常可译为后置的并列分句。采取这种译法,往往要有重复

7、关系代词来进行代替,经常在这词之前加指示词“这”、“这些”等,以使译文明确。如:,Example 1(译)But world attention also is focusing on another step,which will make the smoker increasingly self-conscious and uncomfortable about his habit.,Example 1But world attention also is focusing on another step,which will make the smoker increasingly se

8、lf-conscious and uncomfortable about his habit.人们也正把戒烟注意力集中在另一种措施上,这项措施将使吸烟者越来越意识到自己的不良习惯并为之感到不安。,Example 2In 1883,an American physician,A.King,listed twenty observations,which pointed to mosquitoes as factor in malaria.,Example 2In 1883,an American physician,A.King,listed twenty observations,which

9、pointed to mosquitoes as factor in malaria.1883年,美国医生A金列举了二十个观察报告,这些报告表明蚊子是引起疟疾的一个因素。,Example 3 Matter is composed of molecules that are composed of atoms.,Example 3 Matter is composed of molecules that are composed of atoms.物质是由分子组成的,而分子又是又原子组成的。,译,Example 4The viral genome of foot and mouth diseas

10、e virus consists of positive sense 8.5 kb ssRNA,which is encapsidated in an icosahedral(20面体)capsid composed of 60 copies each of the structural proteins VP1,VP2,VP3 and VP4.,Example 4The viral genome of foot and mouth disease virus consists of positive sense 8.5 kb ssRNA,which is encapsidated in an

11、 icosahedral(20面体)capsid composed of 60 copies each of the structural proteins VP1,VP2,VP3 and VP4.,ssRNA:single-stranded RNA口蹄疫病毒基因组为一8.5kb的单股正链RNA,其基因组被一个由60分子亚单位组成的二十面体衣壳蛋白包裹,每分子亚单位由VP1,VP2,VP3和VP4四种结构蛋白构成。,有些定语从句翻译时可不必重复关系代词所代替的词,而将其译成人称代词“他”、“有些”等,使句子简明扼要。如:,Example:译 The efficiency with which

12、emergency vaccines can protect animals from such a direct-contact challenge is largely unknown.,Example:The efficiency with which emergency vaccines can protect animals from such a direct-contact challenge is largely unknown.有些紧急接种的疫苗可以保护动物免遭直接接触感染,而这一点却并不广为人知。,B.非限定性定语从句与先行词的关系不十分密切,只是对先行词加以说明,描述或解

13、释,或对整个语句所陈述的事实或现象加以总结概括、补充说明。在汉译时,一般译为后置的并列分句。如:,Example1:In English,attributive clauses are used extensively,some of which are very long and complicated in structure.在英语中,定语从句的运用极为广泛,有的从句很长而且结构复杂。,Example2:译A serotype O1 Kaufbeuren FMDV RNA standard,which represents part of the FMDV genome,was synt

14、hesised in vitro from a plasmid containing full-length genome of FMDV serotype O1 Kaufbeuren.,该口蹄疫病毒的感染性克隆RNA,是依据克隆有O1型的Kaufbeuren口蹄疫病毒株全基因组的质粒上的DNA序列,进行体外合成得到的,它能够表达口蹄疫病毒部分基因组序列。,Example2:A serotype O1 Kaufbeuren FMDV RNA standard,which represents part of the FMDV genome,was synthesised in vitro fr

15、om a plasmid containing full-length genome of FMDV serotype O1 Kaufbeuren.,3 溶合译法,溶合译法是指把主句与定语从句结合起来译,使之溶合成一个独立的句子。如:,Example 1 Not only DNA are germ plasm which could transmit qualities to secondary generation.,Example 1 Not only DNA are germ plasm which could transmit qualities to secondary genera

16、tion.并不只有核酸才能把性状遗传给子代。,英语中含有定语从句“there be.”的结构汉译时常常使用溶合译法。如:,ExampleThere is nothing that does not contain contradiction.ExampleThere was little that doctors could do for the patient infected with oesophagus cancer.i:sfgs,ExampleThere is nothing that does not contain contradiction.没有什么事是不包含矛盾的。Examp

17、leThere was little that doctors could do for the patient infected with oesophagus cancer.医生对食管癌病人无能为力。,译成状语,英语中有些定语从句在内容上含有时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、让步等状语意思,翻译时往往可以加上相应的词语,以表达出其相应的状语意义。,Example Pro.Peter,who had spent years on studying geological science,used to consider the origin of mankind in the light of g

18、eology knowledge.,Example Pro.Peter,who had spent years on studying geological science,used to consider the origin of mankind in the light of geology knowledge.(由于)彼得教授花过多年时间研究地质科学,因而他习惯于根据地质学知识探索人类的起源。,Example We can read of things that happened 5000 years ago in the Near East,where people first le

19、arned to write.,Example We can read of things that happened 5000 years ago in the Near East,where people first learned to write.(因为)在近东人们最早使用文字记事,所以,即使追溯到五千年前那里发生的事情,我们也能知道。,B.表示时间,Electrical energy that is supplied to the motor may be converted into mechanical energy of motion.,B.表示时间,Electrical en

20、ergy that is supplied to the motor may be converted into mechanical energy of motion.当把电能提供给电动机时,它就能变成能运动的机械能。,C.表示目的,Example1He is collecting authentic material that proves his argument of tricarboxylic acid cycle.traik:bksilik Example2Steel parts are usually covered the grease,with which they may

21、not rust.,C.表示目的,Example1He is collecting authentic material that proves his argument of tricarboxylic acid cycle.他正在收集确凿的材料以证明他提出的三羧酸循环的论点。Example2Steel parts are usually covered the grease,with which they may not rust.钢零件通常用润滑油覆盖,免得生锈。,D.表示结果,例1He ate a fungus,which made him ill.fgs 他吃了一个?,结果病倒了。,

22、E.表示条件,例2A person is an idealist who thinks that rational knowledge need not to be derived from perceptual knowledge.pseptjul;,E.表示条件,例2A person is an idealist who thinks that rational knowledge need not to be derived from perceptual knowledge.如果认为理性知识可以不从感性知识得来,他就是一个唯心主义者。,F.表示让步,例Electronic comput

23、er,which have many advantages,cannot carry out creative work and replace man.,F.表示让步,例Electronic computer,which have many advantages,cannot carry out creative work and replace man.尽管电子计算机有许多优点,却不能进行创造性的工作,代替不了人。,练习,试译下列各句,原文中的定语从句可译为前置定语:,1.The question,which worries everyone today,is:how long will

24、these fuels last?2.Scientists believe that there must be hundreds of heavenly bodies in the universe where human beings or something like human beings may exist.,1The question,which worries everyone today,is:how long will these fuels last?今天人人都担心的问题是:这些燃料能维持多久?2Scientists believe that there must be

25、hundreds of heavenly bodies in the universe where human beings or something like human beings may exist.科学家们认为,人或类似人的生物能够生存的天体,在宇宙中可能有几百个。,(二)试译下句,原文中的定语从句可译为后置的并列分句:,Small wonder then that more scientists are visiting the region to acquire new knowledge which will help us to have a better understan

26、ding of the earth as a whole.,Small wonder then that more scientists are visiting the region to acquire new knowledge which will help us to have a better understanding of the earth as a whole.难怪现在越来越来的科学家前往该地区以获得新知识,这些知识将有助于我们更好地了解整个世界。,(三)试译下句,把原文中的定语从句溶合成一个独立的句子:,In time,men say that there were se

27、asons,which followed one another in regular order.,In time,men say that there were seasons,which followed one another in regular order.过了一段时间,人们发现季节按有规律的顺序前后到来。,(四)试译下列各句中的定语从句译成表示原因、时间、目的、结果、条件、让步等状语:,1表示原因,We know that a cat,whose eye can take in more rays of light than our eyes,can see clearly in

28、 the night.,1 表示原因,We know that a cat,whose eye can take in more rays of light than our eyes,can see clearly in the night.我们知道,由于猫的眼睛比我们人的眼睛能吸收更多的光线,所以在夜里也能看得很清楚。,2表示时间,He always makes fun of anyone with whom he chats.他老是一面和人聊天,一面跟人家开玩笑。,3表示结果,(1)He decided not to complete his university course,whic

29、h was a great disappointment to his parents.(2)There occurred the Great Earthquakes of 1923 in Japan,which caused a serious damage of property and a great loss of lives.,3表示结果,(1)He decided not to complete his university course,which was a great disappointment to his parents.他决定不等大学毕业即行退学,这使他的父母大为失望

30、。(2)There occurred the Great Earthquakes of 1923 in Japan,which caused a serious damage of property and a great loss of lives.日本于1923年发生大地震,结果造成了重大的财产和生命损失。,4表示目的,(1)He wished to write an article that will attract public attention to the matter.(2)Envoys were sent who should promote friendly relatio

31、n with other countries.,4表示目的,(1)He wished to write an article that will attract public attention to the matter.他想写篇文章,以便能引起公众对这件事的注意。(2)Envoys were sent who should promote friendly relation with other countries.派出时节以便促进与其他国家友好关系。,5表示条件,Food,which is kept too long,decays because yeasts,moulds and ba

32、cteria attack it.,5表示条件,Food,which is kept too long,decays because yeasts,moulds and bacteria attack it.食物如存放太久,就会因为受到酵母菌、霉菌和细菌的侵袭而腐败。,6表示让步,(1)The periodical physical examination must be given to a patient who has recuperated from hepatitis.(2)He wanted changes,and those changes would benefit not t

33、he rich to whose schools he had gone and in whose circles he had moved,but the oppressed.,6表示让步,The periodical physical examination must be given to a patient who has recuperated from hepatitis.heptaitis 肝炎患者虽然痊愈,但仍须对其进行定期的健康检查。He wanted changes,and those changes would benefit not the rich to whose schools he had gone and in whose circles he had moved,but the oppressed.他要进行变革,尽管他本人出身于贵族学校,但那些变革却不会使富人获益,而要使被压迫者得福。,


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