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1、Unit 1 The Power of Language,Presented by:Grace Tan,目录,课程说明考试题型U1重难点,课程说明,英语(二)是高等教育自学考试各专业(英语专业除外)本科阶段的公共基础课。其目的是培养学生系统的英语语言知识,需要掌握大概4500的词汇量。统考以阅读,写作为主,听,说不做要求。考试包括客观题和主观题,分别占卷面分的55%和45%。试卷由7部分组成,各结构分别如下:,New Words&Expressions,1.critical adj.有判断力的;判断公正(审慎)的2.non-fiction n.纪实文学3.position n.观点;态度;立场

2、4.statement n.说明;说法;表态5.question v.表示疑问;怀疑out of question/out of the question6.evaluate v.估计;评价;评估7.context n.事情发生的背景,环境,来龙去脉8.value n.values pl.是非标准;价值观valuableinvaluable=pricelessvalueless,9.represent v.描述;表现 representative adj./n.10.assertion n.明确肯定;断言11.sufficient adj.足够的;充足的 Sufficiency insuffi

3、cient12.statistic n.statistics pl.统计数字;统计资料13.integrate v.(使)合并,成为一体14.authority n.专家;学术权威;泰斗 an/the authority on pare v.比较;对比 compare A with B compare A to B,16.subject n.主题;题目;题材17.consistent adj.相符的;符合的18.inconsistency n.不一致19.assumption n.假定;假设20.case n.具体情况;事例 in case in case of fire in case th

4、at a case in point confirmed/suspected cases,21.directly adv.直接地;径直地22.identify v.找到;发现23.valid adj.符合逻辑的;合理的;确凿的 validity n.有效性,正确(性)invalid24.credible adj.可信的;可靠的 incredible=unbelievable25.landmark n.(标志重要阶段的)里程碑26.relevant adj.紧密相关的;切题的 relevancy n.关联;恰当 irrelevant27.current adj.现时发生的;当前的28.appro

5、priate adj.合适的;恰当的 inappropriate Its(not)appropriate that.,29.bias n.偏见;偏心;偏向30.considerably adv.非常;很;相当多地 consider considering considerable considerate consideration31.Democrat n.(美国)民主党党员,民主党支持者民32.Republican n.(美国)共和党党员,共和党支持者33.reflect v.显示;表明;表达34.informed adj.有学问的;有见识的 well-informed ill-inform

6、ed,1.apply to 使用;应用2.put forth 提出;产生3.take into account 考虑到;顾及4.accept/take at face value 相信表面;信以为真5.with a grain of salt 有保留地;持怀疑态度地,重点单词,critical 有判断力的,判断公正(或审慎)的A critical reader will notice many errors in this article.有判断力的读者将会注意到这篇文章里有很多错误。He made a sound critical estimate of the problem.他对该问题作

7、出了审慎可靠的估计。statement n.说明;说法表态1 could not deny the truth of this statement.我不能否认这种说法的真实性。Soon afterwards she made her first public statement about the affair.此事的第一次公开表态。,evaluate v.估计;评价;评估The professor was asked to evaluate the current situation.人们请这位教授评估一下当前的形势。The research project has only been un

8、der way for three months,so it,s too early to evaluate itssuccess.这个研究项目进行了不过三个月,所以要对它的成绩作出评价为时尚早。【近义词辨析】evaluate,estimate,assess,rate这儿个动词都有“评估,评价”之意。evaluate指仔细考虑以作出评价,特别是有关好坏和用处的评价。estimate通常指个人作出的主观估价。assess原义指为确定交多少税而估计,指通过估价以便更好利用。rate专指评定价值等级的高低。,4.represent v.描述;表现The film intended to repres

9、ent the lives of ordinary people.这部影片意欲表现普通人的生活。5.assertion n.明确肯定;断言He repeated his assertion that he was not guilty.他再三声明自己是无罪的。Researchers have recently challenged these assertions.研究人员最近对这些断言提出J异议。6.sufficient adj.足够的;充足的His income is sufficient for his needs.他的收入能满足他的需要。The police have sufficie

10、nt evidence to connect the suspect with the explosion.警察有充足的证明该嫌疑犯与爆炸案有关。,7.Integrate v.(使)合并,成为一体We must integrate theory with practice.我们必须把理论与实际结合起来。The different ideas have been integrated into one uniform plan.不问的意见全都融人了一个统一计划。8.Compare v.m比较Compare this new IV set with the old one,and you will

11、 see which is better.将这台新电视机与旧电视机一比,你就会看出哪一台更好一些。9.consistent adj,相符的;符合的Her story was not consistent with the facts.她的报道与事实不相符。His action is always consistent with his words.,10.Assumption n.n.假定;假设His assumption proved to be wrong.他的假设证明是错误的。We are going on the assumption that the work will be fin

12、ished tomorrow.我们是在根据明天可以完工这一假定行事。11.Identify v.:Can you identify J the man by his picture?F She leaned how to identify medicinal O herbs from a traditional Chinese doctor.or.她向一位中医大夫学习如何识别草e药。No valid evidence has been found yet.还没有找到确凿的证据。Do you have valid reasons for your absence?/:?你缺席有正当理由吗?13.

13、Credible a The news report is hardly credible.这则新闻报道令人难以置信。At first Clydes story appears credible enough.最初,克莱德编造的谎言似乎还足以使人相信。,14.Landmark n.路标;里程碑The church on the hilltop was a well-known landmark.山顶上的教堂是一个显著的路标15.Relevant 紧密相关的;切题的 I dont think his remarks are relevant to our discussion.n.我认为他的话与

14、我们的议题无关。He consulted a number of relevant books and periodicals.!参看了不少相关书籍和期刊。16.Current a.现时发生的;当前的We try and keep ourselves informed about current trends.我们设法随时了解当前形势的进展。17.Appropriate.Her bright clothes were not appropriate她那身鲜艳的衣服不适合参加葬礼。18.bias n.偏见;偏心;偏向Some people have a bias against foreigne

15、rs.trs.有些人对外国人有偏见。The newspaper has a clear bias towards the Democratic Party.trty.这家报纸明显偏向民主党。,apply to sb./sth.=be applicable to sb./sth.适用某人派生词:application,applicant,applicableInvolve:,those是代词,代替前面的复数名词values and attitudes。代替可数名词单数或不可数名词用that。例如:The students in your class are more hard-working t

16、han those in his class.The values of the young people differ from those of their elders.Your voice is more beautiful that that of your classmates.The price of that book is higher than that of this one.,【单选题】1.The necklace her sister is wearing is much more beautiful than _ worn by Mary.A thisB thatC

17、 theseD those【答案】B【解析】本题考查指代词those/that的用法。英语句子中为了避免重复常使用代词代替前面出现过的名词。代替前面的复数名词用those;代替可数名词单数或不可数名词用that。本句中空格处要填的词代替代替单数可数名词necklace,故选A。此处that也可以换成the one。【知识点】指代词those/that的用法,be consistent with 与一致consist vi.组成(of);在于(in);符合(with)The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

18、.The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity.This doesnt consist with what you told me earlier.consist的派生词:consistent,inconsistent,consistency,inconsistency,【单选题】2.To tell you the truth,I really hope that your actions will consist _ your words this time.A ofB inC atD with【答案】D【解析】本题考查consist的用

19、法。consist of意为“由组成”;consist in意为“在于”;consist with意为“与一致”,故选D。consist at不存在。该句的意思是“说实话,我真希望这次你的言行能【知识点】consist的用法一致”。,whatever引导的是表语从句,不能换成no matter what。名词性从句(主语,宾语,表语,同位语从句)中,疑问词ever不能换成no matter+疑问词,状语从句中可以换用。例如:Whoever comes to our party is welcome.(不能换成no matter who)He will lend a helping hand t

20、o whoever needs his help.(不能换)He will buy whatever his son wants.(不能换)Whatever you do,I will support you.(能换成no matter what),likely 在该句中是副词likely adj./adv.Profit will most likely have risen by about?2 million.利润极可能增加200万英镑左右(副词)be likely to do sth.Its likely thata likely resultlikely的派生词:unlikely,li

21、kelihood。例如:The likelihood of infection is minimal.感染的可能性极小。,Text B,1.confidence n.自信心;把握相关词:confidentbe confident of sb./sth.have/lose confidence in sb./sth.注意比较:confident/confidential2.program v.训练;培养3.mastery n.控制;驾驭4.destiny n.命运;天命;天数5.dramatically adv.巨大地;惊人地;显著地6.quality n.质量;品质7.subconscious

22、 adj.下意识的;?意识的8.please v.使满意;使愉快mand n.(给人或动物的)命令,10.knowingly adv.故意地;蓄意地11.impact n.巨大影响;强大作用12.matter v.事关紧要;有重大影响13.confident adj.自信的;有自信心的14.sense n.(对重大事情的)感觉,意识15.eliminate v.排除;清除;消除eliminate all grammatical mistakesbe eliminated in the first round,16.disempower v.剥夺;使失去权利;剥夺力量注意构词法:dis(表示否定

23、)+em(使,赋予)+poweren-/em-常见的动词前缀,如:enable,enrich,endanger,enlarge等。empower v.授权,赋予权利17.self-esteem n.自尊(心)18.limit v.限制;限定区分两个名词limit和limitation。There is a limit/are limits to ones life.There is no limit/are no limits to knowledge.Everyone has his own limitations.19.infinite adj.极大的;无法衡量的相关词:finite,fi

24、nitely,infinitely,20.stifle v.压制;扼杀;阻止21.creativity n.创造力相关词:create,creation,creator,creative,creatively22.internal adj.内心的;头脑中的23.insignificant adj.微不足道的;无足轻重的相关词:significant,significance,significantly,monly adv.通常;常常25.alternative n.可供选择的事物,替代物have no alternative but to do sth.Is there any alterna

25、tive to going to the cinema?26.fabulous adj.极好的;绝妙的,1.carry out 完成(任务)2.be up to 取决于3.have an impact on/upon 对产生巨大影响4.rub out 用橡皮擦掉(字迹等)5.be in control of掌管;管理;控制,Text Learning,1 The language we use programs our brains.Mastering our language gives us a great degree of mastery over our lives and our

26、destinies.It is important to use the language in the best way possible in order to dramatically improve our quality of life.,2 Even the smallest of words can have the deepest effect on our subconscious mind,which is like a child,and it doesnt really understand the difference between what really happ

27、ens and what you imagine.(1)It is eager to please and willing to carry out any commands that you give it-whether you do this knowingly or not is entirely up to you.(1)carry out commands 执行命令(2)be up to sb.取决于某人例如:Its up to you whether we go there or not.,Try3 It is a small word yet it has an amazing

28、 impact upon us.If someone says,Ill try to do that you know that they are not going to be putting their whole heart into it,and may not even do it at all.(2)How often do you use the word try when talking about the things that matter to you?Do you say Ill try to be more confident or Ill try to do tha

29、t or Ill try to call?,matter v.be important例如:As long as staff are smart,it does not matter how long their hair is.员工只要聪明,头发留多长没什么关系。It matters a lot whether you come to my birthday party or not.,4 Think about something that you would like to achieve,and say it to yourself in two different ways.Firs

30、tly say,Ill try to and notice how you feel.Next say,I will do and see how you feel.5(3)The latter makes you feel better than the first one,doesnt it?It gives you a sense of determination,a feeling that it will be done.Listen to the people around you and when they say they will try notice if it gets

31、done or not.Eliminate the word try from your dictionary and see how your life improves.(承上句),Cant6 This is another small word with a big impact.It disempowers us,makes us feel weak and helpless,and damages our self-esteem.(4)It limits our infinite abilities and stifles creativity.Rub it out from you

32、r internal dictionary and replace it with something that makes you feel great.(1)infinite的词根是finite,其它相关词:finitely,infinitely,finiteness/finity,infiniteness/infinity。(2)creativity的词根是create。注意区分两个名词:creation/creativity。,【单选题】3.选择括号内所给单词的正确形式填空:A small word like cant limits our _(finite)abilities and

33、 discourages _(create).A finite,creatingB finite,creationC infinite,creativityD infinite,creation【答案】C【解析】本题考查finite及create的派生词。第一个空格要填的词作abilities的定语,故选择形容词;第二个空格要填的词作discourage的宾语,根据句义cant这样的小词限制了我们无限的能力并压制了我们的创造性,故选C。【知识点】finite及create的派生词,7 Instead of saying you cant,why not say something like I

34、 choose(愿意)or I choose not to.Using words like this allows you to take back your power and to be in control of your life.8 Words may appear small and insignificant,yet they can have a deep and lasting effect on us.(5)Mastering your language gives you the power to live whatever life you desire.,give

35、the power相当于empower,该句等于Mastering your language empowers you to live whatever life you desire.,What words do you use a lot that disempower you?Make a list of words you commonly use and then write next to them some alternatives you can use.(承上句)(6)Make these alternatives words that make you feel fabulous,not only about yourself,but about life and what you are doing!(承上句)(1)make在这里接名词作宾补,即make sb./sth.sth.,再如:We made him our monitor.(2)make you feel fabulous,make接do sth.作宾补。(3)not onlybut(also),


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