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1、簡介生物晶片,2000 November 14,中央大學物理系與生命科學系,李弘謙,內容大綱,什麼是生物晶片基因工程DNA知識複習製造原理應用與現況,生物晶片,是什麼?做什麼用?有何影響?,是什麼?,是什麼?泛指應用半導體策略以矽晶片、玻璃或高分子為基材,以微小化技術整合微機電、光電、化學、生化、醫學工程及分子生物學等領域製成的精密微小化檢驗設備又稱:基因晶片、微晶片,生物晶片樣品,約 2 cm x 2 cm,做什麼用?,做什麼用?執行醫療檢驗、環境檢測、食品檢驗、新藥開發、基礎研究、軍事防禦、化學合成等用途,有何影響?,有何影響?是生物科技的原子彈,把多種基因研究的效率提升了百千倍,人類基因

2、工程,The Human Genome Project,The Human Genome Project-What,The Human Genome Project,WHAT?International research effort to characterize the genomes of human and selected model organisms through complete mapping and sequencing of their DNA,The Human Genome Project-Why,The Human Genome Project,WHY?Devel

3、op technologies for genomic analysisExamine ethical,legal,and social issuesTrain scientists who will be able to utilize HGP resources to pursue biological studies that will improve human health,What is a Genome?,What is a Genome?,Collection of DNA molecules that carries the“book of life”of each orga

4、nism.A DNA molecule is a double helix.In single-cell organisms the genome is one circular DNA molecule.In multi-cell organisms the genome is packaged in several chromosomes and every cell has a complete genome.,The Book of Life,The Book of Life,How big is the Human Genome?,How big is the Human Genom

5、e?,Contains over 3 billion base pairsOne meter long when fully stretchedSize of 6 billion genomes,one from each person on earth=1 meter long human hair,Human has 23 chromosomes,Human has 23 chromosomes,A Chromosome,A Chromosome,Chromosome to DNA,Chromosome to DNA,DNA 結構 I,DNA 為雙螺旋結構 兩條骨幹(背脊)上各掛了A、C、

6、G、T 四種 鹼基(大化學分子)兩條骨幹上鹼基序列互補;A、T 互對,C、G互對 A、T 間之作用及C、G間之作用為 雙螺旋之成因,Structure of DNA II,DNA 示意圖,DNA 側視,DNA 鏈示意圖鳥瞰,生物的中心教條The Central Dogma,生命經由基因以DNA序列型式永續流傳生命的運作經由基因編碼的蛋白質執行,One Gene One ProteinThe human genome has 65,000 to 100,000 genesEach gene(DNA sequence)contains the genetic code of a protein(a

7、mino acid sequence)Gene to protein,transcription,translation,What is a Gene?,.Beginners guide to Molecular Biology.htm,從 DNA 到蛋白質,DNA中之基因(鹼基序列)被轉錄 成為 mRNA 序列 mRNA 序列依遺傳密碼被翻譯 成為蛋白質序列(轉錄及翻譯之工作由細胞內之 RNA及專業蛋白質自動執行),Protein synthesis,轉錄,翻譯,生物晶片原理,製造原理將可特徵基因之對偶鹼基序列 稱為探針 排列放置在微晶片上應用原理將含基因序列之樣品液體到在微晶片上 利用互補

8、鹼基雜交作用的原理,由樣品 與微晶片上基因序列相互作用的情形摘取所需的資訊,cDNA microarray schema,cDNA晶片製造原理,DNA microarray(Explore Fig1),Explore Fig1 Caption,Microarray analysis,微晶片分析,生物晶片有若干類,基因晶片(gene chip,DNA microarray)寡核酸陣列(oligonucleotide microarray)互補核酸陣列(cDNA microarray)蛋白質晶片(protein chip),生物晶片應用,基因表現分析(Expression analysis)基因型

9、分類(Genotyping)疾病管理(Disease management,LLMPP paper,LLMPP Fig 1,Sample gene Expression data(LLMPP paper,Alizadeh et al.Nature 403(2000),Molecular Portraits.,Molecular Portraits of Human Breast TumorPerou et al.Nature 406(2000),DNA Chips,The Brown LabAffymetrixMicroArray.org,Stanford microarray database,The MGuide,台灣基因晶片,中研院 白果能研究室工研院台灣養豬中心陽明大學等等中央大學(箭在弦),


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