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1、Unit2 Poems,Words and expressions,Words marked by triangles,poetryemotion,n.诗(总称),诗集n.情感;情绪;感情,poetry n.U 总称 诗歌,诗篇,诗集 poem n.C(一首)诗poet n.C 诗人Robert is a _.I have written a _.He bought a book of_ yesterday.,poet,poem,poetry,2.emotion(n.)情感,情绪He lost control of his emotions.他情绪失去了控制。emotional(adj.)感情

2、的,情感的emotional problems/needs emotionless(adj.)没有感情的,冷漠的,nouns(名词),rhymenurseydiamondpatterncottagesparrowminimumtranslationbranchsorrow,barelibrariansectionexchangediplomasponsorblankcompassbridebridegroomchampionship,darknesswarmthscholarshippianistviolinistload,nouns(名词),rhymenurseydiamondpattern

3、cottagesparrowminimumtranslationbranchsorrow,barelibrariansectionexchangediplomasponsorblankcompassbridebridegroomchampionship,darknesswarmthscholarshippianistviolinistload,branch n.(1)枝条(2)支流(3)(学科的)分科,部门,这家银行在市内有十家分行。The bank has ten branches in the city.很多鸟停在树枝上。Many birds are on the branch.这条河有很

4、多支流。The river has a lot of branches.,sorrow(n.)悲伤,悲伤事 sorrowful(adj.)悲伤的 1)He expressed his sorrow at the news of her death.2)A friend indeed will share joys and sorrows with you.,translate vt.翻译;解释、说明;转成translate into:把翻译成;转化为把说的话付诸行动Translate words into action你能把汉语翻译成英语吗?Can you translate Chinese

5、into English?,translator 翻译家;译者,translation n 翻译,sponsor n.赞助人;主办者;倡议者The race organizers are trying to appeal to sponsors.比赛的组织者在想方设法吸引赞助者。the sponsor of the new bill新法案的倡议者vt.发起;举办;倡议;资助;赞助She found a company to sponsor her through college.她找到一家愿意资助她读完大学的公司。,Adjectives and Adverbs,concretecontradi

6、ctoryflexiblesaltyendlesseventuallybareforeverappropriateblank,concrete adj.definite and specific rather than general 具体的Could you supply us with concrete information about the identity of the murderer?你能向我们提供关于凶手身份的确凿资料吗?,contradictory(adj.)相互矛盾的;对立的 contradiction(n.)矛盾,对立 contradict(vt.)反驳;相矛盾 con

7、trary(adj.)(n.)相反的,逆向的 相反地 on the contrary 1)We are faced with two contradictory statements.2)His public speeches are in contradiction to his personal lifestyle.,appropriate adj.恰当的,合适的 vests are not appropriate for a formal wedding.背心用于正式婚礼中是不适当的。,Plain,simple clothes_ school wear.简单、朴素的衣服适合在学校里穿着。

8、It wouldnt be _ to discuss that now.我现在讨论那个问题不合适。,are appropriate for,appropriate for me,flexible adj.1.a person,plan etc can change or be changed easily to suit any new situation;(人或计划等)灵活的;可变动的Our plans need to be flexible enough to adapt to the needs of everyone.2.can bend or be bent easily 可弯曲的;

9、The body of a dancer is very flexible.,eventually 最终,终于It was a long jounery,but we eventually arrived.他最终克服了种种困难。Eventually he has overcome all difficulties.,verbs,tickconveyteasetransformexchangesponsor,verbs,tickconveyteasetransformexchangesponsor,conveyv.表达;传达;运送 1.Colours like red conveys a sen

10、se of energy and strength.2.Please convey my thanks to your wife.3.Your possessions will be conveyed from here to the hotle by taxi.,4.I found it hard to convey my feelings in words.,convey sb.向某人表达/传递某物,convey sb./sth.from A to B 把某人或某物 从A地运送到B地,convey ones feelings/meaning表达某人的感情/意思,1.我说不出有

11、多愤怒。,I _ _how angry I feel.,cant convey,2.言语无法表达我的感情._,Words cannot convey my feelings,3.这艘船从中东运输石油到欧洲._.,This ship conveys oil from the Middle East to Europe,transform(vt.)使改观,转换,变换1)In the last 20 years Korea has been transformed into an advanced industrial power.在过去的20年里,韩国已经变成一个先进的工业强国。2)Our cou

12、ntry has experienced a complete transformation in the past thirty years.,transform A into B 使 A 变/转换成B,transformation n.变化,转变,12.tease vt,vi 使某人烦恼 teaser n.嘲弄者 Tease sb/sth我们不应该嘲笑残疾人We should not tease the disabled.他们嘲笑她的懒惰.They teased her about her laziness.a trick/tricks a joke/jokes laugh at sb,p

13、lay,on sb,捉弄,嘲笑某人,exchange(vt.)交换,交流;兑换 If it doesnt fit,take it back and the store will exchange交换,交流 Lets have an _ on the matter.我们就这件事情交换下意见吧,exchange of opinion,You can_ in the hotel.你可以在旅馆把你的钱兑换成美元。May I _?我能和你调一下座位吗?,exchange your money for dollars,exchange seat with you,excha

14、nge A for B exchange sth with sb.,Phrases,take it easyrun out ofbe made up ofin particulartry outlet out,If we hadnt taken it easy,used to tell sb.not to be worried or angry.别急,沉住气,不要紧2)to relax and avoid working too hard or doing too much 放松,休息,别过度劳累,take it easy After the examination the doctor sa

15、id to me,“Theres nothing serious;take it easy.”Take it easy.Well take care of everything.When we go on holiday,were just going to take it easy and not do too much sightseeing.,不要紧,放松,休息,别急,4.take it easy轻松;不紧张;从容take things easy别紧张,慢慢来;从 容不迫地进行工作take ones chance碰运气take ones time不匆忙,不急于,慢慢来take sb.wr

16、ong 误解(曲解)某人的意思take sth.seriously 认真对待某事,即境活用,完成句子(1)_(别紧张)and tell us what happened.(2)Theres no hurry;_(慢慢来吧)(3)We should _(认真对待每次测验)(4)I think you _(一定误解了他的意思)He didnt mean to hurt you.,Take it easy,take your time,take every test seriously,must take him wrong,7.if we hadnt run out of energy.I hav

17、e run out of money.=We are running out of petrol.=,My money has run out,Our petrol has run out,Food supplies _(已经吃完)by the end of their last trip.2.What if you were to _(花完)money?What would you do?3.They are _(消耗尽)oil and the plane has to land on the field.4.If we _(没有用完)sugar,I wouldnt have gone to

18、 the shops.,had run out,run out of,running out of,hadnt run out of,Complete the sentences with run out or run out of.,2)我们剩下的时间不多了,1)汽油快用完了。,拓展:,use up 设法利用,用尽材料等,3)我把所有的钱都用光了。,I _ _ _ all my money., out(of),The petrol_ _ _.,is running out,We are running out of our time.,have used up,6.辨析 run o

19、ut 与 run out ofrun out vi.用完了,=become used up,其主语通常为时间,食物,金钱等物。run out of vt.指(某人)用完了(某物),主语一般是人。His money soon ran out.He is always running out of money before payday.,I have _ my oil.Our ink has _.,run out of,run out,7.make up(of)形成、构成或组成某物,1)一支足球队由11个队员组成。,2)社会是由能力迥异的人组成的。,Society _ _ _ _people o

20、f widely different abilities.,be made up of,is made up of,Eleven players _ _a football team.=A football team _ _ _ _11 players.,被动形式:,make up,is made up of,英国是由4个主要部分组成的。,The United Kingdom is made up of four main parts.,make up(1)组成,构成(2)编造(3)弥补(4)化妆(5)创作(6)铺床,a.Two doctors and six nurses made up t

21、he medicalTeam.=The medical team is made up of two doctors and six nurses.,(1),b.We were asked to make up a poem.,(5),c.She made up herself before going to the ball.,(4),d.Jack made up a wonderful story to explain hisabsence.,(2),e.His mother makes up the bed for him every day.,(6),f.Nothing can mak

22、e up for the loss of time.,(3),弥补,相关短语:,make up formake sensemake use ofmake up ones mindmake out make progressmake a promisemake sure,弥补,有意义,辨认出,理解,取得进步,许诺,利用 make full/good use of,确保,即学即用(1)妇女仅占劳动力的30%。(2)我认为整件事情都是他们编造出来的。(3)我正在设法补回我生病期间耽误的学业。,Women make up only 30%of the workforce.,I think theyre

23、 making the wholething up.,Im trying to make up for the studies Ilost while I was sick.,8.if we hadnt taken it easytake it easy 松散,松懈 放心别着急,1)We would have won if we hadnt taken it easy._。2)今天你做的工作足够了,现在休息一小时You have done quite enough work for today;_.别紧张,什么事都没发生。,如果我们没有放松警惕,我们本来会夺冠,now take it easy

24、 for an hour,Take it easy,nothing happened.,Take常用短语Take sth seriously 把当一回事(认真)for granted 把想当然 for example 以为例take sb by surprise 突袭,使大吃一惊 ones time 慢慢来,不用慌我们大多数人把生活认为是理所当然的Most of us take life for granted.,9.Did you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetry-Tang poems from

25、 China in particular?in particular 尤其,特别 近义词:It was a good concertI enjoyed the last song in particular.I noticed his eyes in particular,because they were very large.,especially,You should avoid eating fat meat,especially pork.Mary liked all her classes,especially the sewing class.,You should avoid

26、eating fat meat,pork in particular.,Mary liked all her classes,the sewing class in particular., particular 特别,尤其,1)There are many kinds of gift on my desk.but I like the last one in particular.2)I love the baby eyes in particular,because they were such an unusual color.,be particular about sth 对

27、 挑剔,1.She stressed that point_.她特别强调了那一点.2.Lily is _.(对食物很挑剔),in particular,particular about food,9.let out意为“”。(1)let sth.out泄露(秘密等);发出(叫喊等);放宽,放大(衣服等);让跑掉(2)let sb.out放出去;释放(3)let sb.down让某人失望let sb./sth.in让某人/某物进来let alone更不用说let sb.go释放某人let on sth.告知,透露let sb.off放过;宽恕let sth.允许某人不做

28、某事let up减轻;松劲,发出;放走,即学即用(1)别把我丢了工作一事泄露出去。Dont about my losing job.(2)他越来越胖,裤腰都得放宽了。Hes getting so fat that his trousers have to round the waist.(3)这孩子连爬都不会,更不用说走了。The baby cant even crawl yet,.,let it out,be let out,let alone,walk,五、词组运用 1.While he was on a travel in Tibet,he _ all his money,so he h

29、ad to phone his parents and asked them to send him some.2.Harry Potter is very _ young kids in the world.3.Dont be nervous,just _,everything will be all right.4.A football team _ 11 members.5.We should not _ others when they are in trouble.,tease at,ran out of,popular with,take it easy,is made up of

30、,6.What he said _ us _ because it is too funny.7.He _ that he was intelligent and humors.8.There is no need to _ everything _ English when we are learning it.9.Teenagers often have difficulty _.10.We have asked the neighbors to _ the house for us while we are away.,keep an eye on,made laugh,gave me

31、an impression,translate into,expressing themselves,II.根据句意,选择适当的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空。1.poet;poem;poetrya.As a piece of _,it seems to be a selection of Renaissance.b.He is both a soldier and a _.c.I decided to write a _ about what I felt.,poetry,poet,poem, out;run out of a.By the time his patience had

32、 completely _.b.Unluckily,we have _ gas when we are still on the highway.,run out,run out of, made up of;be made of;be made froma.The medicine team _ 5 doctors and 10 nurses.b.This kind of paper _ wood.c.The bridge _ stones over a century ago.4.translate into;translate froma.“Red Mansion Dream”h

33、as been _ several languages.b.This text is _ one of Shakespeares famous works.,translated from,is made up of,is made from,was made of,translated into,III.每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的意思相同。1.The doctor told me to relax when examined.The doctor told me to _ _ _ when examined.2.I have used up my money.Please lend me

34、 some.I _ _ _ _ my money.Please lend me some.,take it easy,have run out of,Exercise,一、单词拼写 1._ daimnd n.钻石 2._ raim n.押韵 3._ n:sri n.托儿所 4._ spekt n.方面 5._ blu:n n.气球 6._ ktid n.村舍 7._ sru n.悲伤 8._ endi n.结局 9._ ptn n.模式;图案 10._ snain n.阳光,sunlight,diamond,rhyme,nursery,aspect,balloon,cottage,sorrow

35、,ending,pattern,11._ br:nt n.枝条;部门12._ kmps n.指南针13._.ndlain vt.在下画线14._ trnsleit vt.翻译15._ knvei vt.传达;运送16._ ti:z vt.取笑17._ risait vt.背诵18._ pruprit adj.适当的19._ s:lti adj.咸的20._ endlis adj.无穷的,endless,branch,compass,underline,translate,convey,tease,recite,appropriate,salty,I.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示

36、,写出各单词的正确形式。1.Our English teacher asked each of us to write a p_(诗)after class.2.My p_(诗集)was published last year.3.Parents always give their children names that r_:Donnie,Ronnie,Connie.,poem,poetry,练习,rhyme,4.Six weeks later we heard,to our great s_,that he had died.5.She wore a pair of _(钻石)earrin

37、gs at last nights party.,diamond,sorrow,二、单词运用 根据句子的意义及所给的首字母提示写出单词的适当形式,完成句子。1.Poets usually use poems to c_ their inner feelings.2.She wore a dress with a p_ of roses on it.3.She used to be shy,but a year abroad has completely t_ her.,convey,pattern,translated,6.They lived in a small c_ when they

38、stayed in the countryside.7.The bank has b_ in all parts of the country.8.Her death was a great s_ to everyone.9.The d_ necklace is valuable and it is worth about$300,000.,diamond,cottage,branches,sorrow,四、词组互译 1._ 不紧张 2._ 用完 3._ 构成 4._ 把翻译成 5._ 处于危险中 6._ 使某人大笑 7._ 给某人一种印象 8._ 表达(自己的思想感情),express oneself,take it easy,run out of,make up of,translate into,be in danger,make sb.Laugh,give impression, popular with _10.tell sb.a story _11.tease at sb._12.take my eyes off away attention to _15.knock over _16.keep an eye on _,留心,受欢迎,给某人讲故事,取笑别人,不看,跑开,注意,打翻,


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