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1、免疫学(Medical Immunology),南通大学医学院免疫学与微生物教研室(Department of immunology and microbiology),Helpful Hints,Think,rather than memorize Ask questionsDont wait until the last minute to study for the exam,基本概念,免疫(immunity)机体识别自我和非我物质,排斥抗原性异物,以维持自身稳定的生物功能。,免疫学:即是研究免疫系统结构与功能的科学。经历了经验时期(公元11世纪)、科学免疫学时期(19世纪中叶)、和现代

2、免疫学时期(20世纪70年代后期)。,Immunity,Resistance to infection is called immunity.The term“immunity”is derived from the Greek word“immunis”meaning exempt.There are two types of immunity in vertebrates.Innate immunity present from birth.Acquired immunity result of infection or vaccination.,Immunology,Immunology

3、 is the study of the ways in which the body defends itself from infectious agents and other foreign substances in its environment.,immune response(免疫应答),Recognition(识别)Treatment(处理)Elimination(清除),Recover the balance(恢复平衡),Innate(固有性免疫应答),Adaptive(适应性免疫应答),INNATE IMMUNITY,When you were born,you brou

4、ght with you several mechanisms to prevent illness.This type of immunity is also called nonspecific immunity.,Adaptive immunity(antigen-specific),Receptor-drivenPre-existing clones programmed to make a specific immune response(humoral/cellular),Cells of the adaptive immune system:Dendritic cells,T a

5、nd B lymphocytes,Lymphocytes are generated with unique antigen receptors on their surface.Dendritic cells(and macrophages)present antigen to lymphocytes and provide activating signalsLymphocytes undergo clonal expansion and migrate back to area of infection as effector cells.T cytotoxic cells select

6、ively kill virally infected cellsT helper cells selectively help B cells produce large amounts of high affinity specific antibody.After infection,memory lymphocytes provide protective immunity,The Antigen-Presenting Cell(APC),Many short fragments(peptides,carbohydrates)from these antigens are then b

7、ound to major histocompatibility complex(MHC)molecules and incorporated into the cell membrane.If the antigen is of exogenous origin,that is,it came from outside the body,it will bind to class II MHC molecules:-MHC class II are found in APCs.If the antigen is of endogenous origin,that is,it was prod

8、uced from inside the infected cell,it will bind readily to class I MHC molecules and move to the cell membrane of the infected cell.-MHC class I are found in virtually all nucleated cells.,Innate and adaptive(acquired)immunity are integrated,The products of the immune response may be used,To diagnos

9、e diseaseTo monitor disease progressAs reagents in assays to detect and quantify other substances,第二章 免疫组织和器官 immune tissues and organs,ANATOMY OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM,Lymphoid Organs,Primary or central lymphoid organsbone marrow and thymuswhere lymphocytes are generatedSecondary or peripheral lymphoid

10、 organswhere adaptive immune responses are initiatedWhere lymphocytes residentLymph node,spleen,MALT.,上皮细胞胸腺基质细胞 树突状细胞 巨噬细胞胸腺细胞(前T细胞)胸腺激素,thymus(胸腺),位于胸骨后,青春期后萎缩,是T细胞发育、成熟的场所,组 成,胸腺细胞组成和微环境,细胞组成微环境,细胞组成,胸腺细胞前T(10%),被膜下区(DN:CD2+CD71+,CD38+,TCR/pT)中等分化T(75%),皮质(DP:CD2+,TCR)成熟T(15),髓质(SP:CD2+CD71-,CD38

11、-CD44+),胸腺基质细胞Macrophage Interdigitating dendritic cell,IDCNurse cell,NC,胸腺微环境,基质细胞胸腺激素细胞因子(IL-1,3,6,7,12;CSF)黏附分子,胸腺激素,胸腺素来源:胸腺、脾脏、肺等功能:促进分泌IL-2,MIF,TNF-.IFN-,促进基质细胞表达IL-2R,胸腺血清因子促胸腺生成素胸腺体液因子胸腺抑素,胸腺功能,T细胞分化成熟场所免疫调节自身耐受建立和维持,胸腺外T细胞发育,肝脏小肠,肝脏,TCR密度:成熟T中等DP,TCR表达NK细胞标志:NK1,IL-2R 无DP细胞,由DN和SP组成CD44,bon

12、e marrow(骨髓),是B细胞生成、发育、成熟的唯一器官多能干细胞(HSC)增殖的场所可生成淋巴干细胞,淋巴祖母细胞迁入胸腺,成为胸腺细胞再次应答场所,骨髓微环境,基质细胞免疫分子微血管末梢神经的免疫调节,Lymph node(淋巴结),分布广泛,是组成屏障的重要部分是T、B淋巴细胞定居的场所为免疫应答的场所具有滤过作用,可直接清除病原体及衰老的红细胞,Spleen(脾脏),最大的外周淋巴器官具有强大的储血功能免疫应答的场所,Mucosal-associated lymphoid tissues(MALT)粘膜伴随的淋巴组织,分布于呼吸道、肠道、泌尿生殖道的粘膜上皮细胞下,有或无包膜包括扁


14、为淋巴细胞再循环。,淋巴再循环,使免疫细胞可进入各组织,且分布更合理以利于细胞识别、捕获抗原淋巴细胞归巢,产生应答扩大免疫效应,Paracortical(T cell)area,5.Medullary cords(Macrophage&plasma cell area),Medullary sinus,6.Efferent lymphatic vessel,Artery,Vein,4.Germinal centre(site of intense B cell proliferation),3.Secondary lymphoid follicle,2.Primary Lymphoid fol

15、licle(B cell area),1.Afferent lymphatic vessel.Lymph,Cells&Ag drained from tissues enters here,Lymph node,Red pulp,Marginal zone,Marginal sinus,B cell corona,Germinal centre,T cell area,Central arteriole,Spleen white pulpTransverse section,All of the organized and diffuse lymphoid tissues found in s

16、ubmucosal regions of the body can be viewes as a single functional unit,called the,Mucosal-associated lymphoid tissues(MALT),Mucosal-associated lymphoid tissues(MALT),TonsilPeyers patchesvermiform appendix,Summary,Familiar with the concept and features of innate and adaptive immune responseFamiliar

17、with the component of the immune systemRecognise the functions of the immune organs,By the end of this session you should be:,Important points,What is the innate immune response?What is the adaptive immune response?What is the difference between the two types of the immune response?What is the immune system composed of?What are the functions of the immune organs?,Next session,ANTIBODY,


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